![]() 01/15/2020 at 12:44 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I finally finished the main story of Witcher 3 last week. It only took me about 2 years. It’s by far one of my favorite games, but I’m not really interested in the New Game+ idea, so I need something new.
I’d like another game to “live” in. One that I can leave for weeks at a time and then come back to when I have a free hour. I had started Dragon Age: Inquisition before Witcher 3 but abandoned it because of how much better Witcher 3 was. Should I give that another chance? My coworker raves about Divinity II, and I love the idea of turn-based combat and multiple options for everything.
Also considered: Outer Worlds, Cyberpunk 2077 (when it’s released).
Not considered, but feel free to change my mind: Red Dea
d Redemption 2.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 12:59 |
I don’t game much, but I’ve been loving Outer Worlds. It’s pretty immersive, the story is good and has actually surprised me some.
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Finishing the main story might put the kibosh on doing Blood and Wine or Hearts of Stone, but they were both really pretty good. Hearts of Stone particularly had a very effectively creepy Faustian overplot.
DA:I doesn’t really get rolling until you’re out of the Hinterlands and exploring some more interesting places, and after the fall of Haven. If you could make it that far, you might find things more to your liking.
I’m currently playing with Outer Worlds (fun, but maybe not wildly engaging on an emotional level) and Greedfall, which is oddly like an alpha of a much older BioWare game like Jade Empire, with bugs and a lot of codex missing. Interesting, though.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 13:06 |
First fun purchase im making once i get a job again is outer worlds. Pretty stoked about it.
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I played Outer Worlds and got pretty far, but it just gets so dull at a certain point. The convo options are unparalleled, but the characters and storyline is just so boring.
I don’t know if you’ve played it before but the Mass Effect trilogy is about the best storyline- game(s) I’ve ever played.
As far as RDR2 goes, I've enjoyed the first part and can't imaginr the second game being bad at all. You could always take the high road and go for GTAV, single player mode (storyline).
![]() 01/15/2020 at 13:18 |
I am a ride or die Skyrim fan. With the expansions (that usually come with the game if you purchase it new now), you can essentially live in the game. You can collect materials to build homes around the map, you can adopt children and marry people (can’t marry dragons unfortunately), you can live as a law abiding hero or slay everything with a pulse, follow the main storyline or continually complete side quests. My first go around I logged over 500 hours into it. I started a new one two years ago, and am about halfway to that 500 mark.
Edit: Skyrim also can be modified to make things easier or harder depending on what you download (or downright crazy, you can change all the dragons into Thomas the Tank Engine). I added one that takes fatigue, weather, and hunger into account. This keeps you honest about setting up a campsite for warmth and rest, and gets you into cooking meals and eating them routinely.
Another good one I am currently in is Metro Exodus. The first few Metro’s are very linear in their story, but Exodus opens you to giant maps that let you figure things out on your own. Will you sneak around the map and avoid monsters and bandits? Or will you blaze through it with crafted weapons? It’s not as expansive as Skyrim or Witcher, but a great mini alternative.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 13:19 |
Have you played the Mass Effect trilogy yet? If not I highly recommend it, most of my favorite characters come from that series. The first game is showing its age gameplay wise but 2 and 3 are still really solid.
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I wasn’t a big fan of DA:I, it’s my least favorite of the Dragon Age games. I’m still meaning to finish the last DLC, but frankly the game is a bit of a slog.
The Outer Worlds was fun but it doesn’t have the scope of some of these other games.
The Mass Effect games might be a better choice if you haven’t played them.
I haven’t finished Divinity II, but I liked what I did play (with a few silly annoyances where you get locked out of things with no reason). It’s very much in the spirit of the old Bioware D&D games like Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights, etc. (other more recent things along those line would be Pillars of Eternity (I haven’t played the second one, but it’s supposed to be good), Tyranny, and Torment: Tides of... (haven’t played that, I think it got mixed reviews)
Obviously there are thinks like Skyrim and the Fallout series if you haven’t gotten to them (big, but a bit more shallow story and character-wise)
![]() 01/15/2020 at 13:22 |
I’m looking forward to cyberpunk 2077 and will most likely be building a new rig to upgrade my aging setup.
