![]() 09/27/2018 at 21:58 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I like the color of the hub caps on this car. A set of these would look good on Rusty.
I’ve been too busy actually earning my salary today to note whether anyone has said anything today on Oppo about the Kavanaugh thing. Something that has struck me is how forcefully certain women in my life have reacted. My wife won’t be quieted over her disgust with the frat boy. A conservative woman at my school site — the only educator I discuss any politics with — is herself a professed Christian and vehemently pronounces Dr. Ford as a
piece of SHIT!
For my part, what triggers me is that when I was in high school, and I graduated Class of ‘82, we had a frat boy set we called the
. They had their keg parties and their country club and their
, and their
, and all of that, and I was
persona non grata
at any of them because I was not part of the set. I was an outsider. A social leper
Personally? Democrat dirty pool or not, I think the Kavanaugh product is now damaged goods. As forcefully as the Trump Administration pronounced how proud they all were of Judge Kavanaugh’s performance, they may also be sharpening their knives. Trump Opposite World and all of that. I think they ought to withdraw Kavanaugh and put forth Amy Coney Barrett, more conservative than Kavanaugh by some accounts, and the Progressives’ just deserts.
Anyone who hitches their wagon to Donald Trump, it seems to me, does so at their own peril.
I have a few other thoughts, but I just thought I’d share my $0.02 in case anybody was interested.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 22:18 |
I’m with you, after all this bullshit does anyone really want him as part of SCOTUS? Even IF the claims are false or unsubstantiated he’s ruined and will always be tainted.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 22:29 |
Everything about him and this trial just makes me want to curl up under the covers and hide for a few days. I’m sure this is bringing back awful memories for a lot of women, and then the abuse of women like your Christian educator just makes the whole world im possible to deal with right now.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 22:30 |
When you yell at members of congress but you do it before people think yelling at members of congress is rude
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Amy Barrett may be more conservative, but she’s not going to save the president if it comes to that; that’s why he gave ole Kav’ the bid to his frat house.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 22:43 |
Have you ever done something, that afterward, you said, “well shit, I guess if I ever run for president, this might just disqualify me automatically”
It’s a thing we used to say occasionally, when we did something that was... questionable. I’ve got a few of those things, BUT I’ve never EVER been in a situation with a girl that would later have been looked at as inappropriate.
I’ve had friends who were drug dealers, thrown parties with lots of underage drinking going on, been arrested for disorderly conduct (ahem, twice ).
I also think... WTF with rushing this vote before the election, when they wouldn’t let Obama get his nomination, like, many months before the 2016 election. Fuck that hypocrisy. I don’t care which side you’re on, you gotta play by the same rules.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 22:46 |
I live not far from him and went to Richard Montgomery, a public high school in Rockville, MD that’s very highly rated, but sort of a middle ground for the area. Prestigious but not snobby. Very diverse.
As you head out of NW DC into Maryland, Bethesda and Potomac are right over the border, then you get to Rockville. Georgetown Prep is in North Bethesda, heading up towards Rockville. I drive past it all the time.
My “reasonably priced” neighborhood in Rockville, of townhouses in the mid 500k range, is nice, but thoroughly unimpressive for the area. My parents house is in the city limits of Rockville but has a Potomac zip code. It’s about 3300 sq ft and it’s easily 850k. It’s nice, but there’s plenty of houses around here much bigger, nicer, and more expensive. Not bragging, just trying to give an idea of this part of town.
A couple public high schools, Churchill in Potomac, and Bethesda Chevy Chase in Bethesda, plus the private schools like Georgetown Prep, Landon, Bullis, etc all draw students from those extremely rich close-in DC suburbs. They are the heart of privilege.
Today, t hat fucker said he volunteered at the very same Rockville public library as I worked at when I was in high school. Bastard!
E ven in the 90s when I was in high school, the reputation of all those schools very much jived with the shit they’re talking about. Hell, the same shit went down at my school too. There was always some house party at some kid’s parents house that was flowing with alcohol and weed, sometimes provided by the parents. Being the 90s, the girls at my school wore tiny shorts with thongs poking up above the waist band and crop tops showing plenty of midriff. At public high school . Dress code? Ha!
When we weren’t going to h ouse parties, we’d be going to concerts in the city, or up at the couple other music pavilions in farther out suburbs. Which of course were full of booze and weed and high school kids.
