![]() 06/07/2020 at 07:45 • Filed to: twitter, black lives matter | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 06/07/2020 at 08:21 |
![]() 06/07/2020 at 08:25 |
This is apparently from 2018.
Found something on it.
A Twitter post that is going viral includes a Bellevue Police Officer taking down a black woman and placing her into a chokehold after she was stopped for a reason that is unknown. The Bellevue Police Department has confirmed that the incident occurred in December 2018.
The Bellevue Police Department will be releasing documents related to this story. We will update this article as the information becomes available.
The Bellevue Police Department have released a statement in regards to this incident that took place on December 23, 2018.
“This particular incident was investigated through the department’s Use of Force review process and the department’s complaint process. It was found to be in compliance with department policy .”
“I want the public to know that we take all use of force very seriously,” said Chief Steve Mylett. “The video is disturbing. When taken in its complete context the officer’s actions were determined reasonable for the resistance he was faced with. From the officer’s perspective, he believed the driver posed a threat to him and others in the area through her refusal to comply with his lawful repeated orders, continual efforts to remove her hand from her purse, and her attempts put the car in gear. As a result of the totality of the situation and the driver’s resistance, the officer used force to overcome the active resistance.”
The statement provided an incident recap from the Bellevue Police Department:
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
“On December 23, 2018, at approximately 11:00 am, the driver was stopped for suspicion of failing to transfer her automobile title, a violation of Washington State law. The driver refused every one of the officer’s repeated lawful commands, including producing her identification, showing her hands, and exiting the car. Instead, the driver reached inside her purse, despite the officer’s four separate commands not to reach into her purse. This action caused the officer to fear she was reaching for a weapon.
The driver also left the car in gear and suddenly moved her hand to the gear-control; the officer believed she was attempting to flee or assault him with the vehicle. The officer repeatedly asked her to exit the vehicle, and she refused.
When the officer removed the driver from her vehicle, she continuously refused to comply with the offer’s command to put her arms behind her back. As the officer attempted to take her into custody she pulled away from the officer and refused to be handcuffed. In order to prevent injury to the driver and himself, the officer took the driver to the ground, and based on the continued resistance, applied a vascular neck restraint technique. video of BPD training with this can be found here .
The driver was arrested on charges of Refusing to Comply with Police, Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer, Resisting Arrest and Motor Vehicle Transfer of Ownership Violations.
The subject was not injured, and she did not file a complaint. Efforts to contact her to obtain a statement as part of the use of force review process were unsuccessful.”
Additionally, the Bellevue Police Department has released the case documents in an attempt to drive transparency.
That’s just shockingly awful.
Are the people not trained at all to try and defuse a situation by talking, dealing with it peacefully, why does it always have to be ramped right up to 12 with guns and forceful detention.
The really stupid thing is, in America, you can be arrested for resisting arrest even if you didn’t do anything to be arrested for. HOW IS THAT A THING!!!
![]() 06/07/2020 at 08:30 |
how is it a thing?
it just is, it seems
its wrong.
but they are too stupid to learn it seems
![]() 06/07/2020 at 08:41 |
This is from back in December 2018, but resurfaced on Twitter a couple of days ago.
There is backstory, but still.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 08:44 |
cheers for that update, wasn’t aware of that.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 08:45 |
far as i can tell... no... police in america isnt trained at all
i think they get 12 weeks bootcamp and the rest on the job
![]() 06/07/2020 at 08:48 |
Apparently the officer was not reprimanded, and the police department considers that as being acceptable. That’s not fucking okay.
The PD’s statement also doesn’t make sense. According to it the officer made contradicting demands (produce your ID but I fear for my life because you touched your purse [that I don’t see in the video] , take the car out of gear, but I fear for my life because she touched the shifter) before deciding to try to KNOCK HER UNCONSCIOUS. And his PD has defended him. Unacceptable
![]() 06/07/2020 at 09:06 |
I think ours get 3 months, then the rest is on the job, specialised work such as firearms, dog handling, etc... are
The way police constables are recruited is changing and by January 2020 there will be three entry routes available:
Degree apprenticeship - you’ll join as a police constable and undertake a three-year apprenticeship in professional policing practice. This gives you the chance to earn while you learn. Successfully completing the programme will also mean passing your probation and achieving a degree-level qualification too. Find out more about degree apprenticeships .
