![]() 10/22/2020 at 11:26 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I have an infected, impacted wisdom tooth and I have to get it pulled out. Looks like it’s happening Monday . Right now, it hurts like hell when I have to open my mouth wide, and when I play. And I have to play this weekend. Yay. Hopefully the antibiotics kick in soon.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 11:34 |
What’s time’s your appointment?
T ooth-hurty! ?
![]() 10/22/2020 at 11:37 |
Ugh... Hope it goes as well as possible.
Don’t get addicted to the pain meds they give you, m’kay...?
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Drugs have the additional advantage of loosening your embouchure. Very useful for Sousa marches in particular.
Or so I’ve read.
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I always thought I played better while on drugs. The audience? Not so much...
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Damn man....those can hurt like hell, I wouldn’t even try to play, so good on you for trying...
![]() 10/22/2020 at 11:58 |
Oh damn, you have to wait until Monday? That’s brutal.
I got an infected tooth years ago. It was a tooth I had chipped as a kid, and had been bonded ever since. One morning I woke up with a tooth ache. I had a job interview that afternoon . I bought some ambes ol on the way to dull the pain. By the time I got home, my upper lip had swollen up like a golf ball.
I was at the oral surgeon the next morning. It hurt so bad he took the drill bit out of the drill, and did it by hand. He found a piece of paper towel inside tooth that had been there since I was 9.
I was fine by the next day though, so hopefully you will be too.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 12:01 |
Tooth pain is the worst, way more painful than any broken bone. Best wishes to you.
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I g ot all mine pulled when I was 19, even though only one was going to be impacted (and it was nowhere near causing pain).
The surgery was pretty painless, though they didn’t fully knock me out which was weird (though I couldn’t feel anything as they were doing it, and I had to focus hard on the wall clock or the dentist’s headlamp to stay alert.)
![]() 10/22/2020 at 12:05 |
Anecdote time: I know of a friend of a friend who, upon reawakening after having his wisdom teeth pulled, discovered they had broken his jaw .
Just to make you look forward to Monday.
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I probably won’t take the pain meds at all. I had to get it done early enough so I can get over it by the next symphony concert.
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Or circus gigs. Although circuses haven’t used live bands in ages.
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Well, I have to. Got a gig this weekend. Fortunately, I only play on one piece.
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My wife also had hers out in high school. We should probably get my son’s teeth yanked so he doesn't get to deal with this.
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Wow. Thanks.
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The colors!
And the biggest circus is out of business now. The RBB&B show used to come to Dallas and then Fort Worth every summer. I’m glad my daughter got to go a couple of times before they became extinct.
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Well, I hope you’ve got some strong painkillers for your sake!
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It’s not debilitating yet.
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After the pain killing drugs kick in
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I wish I had them done earlier. All four of mine came in and had no issues but it makes it harder to clean those teeth and
the ones right in front of them. Due to a cavity
they said one needed to go I had them all done.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 13:17 |
For the two abscessed teeth I have had, antibiotics were awesome. The only other thing you can do is suck on ice cubes for temporary relief....
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I had mine pulled when I was 20. I don’t know what they gave me, but I vaguely remember being assisted to the car, being driven home, being assisted to the couch, then waking up every six hours or so for a little food and a few happy pills. I awoke from the fog three days later, lamenting the long weekend I’d slept through.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 14:21 |
I imagine that anesthesia has come a long way in the last twenty years. I have no idea what the oral surgeon will use, but both my colonoscopy and endoscopy were fantastic. I felt the injection go in, was talking until I wasn’t, then woke up 30 minutes later not groggy at all. Amazing.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 14:22 |
That’s actually a pretty normal trombone player.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 15:06 |
The Navy yanked mine, not because they were a problem, but because if they become a problem when you’re 500 feet down in the middle of undisclosed locations, you’re kind of screwed.
