![]() 12/21/2014 at 21:36 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Im currently at five but one has been dropped (3 years). All were for 15+ mph. In three different states and in five different cars.
Now that's diversity.
And my favorite is the one from Lithopolis, Ohio. Literally one cop in this small town. Entire town is 25 mph. I was going 40 in the wee hours and no one was on the roads. Boom.
I later find out that he works with mom and mom was talking about my storied history with speeding. She mentions the lithopolis ticket and without a beat the cop says, "blue Saab, tan top?" She says "yes". He says, " yeah I pulled him over. Nice boy"
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Everybody speeds but you, my friend, need to rethink how you drive if you're getting that many tickets.
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I walked from age 19-21. I've had plenty.
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4 speeding camera tickets in 6 months in my car. I'm now running a vintage plate that's unregistered because I'm tired of this shit. I'm not killing anyone by doing 44 in a 30. Gimmy a fucking break.
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oh I have quit speeding. I keep to the standard 5-7 mph over now.
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More than one, less than 20. But, that's over a ten year time span. And they're all cleared now. I try not to be such a speed demon nowadays, but that's kinda hard when part of my job involves driving to and fro, and time matters. (And also because I love driving fast).
Luckily I'm no longer in a position where I'm driving ~4,000 mi/month on the clock anymore. It's less of a burden on my wallet all around now. It also helps that highway speed limits here have been raised from 65mph to 70-75mph.
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I imagine lots of oppos speed. We may just not always admit it. ^_~
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1 when I was late for a mid term and got popped doing 70 in a 50.
1 when coming home around 12:30 am one night doing 57 in a 45.
Same road, a few years apart, both times it was Ohio State Highway Patrol.
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Everyone speeds. Not everyone has 5 speeding tickets for 15+, even though the speed of traffic where I live is 15 over.
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I've only recieved two, got them 15 years apart, almost to the day. Both were dismissed on account of my excellent driving record, and a few extra fees paid on top of the fine ... Money well spent.
In my 20's I had a string of five warnings in a row. Three of those were in a four week span, and the first and the third of them were from the same cop.
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I live in VA, so none.
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*tugs on shirt collar nervously and looks around the room*
Right, right... 15 over on the highway is excessive, and all that. Thank god the fine folks at the Texas Department of Transportation saw fit to raise the speed limit to 75mph on most highways (65-70mph near more populated areas). Now I only go 5 over. ^_^
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Same here. Although I probably should have had about 5 by now. Try to keep it under 80 so I don't end up in jail like Patrick.
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I've been pulled over at least six times within the past year. Two speeding tickets, one was dropped. 60/30, 70/55
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routinely one every 8 months until anout 10 years ago....now I know where they sit. Still routine to hit a ton several nights a week on a special circuit above radar.
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Just one from 2010, and I intend to keep it that way
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17 years of driving and no speeding tickets.
One BS ticket for 'failure to maintain control' (dismissed), one BS HOV lane violation ticket, 3 excessive noise tickets (2 exhaust, one music), and approximately 10 or so warnings for various things
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6, but three of those were in my first year of driving and then I got a radar detector. But I still got 3 tickets over the last 4 years of driving. I was doing good for a few years too with no tickets but then Detroit happened to me. Its a damn speeders heaven here.
Bad habits man …..bad habits.
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yeah I definitely speed, fairly frequently too but only in roads that I know well, and I never cross the line of 80 unless I'm just making a quick pass in the left lane and the roads are very very empty.
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I got 5 this year alone... all in one single month to boot. The cops love me.
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I think I've had four, total. In two different states (ILLINOIS SPEED LIMITS ARE STUPID).
The nicest Austin PD cop in the world gave me one of my last ones. Seriously, super nice guy. He popped me, fair and square, and I told him so. Defensive driving got it dismissed.
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Just the idea of a camera ticket makes me upset.
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Jeez, you're trouble ;)
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I used to speed a lot. I got both penalties of "3 tickets within 1 year" and "5 tickets within 5 years" forcing me to lose my license for 30 days and go sit in a state-run class before I could get my license back. I didn't really stop speeding until I started driving a tow truck at a place that did state police calls overnight on the weekends. Scrape up a few nasty wrecks and suddenly you slow down... I still drive fast, like 80/only a little faster than the traffic around me, but I don't do 100 anymore... Yeah don't do that on public roads. I used to (like 20 years ago), it's really not a good idea.
Now I have 'zero' points on my license and have for several years, and get a 'safe driver' discount. Don't stand out too much and you'll be able to avoid most tickets. Also, use Waze. Cops are almost always reported there.
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In the best way, I hope. ^_~
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I don't think it's right. The government is not here to make money. What's even worse is that the cameras are not labeled or visible. They are painted tan and made to look like utility boxes.
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zero, but one seatbelt ticket. I was wearing my seatbelt but took it off so I could get my stuff out of the glovebox to have it ready for the officer when he walked up to my window.
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I live by my lord and savior, valentine one, so only 1. 71 in a 55, but I was going quite a bit more a little before that. Instant on and a empty road didn't help my situation.