Whether he did it or not, the culture of the school he attended, and the era in which he attended it, would certainly make it plausible.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 22:53 |
Blasey Ford’s sudden testimony after 35 years, corresponding with Kavanaugh’s senate confirmation to the USSC, strikes me as far too convenient to take at face value.
I’m unwilling to condemn a man’s reputation based solely
on the most statistically unreliable type of evidence (eyewitness testimony) of one person
, especially when it is
unfalsifiable. Tell me, what could Kavanaugh (or anyone else) have said or done, to completely disprove the allegations lodged against him?
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:16 |
Maybe it was just the grilling, but ford’s testimony sucked. I wasn’t able to catch kavanaugh, but boy did he have the biggest puss on his face.
Does all the bullshit moral outrage right now remind you of the 50s? Or is that just me? If they start digging up dirt on these congresspeople they are going to find shit on everyone.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:18 |
First thought
2nd thought:
This is a total shit show and both sides should be ashamed of themselves. The Rs don’t give a shit if the allegations are true, or about any of the women involved,
they just want their guy pushed through. The Ds don’t give a shit if the allegations are true, or about any of the women involved, they just want to use them as political ammunition to prevent or just stall
any R from getting on the SC
3rd thought:
Trump intentionally nominated K in order to create a shit show, either to take media pressure off of him for all of the things they were bugging him about previously, or something new that he’s scheming.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:23 |
It is a hell of a distraction, isn’t it?
I wonder which apparatchiks are in town today.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:27 |
Well, I don’t have a woman’s lenses to view this through, but I’m finding all of this very difficult to deal with. I am a Christian myself, and I need to circle back with my colleague and figure out a way to ask her a basic WWJD on that one.
Thanks for replying.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:28 |
Sucked how? That she looked terrified and that the prosecutors questions basically had to do nothing with the actual night?
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That’s certainly one of the narratives. And now, he’ll be extra pissed and all the more likely.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:32 |
Yes to all of it. A Republican operative from Bush days said, “The Democrats are just getting
for Merrick Garland.” To me, that suggests the Garland thing really
a crooked deal. And if, as the Republicans argue, that’s just how things
, and
always have been
, then what bit of Democrat dirty pool came before Merrick Garland and made that an okay thing?
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:34 |
There could be a guy named Boris or Ivan driving a bus full of hookers around with the sole intent of them
peeing on things named after Obama
, and nobody would notice.
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That’s where I’m at. And this: a person ought to be able to redeem himself. If he’d come out and said, “Yeah, we drank beer out of fish tanks and acted stupid, but I’ve outgrown all of that,” I could accept that. But doing so would be political suicide for him. Our binary system does not allow for gray. But if you are like me, and assuming this would be Dr. Ford’s position, that of not having very much sex, or any, nor even coming close, I’d be able to remember the specifics pretty well. I think she is credible enough, and it’s obvious enough that Kavanaugh behaved stupidly as a school boy, that he’s an appropriate #MeToo target. And as for those crying “Oh, what about his poor
Isn’t that something every parent should consider before trying to get a post on the SCOTUS?
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:37 |
Aren’t we up to three people now?
Though your basic point about unreliable evidence is a valid one particularly when t he re are extraneous factors (i.e. political views) involved. When it’s someone like Cosby, you might think “s he says, he says” when there’s o nly one accuser, but by the time the third comes out of the woodwork most people are starting to smell smoke (n ever mind twenty-some) . But in this instance, almost re ga rdless of how many accusers there are, there’s still going to be cause to wonder if there’s ulterior motives involved.
Flip side of the “too convenient” argument though, is that if you knew someone was morally dubious you might choose to let it go and live your life, but reconsider that choice when you saw they were about to be in a position to inflict that moral position on a wide range of othe rs. If a victim w as ever going to speak out against a predator , you could easily see his nomination to high office being what dr ove them to it.
Havi ng said that, after his latest testimony we must be reaching the point where he’s disqualified hi mself through too-ob vious partisanship and inability to keep his cool. Judges are allowed to have positions on the legal issues, but they’re supposed to be above the politica l ones. H e’s not s howing great ability to stay “above”.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:38 |
Gotta watch the soap opera. It also lets the orange beast fire off more tweets, which he and his wonderful base probably enjoy as it irks the “libs”.
