![]() 06/26/2019 at 10:51 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 06/26/2019 at 10:57 |
![]() 06/26/2019 at 10:59 |
Look we’re all upset about the Fiesta not coming to America for the 8th Gen... but this isn’t the way to address that.
Too soon?....Probably too soon.
But, at this point, the whole situation is a joke. I totally support the....privilege to own a gun (it isn’t a right, whatever a 250 year old piece of paper says), but there has to be some measure of control or monitoring.
I personally don’t think there is anyway to control humans and our dedication to kill each other, but you can minimize how easy it is and how many people die.
![]() 06/26/2019 at 11:09 |
I don’t know what the situation is in Canada, but really it is a right here. I don’t think it needs to be, but I’m extremely hesitant to start revoking parts of the Bill of Rights, as while I don’t care much about the 2nd amendment , getting rid of just about anything else would be bad (the 3rd amendment feels pretty obsolete, but maybe only because it exists?).
However a right to keep and bear arms clearly doesn’t extend to all arms, so it’s not clear that we need to allow ownership of handguns or semi-automatic weapons. Even if we do continue allowing them, it seems unlikely that the wording in the second amendment would prohibit requiring registration, training, safe storage, or insurance. And if that’s too burdensome, I’m willing to exempt all single shot, muzzle loading muskets so you can have the weapons of the founders without issue. Honestly, grandfather in all 300M+ guns in the US, and it would still be an improvement.
![]() 06/26/2019 at 11:17 |
Nah man. I don’t mean what American’s refer to as “rights” I mean generally as a human race. You have a right to food, water, shelter, safety and health.
Here in Canada it is 100% a privilege. You have to take a class and pass a written test, practical test, background check and RCMP clearance. You also have to renew your licence every 5 years. This gets you your PAL which allows you to buy shotguns/rifles of a specific barrel length and mag size (5).
Then, if you want, you can get your RPAL which is yet another class, written test and practical test. Another background and certification AND you have to be registered member of a registered gun club. This allows pistols of a certain barrel length and some shorter barreled rifles.
Also, you may never transport a loaded firearm (ammo/gun must be separate) never carry a gun and hypothetically never use the gun on a human, regardless of situation.
![]() 06/26/2019 at 11:19 |
Somebody said, ‘Yeah he’s got a history with guns.’
If you see something, say something!
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You have a right to food, water, shelter, safety and health
Yeah, we do a pretty crappy job of that here. Generally speaking, I wonder how many of FDR’s Four Freedoms Trump could name? I’m guessing 1-2.
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I don’t even think we need to revoke the 2nd (the precedent that would set could be dangerous). We just need better, apolitical interpretations of the “well-regulated militia” part.
I know we’d all love to believe these statements are universally applicable for all of time, but it’s important to consider political and social context. I truly believe the goal here WAS a militia with a formal command structure, and one that’s endorsed by the state (or nation). That’s a far cry from the more liberal interpretations we tend to follow.
Nobody NEEDS to own a bunch of guns, or even a single gun if they’re unstable.
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Trump is busy working on the “lock up the ethnics” part of FDR’s platform.
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The problem with that is that the Supreme Court ruled pretty unambiguously in Heller that the “w ell r egulated m ilitia” line is meaningless (yes this is dumb). Even if the court’s balance shifts to the left, it’s unlikely they would overturn that ruling, at least for several decades.
That said, I obviously think there’s lots of productive things that could be without violating the 2nd amendment, even as Heller interprets it.
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Sure, but that would require a constitutional amendment , and well, that’s hard.
To quote the cliché, it’s not a Bill of Needs.
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Yeah, not FDR’s finest moment. I wonder if anyone ever asked him how many of his Four Freedoms Japanese-Americans were entitled to?
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I’m at a loss as to what an ordinary citizen like me can do. I can write my congressman to little effect, I can call my congressman to little effect. I can post pro or anti gun meme’s on facebook to little effect.
To sum it up, until a congressman actually gets shot little will be done to control the gun violence and improve treatment for the mentally ill.
Oh wait that already happened, never mind.
![]() 06/26/2019 at 11:35 |
Based on my understanding, reinterpreting the constitution through the Supreme Court isn’t always a new amendment, right?
