![]() 05/15/2020 at 11:50 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
2020 started off just fine, got rid of the Focus with the auto-tragic transmission (fuck yourself with a burning cactus wrapped in barbed wire Ford) and got the wife a 2019 Mazda MX5 RF with the proper number of pedals. Good start indeed. Did I mention I really hate Ford? And this is the one and only thing that has gone well this year.
February was quite a journey, because I got Corona virus and was sick as a dog for weeks . Self quarantined on February 22nd and been doing so ever since, every two weeks we buy groceries and that’s it. Stay put.
My customers in the Seattle area all started working fro m home en masse in March , avoiding the flu like the plague (pun intended). Team s, phone, text, email. Even if I want to go see ‘em, I can’t.
In February m y ISP oversub scribed the local DSL switch making my internet extremely hit & miss. I live in the mid dle of nowhere, I have no other options when it comes t o network connectivity. Can’t tether to my phone because I get one bar, and satellite service is painstakingly slow too. Teams and the like freeze every 30 seconds, so I have to join by phone which confuses everyone else on the call.
I work in sales, 60% of my remuneration is base pay, 40% is incentive. The incentive part is split 50% on gross sales, and 50% on bringing in new programs. I’ve always overachieved and had no concerns about 2020; t hen my company raised my targets by 40% in a pandemic. If you don’t achieve at least 85% of your targets you make nothing (also, they cap your upside @ 150%). So there ya go, my pay was cut 40%. I know, I’m not laid off or furloughed, but this isn’t great either. My boss took a new job within the company, and I now work for a kid out of coll ege. He ain’t gonna do shit about it.
Last week I was walking down my driveway and neighbor’s border coley came charging out at me and bit me in the leg. Fucking little rat. Tetanus shot and penicillin for a week, clean my leg and re-dress it daily.
I’m so fucking done with 2020, the only silver lining is holding on to the hope the Orange Orangutan gets thrown out of the White House.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:13 |
re: the dog bite.
Take action against that, they should report it to their insurer. Get some settlement money yo.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:15 |
Shitballs man! That’s awful - hope the year gets better for you from here (god help us if it all gets any worse).
I feel you on the rural internet - I used to live even further out in the sticks and when we bought this house one of the major requirements was decent internet connection.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:21 |
I’d normally be on the fence about suing over a dog bite (assuming there are no lasting injuries/scars), but my unemployed, uninsured friend’s dog got into a skiff with another dog , and it cost her $2000 on top of the vet fees.
So, yeah, fuck it, sue!!!
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:26 |
“ fuck yourself with a burning cactus wrapped in barbed wire Ford”
Well this started off spicy , nice!
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:29 |
Yeah, I’d be seeking compensation for that dog bite. If they have homeowner’s insurance, might not be difficult.
I have a less than fun feeling this is going to be an “interesting” year as elections draw near, remember 1968. Maybe not as brutal, but the deplorables are emboldened. At the very least, many will continue to show their true colors.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:31 |
I don’t have the energy, and besides I don’t want to start a feud with a neighbor. I’m tempted all the same be cau s e she won’t do the responsible thing and put the dog down. I did report it to the county though.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:33 |
When we bought the house 18 months ago the internet was fine, slow, but reliable. Then the ISP oversubscr ibed this year and here we are.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:34 |
yeah there’s a class action settlement: submit 16 forms and you get $20. Cock suckers.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:35 |
I wouldn’t recommend legal action, at least not right away.
I would just write to them/talk to them. Something to the effect of:
“ I sustained injury/expense due to ________ and will be pursing you for indemnification. Please put your homeowners/tenant policy on notice and have an insurance adjuster contact me as soon as possible.
If you are uninsured, please advise as soon as possible.
If I do not receive a response within 30 days, I will retain legal counsel and pursue further”
That’s the g ist of your fairly standard letter putting someone on notice and should trigger their liability coverage just fine.
Just know your local limitation period(s) so you can take action within an adequate amount of time.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:36 |
I would say that if someone’s dog bit me and caused injury, the feud has already started.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:39 |
She bought me a box o f pastries and offered to pay any medical bills associated with it. There was no need for stitches so the bite could be considered mild. So you sue, might make a few grand. Maybe.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:43 |
Up to you!
When I was first married, I lived in a basement suite with my fiancé and the neighbour’s dog across the street jumped into my Mazda6 once. His claws caused all sorts of damage to the leather and I claimed against his home insurance (much to his dismay).
The kicker? He happened to be the CFO of the company I worked for at the time.
Shit happens, that’s what insurance is there to pay for. It shouldn’t start a feud. If they fuck up, they should own it.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:51 |
In the instance that she brought you pastries and offered to pay your medical bills, I’d say she did the right thing and no further action is needed.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 12:55 |
I have a long history of ankle biters taking chunks out of me. When I was seven the neighbors dog bit me, got stitches. The neighbor put the dog down that same day.
