![]() 07/23/2019 at 22:47 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Buffer Mazdaspeed Protege for your time.
Here is Republican Senator Mitch McConnell refusing to make eye contact as he walks past Jon Stewart who successfully campaigned and got the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund passed. Senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell vehemently refused the bill, with Paul stating he “could not in good conscience vote for something that added to the deficit”. Economics over humans. What a fucking disgrace.
Cost of the Fund over the next decade is $10 billion.
Our military budget, for comparison, nears $600 billion PER. YEAR.
This is some twisted form of hardcore Conservative virtue signaling and is absolutely disgusting. As we spend billions stationing men and women away from their families to “stabilize” an area of the world we invaded using 9/11 as justification we neglect the people whose lives in America remain directly impacted by those events and see fit to let them die because roughly 0.167 % of the military budget is somehow the straw that would break the camel’s back.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 22:52 |
Capitalism has made it this way
Old fashioned fascism will take it away
![]() 07/23/2019 at 22:56 |
This is the same turtle that apparently told Trump last month that “ no politician has ever lost an election for spending more money” , to convince him to support a budget that increases the deficit ~$320 billion (a 28% increase). He’s also been bragging about the new money the budget is bringing to Kentucky. And of course supported tax cuts for corporations and the rich that were always going to blow up the deficit (and have been doing so even more than predicted).
He’s very serious about deficits until it comes to his priorities.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 22:57 |
Economics over humans. What a fucking disgrace.
Sound economic policy is what prevents hyperinflation, like in Venezuela or Zimbabwe. Hyperinflation results in the suffering of millions. Rand Paul is not the villain here.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 22:57 |
Republican politicians are filth.
Or at least they do everything possible to convince us they are.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 22:58 |
Personally I’m all about my socially liberal fiscally conservative isolationist viewpoint.
Imagine what would happen if we didn’t go flinging our population at countries in order to install more agreeable governments. Imagine what would happen if instead we took the millions of highly trained military members and turned them inwards and cycled them through public works construction projects or building high-density public urban housing
![]() 07/23/2019 at 22:58 |
Jon Stewart is giving the Dems a masterclass in
how to win the next election. They won’t use it of course, because they are the friggin’ nihilists from the Big L
![]() 07/23/2019 at 22:58 |
Turtle is the picture of GOP cowardice. A flea among mouse-men, and a bootlicker . Another one where I’d love to see his fortunes audited.
And Rand Paul, nothing more need be said.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:00 |
This whole compensation fund, the hearings, etc. gave me a lot of respect for Jon Stewart. It’s things like this that show politics can be put aside to achieve a greater good. It’s a shame Rand and Mitch didn’t see that.
I used to joke about Megan Rapinoe, but after reading an article about the relationship with her brother, it really changed how I saw her. Rather than seeing her as a annoying anti-Trump soccer player, I saw her as a caring and supportive sister who is also great at soccer.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:04 |
Nobody should take Rand Paul seriously. “Tax cuts for me, spending cuts for thee” is the libertarian motto.
McConnell is Tywin Lannister to Trump’s King Joffrey. Trump may flail around and break things in his mean-spirited stupidity but McConnell is the one ensuring Republicans can implement their agenda - which is to enrich their donors at the expense of anyone and anything else.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:07 |
The right, in theory, isn’t even that fucking bad it’s just a more economically-minded political viewpoint than the left socially-minded viewpoint but holy shit does it attract the absolute scum of the earth.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:10 |
There are items you compromise on. This is very, very definitely one of them. Rand Paul is very definitely the enemy for directly opposing a bill that lessens the impact of the worst man-made disasters in American history on the lives of the thousands a ffected and for that alone, disregarding all else, he is a monster.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:12 |
It doesn’t lessen the impact at all. It’s just forcing everyone else at gunpoint to pay for their medical bills.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:19 |
Kindly get lost with the anarchist “gunpoint” rhetoric. If contributing to the well- being and health of your fellow man is such a burden on your soul in wallet you are welcome to fuck off to a cabin you built yourself in the mountains somewhere to benefit off of no other public utilities.
If your house catches fire I hope you don’t expect the taxes collected from me “at gunpoint” to pay the firemen that come to put it out.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:24 |
The right, in theory, isn’t even that fucking bad
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:36 |
Fuck off yourself, you don’t pay any taxes toward my local fire department. And before you jump to conclusions, my local FD does not receive federal grants.
