![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:27 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
me daughter had a school party.. she just got home
apparantly lots of kids got drunk and some were smoking weed
not me daughter of course she hasnt partaken at all (she told me so herself)
tho she did throw out a random the fuck you looking at prick when i looked at her funny for slurring
im sure its just teenageritus kicking in
anyhoo.. go to bed little girl.... take a glass of water up with you... you’ll need it
(im part amused and part annoyed at the teachers for allowing it to happen..... just like they did back in my day :p)
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:36 |
How old are the kids in your daughter’s class? Cause if were my son, who is well under age, I’d be looking to have some teachers either fired, brought up on chargers, or both. No way, absolutely no way, would I condone a party at school that provided, or failed to stop, the use of illegal substances.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:38 |
16 average tho theres a couple that probably are 18 and legal to buy
wasnt a party at school tho... school rented a pub for the evening (wich umm? im baffled... but me that age would have loved it.... course back then drinking age was 16... its 18 nowadays)
teachers were there too tho.... no idea if they were drinking
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:40 |
I think OP lives in a more progressive location than dopey puritanical Murka, with a drinking (not buying) age of 16 for beer and wine anyway. Smoking on the other hand, might be 18.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:41 |
definitely came in to this thinking like sub 10 y/o and was quite taken aback at first. Guess I’m a grumpy old man after all?
Not saying it’s okay, but hopefully high school aged and kids will do what they can to push the limit. The lesson will be learned tomorrow morning.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:46 |
Well, as long as there was no opportunity to end up pregnant or assaulted, and she didn’t drive home or ride with anyone who was drunk, it should be a relatively harmless lesson.
Make sure to give her all the shit tomorrow when she’s hung over. This might be a good time to take up the drums.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:46 |
this additional bit of info changes a lot of things
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:47 |
ah tbh... im not fussed she’s been drinking.. she came home safe... i probably should be... but meh..(sides she’s actually quite carefull with the stuff as she already got drunk and stupid once at home and remembers every bit of it... as do we:p)
only thing i told her off for is just accepting a drink someone handed her in a pub
probably not hugely dangerous with her school mates... but thats not something she wants to make a habbit out of
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:49 |
I know when I was her age I would drink anything or smoke anything that had the potential to alter my reality. I can’t wait as I have a 15 YO girl and a 13 YO boy....
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:50 |
cool dad is cool - assuming you’re a dad and not a mom. Now I’m questioning everything.
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im a drummer actually... granted... not a very good one... and probably rusty as fuck as me drumkit has been sat at me mums for 8 years now
sadly i have work tomorow.. ill tell the missus to bang some pots n pans :p
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:51 |
wow you are a doucher to your kids.
got video?
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:52 |
Were you not in high school at some point? In case it’s been a while and you’ve forgotten , teenagers are remarkably ingenious problem-solvers, especially when it comes to finding a way to sneak a drink or whatever. If high school teachers could be fired or criminally charged for “failing to stop the use of illegal substances” there would be no high school teachers. Supplying them, of course, would be a different matter.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:52 |
I regret that I have but one star to give this comment.
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lol yeah.. im dad
tbh.... it dont feel right getting mad at her for doing stuff i’d do...
![]() 04/18/2019 at 17:59 |
smoking is 18
drinking is 18 nowadays too (or at least buying/consumption anywhere other than home)
(unless its with a meal.. where i think wine is allowed pretty much at parents discretion)
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:02 |
I was thinking 16 for consuming for “soft” booze like cider/beer/wine, 18 for others and purcha sing, but I haven’t been to Dutchieland for a couple years.
In the land of freedom and justice, it is 21, and enormous sums of time and money have been devoted to enfor cing and punishing these thoughtless regulations introduced by zealots and supported by idiots.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:02 |
yep... same here
thats why i cant get mad at her for it...its just funny to me
and worrieing
but well... this is probably just karma for what i put my parents through
good luck
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:09 |
its used to be as you say (tho i think you could purchase at 16 too.... but i grew up in the sticks where laws are a little looser)
it got upped to 18 in 2014
mostly coz the healthy living nannies figured all that 16 year old boozing was fucking up growing brains... and im pretty sure they are right about that
and yeah i knew it was 21 over there... strangely didnt stop 19 year old me and friends i made over there getting drunk
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:13 |
My grandma would openly t ell us it’s better to get drunk with your family first, so you learn how to behave, before you go out and do it with a bunch of strangers.