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RDR2 is fantastic. I replayed the main story halfway and left the gang and turned into a trapper/hobo. Even go nuts once in a while and kill some folk. We are talking about games right? :P
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Hearts of Stone was awesome and Blood and Wine really made Witcher the best game of the Decade IMHO.
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I did Blood and Wine after the main story and it was almost like Witcher IV for me.
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I recommend Outer Worlds.
It’s like a very condensed version of New Vegas. I really enjoyed it for what it was.
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I’m hoping that Outer Worlds will be a platform for either DLC’s or sequels . It’s too much of a great foundation to only explore for 40 hours.
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Andromeda was my first ME game and I loved it. It took so much shit from the diehards though....I just ignored that.
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I’m currently in Ghost Recon Breakpoint and had a few months in Red Dead 2. Red Dead’s world is very immersive. Always finding little n t weaks/nuances/hidden things . Was trying to track down the random spawning KKK rallies when I put it down. Breakpoint isn’t really what you are looking for.
I really loved Elder Scrolls Oblivion but that game is 15 years old now.
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I too liked Andromeda, I actually started another play through a week ago. The gameplay was so good. The characters and story were nowhere near the level of the OT though.
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May I suggest diaperchange 3000? It's about to be released.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 14:08 |
Not the W3 DLCs? That’s like another 50 hours easy.
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Wreckfest. It's exactly how you left it when you come back. I love the Limo. But warwagon is v.nice.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 14:41 |
So not really in the same vein, but quite addicting with one of the best villains ever, B orderlands 2. Light enough to put down when you don’t have time, but good enough that you’ll want to come back. Decent enough/plenty of story and side quests with the ability to grow your character as you see fit, more or less anyways. You can get The Handsome Collection pretty cheap these days. And some of the DLC are amazing, particularly Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep. It’s full of decent story, hilarious jokes, and fun pop culture references; and doesn’t glitch out like Skyrim and Fallout do. BL2 came out in 2012 I think and maintained a very active player base right up to the release of BL3 a few months ago.
BL1 is good too, but BL2 is the best o f the series. The Handsome Collection comes with The Pre-Sequel (and all DLC’s) , which has a really fun story after playing through BL2; it gives you the villain’s backstory.
Then there’s Tales From the Borderlands. Which is all story with some button pressing every now and then. Choose your own adventure style. It’s neat.
After all that, if you like it, pick up BL3. Villains and story aren’t as strong, but gameplay is better and they’ve got a few more DLC in the works and are doing patches and hotfixes regularly to improve everything.
I can't say enough good things about the borderlands series.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 14:44 |
I believe the reports are that it’s done better than expected commercially (I’m not sure I helped it, I paid $1 for xbox game pass PC to play it, though who knows how MS handles those sales), but that certainly makes DLC or a sequel much more likely.
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Honestly as a whole I liked ME:A more than ME:2, which is many people’s favorite, but at the bottom of my list. It had some rough patches, but I don’t think it deserved the dogpile of criti c ism it got.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 15:12 |
Having just finished the main story on BL3, I to vote Hansdom Jack for best villain in a long time... Also the DLC i s all really good i n BL2. I enjoyed * Playing* BL3, but BL2 is a signifficantly better story and world.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 15:47 |
I behind the eight ball on this but can’t second this suggestion hard enough. I just started playing through BL2 a couple of weeks ago after picking up the handsome collection on a whim more than a year ago and absolutely love it. When I eventually finish it I’ll probably pick up BL3.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 16:01 |
I forgot about that one, thanks.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 16:02 |
A lot of open-world games have that problem. I played Mass Effect 1 & 2 without finishing either of them. I appreciated them, but never got absorbed.
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Good to know about the DLC, I might have to dive back in.
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I love Skyrim, and never “finished” it, so that should actually be on the list.
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I tried Mass Effect 2 several times and made it kind of far, but it never completely grabbed me for some reason. I loved KOTOR and Dragon Age 1, but something about Mass Effect just didn’t click for me.
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I gave up on Fallout 4 pretty quickly. Fallout 3 is one of my all-time favorite games, too.
