![]() 06/07/2019 at 09:44 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
My trainer went on vacation this week, and had one of his employees cover. I go Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:15 am. I worked out Monday, she called in sick Wednesday, and she did not show today. We had some discussion.
I was annoyed by the smiley face after my less fat but still fat ass was there to work out. I admit it. I like working out. I am motivated. I am not supposed to be more consistent than the trainer. They are supposed to hold me accountable, not the other way around.
Now I am feeling guilty that I was too mean to this young woman who is new at this job and probably afraid that she is going to get in trouble with her new boss having screwed up this week. Call me what you will, Oppo. I can hack it.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 09:49 |
There is a rabble rabble limit in responding to unprofessional-ism, but it’s sometimes hard to say where it is. I would for sure have said my dad crossed it yesterday, but then again, three missed weekly
trash pickups and three missed “oops, we’ll make a special pickup I swear” promises
is probably worth a bit of rabble rabble.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 09:50 |
Eh , I always allow people one mulligan. Shit happens and nobody is perfect, if it happens again though, then I do something about it.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 09:51 |
You monster.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 09:52 |
Meh, people with jobs where you have tons of appointments tend to miss one once in a blue moon.
I spaced on an important claim the other day. Shit hit the fan and everyone went mental.
That being said, in that situation it behooves you to just own your mistakes, apologize and work on fixing it.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 09:53 |
I think people have to know that when they are working for other people that the level of expectations is higher. This may well be the first time anybody has ever called that person out. I was at a sporting goods store yesterday looking for ping pong balls. I asked one employee where they were and he flat out said, “I don’t know.” I replied , “You work here, right?” Maybe I was being a dick, but if you work at a store you should know where things are. I see that as a minimum expectation.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 09:54 |
can I call you Debatey McArgueface?
![]() 06/07/2019 at 09:59 |
shit happens, man. demanding an apology is rather petulant.
edit: actually, reading to the end, you really do sound like an ass here. if someone knows they made a mistake, there’s no need to grind their face into the dirt.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:01 |
Yeah, you shouldn’t feel bad. If you hurt this girls feelings she needs to toughen the heck up if she’s going to deal with the public.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:05 |
While it may seem harsh, maybe that’s what she needs early in her career so she doesn’t make it later.
It was clear to see in your messages she was expected Friday, so to pull that ‘I realised I wasn’t added to the schedule’, is a no f rom me.
I get no shows, and it’s me cleaning their car for them. They ask, we make a schedule, often confirm and then don’t show up. It’s the height of bad manners in my books.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:09 |
I don’t think it’s harsh at all. Would I feel awful and defensive hearing it, yes. But that’s because making my appointments and the like is hugely important to me and I would have let myself down as much as you. But many people don’t give a shit about their external reputation (the smiley face in the first message.) She seems like she still likes her probably won’t faze her at all.
But also, she missed 2 out of 3. It’s either not the right field for her or was a terrible week. If it was a terrible week she has more important things to worry about, otherwise she’ll likely quickly realize another job is a better fit for her. If anything being clear with your expectations and disappointment will help her in life.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:12 |
No way man, you’re a paying customer. My fiance thought I was being a dick for calling out our dog walker for showing up an hour and a half late. I’m paying her to be there, she said she would be there. How in that situation am I the asshole?
I think the level of service in service industries has fallen. Maybe I’m just getting old.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:14 |
I think you handled it well.
Some people need to be told they are failing at their job instead of holding their hands.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:15 |
I came here to say this. S ometimes it seems like a lot of people have never been called out for doing a bad job, and while it sucks and is embarrassing, you can’t always coddle people’s feelings when they’re not meeting expectations . I t’s part of life and that’s how you improve.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:16 |
I am stealing this.
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I think I would apologize at this point, pushed a bit too far. I understand being pissed but there really is no reason to rub it in.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:18 |
I hope you diverted your schedule to your hairdresser to get an updated ‘do with the extra time in your schedule.
Service employees make mistakes. There’s a way to acknowledge those mistakes and get them fixed. Generally if you work them the right way, you’ll get them to bend over backwards to help you.
You did not do that in this case. In fact, you did the exact opposite, by being both vindictive and passive aggressive.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:25 |
Double negative. You’re gonna get charged for those failed appointments.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:29 |
I think you may have been a bit harsh at the end. Everyone fucks up sometimes, and while probably she should have been more apologetic, you don’t really have any way of knowing if missed appointments are really a common problem or if you just caught her at her worst/unluc kiest. I think you are justified in not wanting to work with her again, because there’s no reason for you to take a chance on her, but I would have just told your regular trainer to find a different sub next time.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:29 |
Ugh, you “ woke u p with a cold”, but tomorrow ( or Friday) you are going to be over it and available .
That’s where I call BS. If you just started a cold, you don’t bring your germs to the gym the next day.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:31 |
Maybe I’m judging here but “woke up with a cold” from a 4:31 am text sounds to me like “woke up with a hangover.” I’d have to be nearly dead to cancel a 5am appointment at 4am.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:32 |
Went to the Walgreens down the street once, which I frequent quite regularly and the staff are usually very helpful, looking for tennis balls. There was a guy working the aisle where I thought they would be and asked him if they carried tennis balls. He just gives me a blank stare and very rudely replies “No.” turns around and goes back to what he was doing. Really bad vibe from the guy in general.