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It was a joke. far scythe got it.
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im fully onboard with that
a safe environment makes all the difference.... and wont make the fuck ups any less embarrasing
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I didn’t drink until college. My wife was more of a challenge for her parents. Much more.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:30 |
So this party was actually at the school? If so t hat sounds concerning, depending on the circumstances. Were the teachers drinking and smoking, too? Or were the kids sneaking outside to have some fun?
I’m no prude, I just think of the worst possible scenario when given the chance.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:34 |
Kids will always find a way to sneak stuff, sure. I think what he’s upset about is that it appears there was wide-spread drunkenness and pot at an event that was supposedly chaperoned. That makes it look weren’t supervising the kids well, and therefore looking out for their safety. That’s enough to set off a parent’s worry alarm.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:35 |
the school rented a pub for the evening for all final year classes (wich is a little baffling as most students are too young to legally drink)
teachers were there but ive no idea if any of them drank (some probably are smokers but of the regular variety.... weed is legal here but that wouldnt fly)
but yes mostly kids outside (no smoking indoors over here)
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:36 |
18 is still a lot more reasonable than 21. I suspect the US has more of a binge drinking epidemic and likely higher alcoholism rates in younger people t han other developed nations with lower drinking ages, as there isn’t such an edgy stigma attached to drinking .
I was in the sticks at that age too, and yeah, enforcement was lax at best.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:40 |
agreed.... i grew up with weed being legal so it was never much of a thing to me if you wanted it its there if not cool... then i moved to england... not legal... every one was trying to get weed coz cool
funny how that works
(i figured weed/booze same difference in this case)
its only cool and desirable if its not allowed
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:43 |
Rookie. Everyone knows you go out in the woods and get drunk as a teenager. Those are the good parties.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:49 |
well you’re not wrong
but im also not sad she hasnt figured that out yet
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:50 |
I remember coming home drunk one night in high school. Next morning I was hung over as hell and had to work at 9.
My mom looked at me said asked if I was hung over. I said “ yeah” and she said “ good".
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:52 |
welp.. its the price you pay
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:53 |
School party at a pub. Sounds like a recipe for shenanigans.
I wish I went to that school!
![]() 04/18/2019 at 18:58 |
me too tbh.....lol
![]() 04/18/2019 at 19:17 |
hand full of change in the dryer, or a very convenient time to run a vacuum around the house.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 20:29 |
haha. Amateur!
You don’t come home soon enough for your parents to catch you! she’ll learn soon enough.
Just try to talk to her so she will talk you about it other than hiding it. So you can somewhat have an influence on reason.. but I guess she will have to learn for herself how much is too much... all part of growing up
![]() 04/18/2019 at 21:58 |
And then we have the American “war on drugs”, a monumentally expensive failure that has only created make work projects for the enforcement class, enriched drug dealers (occasionally one in the same), and given soft drugs more of a “cool” stigma than they deserve. When puritanism and authoritanism mix, the only product is bullshit.
In the podunk area I lived while a teen, there was also ample pot. Nobody really cared. Now it is legal here, too.
![]() 04/18/2019 at 23:23 |
oh no worries there im not mad at her or anything (might have took the piss a little bit once i worked it out but thats about it)
![]() 04/18/2019 at 23:53 |
Let’s not forget the part about putting thousands of people in prison for bullshit offenses too.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 09:34 |
Yep, the corrupt for-profit prison system is a part of the enforcement class, in my book.
And then we have civil asset forfeiture, yet another realm where the nation appears to be a broken kleptocracy compared to mature developed locales.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 15:50 |
Agreed - all of that is a crime against humanity.