Degree-holder entry - if you’ve already got an undergraduate degree in any subject, this two-year pathway could be for you. As a police constable, you’ll combine work-based and classroom learning, leading to a graduate diploma in professional policing practice once you complete your probation.
Policing degree - study a three-year undergraduate professional policing degree at university. You’ll apply to join a police force when you graduate, and start your career with a shorter on-the-job training programme.
This means that once these changes are put into place, whichever option you choose you’ll hold a degree-level qualification in professional policing by the time you’ve completed your probationary period.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 09:26 |
12 weeks
3 months
wierd how different the results are....
i mean...i dont like your average constable dickhead....but... i know there wont be none if i dont start none
![]() 06/07/2020 at 09:32 |
The full training i s at least 1 year in France.
Resisting arrest even if you “ didn’t do anything” can happen for example when the police are controlling identities because they are searching for something/someone in the area or simply because you look suspicious and you don’t comply .
![]() 06/07/2020 at 09:43 |
Here in the U.K. they can ‘detain’ you or put you in cuffs but they have to have a reason to arrest you. If they have more than reasonable suspicion of drug possession either on the person or with in the vehicle , they can arrest you, then after the search ‘de-arrest’ you.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 10:14 |
Almost Live! covered this issue almost 30 years ago.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 10:18 |
That’s technically how it is supposed to be here, but as you’ve seen, cops have been doing this sort of thing, mostly to black people, for a while.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 10:22 |
It’s heartening to see our overseas brothers and sisters picking up on how bullshit our police our. Oppositelock is mostly white males, with a lot coming from middle-upper class backgrounds. The perspective here is very skewed, so it’s good to see you guys gaining a perspective from other sources.
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The rest of the world has been calling it for some years now, but until more and more in the U.S. started to see it, we just got, ‘well yours are just as bad if not worse’, ‘you commies’, ‘that’s what I expect to hear from a socialist’, etc... then jut a lot of ‘America, fuck yeah’ and USA USA USA USA’, etc...
![]() 06/07/2020 at 10:30 |
How about don’t refuse to cooperate with a law enforcement officer and you don’t end up on the ground?
We live in a world where anyone can carry a gun. Reaching into your purse and hiding your hands from an officer is a bad idea. Keeping the car running or in gear isn’t very bright either. Cops are trained to do anything they can to stop a suspect from fleeing and having the situation turn into a dangerous chase.
When you get pulled over by a cop, and you have nothing to hide there’s no reason to resist. If you start resisting, mouthing off, acting suspicious, you might end up being thrown to the ground because the officer now has several reasons to believe you might be dangerous. People saying “she’s Middle Aged mother how could she be dangerous. Simple guns, and cars are really good at hurting people.
It seems to me like this case had nothing to do with race and everything to do with actions taken by this woman, who was apparently mad that she got pulled over.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 10:34 |
You can be arrested for refusing to cooperate with a law enforcement officer, especially if act in a threatening way,
It seems to me that the officer did try to defuse the situation and this woman continually refused to cooperate
![]() 06/07/2020 at 10:42 |
I was about to say the same things. Also, how the fuck do you suspect someone of not transferring a title?
“Oh the random car comes up as being owned by a Mrs. Betty Johnson. But that driver doesn’t look like a Betty Johnson, she’s black!”
Even if they had reason to believe she wasn't the lawful owner of the vehicle, but it wasn't reported stolen, how do they know she wasn't just borrowing it? For the combined number of years that I've driven cars without transferring titles (that shit is a pain in the ass for working class folks, especially if I'm only keeping the car a couple weeks) I should've spent years in jail by now, and that goes for a ton of other white people just like me. This offense reads like the new version of "I pulled you over because your taillight was out". Fuck the police.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 10:43 |
And you wonder why people are in the streets burning shit to the ground.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 10:48 |
I’m assuming it was registered to a male, but regardless of whether or not that crime is being committed that use of force was not warranted, and especially for how long it was used. The officer’s reasons for fearing for their life are bullshit too, and frankly I think if that’s an occupation you choose to take up you should be held to a higher standard than a civilian. Especially police want to espouse the idea that they ‘put their lives on the line’ when time and time again we see that their safety (or ego) is more important than the safety of the public.
