![]() 08/03/2018 at 01:40 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Should I be ranting about politics at 1:30 AM? Probably not. I’m going to ask y’all to keep it civil in the comments, as I could see this being a contentious issue. If the mods want this nuked, let me know. Bus for your time.
I’m a pretty liberal person. Though I’ve gotten more moderate lately, nine times out of ten, I’d probably agree with the democrats - purely for the social issues. But this whole Sarah Jeong thing has really gotten under my skin, and it’s showing why I can’t really agree with the left. Do I care what Jeong tweeted? Not really; while I don’t agree with it, she can tweet whatever she wants. Do I disagree with the Times choice to keep her? Not really either. I doubt her racism/bad comedy affects her ability to be a good tech writer. But many liberal people’s reactions have been insane. Arguing that you can says those things publicly and should be un punished because white people haven’t been oppressed is a terrible argument. Furthermore, it’s hard to argue this is an alt-right journalist attack when white people (James Gunn, namely, and another Times reporter) have been fired about making similarly racist “jokes.” It seems to me that if we’re really serious about accountability for these things, it needs to apply equally. You don’t get a joke pass because your part of a race that’s oppressed. Sarah Jeong is a Harvard-educated writer who works for a prestigious newspaper. While her race and gender may present obstacles a white man would not face, it’s hard to say she’s a victim of oppression and attack from the alt-right.
This also irritates me because it hands Fox News/Trump the perfect weapon. The Trump base has felt the media is after them since the beginning; by not firing this woman and holding themselves to the same standards they applied to ABC/Disney/their white reporter, they effectively just proved the argument of the Trump base. This is the perfect thing for Trump to use to undermine the work the NYT has done; to be frank, I have doubts about their impartiality, and this has only substantiated. You can’t fire a white person and brand them as a racist, then give someone of another race a “joke” pass purely because of their race; arguing that it’s ok for someone to say those things because their race hasn’t faced oppression is nonsensical.
Personally, I feel that people should be able to say whatever as long as it doesn’t interfere with their work. Presidents Harry S. Truman and Lyndon B. Johnson both said horribly racist things in private, but it didn’t affect their ability to do their job the right way. While that is a hyperbolic example, my point stands.
Rant over, my apologies for the diversion.
![]() 08/03/2018 at 01:49 |
I think most everything going on is the product of extreme views and platforms.
You know, I don’t know how I dragged cars into this, but I have: Mr. Regular’s reviews other the Tesla Model 3 had one nugget of truth: facts are irrelevant, how you FEEEEEL is all that matters today. We have both sides calling for draconian punishments upon people that they disagree with. I’m really not about calling for people’s jobs/livelihoods/etc. whenever something moderately spicy happens. And by spicy, I mean the honky at a Thai restaurant that gets 2 stars out of 5. WHY DON’T YOU STAY HOME NEXT TIME?!!?! (that was an attempt at comedy)
I may or may not be perhaps be leaning on a certain side, but I’m now realizing that there is a “you’re with us OR AGAINTS US” mentality at the extremes. Now keep in mind, some extremes are less insane than others, but...
Where was I going with this? P E R L A T I K S
![]() 08/03/2018 at 02:06 |
What are we on now? double, triple, or quadruple standard?
Human beings of every corner of this planet suck ass. We all deserve exactly what is coming.
It’s a simple internet thing: don’t feed the trolls. If you get bit, it’s only your fault.
![]() 08/03/2018 at 03:14 |
So cial media was a mistake. We should have stopped at text messaging, phone calls, and emails. That’s all I have to say.
PS: I'm not even an old person.
![]() 08/03/2018 at 03:44 |
America, you guys are crazy.
![]() 08/03/2018 at 04:04 |
This is an interesting one. On one hand she’s not a privileged white person using slurs against a minority race, on the other hand, if they were jokes, they weren’t funny. Not because they may be offensive to somebody, but because they just were poorly executed. To me that’s the biggest problem. If you’re going to make a joke, make it funny. Similar to how South Park works to hit every demographic group, but they deliver the laughs too. You get that feeling that it may not be right to laugh at something, but you have to because it’s just plain old funny. Again, this is stuff from about 4 years ago from what I read. So it was not from the present, and with her present employer, so leave it be and move on. Same with Gunn and that pitcher. Stuff was in the past. Now folks will argue that the Roseanne tweets were a similar situation, but no, that’s in the present and from what I read, it pissed off a good portion of the production team. More along the lines of Bill Maher. So she had to go. This dredging up the past crap has got to stop. And please, please, make your jokes funny, so at least it’s worth the read. ;)
![]() 08/03/2018 at 05:32 |
I say sack everybody who says something stupid and then let an adult sort it out.
To everyone else : take a big gulp of a concrete milkshake and harden the fuck up. We all know you’ve been hard done by for any number of reasons but your grandma was harder than you...how’s that for progress in the family?
![]() 08/03/2018 at 08:02 |
Says the guy writing on Kina haha
![]() 08/03/2018 at 09:25 |
I never heard of the woman until this “controversy”, and I don’t care.
Because every comedian who is also a POC has jokes about white people. Even if the comedian and/or jokes aren’t funny, they’re in their repertoire. Because white people are supergoddamn easy to make fun of, specifically white Americans, but also white people DESERVE this shit.
It’s the 21st goddamn century and America still has the hang-ups about racism it did in the 1700s, 1800s, and 1900s. The only difference between those times and now, is that POC aren’t willing to let shit slide, and it really pisses a lot of white people off.
![]() 08/03/2018 at 09:27 |
Counterpoint: Context matters. She was making jokes, and you are correct they aren’t funny. That is because she was responding in the same tone and intent by which she was being attacked.
![]() 08/03/2018 at 09:36 |
It’s all such a nice diversion from the treason, grifting, and conspiracy/collusion (take your pick) in the WH.
![]() 08/03/2018 at 09:42 |
Companies make business decisions. If their new employee costs them $$$ and loses advertisers as a result of social media activity from several years ago, they will get canned.
On the flip side, if some bad publicity from the same situation actually drives activity and $$$ to the new employer, the new employee will be safe. I reckon that’s what’s happening here.
![]() 08/03/2018 at 10:03 |
Ki nja’d
![]() 08/03/2018 at 10:05 |
Well there is quite a long list of problems I see currently, least of which is the increased spending coupled with tax cuts and an ever doubling debt. It’s insane and the orange orangutan just keep bragging.
![]() 09/05/2018 at 15:16 |
I guess this is an american sit e. I don’t know how i found it, I live in Ireland; but it showed me quite a good post about the C itroen Ami. T he only strange thing was a comment about the redesign of the front, ( for vehicle/road safe t y purposes) was down to ‘socialism’! Remember Ralph Nader ‘ Unsafe at any speed’? Do you not think that Neo-liberal ism rules in Europe too? Do you not think that vehicles should be safe wherever they are made?