![]() 05/08/2020 at 08:22 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
The mainstream media is so unreliable that people are now taking profiteers and conspiracy theorists seriously
Please, please dont believe an anti-vaxxer during a pandemic. Also she was publicly discredited before the spooky men in black tried to “frame her”.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to shut her up.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 08:35 |
she is clearly an absolute fruit loop
![]() 05/08/2020 at 08:38 |
Because people wont spend 2 mins to find that she was descredited.
. multiple copies on youtube had hit 1mil views,before being taken down. It was shared twice to be by a wacko cousin and aunt, so I do think it is something being addressed, as the response by FB and Youtube are then taken as a greater part of the “plan”
![]() 05/08/2020 at 08:40 |
The worst thing is that anytime Youtube pulls that video down for spreading dangerous bullshit, the people who believe it go “SEE, THIS PROVES THEY’ RE TRYING TO COVER IT UP”
![]() 05/08/2020 at 08:45 |
My pro Trump bil sent that to my wife yesterday. Caused a huge text battle, not sure if their talking.
The scary part my bil wife is a nurse.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 08:47 |
If anyone brings this up, I now just link this. https://old.reddit.com/r/Moronavirus/comments/geokm9/where_can_i_find_a_good_rebuttal_to_plandemic/fppi6rz/?context=3
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:00 |
Antivaxx types are a dime a dozen.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:03 |
I worked in local tv news media for 25 years, and I’ll say this: the news (don’t call them media, it’s demeaning) has had to distill news stories down to thirty second to one minute and fifteen second bites of information because people are too lazy to pay attention to things. In addition to the fact that news programs have X amount of commercial breaks that last from one minute and thirty seconds to two and a half minutes, they don’t have the time, because they have to allot four minutes to sports and four minutes to weather. A half hour news program isn’t half an hour.
Oh and national news, there’s shit happening all over the world that’s not just related to the virus, and those national news programs have to touch on that shit too.
Sorry, went off on a tangent. It's not that my former peers and colleagues are incompetent, it's that people are led to believe that journalists are incompetent by various leaders when they open their mouth-holes and scream "FAKE NEWS". Not to mention as I said, most people can't be bothered to pay attention to something longer than thirty seconds, stuff will either fall through the cracks or you'll have conspiracy theorists popping up to try and explain things in an easy manner that can't be explained in an easy manner.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:04 |
She is clearly trying to sell . I knew in the first 30 seconds. Buy my book, plandemic. The while thing wad an ad.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:04 |
Thanks for posting
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:06 |
Well, I don’t trust facebook or youtube based on their behavior, and I believe I am somewhat well informed. In this case they did the right thing.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:07 |
I can understand that though. Youtube is known for being political and attacking content it doesnt like.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:09 |
The point is “hey there’s a wacko spreading bullshit” is too on the nose. It’s less for the people who are believers and more for the ones who haven’t been exposed.
Like showing someone the Scientology South Park before someone approaches them on the street and asks if they want a free stress reading
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:23 |
What’s even more troubling is the bar for common history knowledge is much lower than even high school level. My parents watch jeopardy every night they’ll be like “how do you know that? did you learn that in high school” “not really, but h ow do you know know that?” “ Well we weren’t taught those things” “uh it was a major world event and you would have been in your late 30s”.
The owner of the company j work for, he’ ll come in every other day and go “hey did you hear....., I didn’t read the article but.....” As a fan of history it drives me fucking insane
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:30 |
Its reporting bias. In this environment, it may be essentially the only way to stay competitive by making clickbait, however when we are relying on them for accurate information this creates a conflict of interest. Everybody uses fox news as a punching bag, I say they are just as bad as everyone else.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:30 |
I read the headline though. I know the whole situation....
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:32 |
Nope, that’s all fake news. I’m going to believe the person who says she’s a doctor, cause the production quality of that video is pretty high so it has to be true.
The problem with using facts and logic to try and change these people’s minds is that they are immune to facts and logic. It’s always going to be a losing battle.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:46 |
This is true. So many people never got past ‘emotional thinking’ and it shows. So many people only believe what makes them feel good and right.
And to those people, I usually say 'Science and nature don't give the slightest fuck about your feelings' and do my best to never interact with them again.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 09:58 |
I didn’t even realize how big this was until one of the developers on my team started spouting off on it. He’s a college educated man with a family.
If you believe in conspiracy theories thi s is pretty scary because it’s clearly worldwide.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 11:37 |
“ people are now taking profiteers and conspiracy theorists seriously”
I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or if you really are this unaware.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 11:57 |
Har har good joke! Haven't heard that one before! Totally what I meant!
![]() 05/08/2020 at 12:53 |
Well, if you think it’s a joke then I’m going with “ completely unaware”. I seriously don’t know what you meant, as people have been doing this out in the open since Obama’s first term. Distrusting news sources and taking profiteers and conspiracy theorists seriously is one of the main reasons Trump is president. If Sarah Palin reads this she’s going to think you just woke up from a decade long coma.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 13:54 |
People have been doing this for the entirety of human history. My point is that it seems to be elevated during this incedent. I predict people will ne doing it long into the future.
And I am annoyed as not everything links back to orange man. Just as before him not everything linked back to obama, bush, clinton, ect ect. I'm sick of everything bad also being "trump does this too" we get it.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 13:57 |
I can’t imagine why anyone would w ant to shut her up.
YouTube et. al. would be better served by having rebuttals from actual doctors and such show up in the suggested videos on the side rather than deleting the video. By continually deleting and censoring speech they don’t agree with, YouTube is feeding into the conspiracy theorists belief systems. They’ve also reached the point that IMO YouTube should be regulated as a public forum / public utility since they nearly have a monopoly when it comes to online video posting (but that is a whole other conversation). To further that argument, while you might agree with them censoring this speech now, what happens when they start censoring speech that you do think should be publicly available?
The argument against censorship is clear: no government official should be permitted to dictate what ide as or beliefs we are entitled to hear or believe. Both good and evil should be averted by more speech and not enforced silence.
The public is better served by being able to argue openly and publicly about controversial policy decisions. Science is better served when scientists can openly disagree with each other and challenge each others ideas and processes. In the end if your idea is built on a foundation of facts and good logic it will stand up to any attacks. If your idea is a conspiracy theory with nothing but smoke and mirrors behind it it will crumble under a logical examination.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 14:30 |
I gotcha. I just haven’t personally see it increase. We’ve been having measles outbreaks for a while because of this exact same thing.
![]() 05/08/2020 at 14:45 |
I have seen the panic level increasing, but previously rational people I know were sending me this. I got 30 seconds in and I knew it was a scam. I explained my rationale and they defended the video. I am quite perturbed.