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I don’t, many don’t.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 11:41 |
I can’t believe ‘commie’ has come back as a genuine retort/insult. A decade ago when I was in high school we would call people that in an ironic way, because of how ridiculous it is to use as an insult
![]() 06/07/2020 at 11:51 |
Even if someone does agree with everything you’re saying, the hold he has her in is designed to cut off oxygen to the brain, and in most PDs it is banned because it has an immense potential for harm. Once he’s on top of her on the ground she is under control, and certainly no longer a threat, but he continues with a choke hold. That’s unacceptable.
It also doesn’t develop into a dangerous chase unless...the officer chases them. She was also fully out of the car when he decided to put her on the ground.
Follow the commands of the police immediately and without question, or else you will be assaulted or killed, does not sound like a policing system I will support.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 11:57 |
Completely agreed.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 12:13 |
Since we have a consitutional right to own firearms in this country, and many states allow people to carry guns on them, I suggest any cops who are that afraid of guns either stop being cops, or move to country that doesn’t guarantee its citizens such rights.
We also have a right not to be arbitrarily stopped by police, or assaulted by them. We also have a right not to fully cooperate with them if we don’t want to. You don’t have to say dick to a cop if they pull you over.
I suggest you do a little research into what right we as Americans have. An uneducated society is easily taken advantage of.
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Some people clutch to what they know, I guess.
They are getting used less when people bring up universal healthcare but still quite often when gun control is mentioned.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 12:49 |
T hat really is a perfect example - neither side was angry or overly emotional but the situation still quickly escalated into something much more dangerous. R an the plate simply because of “black woman driving an SL in Belleuve”. The officer followed training really pretty well, none of the communication from either side was significantly heated or abusive and he didn’t even seem to mind getting filmed. Both sides simply fear each other so much that even if they have the best of intentions the result still ends up tragic...
On a side note - I find it almost humorous that Bellevue (which had been a very traditional, wealthy, white bedroom community up until recently when tech money came in) that their very first major riot really was largely a bunch of high end retailers getting looted by organized gangs last week.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 12:55 |
Even better, she’s not in an SL, she’s in a W220, a pain-inducing car just about anyone can afford, so socio-economic suspicion shouldn’t apply (assuming most cops know shit about cars, I see no evidence to show it) . They should have gone easy on her simply out of pity.
The looting here was indeed amusing. The shuttered via COVID mall was pretty much a toy box with its lid open - the authorities barely put up any resistance, and carloads of out of towners streamed in for the pickings. Regarding the high end chains being hit, I can’t say I am crying, just keep away from the mom and pop stuff.
From what I read, she didn’t pursue a complaint or legal action, either. I wonder if she can. When wronged, do it and chase that settlement - eventually maybe it will come out of the platinum bennies and massive pensions that exist via a militant irresponsible union that the so-called right still treats like a sacred cow.
And for as bad as it can be here, go across the lake to Seattle and see how many have been killed by badge-wearers over the past couple decades. It’s probably still better here than in similarly sized cities in proto-fascist Murka.
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Most Americans couldn’t define “socialist” if their lives depended on it (too bad it doesn’t), and can’t offer explanations as to why “socialist” Euro nations have objectively better quality of life and related metrics such as crime rates and life expectancy. Don’t try to find logic in anyone who would consider supporting 45.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 12:59 |
“you have nothing to hide there’s no reason to resist”
And if the authorities have nothing to hide, they can fall under civilian oversight rather than continuously being cleared by their gutless fratbros, and hiding behind the most powerful and least responsible union in the land which awards them with golden bennies while the job itself isn’t even among the top 10 most dangerous in the land.
