![]() 02/02/2019 at 00:13 • Filed to: dumb fucking bullshit politics | ![]() | ![]() |
In Virginia, the Democratic Governor expressed support for a third trimester abortion bill. Days later, some right-wing outlet publishes photos of his 1984 yearbook showing him in blackface. Predictably, everybody loses their shit.
This isn’t much different from James Gunn’s firing from Disney’s Guardians of the Galaxy franchise because of his off-color tweets from half a decade or so ago (which he’d already apologized for in advance before the outrage went viral).
To contextualize: yes, blackface is inappropriate. KKK clothing is inappropriate. But what should be even more inappropriate, is taking photos from someone’s teenage past, and trying to use it to browbeat them 35 years later. That’s just pathetic, and a failure of civil society.
Outrage culture is a fucking cancer.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 00:19 |
Kronor to Krispy Kremes this was leaked by someone who supported the bill but wanted to remove the liability of Mr. “the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable”
Also, he was in his mid-20s and in med school when that photo was taken.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 00:25 |
Photos were leaked by a far-right publication named “Big League Politics”. That’s why I am laughing at this shitshow. The far-right are such pro-lifers to the point where they will shame a woman into carrying a highly risky pregnancy to term, potentially putting both the woman and child’s lives at risk for the sake of their own self-important gratification.
It’s why I’m sick of pro-life arguments. Let the woman make her choices -- it’s her burden, not ours.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 00:25 |
Just a suggestion, post a photo and then put the hot take after the jump; otherwise mods may kill this post.
That said, think about the kids now and how one of them will be president in an environment where everything they did as a youth was documents...nuts.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 00:27 |
Good suggestion, will do that next time. Thanks. :)
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Do you know what a leak is?
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How can you get an abortion in the third trimester? The baby is basically out by then.
Clarification: Virginia is not looking to legalize voluntary abortions during the third trimester, it’s just changing the requirements for abortions in case of medical reasons
(from three doctors approval to one) which seems like common sense.
Some people have taken it the wrong way. Also, this is unnacceptable. I don’t think he should do anything but apologize but he’d send the "
message if he resigned and the lieutenant took office, specially so close to a presidential election year.
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Yup. I do. :p Regardless, it’s a pretty pathetic play.
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Eh, if you don’t want it to happen, follow these steps
Don’t wear Klan or minstrel costumes
Don’t go on record suggesting that letting delivered infants die is a healthcare option
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Local cultures and attitudes can also play into things 35 years ago.
That said, I think he misspoke on the matter of delivered infants being aborted. Either that, or he really screwed up his train of thought. I don’t know. I’d expect there to be stringent medical
standards at that point.
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The question shouldn’t be whether or not he appeared in black face as a high school student. It should be how he has acted since then.
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Good question, but it could relate to ensuring the woman’s survival if it is a pregnancy that suddenly turned high-risk.
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So much crazy stuff
on the internet about this. The procedure is already legal in VA, they just changed the requirement, (I edited my first comment)
Some are saying Dems want to legalize infanticide.
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1984 wasn’t that long ago. I think we all knew the Klan was bad news by 1984.
We could also assume the governor meant what he said.
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Precisely. Was he a consummate professional for those ensuing 35 years? That is what I would ask, rather than going on a career-destroying screed over a single photo that has since already been acknowledged as offensive.
I mean, for fuck’s sake, the dude
for it. To expect him to basically commit career/professional suicide over it is fucking ridiculous
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Namely, the Governor was saying that.
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He was a med school student
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The right-wingnuts are saying that, yes. What they are conveniently leaving out is that there would still be medical criteria to meet before a doctor would provide a third trimester abortion.
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I lived in VA in 1984. This behavior would not have been frowned upon then. So my point remains.
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How do you feel about Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh?
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Well, just as long as you don't send women to jail for abortions...
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I think his ini tial response is good. Admit it, and be contrite. Obviously that was a shitty racist joke, but it’s certainly possible to believe that in the in intervening decades, he’s become a better person. I think the next few days will be telling, if we get a slew of more recent “Northam being racist” stories then there’s going to be a lot of pressure on him, but if he did leave that nonsense behind, then he’ll be able to ride this out.
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I graduated from high school in 1984. I was smoking pounds of pot back in those days. I haven’t smoked pot since 1987 . Pot was illegal then, it’s illegal now. Does that mean I can’t get a job as a school teacher?
It’s not what you did 35 years ago, it’s whether or not you have been a serial sexual harasser or serial racist since then. I f we were all judged by what stupid shit we did in our youth, where would we be?
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If smoking pot had a connection to terrorism, then probably.
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No worries. We already do worse than that.
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Yeah, no, fuck him. There’s a difference between being stupid when you’re young and that shit.
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Has Northam shown terroristic tendencies in the last thirty-five years?
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Depends on if we find yearbooks from the past 30 years.
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And the same thing was done to try and derail a Supreme Court nominee recently. Ou trage culture is rampant on all sides.
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You won’t. So, lacking that evidence, you will condemn him anyway? Perhaps you should examine his voting record .
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I will condemn people for wearing Klan hoods yes.
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Please don’t group we who care about both the mother and the unborn child with extremest wingnut hypocrits who can’t seem to muster compassion for a woman in a tough situation. Real pro-life people value the lives of both.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 01:38 |
1. If we can be indicted for the stupid stuff we do as kids, then not a single one of us is safe.
2. This is more of a problem than any pics taken decades ago.
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He was 25.