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9 you're fine, 10 you're mine. 2 warnings. Once a cop was driving past me on the other side of the road and turned around I was going 45 in a 35, I was 16 driving a dodge caravan, got a warning. Another time I was driving with a car full of friends, guy pulled me over, thought I was drunk or high, I was neither just distracted (I was 17 with 5 friends in the van at midnight) got another warning. Nothing since then
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Great news! Illinois finally raised the speed limit in rural areas to 70.
My last ticket was also written by the nicest cop I've ever met. Only got court supervision, nothing on my record.
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I have one, for going 70km/h in a 50 zone. Basically 45 mph in a 30. It burns cause my insurance going up costs more than the ticket itself did. What's more, while yes it was my fault I was speeding, in some ways it wasn't entirely my fault. At around 10:00 pm on a Friday night, I merged off a highway onto a surface road and accelerated a bit more than I usually would when I discovered that I had just about cut off someone driving with no headlights, Then a light went yellow and I would have had to stand on the brakes in front of someone I'd just cut off to stop on time, so I put the skinny pedal to the floor. Frankly I'm amazed I was only charged for a 70 because I checked my speed and was doing 90 when the reds and blues came on. Smoking hot blonde lady cop, too. It's cost me over $300 though, with insurance and all, and it'll likely cost me another $500 or so before it gets buried in the past. Not worth the risk of getting another one.
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So far, definitely
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One. Going 40 in a 25 that should have been a 35. It's an office park, and the general consensus is that it's a great place for one of our local towns to pay off its marble-floored high school.
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One in '98, one in '99, both 11mph over. Been clean ever since.
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*knocks on all the wood
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I have no clue, but I would say maybe 7 total? All were in my teenage years, all were pre-Japan. Once I moved to Japan, I became the epitome of only using speed when it seemed 1) safe 2) low possibility of police. I believe I MAY have one or two tickets still on my Texas extended driving history (the one which is 13 years, as opposed to the 7 years which is most prominent), but if so, they ought to be falling off like... very, very soon.
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Three moving, all 12 mph over. Last one in 2003. One red light volation, cop was a jerk, in 2003. Nothing since I got married and became an old man.
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Zilch, Zero, Nada. Pulled over twice, only once for speeding, but got a warning. The other time was just a cop being a dick.
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It's about damned time!! I was on my way to the Calumet area when I crossed over the Mississippi River into Illinois. I missed the archaic 55 MPH speed limit sign and got nailed doing 67. I even tried to reason with the cop, as my mother's family is from around Carbondale and Cairo. No dice.
All he saw was the Texas license plate.
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Zero. I was caught doing 27 over in New York State. I was fighting it in court and doing anything to delay the hearing. They were pretty understanding, as I'm not from New York (Maryland resident living in Connecticut), and I was able to push it back a year.
When I fought it, the police officer that got me had since retired.
Automatic dismissal.
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Speeding? 7 or 8 I guess, over 25 years of driving. I've gotten pulled over for speeding several more times but didn't get a ticket for one reason or another. I've also gotten pulled over and ticketed for non-current registration and inspection.
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None. I got "caught" by a speed camera in Chicago, but since they were are fairly new, you get one warning, so nothing happened.
Been driving 13 years now.
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I earned one at 17 years old. I racing a buddy over a blind hill. The cop was waiting for us. I've been pulled over over a dozen other times in my life and let off all those other times. Most of them were for speeding (not excessively) and dismissed when I asked if they utilized a radar gun to prove it.
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Yeah, we're a bit behind the times. Of course, I don't live in a rural area, so the limit around here is still the old double-nickel. Fortunately, on the interstate I regularly travel (the I-294 bypass around Chicago), the prevailing speed of traffic is WAY higher than that. I've had cops cruise right by me when I was doing 20 over on that road.
I was reading Steve Lehto's article about tickets last week, and I found it interesting that some people feel more inclined to speed out of state, thinking that the points won't matter to them. I always take it WAY easier out of state, because I feel like an easy mark, who is very unlikely to fight the ticket.
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If I had known what the speed limit was, I wouldn't have been speeding. Right before I was pulled over, I was asking everyone else in the car if they had seen a posted sign. Nope.
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I had 8 pts on my license before I was 20 in my 78 olds cutlass and my 85 Iroc. I've been pulled over 4 times in the last 10 months in my 2010 Camaro, got two tickets and one of those was from a cop that had pulled me over previously and not wrote a ticket. I got 2 tickets when I owned my 96 dodge ram 4x4 and I got one in my 94 eldorado. I've plea bargained out as many as I could as often as I could to get them knocked down to non moving violations. My last one that I have to pay the other half(76.50) by the end of Jan2015, thankfully I described the situation to the Judge and he knocked it down to a non moving for me and reduced the fine as well, was pretty kickass.
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I figured that what the case for you, based on how you worded your post. That sucks.
I speed regularly, and I'm aware of the risk of being ticketed. What made me mad (at myself) the last time I got a ticket, was I didn't mean to be speeding and wasn't in a hurry, I just wasn't paying attention.