Fortunately the base dental clinic was backed up, so they sent me to a dentist out in town, who loaded me up with ALL THE DRUGS. It was awesome! I swear they put the needle in and the gas mask on and I could hear the opening bars of Purple Haze, and then much like BicycleBuck’s story, my next conscious memory was like 3 days later.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 15:11 |
I’ve had anesthesia twice recently, for a colonoscopy and then an endoscopy. Each was a shot, and I was suddenly out and then suddenly awake. There was no haze, it was just like waking up from a nap. It was awesome. In both cases, it was propofol, which is the drug that killed Michael Jackson. I chatted with the anesthesiologist about it, and he said that in reality, the drug didn’t kill him, the doctor did. The doctor gave him too big a dose, then left the room. While MJ was out, his head flopped over and he suffocated. Apparently, that doctor is still practicing medicine in CA.
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Best of luck! I realized today that the dentist is the only doctor people to go regularly where pain is expected during the visit. Are they just taking one tooth or all the wisdom teeth?
Just had a 2 hour dentist visit today. Needed a filling redone because the old one chipped. And this new dentist decided to do a “deep clean” that my prior dentists had done a “wait and see” approach with. Also the first time I’ve ever had an anesthetic shot. My mouth currently feels like some weird combination of getting braces and wisdom teeth pulled.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 16:10 |
I had anesthesia earlier this spring/summer when I had my appendix out, but it was the gas. They put the mask on, I took a few deep breaths, and I was out.
What I learned didn’t work for me was the opiate based painkillers. The procedure was supposed to be laparoscopic and take about an hour; I came to in post-op 4 hours later feeling like I’d been hit by a truck, with tubes in my mouth and nose and IVs in both arms. The nurse asked how I felt and I told her “like shit”, so she said she’d give me something for pain. She injects it, I wait a bit and I finally asked her “how long is it supposed to take to start working?” She gave me an incredulous look and said “Instantly!” so I told her it wasn’t working. Long story short, I got 2 hits of morphine, 2 hits of dilaudid, and a hit of fentynal, in other words enough drugs to tranquilize a horse, and it did nothing. I was fully lucid the whole time. 0/10, would not recommend.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 16:44 |
Just the one, unless the surgeon decides otherwise, I suppose. I had gone years without a visit, and the first time I went they did a deep clean of half my mouth, using the anesthetic. I felt like Harvey Dent. It was bizarre. I went home and tried to smoke a cigar. It was almost impossible. But since then, I’ve been going regularly, and the cleanings are only getting easier. And my gum health is significantly better than it was. I haven’t been in 6 months because Covid, but I plan to have a regular cleaning in December and get back on track.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 17:18 |
I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled normally, and the 4th was impacted and was cut into 3 pieces before removal during a several hour long procedure with only local anesthes ia. Fun times! I can still remember the drilling and burning smells as if it were yesterday ...
this because there’s a car involved!
![]() 10/22/2020 at 18:00 |
Let’s hope it’s not that involved.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 18:42 |
I had three impacted wisdom teeth removed when I was in high school. They each had to be broken into multiple pieces, then extracted. I have only the foggiest memory of the whole thing, but I distinctly recall trying to say something after they woke me up and brought me out to my dad in the waiting room.
With a mouth full of gauze and pain, I tried and failed multiple times to speak something, anything. Really, any number of things. Finally, the front desk receptionist handed me a pen and paper.
For all my frustration and anger and blood and spittle, all I wrote was: “I don’t like you people very much.”
But then I had an allergic reaction to some of the meds they gave me. So I wound up with a ‘ scrip for an antiinflammatory and some Valium to sleep it off. There was a lot of applesauce and napping in the days that immediately followed.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 19:10 |
I’m really hoping that I won’t be laid up that long. I’ve got a lot to do.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 22:47 |
Be strong. I have had four, count ‘em fou r w isdoms removed. Lord. [perhaps that explains why I am not strong at math] Thanks [curses] to my heredity. So, in the orchestra, who is the constant joke target? The bone players? I once heard a joke during the first gulf war: What do SCUD missiles and viola players have in common? They both have a thirty percent chance of hitting their mark.
![]() 10/22/2020 at 22:53 |
That’s good. I’m going to have to remember that. All the sections have their own jokes, but the violas seem to bear the brunt.
What’s the difference between a saxophone and a chainsaw? Vibrato.
What do you call two oboes playing in unison? A half step.
What’s the world’s longest viola joke? Harold in Italy (this one’s a bit inside)