Divinity II is looking pretty solid.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 16:09 |
Already have that. Racing games are in another category for me. Wreckfest is fantastic, though. The physics are at a nice point on the arcade/sim spectrum and it never forgets that games are supposed to be fun. No pointless story mode or grinding either.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 16:10 |
I spent so many hours in Oblivion. My wife even played it with me for a while, even though she doesn’t usually like that kind of game.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 16:11 |
That’s a
good sales pitch.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 16:19 |
Oh, shit. You’re right. I’ve leveled up my diaper changing skills for this time around so hopefully I don’t make as many rookie mistakes resulting in poop on my face/clothes/walls.
I only got into Witcher 3 as my daughter started sleeping better but I hadn’t adjusted to normal human sleep schedules yet. It’s easy to get absorbed into a game at 4am.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 16:20 |
Yeah, it sounds like they’re pretty excellent, so maybe the answer is “more Witcher 3.”
![]() 01/15/2020 at 16:39 |
^this guy right here. The Witcher universe Mephistopheles. Creepy theme, with a version that’s a children’s song about him as a bogeyman who offers temptations that come with a price. In Blood and Wine there’s a woman who was cursed into insanity and became a wight obsessed with collecting spoons for refusing to offer him a meal in the guise of a beggar. His whole ensnarement of Geralt to “help” with something in Hearts of Stone is to involve him via a curse on one individual, making him need to resolve a situation with a curse of someone else altogether in exchange for his freedom (Geralt’s, that is) . During which bargaining he pauses time and kills someone with a spoon.
He also shows up here and there in other places. Always watching, waiting, and twisting things.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 17:11 |
Yeah it’s good. Dragon Age is very good too if you like the RPG style combat.
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I hated doing that as well. Read this, implemented it. Kids now sleep from 7:30pm till 8-11am. Consistently.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 18:09 |
That sounds like good Witcher stuff.
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But another settlement needs your help! (I actually liked building the settlements, though I wish you could do more with them)
![]() 01/15/2020 at 19:12 |
I definitely recommend the pre-sequel and tales before BL3. There are characters in those and backstory that make 3 better.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 19:13 |
Well friend, lucky for you (and everyone really), Jack is back (ish) in the Handsome Jackpot DLC. I haven't finished it yet, but it feels much more like BL2.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 19:40 |
I have played the pre-sequel already actually. I started with that when I got the handsome collection. I made the mistake of playing as claptrap, which, iirc, the game recommended against, and it was right. Fun though.
At the rate I’m going (an hour, sometimes 2 at a time, a couple/week) it’ll be a while before I get to BL3. Right now I’m playing catch-up on a bunch of side missions to build up my character, skills and arsenal.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 20:28 |
Oh, since I just got alerted to a sale at Fanatical, you could check out Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Personally, I’m not really interested in giving that my money (from what I’ve seen it seems like he’s probably a bigot and misogynist, and definitely an asshole), but it is a sprawling medieval RPG that was clearly inspired by the Witcher games (which is why you have a silly magic potion system in a game that prides itself on trying to be realistic and a few other gameplay features )
![]() 01/15/2020 at 20:40 |
I bought it on the Playstation Store Holiday Sale, and I’m kinda wishing I’d ponied up for the deluxe edition with the s eason’s pass included. I’ll now have to pay either nearly double what I payed for the game on sale for the season’s pass, or nearly- half-per-DLC what I payed for the game....
![]() 01/15/2020 at 21:28 |
That’s about my rate too. Life, right?
![]() 01/15/2020 at 21:29 |
Ooh that sucks. If it makes you feel better I pre-ordered deluxe so I paid $100 for it. Never pre-ordered any game before.
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Hm, the settlements ruined the game for me, even though I doubt they're required. Not what I'm looking for in a Fallout game.
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Never heard of it, I'm getting to be out of touch.
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Totally fair, but I did like building and defending them.
![]() 01/15/2020 at 21:39 |
Base game is also part of xbox game pass PC so you could try it (and The Outer Worlds and a bunch of other things for $5/month): https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass/pc-games
![]() 01/16/2020 at 12:59 |
I’m not a gamer so don’t have suggestions but did y ou watch the show yet?
![]() 01/16/2020 at 14:10 |
Yeah, it was pretty good, aside from the pointless multiple timelines. Feels kind of like a throwback to early 2000's Syfy (or SciFi) channel shows.