I was quite put off and turned around to leave...when I spot tennis balls on the shelf on the other side right behind him . I take a can, point it to him and go “actually you do carry them” or something to that extent. His response this time was just a really ugly snarl. Like WTF man, you WORK here - even if you’re having a shitty day at the very least try to not be an absolute ass to your customers.
I was livid - the only thing that kept me from going to the front desk and making a huge scene was the fact that it was an unscheduled stop and my wife was waiting for me with the car running. And given the vibe I was getting I probably would’ve implied a racial element to what happened (I’m brown, and mind you I have never, ever in my life suggested such a thing before so it’s not something I would just throw around...just the vibe I was getting from the guy - and Oregon where I live is known to have its fair share of supremacists of the fairer kind). But I just bought the damn thing and stormed out to simmer down instead. Thankfully I haven’t seen the ass at that store since, hopefully he no longer works there.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:33 |
Depends on the size of the store and if they work in that department or not. I'm not going to berate a worker from a different department at a big box store because 1) it's not their department, and 2) they deal with enough bullshit from entitled customers and asshole bosses already.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:40 |
Far h arsher than I would have done it, but then again I’m often far too nice to people.
In your defense she did miss two out of three and on the second time completely missed without any explanation or warning. You’re also paying a fortune for this, so it’s not unfair to expect a higher quality of service.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:48 |
Part of my attitude is from being a professional musician. As one of three trumpets in the orchestra, if I don’t show up, there’s nobody to play my part. In the string section, when there are 20 people on the same part, the attitude can be a bit more lax. But I am pathological about being on time. I have actual nightmares about missing gigs.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:49 |
yeah, you’re really reaching here. it’s patently fucking stupid how we in this country expect people to come into work when sick just so they can be ineffective and make everyone else sick too.
Maybe don’t presume “I’m sick” is just a cover for slacking?
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:50 |
It would have been worth a quick mention to the manager. The other thing that drives me crazy is when I ask an employee where an item is and they just stand there and look with me. Hell, I can stand here and look. I need you to take me to the item.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:51 |
I get what you are saying, but I believe that every employee should have a basic knowledge of where things are in the store. He could have at least said, “Outdoor sports.” That would have gotten me in the right quadrant.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:55 |
I’ll add another vote to the “too far” column.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:56 |
You opened the possibility of reconciliation when there clearly was none (rightfully, getting blown off for a paid service isn’t acceptable). You’re in contact with her superior, so it was an avoidable conversation after “will do:)” You had reason to, but I’m not sure what going scorched earth on her c ould accomplish.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 10:59 |
Maybe you should try to get her deported....
![]() 06/07/2019 at 11:13 |
Why would indoor tennis equipment be in outdoor sports? :P
![]() 06/07/2019 at 11:14 |
Beats the shit out of me. But that’s where it was. Dart boards, too.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 11:21 |
No wonder the employees are confused. Tbh, retail stores love to shift things around for the sake of shifting things around.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 11:25 |
You’re absolutely right about the fact that we should encourage people to take a sick day when they need one. I guess I’ve had too many employees that were obviously drunk and not sick.
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Costco does that all the time. I know why they do it, but it drives me crazy.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 11:42 |
Maybe I was being a dick, but if you work at a store you should know where things are. I see that as a minimum expectation.
If that’s what passes for being a dick these days, our society is screwed. It was, at worst, a subtle jab back at a very rude response. The only thing worse than saying “I don’t know” in customer service is just ignoring the customer.
T he correct response from this person would have been “I don’t know... let me find out for you” and then he could have called a coworker or manager, used the computer , or used whatever other resources were available to answer your question.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 11:46 |
No. She needs to learn better.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 11:51 |
The correct response from this person would have been “I don’t know... let me find out for you”
Exactly. I finally tracked down a manager who looked the items up on the store computer and then took me to them. I thanked him for taking me there, rather then pointing me in a vague direction.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 12:19 |
I don’t know, I’m not sure either of you handled this particularly well in the end. The “will do:)“ was bad and you’re right to be mad it’s just the tone is a little.... much? I think ”We talked about this previously and will need a better solution next time.” might have been enough.
If you have a good rapport with your regular trainer I’d talk to them about it when they get back.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 12:56 |
The guy wasn't rude. He was unhelpful. There's a difference.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 12:57 |
Yeah, what the guy should have done was got someone who did know to help you.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 13:28 |
My characterization of the employee’s response as “very rude” is a bit of an overstatement, I’ll retract and reclassify it as “rude. ”
There is a difference between unhelpful and rude, I agree, but that difference is defined by the nature of the interaction . In this case we are talking about a person whose job is to be helpful. When that person is deliberately un-helpful, that’s rude.
![]() 06/07/2019 at 17:43 |
Yeah, it was just one of those instances that I knew it really rubbed me the wrong way that if I even tried to talk to someone about it then and there it would’ve turned in to a situation. I just needed to get out of there given the vibe of the whole deal.