![]() 05/12/2020 at 23:33 • Filed to: wa covid19 | ![]() | ![]() |
You can read the full proposal
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
, but here’s the Listicle as the title promised:
1. Hand sanitizer should be available at entry for all staff and patrons (assuming supply availability).
2. No bar seating is permitted during Phase 2. If an establishment has bar seating it must be closed off to prohibit use.
3. If the establishment does not offer table service, they must have protocols in place to ensure adequate social distancing at food and drink pick-up stations, and seating within their dining area.
4. All parties and tables must be 5 guests or less.
5. Guest occupancy must be 50% of maximum building occupancy or lower as determined by the fire code. Outdoor seating is permitted but must also be at 50% capacity. Outdoor seating does not count toward the building occupancy limit. Outdoor seating must follow all other requirements in this document.
6. Tables must be placed far enough apart when measured from occupied chair to occupied chair, to ensure dine-in guests seated at a table are a minimum of 6 feet away from guests at adjacent table, or there must be a physical barrier or wall separating booths or tables.
7. It is strongly suggested customers wear a cloth face covering anytime they are not seated at the table (while being seated or leaving, or while going to the restroom).
8. Buffets and salad bars are not permitted at this time but may be addressed through subsequent interpretive guidance.
9. If the establishment offers table service, create a daily log of all customers and maintain that daily log for 30 days, including telephone/email contact information, and time in . This will facilitate any contact tracing that might need to occur.
Just want people want when they order some hot wings: to give a stranger their personal information.
“Tracing?” you ask. “What tracing?” Oh.
Let’s get back that list, shall we?
10. Single use menus are required for in-person dining.
11. Any condiments typically left on the table (ketchup, soy sauce, etc.) must be single-use or sanitized after each use.
12. Restaurants must have implemented a plan to ensure proper physical distancing in lobby/waiting areas/payment counters.
13. Minimize the number of staff serving any given table. It is strongly recommended that one staff person take a table’s order, bring all of their beverages/food/utensils, take their payment, etc.
Also get ready for a post soon about WA’s Phase 1 implementations on construction sites! Spoiler alert: no one enforcing shit and I’m often the only person on site with a mask on, let alone any other PPE.
![]() 05/12/2020 at 23:35 |
Jesus! That’s crazy.
Our road adjusters are going to be meeting with the filthy general public soon. We just got 50,000 (no typo) gloves that they piled next to my desk and we’re waiting on some (branded because, fuck it, why not) cloth face masks.
Thank god I don’ t have to meet randos anymore.
![]() 05/12/2020 at 23:44 |
When I was a young student, I had an “ID” modified with Mats Sundin’s photo in place of mine (I look nothing like him, but nobody ever called me out), I could have fun with this. Already thinking of the names I will use if I bother with this.
But who am I kidding, I’ll probably continue to do carryout/delivery anyway, I don’t eat out much - but I will miss partaking in a buffet every blue moon.
Regarding construction, I miss the quiet already, DT Bellevue during the day is once again a storm of possibly overloaded dumptrucks and construction/tradebros in their lifted overcompensators. But gotta get those condos built for speculators and capital hiders. I suppose I will live if it means the economy moves again.
![]() 05/12/2020 at 23:44 |
The clickbait didn’t disappoint. That #9 is ridiculous. And most of everything else is unenforceable in the real world.
If I owned a restaurant, I’d just stick with the takeout.
![]() 05/12/2020 at 23:49 |
Who doesn’t finish the condiments on the table?
![]() 05/12/2020 at 23:51 |
Sounds like reasonable precautions to me.
I’m not sure they’ll be able to make a profit at those densities, but hey if they want to try, they should go for it .
I’m not bothered by #9 at all. It’s good practice to be able to trace the infection, and if you can’t do that you shouldn’t be opening. Also: If you are paying with something other than cash, someone (likely multiple someones) are tracking you already so it’s really not a huge degradation of privacy.
![]() 05/12/2020 at 23:54 |
Explain how #9 is ridiculous?
![]() 05/12/2020 at 23:57 |
A lot of that is going to be very tough to follow uniformly in the real world. But, if I was the cash hemorrhaging owner of a restaurant that’s been closed for two months, I’d certainly be willing to play along and give it the old college try. There's nothing there that would turn me off as a customer, most of the places I frequent have my phone number anyway.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:01 |
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:08 |
Expecting servers to maintain logs with full contact info of their customers and submit them so authorities can contact them later, on top of their already usually hectic and underpaid jobs? That’s onerous. Also, most people don’t want to give all that out just to have lunch. They’re not supposed to keep your contact info for commercial purposes, but we all know how we end up on email and phone lists. That’s why I never give my phone number to a checkout clerk despite how they all insist they never sell your info.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:10 |
Every time I give my phone number to a restaurant, they call me weekly telling me I “won” a happy hour special for my office.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:11 |
R estaurant staff don’t call me “Mayonaise Guy” for nothing!
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:14 |
People are already giving more personal information to use food delivery services, but when a restaurant a sks for basic contact information... it’s no longer acceptable ? I gnorance is bliss indeed.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:14 |
but I don’t believe #4. That literally limits everyone of my siblings families as they are all bigger than 5 people
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:14 |
Two resturants near me opening, due to seating limits are asking reservation only, So they’ll already have your name. wouldn’t you wan tto know if you were in close proximity to someone sick?