In 2013 I was at a BBQ in Oregon and some dude brought his aggressive little shit with him and tied it up. I walked by and I guess I was within reach, dog bit me. Apparently I was the fourth person that dog has bitten, so I tried to sue him. He took his dog and went back home, to Canada. No lawyer on either side of the border wanted to pursue. The bite got infected and took a long time to heal.
Now this. Oddly enough I’m still a huge dog lover.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 13:05 |
Dont worry, its almost over. The rapture is in a week and a half.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 13:26 |
I am with you. She actually made an effort to apologize and you're not badly injured. Neighbor wars are absolutely not worth it.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 13:26 |
I would be upset that a coup’d up border collie bit me, but only an asshole would personally attribute the actions of a dog to it’s owner, unless said owner was also an asshole.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 13:28 |
Sorry my dude, you are 100% responsible for the actions of animals you own.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 13:43 |
Agreed. As you very likely know, homeowners insurance (I think that’s what would cover this in NJ) would probably write a very quick check.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 13:54 |
Yeah, I would guess that as long as you made a reasonable demand, they’d cut you a cheque in exchange for a full and final release pretty quickly
![]() 05/15/2020 at 14:17 |
Legally, yes. But only an asshole sues their neighbors. Also, I know things are different in Canadialand , but nothing is ever 100% in American civil courts.
I’ve always carried full coverage on my pitbulls (I’m on my fourth adoption), despite knowing that the four designer fad dog abominations I interact with are much more likely to bite or bulldoze over someone.
I think I’m still saving money considering I paid a $20 adoption fee versus whatever these people paid some dog rapist for their pet.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 14:18 |
Nothing’s ever 100% here either my friend
![]() 05/15/2020 at 14:23 |
Maybe only an asshole starts out launching legal action without seeking other compensation, but many times shitty people need to be put in front of the legal system to finally get them to face accountability for once in their godforsaken lives. If someone’s dog bites me and they fail to make me whole, damn right I am going after them and strong.
I also doubt any other developed nation envies American civil courts.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 14:38 |
Also, designer dog abominations! I am offended!
Or...maybe that’s accurate...
![]() 05/15/2020 at 14:41 |
Oh good, something to look forward to!
![]() 05/15/2020 at 14:54 |
“Sorry my dude, you are 100% responsible for the actions of animals you own.”
“ Nothing’s ever 100% here either my friend”
I figured as much, which is why I thought your first comment to me was ill informed. I’m not educated enough on Canadian civil law to know any better, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
My only experience with insurance lackeys is with them trying to deny by step brother coverage when he got leukemia amd my pregnant wife coverage when she got hit by a red light runner. I also have Jewish students whose families has insurance companies straight up steal from them during the Holocaust.
I think you’re a solid dude, but you still need a month out in the desert with me before you cosplay as an outdoorsman.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 15:00 |
I’m only upset because I’ve watched multiple labradoodles injure kids at my school because they have no chill, but I can’t bring my pits which would never mow over a child. Also, my dad’s last shitty girlfriend had to have one. There’s also the whole thing about shelter dogs being killed because they can’t find homes for them, yet people still go out and pay people for dogs to fill their instagram feed.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 15:18 |
Very true. There’s a balance. I’m a bit bitter, as years ago I discovered my neighbor had built a wall over a significant portion of my property. I purchased my house from the original owner (she was in her seventies) , and my neighbor basically tricked her into building this wall.
My neighbor only used her house as a summer home (first indication that she’s out of her mind). Her primary residence was a million dollar home in Florida (I bought my home for less than $200k) .
Long story short, I only discovered this when I went to build a garage, and found out I didn’t have a large enough easement. I was only 22 when I bought my home and foolishly trusted the various inspectors to do their job (I now know that this industry is largely bullshit). I went to my neighbor, personally, to help solve the situation. I got a letter in the mail that week from her lawyer suing me for the land I paid for (look up Arizona adverse possession laws). I did not have the means to hire a lawyer and fight her, so I had to just roll over.
Our legal system largely benefits the assholes. Non-assholes have too much going on in their lives to waste time in a courtroom.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 15:19 |
Also, sorry, I finally have a day off and have finished my schoolwork. I’m venting and being an asshole to you guys today.
![]() 05/15/2020 at 16:31 |
Damn, I’d be bitter too. Seems like so much directly or indirectly related to housing/real estate is somewhat of a racket at best, and an outright money-sucking con much of the time.
Revenge is a dish best served cold :)
![]() 05/15/2020 at 17:03 |
Agreed. And really, all the other shit in the original post were all w or se than a dog bite.
![]() 05/16/2020 at 01:23 |
things can only get better.