Mouthing off? Holy fucking shit.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 13:35 |
I think it’s something tha t’s been picked up over the years and they go with it. ‘communism’ bad, ‘socialism’ bad, anything not American bad.
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This kind of red scare has been going on for a long time. Go back a little over 100 years ago, and some were seriously scared a Bolshevist-style movement would take hold here. That fear never really died. This is the land of the temporarily embarrassed millionaire, and anything foreign is suspicious.
Funny, as the loudest preachers of “self-made” usually are the recipients of parental or public sector largesse. I forget who made the statement, but something along the the lines of the man who preaches the loudest about hard work and winning is the one who inherited a farm or a store from his father.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 13:43 |
Every other department that deals with the public are held in high regard, think EMT’s and fire fighters. There’s also resources such as counselors and whatnot trying to reach out and help the citizens. End up needing medical help you have nurses and doctors there to serve you, and the many many others that work in hospitals making the machine hum along.
Cops? License to abuse the communities they are supposed to serve and protect. I’ve never had a single incident of a cop helping me in any way, they bust your balls hiding behind a shield, a gun, and a union. They’re universally cowards.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 13:59 |
I’ve said it for way too long now.
‘You can’t cure stupid’
![]() 06/07/2020 at 15:03 |
If she would have just stopped being non-white, the officer would have backed off. Simple as that.
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I wonder how bad it could have been if the she was a he. Maybe I don’t want to think about it.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 16:13 |
Or that Communists and National Socialists (and they were central-planning tyrants, and politically left of center, not “right wing” politico-economically) have killed tens of millions of people, usually their own people, and those of neighboring countries... and caused the most recent world war, and at least a couple of smaller ones after that.
Just because some socialists are from smaller, benign countries more recently, doesn’t make socialism, a politico-economic classification, economically disposed toward economic or political freedom. Taxation makes many of them wage-slaves to pay for the state’s giveaways, basically making people indentured to the activities of other people, rather than independent.
There is a difference between being selfless and generous toward your fellow man, and being politically obligated without recourse to the results of one’s own efforts and life’s work.
Socialism being a good and beneficial master is a fallacy, and a lie. If unrestrained, it becomes greedy tyranny, just like anything else can, but with fewer barriers than a capitalist republic with restrictions on government and checks against corruption.
And be careful when disrupting law and order based on some examples of bad behavior that we should be vigilant against... but an authority vacuum by lack of public policing will be supplanted by secret policing.
We have seen it before in every aggressive socialist or communist, or simply fascistic regime. It is an established and predictable trend.
Read about the Bolsheviks, or the brown-shirts and Kristallnacht. This has been done before to turn citizens into subjects, and leaders into tyrants.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 16:35 |
The real problem is that people don’t know how to construct cogent arguments, and conflate facts with opinion. How is that a thing? Does that seem right to you?
She was being arrested for a probable cause of a crime, akin to stealing a car.
The report you quote demonstrates that the officer spoke to her A LOT, AT LENGTH, to which she refused to respond, and did things against the officer’s command, such as reaching into concealment, and leaving the car in gear.
This person was not being peaceful, and not cooperating.
I don’t see where this ended up with twelve guns.
Detention without compliance or cooperation requires some amount of physical force.
Being arrested is not the same thing as being tried for a crime. Being arrested comes FIRST, being tried, and either convicted or acquitted of the accused crime comes later, and due process governs BOTH.
See how shockingly awful you think it is, if someone commits a crime against you, but by your rules, can’t be arrested on that suspicion and probable cause, and never gets to the stage of being tried for that crime... and goes free to do it again.
Bad police behavior is a thing, but doesn’t appear to be a thing in this case.
Throwing it all out and responding with rioting and lawlessness, or even advocating for it , rather than increased accountability, case-by-case, is shockingly awful logic and reasoning, and leads to political tyranny.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 16:47 |
I couldn’t have put this in any better words than you have
![]() 06/07/2020 at 17:04 |
I’m by no means saying communism is good, in theory it is.
But I’m far more than happy with my system, some argue it’s capitalist, some say socialist, etc...