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:41 |
we don’t like to kill our unborn, we need them to grow up and fight our wars
![]() 07/23/2019 at 23:46 |
is this Rage Against the Machine lyrics?
![]() 07/24/2019 at 00:00 |
raised to be stupid, taught to be nothing at all
![]() 07/24/2019 at 00:48 |
I worked for an extremely small private high school and we received federal funds from DHS. I’m sure most FDs and PDs around the country have as well.
But it’s for stuff like bullet proof glass and gates. Not healthcare, which would probably be much more beneficial.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 00:55 |
If you want to have a discussion about socialized health care, that’s different. Paying for just one small pool of victims of an act of war that happened nearly 20 years ago, in perpetuity until 2090, is hardly socialized health care for all.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 00:58 |
I agree wholeheartedly.
T he budget argument is flawed because it was a money grab from both sides. Nobody has ever accused dems of being financially conservative. Cons on the other hand...
![]() 07/24/2019 at 01:03 |
Out of curiosity, what state are you in?
![]() 07/24/2019 at 01:03 |
Never forget, indeed...
My point was that unless your fire chief is an idiot, you local FD has probably received federal funds from homeland security. You’re local PD and SD most certainly has, unless, of course, your sheriff and police chief are morons.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 01:04 |
And Stewart is a badass.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 01:06 |
Nah these are good guys with guns it’s OK.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 01:17 |
This is what is broken about your argument; you want domestic policy to mitigate
suffering. You also want domestic policy to ignore suffering. That doesn’t work, because
cknowledging that it would be bad if millions of people suffered calamity and the government should be doing something to stop it is also an acknowledgment
that suffering is bad enough to warrant government intervention.
If we should let the first responders die, we should also let your house burn down. ‘I paid taxes for that fire station!’.
Yeah, and the first res
ponders paid taxes to the federal government, as everyone does. If redressing their government for mitigation of their grievances is coercion at gunpoint
- and that grievance
turning their backs on citizens who rose to the occasion and sacrificed everything to protect the nation and it’s people during a terrorist attack, just so we’re clear
then your expectation that your municipality will protect you from the calamity of a burning house is also coercion
. If we can ignore those who are sick and dying as a direct consequence of america enemies targeting them, than we can certainly ignore you and your burning house. If patriotic sacrifices aren’t worthy of redress, then
personal sacrifices become
totally irrelevant
A nation is the safety , security and well-being of it’s people, nothing else. We need ALL of those things for a nation to have value to it’s citizens. If we decide only one of those things matter, or that none of them do, then we are deciding to dismantle the nation. Fire departments and programs to help first responders exist for the same reasons . If you find these reasons to be so very burdensome to you, then you are free pick any of the number of places on planet earth that have no nation and make your stand there. Everything you build there will be yours alone , but in turn you will have nothing that can be provided to you by anyone else.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 01:31 |
There is nothing broken about my argument. The economy, government funding and taxes included, is predicated upon distribution/use of limited resources. You can’t make everyone whole for everything wrong in their lives. We’ve already been paying out for nearly 20 years, this renewal of the victim compensation fund simply extends it another 70 years. And before that 70 years is up, it will be renewed again and again, until it is made permanent and eventually everyone who could have been affected by 9/11 directly will have long since died. But the benefit fund will continue, benefiting corrupt politicians and unions.
A nation is the safety, security and well-being of it’s people, nothing else.
A nation exists to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Safety, security and well-being are all
secondary to that.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 07:10 |
A nation exists to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Safety , security and well-being are all secondary to that.
Wait just a second....
![]() 07/24/2019 at 08:02 |
Also, if they are so worried about deficit spending, then maybe don’t pass tax cuts that end up reducing the revenue the country takes in each year.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 08:13 |
Let’s be fair here, the Democrats have their share of shitty politicians as well. Their motivation is still to get re-elected each term and they are beholden to that fact over the greater good or doing what’s in the best interests of the people of this country. To think they give two shits about how the “common” folk live would be silly. These people exist in a whole different world than the rest of us. I will agree that the latest batch of republicans do make some pretty shitty choices and definitely come across as the bad guys right now. The worst part is the lack of compromise from both sides of the aisle. Everyone else in society has to learn how to work with people they disagree with, so should these chuckleheads.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 08:16 |
All they’d have to do is properly tax the ultra wealthy, and they could afford to do a whole lot more. But we know how that goes.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 09:46 |
Jon’s smug face brings such joy
![]() 07/24/2019 at 11:15 |
Sound economic policy is what prevents hyperinflation, like in Venezuela or Zimbabwe. Hyperinflation results in the suffering of millions. Rand Paul is not the villain here.