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But he hasn’t said which one he is (as if there is a better choice here) . Look, I’m not defending Northam . My issue is with dragging things out of people’s past in an effort to destroy them today. I’m no supporter of Bret Kavanaugh, but I have problems with bringing accusations of sexual improprieties so many years on, when he hasn’t shown a pattern of such behavior since then. So my question remains unanswered. Has Northam shown a pattern of racist behavior since 1984?
![]() 02/02/2019 at 01:48 |
That’s still plenty kid enough to do that dumb stuff, especially while still in school. To me, the important part is how has he conducted his life since.
I am not a supporter of this man. I’m just an advocate for common sense.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 02:28 |
I concur with your sentiments. However, the loudest people tend to be the wingnuts.
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I regret having only one star to give you for this comment.
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Health of the mother, rape and incense account for somewhere in the realm of 1% of abortions. A third trimester abortion for the health of the mother is utter nonsense as the child is viable outside the womb by this point.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 04:38 |
If this clown was a Republican you’d be asking for his head on a platter. The pics were taken in med school, where this dimwit was practicing becoming a brain surgeon, he would have been 22 at the least.
I’m a resident of the state of Virginia, he needs to go.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 04:43 |
Yes, medical ethics for sure
![]() 02/02/2019 at 06:06 |
To preface: I’m a Virginia resident, and a lifelong Democrat. Voted for Mr. Northam, have been pleased with his service up to this point, and defended him numerous times for his statements made earlier in the week regarding the abortion bill.
He needs to go, preferably by the end of this weekend.
Yes, the picture is 35 years old, but it was 19 84, not 18 84. Yes, he was a college student. So were the freedom riders, from 15 years earlier. That is the college experience I want my governor to have had, not lampooning the abuse of human rights memorialized for eternity in a fucking yearbook.
Yes, that type of behavior was generally accepted in Virginia. I was only four years old at the time, and didn’t even live here yet, but I know this to be a fact . I know this because it’s still fucking generally accepted outside of Northern Virginia, and the non-bigot portion of Virginia needs to put it’s collective foot down and say enough.
If Northam resigns, Justin Fairfax becomes governor. Justin Fairfax is a qualified, well spoken, intelligent, progressive, and thoughtful individual . He’s one of the few (if not the only) Virginia officials to speak out against the state senate’s annual honoring of Robert E fucking Lee (just a couple weeks ago).
Justin Fairfax is black.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 06:07 |
In 1984 Virginia? No, that’s exactly what stupid looked like.
In the 80s, David Duke was considered a viable presidential candidate. People seem to forget how rapidly shit changed. The guy was an idiot, but not a life-sentence level idiot
![]() 02/02/2019 at 07:51 |
I’m by no means a medical expert but aren’t there some cases (even if rare) where there’s simply no way to save the baby without harming the mother? That’s what I’m trying to wrap my head around with these third trimester laws...what does “health of the mother” mean?
![]() 02/02/2019 at 08:18 |
Just a heads up, but homeboy was twenty-five when the photos were taken. The photos are from his medical school. Might want to change that whole “teenage past” thing in your analysis of the situation.
Someone dressing up in klan constumes and minstrel garb as a twenty-five year-old is a fucking racist.
I know mkbruin used to advocate praying for people like this, but I think we’re better off purging them from society, regardless of what bullshit party they belong to.
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In rich white people land, you’re a kid until you buy your own country club membership.
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Would you consider the Catholic Church a group of wignut hypocrites ? T he Diocese of Phoenix stripped St. Joseph’s Hospital of their Catholic Church affiliation when a doctor performed an abortion in order to save the life of a woman.
I attended pre marriage counseling with the Diocese, so I’d agree they’re a group of wignut hippocrits.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 11:21 |
IMO wearing black face and clan suit 30 years ago is VERY racist. Especially when you are 25 and in med school.
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I want to rag on country clubs, but the idea of a somewhat-empty course where I can practice golf without inconveniencing better players is too amazing to criticize.
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Well, he’s NOW saying it wasn’t him, after saying it was him.
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As of today, he’s now saying it wasn’t him, after saying it was him. Who knows with that man anymore.
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I saw that. *eye roll emoji*
![]() 02/02/2019 at 14:19 |
Hmm, so now he seems to have backtracked, and is denying that he was in the picture, and saying it was mistakenly printing on his page. I think, especially after admitting it was legit earlier, he has to go now . Doing something stupid and racist decades ago shouldn’t disqualify someone, but refusing to own up to it now indicates a problem with his current self.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 14:57 |
Don’t apologize for this guy’s actions. Were he in the other party it would be "another example of the racist right wing." Since he is a Democrat it is nothing more than youthful indiscretion and this whole thing is a witch hunt.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 14:58 |
I have seen a pic of him wearing either blackface or a fucking Klan hood. Consider him condemned.
![]() 02/02/2019 at 15:57 |
I agree completely. We should concentrate them all. Into camps!
![]() 02/02/2019 at 16:08 |
Why would we want to concentrate then into camps?
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What else are you going to do with them after purging them from society?
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I’ll let them worry about that.
![]() 02/03/2019 at 20:02 |
Yea, but isn’t this what we are doing now? 20-30+yr
old stupid something
and we paint them as whatever that was because
no one is more that.
At the same time, Roy Moore’s apparent child-love tenancies might be a bit different than this tasteless display, but politics really doesn’t have space for each accusation being treated individually or finding subt
y. So here we are.