A lawyer, a spy, a mob boss, and a money launderer
walk into a bar. The bartender says: “you guys must be here to talk about adoption.”
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:39 |
Indeed, the timing is most smelly on this. Then again, why would this woman come out of obscurity to do all of this? Surely, if someone is paying her, that will all come out, so why risk any of it? Why would she do this?
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:43 |
I am friends (?) with a die-hard very religious female Trump supporter who is not originally from the US (I’m not sure if she’s now a citizen or not). I can’t get logical answers out of her on any of it. Also I’m apparently going to hell for having tattoos. Our friendship is sort of on hold at the moment.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:44 |
I don’t remember the 50s very well because I wasn’t born until the 50s. But I was in high school in the 80s and this reminds me of that.
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Flip side of the “too convenient” argument though, is that if you knew someone was morally dubious you might choose to let it go and live your life, but reconsider that choice when you saw they were about to be in a position to inflict that moral position on a wide range of others.
I was demeaned, belittled, assaulted, and bullied by plenty of people in high school. Even if one of them ran for President, I wouldn’t go blabbing about what they did or didn’t do in friggin high school.
Having said that, after his latest testimony we must be reaching the point where he’s disqualified himself through too-obvious partisanship and inability to keep his cool.
This entire debacle was orchestrated and executed by Senator Feinstein, so I can’t hold against him any grudge he might form against the democrats for what they just sprang on him at the last possible moment, despite Feinstein being informed and sitting on Ford’s allegation against Kavanaugh for months.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:50 |
You were one of the people I hoped I’d hear from and you have not disappointed. I like how you’ve put your 2nd thought and it’s how I see it.
As for the 3rd, as I stated: hitch your wagon to Donald Trump at your own extreme peril.
Preston Brooks beating Charles Sumner with a cane, perhaps setting the Civil War in motion.
![]() 09/27/2018 at 23:55 |
Would you judge me harshly if I told you I LOL’d when I read that? And really, don’t you have any better reasons to go to Hell than having tattoos? You might point some of them out to her.
As a Christian, I look at it this way: why are so many people who count themselves as Christians blindly following such a
lewd fellow of the baser sort
? Donald Trump is about as unChristlike a man as I could possibly imagine, being followed ardently by people who claim they want to be more like Christ. Bad math.
![]() 09/28/2018 at 00:06 |
I laughed at her when she said it! That was apparently the wrong reaction. (And I’m certain you’re correct, there are much better reasons on that list!)
![]() 09/28/2018 at 00:11 |
I was hoping that wouldn’t come across the wrong way. I would have guffawed. I mean, I take my religion seriously, but I worship a god I view as just and I am totally free
to judge anyone, though as a devout human being, I need to remind myself of that all to often.
![]() 09/28/2018 at 00:34 |
I find it very odd that he won’t say he wants an FBI investigation. He says he will do whatever the committee wants... He is going along with whatever they say and he wouldn’t speak, he just gave this reaction. She isn’t the only person speaking up about him, I know the timing is not good but wouldn’t this be the time someone spoke up, w hen they could affect the lives of so many in the supreme court? They say it’s a sham but look what they did to Obama’s nomination.
![]() 09/28/2018 at 07:42 |
The Dollop podcast has a great episode about this btw.
![]() 09/28/2018 at 08:43 |
She sounds like a moron who deserves to be laughed at for some of her moronic views.
Going to hell for tattoos???
Get outta here... lol
![]() 09/28/2018 at 08:48 |
Crooked Trump does!
![]() 09/28/2018 at 14:51 |
The parties you mean? That'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.
![]() 09/28/2018 at 14:53 |
She looked terrified, but I think its cause her lawyer didn't prepare her at all. She knew they were going to try to check her character.
![]() 09/28/2018 at 14:58 |
Interesting. I didn’t know this. H ow do you know so much insight to her? How have you come about this information?
![]() 09/28/2018 at 15:16 |
I have eyes and a brain? She lied about being scared of flying. In my mind, there are two possibilities. Either she is lying, or she is telling the truth and allowing the democrats to manipulate her which is causing all the inconsistencies in her story. I don’t know which is worse. Either way, somebody is lieing, and nobody has any evidence to prove or disprove anything. Its a charade unless it goes to trial.
![]() 09/28/2018 at 15:36 |
![]() 09/28/2018 at 16:40 |
Glad you are suitably impressed.