![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:27 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Smuggled this assault pup into Denver today. Managed to keep her from killing anyone. You have some bullshit laws on the books, Denverites!
![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:40 |
Wow, pits are banned in Denver. Guess I learned something today.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:41 |
Does it have a high capacity heart?
![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:45 |
We have similar laws here...mostly because humans can't be trusted to do the right things by their companion animals.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:51 |
I think they’ve been banned for thirty or so years. A few other CO cities ban them as well.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:52 |
Yuge capacity heart.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:54 |
High capacity crush strength, according to dumb politicians and law makers.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:55 |
Most people just call them lab mixes and play ignorant.
Mrs. Pyro was a vet tech in Denver.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:03 |
I used to live near a city that banned them. Dog pound was within the city park. Nearly every dog in the pound was a pit/pit mix. These dogs were not taken because of their breed. They were taken because of what they had done or picked up as strays.
Dog ownership comes with great respon sibility, pit owners have greater responsibilities. My sister’s son brought home 2 pits. My sister, a dog lover and Pitbulls and Paro lees fan, thinks it was a terrible idea. Terrible because her boy is lazy and lacks responsibility to have such dogs.
There are no bad dogs, just bad dog owners. Somehow, many pitbulls are just placed with the wrong people. This is how they wind up with the reputations they have, and the reasons they are banned.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:06 |
Pretty lame. Problem dogs are 99% of the time due to bad owners not bad breeds. Colorado should smoke more weed and tell Karen to chill.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:07 |
Did you hide her in a bale of marijuana?
“Nothing to see here officer”
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:08 |
You can’t have a poorly trained pitbull around people.
Just a few months ago, my brother's girlfriend's dog was attacked by a pitbull in her apartment complex, resulting in the dog barely living and her getting pushed down a steep flight of concrete steps by the dog. It is a miracle it wasn't worse. You can't trust that breed with lazy or careless people who think of them as a status symbol or whatever. There is a reason that apartment complex banned them and a reason why cities often ban them. You can't trust morons not to buy them.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:10 |
Even a good deal of Denverites think the ban is bullshit. They repealed it this year but the mayor vetoed the bill.
Should probably just ban pets altogether if you community can’t be trusted not to abuse their animals.
Not sure how Australia’s ban went, but in Denver they took people’s pets and killed them. That shit would never fly where I live.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:12 |
Denver is nothing but Karens who smoke enough weed to think they’re hipsters.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:12 |
Yeah, I had a full breed APBT, he was only about 40lbs but a big muscle head. Returned to the shelter 4 times because he wouldn’t share his food and because he was a pit. Somebody put down that he was a pointer mix at some point and that’s what he was. Passed at 14 years old, best buddy ever.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:18 |
City council repealed the ban earlier this year....the mayor vetoed their repeal. They then fell one vote short of overruling the veto.
Maybe there just needs to be a vote, Denver folks legalized weed and are on their way to legalizing shrooms. Surely, they’d legalize a dog.
At least in my city we can have pit bulls. I cannot, however, own a wolverine.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:18 |
Most of them aren’t even ‘
pit bulls’
, they are a hodge podge of large breeds. I had a full breed and I would say he was definitely
dog aggressive but the biggest lover of people there ever was. When I say dog aggressive
he just didn’t like other dogs, but he would rather run from them if he could. He was the most people tolerant dog ever though. He has all sorts of surgeries/etc as he aged and never even growled at the vet. I have a cattle dog mix now and he shows up snarling when it’s vet time.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:18 |
I don’t know about pits mostly getting placed with bad owners. Cocker spaniels bite more people than pits. It’s just that if a pit does bite someone, it’s going to do more damage, and thus make the news.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:21 |
They have been banned (forbidden to buy, sell, give for free , import) in France since 1999 and you risk 6 months of imprisonment and a 7500€ fine if you don’t respect the law .
There are similar bans on other countries/territory such as the UK, Denmark, Norway, Hungary, Ontario or Porto Rico.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:28 |
That’s insane. Whole nations afraid of a fifty pound dog!
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:34 |
While there are definitely bad owners , there are also definitely bad dogs (as with any animals, including us humans ) .
![]() 07/23/2020 at 00:48 |
A 50 poun ds dog t hat can kill adults, yours calm and nice but unfortunately in here most were and still are (illegally) bred by young peoples that want to play tough and train them to be snappy or are just not realizing the risk they can pose .
T here are still accidents , there was one last month for example where the dog (unleashed) attacked 3 women in the streets of a city , almost killing a 75 years old one .
![]() 07/23/2020 at 01:25 |
![]() 07/23/2020 at 01:26 |
They are illegal here in the U.K., if a police officer sees a Pitbull they will either call in a dog team or armed response and you will have your dog taken off you. If you insist it isn’t a Pitbull you must show documentation to get it back or have a police dog kennel expert check it to get it back, otherwise the dog will be destroyed.
Which is a great shame because they are great, beautiful and loyal dogs, but over the years idiots who buy them as status dogs and train them to be violent against others have tainted their name.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 01:30 |
![]() 07/23/2020 at 02:50 |
Yeah, you definitely don’t want your kid getting bit by a pitbull. Can’t tell you how many moron parents I’ve seen shove their kid in my dogs’ face or fail to teach their kids not to run up to dogs they don’t know.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 03:04 |
I had friends in London back in the day that owned a pit. They got around the ban by calling it a Staffie (my girl in the photo is probably mostly, if not all staffie). While there’s an official breed difference between them, there isn’t in real life, where most are probably a mix of both.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 03:46 |
Ye’, that’s why in some areas the police take the dog in and either have you bring in a kennel certificate or proof of breed or they will get one of their own to identify the breed.
Personally, I’d have anyone who abused, mistreated or trained a dog solely for fighting, etc... I’d have them knee-capped.
On a brighter note.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 04:22 |
The ban here simply allowed the dogs to die out naturally.
They are only seized and euthanased if they attack another person or another dog...and the owner is also fined or worse depending on their level of negligence. And these rules apply irrespective of the breed
![]() 07/23/2020 at 07:33 |
Laws made by people who don't understand how dogs work.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 08:04 |
There are 100% bad dogs just like there are bad people. Modern Pitbulls were bred for fighting. They do tend to be more agressive. Banning them outright seems largely unnecessary and I have met many nice pitbulls. I'd still never get one, based purely on the fact that there are a hundred other breeds that don't have these kinds of problems.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 08:09 |
As a native of denver and a lover of dogs genereally and Pitties specifically i thought that Denver relatively recently repealed these bullshit restrictions?
![]() 07/23/2020 at 10:53 |
They were bred to be dog aggressive, not people aggressive. I only adopt shelter dogs (because I think it is fucked up to pay breeders for dogs when there are dogs in shelters) and the vast majority of them are pits.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 11:05 |
That’s good. When I first read about Oz’s ban it looked like Denver’s, where they seized people’s dogs.
I do find it ironic that domesticated dogs would be banned in a place that boasts about how dangerous the wildlife there is.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 11:06 |
And are afraid of everything.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 11:07 |
Yeah, the mayor vetoed the bill.
![]() 07/23/2020 at 18:16 |
It's the owners that are more dangerous than the dogs...or the wildlife.