Funny he takes that position today on this 9/11 first responders bill, but he was completely fine signing tax reform blowing a $1.5 TRILLION hole in our budget over the next decade. Where were his concerns around sound economic policy then? Oh right, he was too enamored by getting to play golf with President Tiny Hands.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 12:02 |
Personal s
afety and security are not rights guaranteed by the government. The Supreme Court has ruled that police have no duty to protect you from harm as an individual.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 15:11 |
Hey now
![]() 07/24/2019 at 15:11 |
Nobody’s fucking anybody off. I don’t think. Cool it.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 17:28 |
Hey now~
this is what DREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMS are made of
![]() 07/24/2019 at 19:07 |
The economy, government funding and taxes included, is predicated upon distribution/use of limited resources.
Yes, resources created by human beings. We underpin all of that. A nation is only it’s people, nothing else. Before government, before economy, before domestic policy, political parties and ideologies, all of that begins and ends with people. A nation that cannot protect, secure and provide for the well being of it’s people is on the path to ruin.
You can’t make everyone whole for everything wrong in their lives.
Why is why we’re only trying to make them whole for the one thing in their life that is a direct consequence of both their status a citizens of the united states, and actions taking by the federal government for which they have no control. It is the right thing to do, and something we can afford to do. We have no reason for not assisting the first responders after the sacrifices made by them to secure and save their fellow citizens, period.
We’ve already been paying out for nearly 20 years
...are you seriously complaining here that folks hit by a terrorist attack and suffering for the rest of their lives because of it haven’t been cut off sooner? I’m starting to think this isn’t at all about debt and hyperinflation, since much larger ticket items (I mean like tens of thousands of times larger) are surely hastening our pace toward those things, but only now when you have the chance to step on some folks who are suffering for reasons you don’t care that much about do you feel the need to speak up. You reveal here that your argument is indeed broken and to that I will say again; an acknowledgement that suffering is bad and the government should do something about it, is also an acknowledgement that suffering is bad enough to warrant government intervention. There is no ‘my suffering’ and ‘their suffering’. If there is enough suffering in a nation, it will reach you no matter where you are within it.
A nation exists to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Safety, security and well-being are all secondary to that.
If you are not safe, if you are not secure, and you have no well-being, you are not alive. Rights and freedoms mean nothing to the dead. A nation with no people in it is nothing, since a nation is only it’s people. Because there can be no nation without a citizenry, the safety, security and well being of the citizenry must come first if a nation is to thrive.
A nation guided by suffering as domestic policy will always concentrate rights and freedoms into the hands of the few.
![]() 07/24/2019 at 20:40 |
If you are not safe, if you are not secure, and you have no well-being, you are not alive.
of people would disagree with you.
![]() 08/08/2019 at 00:51 |
Ben MF’n Franklin said it best: “Those who would give up essential l iberty, to purchase a little temporary s afety, deserve neither l iberty nor s afety.”
Government PROTECTS your RIGHTS granted by God (or Oprah, Tom Cruise, whatever you believe) ... The government has absolutely no obligation to provide anything for anyone and is not the giver of rights.
Damnit... I said I was going to stay away from political conversations...
![]() 08/08/2019 at 00:54 |
With respect to old Ben, I think General John Stark said it even better:
“Live Free or Die: Death is not the worst of evils.”
Yes, liberty
is more important than life.
![]() 08/08/2019 at 01:09 |
Those who go into service as fire fighters, law enforcement or military know the risks. Long term care was never guaranteed, and even if it was never offered not a single one would have chances what they did that day. They risked their lives and their health for the benefit of others. Whenever the government steps in and forcefully takes taxpayer money to put it towards a charitable cause, it's not charity. Communities, NPOs, churches, etc. could do a much better job of taking care of the less fortunate than the government, but unfortunately society sees taking care of the less fortunate as the government's responsibility.
![]() 08/08/2019 at 01:11 |
Bingo. Charity is a virtue specifically because it’s voluntary. If it’s compulsory via taxes, it’s no longer a virtue; it’s theft.