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:16 |
All of Utah would be doomed to Rice-A-Roni forever if implemented there.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:17 |
How long does it take to write down a phone number?
If you are going to have places like restaurants open, you need to be able to contact people who were there.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:30 |
It’s not just the initial scribbling. It’s the time spent collecting and logging all that info on every single person at every single table in your territory during each service. If it’s a light service, maybe it’s not so hard. Things pick up even a little, and it could become a huge pain quickly. And that’s if the customers even want to give out their full contact info.
That’s why I’m saying if it were my restaurant, I’d pass on table service under those conditions.
I’m curious to see if this story finds its way over to The Takeout, where it will get plenty of server-centric scrutiny.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:33 |
Your family must be made of giants if every one of them is bigger than 5 people!
Seriously though, you’d have to split into two tables, which would be a bummer when you’re treating yourselves to a meal out. Usually we do the opposite and push tables together.
But I don't understand this restriction anyway, since generally the people sitting at a table are already associated with each other most of the time anyway.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:43 |
The party size is crazy. Our governor has limited any gathering to 5 or less. She was asked if a family of 6 is out for a walk. She stated they should be in two groups or would be cited. My family walks around the block and can be cited. But we don't socially distance around the dinner table ..
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:48 |
So, less than the countries with serious outbreaks and successful control efforts did, and more ongoing monitoring than those that prevented outbreaks by closing down earlier with more restrictions . Seems reasonable to collect the exact amount of information required for a reservation and less than for a takeout order in order to reopen responsibly.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:50 |
Many will, but this is still less restrictive than most places that have successfully headed off outbreaks, and seems pretty reasonable. If you don’t want a restaurant to write down your name and phone number, don’t make a reservation or pay with a credit card ever, I guess.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:52 |
Every popular restaurant here takes reservations or at least a name and phone number if there’s a wait. This requires nothing more than taking down the same information for walk-ins. Takeout places are not affected. I eat out all the time here and #9 would change nothing for the businesses I frequent...it’s the stuff about spacing out tables and single-use menus that they won’t like.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 00:54 |
Where do you live where restaurant employees have time for that? I give a phone number very time I make a reservation or order takeout and they has not happened a single time in my entire life.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 01:15 |
It’s a plot to send your information to the 5G network, we’re all seriously boned. It’s futile, they’ve trapped us!
One day you sit down to a nice meal. That very night, like a scene out of E.T. , the G-men storm your residence in full hazmat. They haul your ass away saying you have a special case of Covid based on the phone tracking and your steak choice and that it could be the key to the vaccine. Fuck That!
![]() 05/13/2020 at 01:27 |
Getting uppity about #9 is ridiculous. The government needs that information for contact tracing. It’s a vital step to reopening the country. Without contact tracing, we’re fucked.
And we all know that using our contact information for any other purpose is a great way to invite a lawsuit. With that in mind, we should start recording who we give our contact info to if we go to a restaurant.
Anyway...we’re making progress. Slow, but steady. There’s no light at the end of the tunnel until we get a vaccine in production — or the virus mutates itself into oblivion (which is a pretty hefty ask).
![]() 05/13/2020 at 02:07 |
This has been filed under: ‘Reasons why I still won’t eat out’.
I guess anyone with a restaurant is looking at this as 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 05:25 |
We should keep adding complexity to minimum wage jobs until the virus dies from exhaustion.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 06:49 |
stop going to shenanigans!
![]() 05/13/2020 at 06:49 |
they are yours for the taking!
![]() 05/13/2020 at 07:15 |
Georgia’s rules are a complete joke. They even include suggestions instead of actually controlling anything. I'd rather have these than what Georgia has
![]() 05/13/2020 at 07:29 |
Host stand at the entrance. Done.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 07:59 |
Restaurants and cafes can open for dining in from this Friday in NSW, Australia. Customer numbers are limited to a maximum of 10 people inside and 10 people outside (if outside dining is possible). As you might imagine, not many are reopening for dining in...though many smaller cafes will benefit. No-one is complaining...much.
As for contact tracing...we have an app for that. It’s voluntary. Myself and 5.5 million of my neighbours (so far) across the country have downloaded and enabled it on our phones ...
![]() 05/13/2020 at 08:28 |
Right - you pay for the meal, but the condiments are free, so load up.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 10:11 |
Miss eating out, but not enough to risk it. I’m not even in a high infection area (though we still don’t really test anyone so who can say) but yeah... pass.
![]() 05/13/2020 at 10:58 |
The host/hostess asks for the information, not the waitstaff.
![]() 05/14/2020 at 09:58 |
Yeah, I’m okay with this. We’ve been woefully behind on contact tracing compared to other countries who actually have their crap together, and being able to say, “Yup, he was here, and here are all the folks you should give a heads-up” seems good? At least it’s better than Texas’ LEEEEROY JEEEEENKINS way of opening things. Our state just doesn’t care—I think they just want to purge the unemployment rolls, public safety be damned.
If you don’t want your name on that list, stay home. It’s probably safer if you do that right now, anyway.