To make things easy, maybe we could just ban any widespread ultra-late-term abortions via firearms. That language would probably work just as well.
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Why would you base your hopes on the hypothetical opinions of several unelected lawyers, when you could just change the Constitution directly?
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Switzerland does a pretty good job at this. From my understanding, everyone keeps their service riffle and ammo in case the Germans invade again. Their entire country is armed, but they all have training. Not to mention easy access to healthcare (including mental health) and a sturdy education system.
![]() 06/26/2019 at 11:38 |
IMHO, the fact that the second amendment BEGINS with “well regulated” and “security of a free state” and then ENDS with “right of the people...” indicates an order of importance or priority, but I am neither a linguist nor a scholar here...
![]() 06/26/2019 at 11:42 |
“We kill people for crimes!”
“Wait, is that allowed? We’re supposed to just kill unborn babies!”
“Wait, unborn babies? ! No! Just criminals. Even the retarded ones!”
“That unethical! We should o nly kill babies.”
![]() 06/26/2019 at 12:17 |
That’s how it should be.
The Americans keep saying, ‘it’s in the constitution, it’s our right’, ye’, it’s in the consti tution, not the original, it was amended in as it was necessary for that time, times change.
Some say you can’t change an amendment. Yes you can, it was amended in, it can be amended out. Prohibition was.
It just blows my mind when something like this happens and all that’s done is, ‘thoughts and prayers’, then a call for ‘more guns, we need more guns. We need to arm good people to stop these bad people’, yes, but every bad person was a good person until they pulled the trigger on someone else.
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That means there’s no freedom of speech or press via electronic communications either.
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Even our gun control doesn’t go far enough in my opinion ...but baby steps. Far to easy to get your PAL as long as you have no obvious criminality or mental illness.
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But who do you need the ‘well- regulated militia’ from?
Canada, they aren’t going to invade. They are busy hoping you don’t.
Mexico, they are come into your country because the cartels are getting the guns from America.
Your government, erm, they’ve got jets with air to ground missiles , tanks, armoured personnel carriers, unmanned drones, etc... if fact Americans spend so much of their tax money arming their military, do you really think you can compete with them?
![]() 06/26/2019 at 12:28 |
But it’s so ingrained into the American mind . The oath of allegiance at school, flags flying from every house, the money you put into your military, but then your distrust in your government and that laws shouldn’t apply to certain people, etc... Nothing will ever be done because any perceived changed is shouted down as being ‘un-American’, commie, I slamic, etc...
![]() 06/26/2019 at 12:32 |
You are only as strong as your weakest link.
Okay it may be harder to get a gun, but surely that’s good because it means those that shouldn’t have a gun for whatever reason, don’t get a gun.
![]() 06/26/2019 at 12:37 |
How’d we keep the postal workers from going postal? Some places apparently use security guards when they fire someone.
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it’s like they were not even thinking about the future
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I think the “militia” here IS the governmental military. Secondarily, if we look at it as individual states as quasi-nations (the way the founding fathers would have seen it), we also have the National Guard.
IMHO, private citizens with weapons should somehow be integrated into those umbrellas through training/certification. A truly regulated standing army (like Switzerland) would be a safer setup for us internally, and also a nice deterrent from invasion -- not that we fear invasion. Two large moats help prevent that.
![]() 06/26/2019 at 12:44 |
Sure, hey, some bad people will always get guns. But, we can make it harder for some right? Can’t be a bad thing.
My wife deals with so many cases where guys kill their spouses or hold guns to their heads/whatever.
If we could maybe cut that down by even 20% isn’t that a win?
![]() 06/26/2019 at 19:49 |
Outside of hillbillies and their buddies, each state and territory actually has a militia with jets/missiles/machine guns..... They’re called the National Guard, and they’re under the command of the governor of each state. They also act as reserves for the federal military, but are under command of the state government, not the federal government.
So each state does have a military which could theoretically fight the federal government, while still pledged to defend it.
America is a weird place.
As far as competing with the US military in warfare with rifles and homemade armies...you’d have to import some Afghans.
![]() 06/27/2019 at 05:19 |