![]() 10/28/2020 at 06:17 • Filed to: late night oppo, tumblr, hour rule | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 10/28/2020 at 06:54 |
I have a feeling we will be going from election fatigue to post election fatigue when there will be people contesting/complaining the
results. 2020 is the year of
“What else
can go
![]() 10/28/2020 at 06:57 |
It’s not just a feeling. It’s already been promised by the incumbent in no uncertain terms.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 07:02 |
And he has the Supreme court to back him up.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 08:08 |
Ah the shit show that keeps on giving.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 08:14 |
People seem to think that the Court just does whatever Trump wants. That has been trumpeted by the fools on tv and talk radio. However, the Court ruled against the Trump administration in a number of cases just this term (rejecting presidential immunity claims re his financial records, the LGBTQ ruling under the Civil Rights Act , striking down Trump’s decision to end DACA, striking down the Louisiana abortion law). Is the Court more conservative now than pre-Trump? Sure. But that certainly doesn’t mean that Trump has the Supreme C ourt to back him up.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 08:22 |
We can fix the el ectoralism problem, comrade, if you wish.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 08:38 |
I think the current fear is that with the death of RBG and the appointment of ACB (arguably someone even further to the right of Scalia), the court is now so c onservative that we will see far fewer of the decisions you noted. As it is, with her appointment Trump is hoping to finally get rid of the ACA.
Granted, I don’t think they would back him up
if he lost the election. But it’s 2020, anything can happen!
![]() 10/28/2020 at 08:45 |
You are correct in those cases. I’m mostly focused on the ballot and voting rights cases that have sided with Trump . This court will suppress voting rights and not count everyone’s vote.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 08:55 |
And people said that you wouldn’t see decisions like the ones I cite after Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch , Kavanaugh, etc. The problem is that most of the people predicting outcomes actually have no real idea about the law - they are failed lawyers, ivory tower law professors with no real-world experience , or non-lawyers. At one point a couple of years ago, a friend tried to track down all of what she called the “major” commentators on the Court and found that only 1 of 16 actually were admitted to the Supreme Court bar! Obviously that is not a scientific study, but it is emblematic of the problem. The majority of people have no idea about the Court other than what they hear, and the people who are doing the talking often have no idea what they are talking about. So we end up in this situation where all of these pundits make wild, outlandish statements that then get embedded in the mainstream to become “fact” when the opposite is true.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 08:56 |
It might even work... eventually!
![]() 10/28/2020 at 09:01 |
The all new American-made reality series , ‘Hunger Games of Thrones’ starts with a special live to air performance next Wednesday. Don’t miss it!
![]() 10/28/2020 at 09:16 |
I wish there were a button on the political ads that said “I already voted can you stop telling me to vote”
![]() 10/28/2020 at 10:51 |
Heh, that’s hilarious.
Another political herpes flare-up...
![]() 10/28/2020 at 10:52 |
You know what, that’s all very fair ! And sadly it’s not even really just the pundits anymore. Trump seems to think her appointment means the Court will now do what he wants. The Democrats appear to fear that possibility as well.
It will (hopefully) be hilarious when her appointment does not spell the end of the ACA and instead we see more decisions like the ones you cited .
![]() 10/28/2020 at 10:55 |
Thanks. Yes. This.
All the justices are legal experts and know their jobs. Anybody the least bit neutral would allow that Roberts, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh actually are more Centrist than the bloviating Dem party line about the Court being in Trump’s pocket.
I’m mainly sick of the strange, extreme posturing.
Hell, at least that fuck Tom Arnold could release The Pee Tape he’s been claiming for 4 years to possess.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 12:36 |
In only two of those rulings were
higher than a
5-4 ruling. With Justice Barrett now on the conservative side, the 5-4 ruling would have flipped to the conservative side. I understand that there are a lot of stupid people making crazy assumptions but based on these facts, this new court is very much on the conservative side and make no mistake that they are already posturing to reduce LGTBQ, voting, and health care rights. On the first day, Thomas and Alito questioned gay marriage and I posted the article about the conservative view on mail in ballots.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 13:59 |
Perhaps we should wait and see how Barrett votes before predicting the end of the earth. I am old enough to remember the “disappointment” of conservatives with Souter, as well as the liberals’ gnashing of teeth when he was appointed . Remember how Roberts was supposed to lead a super-conservative court to send us back to the dark ages ? How did he vote in the four cases I mentioned (or, going back, the Obamacare case)? Byron White was a disappointment to the 1960s democrats. Of course, the Whizzer merely swapped sides with conservative Harry Blackmun, the Nixon appointee who authored Roe v. Wade. O’Connor was supposed to be super conservative, but was a swing vote in a number of cases. And Mr. Conservative Earl Warren? Oops, he teamed up with fellow Eisenhower appointee William Brennan to lead the most liberal court in history.
On voting rights, how about Scalia’s opinion in Arizona v, Inter-Tribal Counsel of Arizona? Mr. Conservative wrote the opinion (in which Roberts joined) striking down Arizona’s requirement that people provide proof of citizenship before voting.
Nonetheless, I agree that in some cases partisan leanings can infect the process. But I think it is way too early for anyone to be able to predict what is going to happen, and all the doom and gloom is a little much.
![]() 10/28/2020 at 14:12 |
I hope you are right. It would be interesting for a court to have two swing voters. I actually like Justice
Barrett’s legal knowledge; I’m concerned about how much her
religion will influence her decision making.
ou are right that we need to actually see a ruling before we get too upset so time will tell.
![]() 10/29/2020 at 18:33 |
Literally, November 1st I fly home to see friends for the first time in a while. I just had to get through this month... but it’s been going on for EVER... It’s a bit painful...
![]() 10/29/2020 at 18:36 |
If Trump wins, Biden probably won’t contest it, though he will make sure every vote is counted, so we’re probably not going to know who really won the election until all the mail in votes are in.
If Biden wins, Trump screams and cries about fraud until the secret service men have to escort him out of the office next January.
And no matter what, there will be riots. It’s very rare that you’ll find someone who’s voting for Trump okay with the idea of Biden as president, and vice versa. I just hope the season finale of 2020 doesn’t end in total civil unrest...