No system is perfect. Each system is made to sound and look perfect but the execution is always flawed by someones greed or ineptitude.
Taxation makes many of them wage-slaves to pay for the state’s giveaways
Certainly not in my experience. We operate PAYE (Pay As You Earn) where the income tax is taken off our paycheck at the source. Also we have tax allowances, and bands. The income allowance before tax is £11,000, which means I can earn £11,000 per annum before I start paying any tax on the rest of my income.
Many of the times that ‘commie’ or ‘socialist’ is used is to try and insult the other person and discredit the other persons views and opinions.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 17:15 |
She was being arrested for a probable cause of a crime, akin to stealing a car.
The report you quote demonstrates that the officer spoke to her A LOT, AT LENGTH, to which she refused to respond, and did things against the officer’s command, such as reaching into concealment, and leaving the car in gear.
This person was not being peaceful, and not cooperating.
Yes, which is why I posted the whole article.
I don’t see where this ended up with twelve guns.
No I said,
why does it always have to be ramped right up to 12 with guns and forceful detention
As in, it’s gone past the scale of one to ten, as in done too excessively.
Detention without compliance or cooperation requires some amount of physical force.
and most police forces around the world would argue this being too excessive.
Being arrested is not the same thing as being tried for a crime. Being arrested comes FIRST, being tried, and either convicted or acquitted of the accused crime comes later, and due process governs BOTH.
I never said it wasn’t.
Throwing it all out and responding with rioting and lawlessness, or even advocating for it, rather than increased accountability, case-by-case, is shockingly awful logic and reasoning, and leads to political tyranny.
It’s been noted several times those causing trouble have had nothing to do with the protest and have been outsiders, and yes, some unruly protesters taking advantage of the situation but equally the police advancing with vehicles, rubber bullets and beannie bags, arresting affiliated media, etc...
![]() 06/07/2020 at 17:24 |
In theory, Marx was a kept man who never had to earn an income in his life, and his theory flies in the face of human nature.
Communal living theory, where everyone works, and everyone shares, has been tried many times, and it always devolves into acrimony, because those who work harder, and have more practical talents, greater work ethic, and other aspects that allow them to add more value to the group get sick of the people who don’t have a work ethic, don’t fulfil their obligations, responsibilities, and live off the results of others.
Progressive taxation is just the western way of doing that... and transferring wealth at the behest of the government based on political power... and the more you work, the less of your livelihood you keep.
T hat is because “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs” is not at all equitable or fair, despite the inch-deep appearance.
That is the core point behind the difference between equality of opportunity, vs. the equality of outcome. Opportunity is not equivalent to being given things for free. Opportunity is the relative absence of barriers for people to pursue their livelihood and happiness. That is why the phrase is “Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT of Happiness, not just Life, Liberty, and Happiness.
Some people’s happiness would come at the expense of other people’s liberty, and when that becomes a conflict, it comes at the expense of people’s lives.
Marx’s ideals have been tried, and it has resulted in the deaths of 20+ million Soviets and residents of adjacent countries , 50+ million Chinese, and tens of millions in southeast Asia, and South America, and elsewhere... because it is at odds with the happiness, liberty, and life of those people, compared to polit bureaus and tyrants that run those regimes.
They limit the people’s power over their own lives so severely, that only the most corrupt and ruthless can get away with breaking the rules and rising to power over everyone. Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Che Guevarra, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and many more. Communism is a failed ideology that is used by despots to justify their actions against the people that they purportedly are acting on the behalf of.
![]() 06/07/2020 at 19:12 |
In theory, Marx was a kept man who never had to earn an income in his life, and his theory flies in the face of human nature.
Communal living theory, where everyone works, and everyone shares, has been tried many times, and it always devolves into acrimony
Actually, the overwhelming majority of the time humans have been around, they have organized themselves communally and in a roughly egalitarian manner. In the context of the entirety of human history, rigidly hierarchical, wildly unequal societies is a very recent development, and capitalism, which exacerbates both of those things, is an extraordinarily small (albeit very recent) slice of human history.