![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:12 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Disclaimer: I don’t want to needlessly worry anyone while they read so I will say now that I do not have the equivalent of terminal rust and it’s not a tumor.
About a week and a half ago I started to develop a pain behind my right eye. My best guess was a sinus infection. It would happen around the same time every evening, usually after I ate and got comfortable lying around. I figured it was due to the temperature/humidity in my home or the relaxed state I was in. I’d take two Asprins and about an hour later I’d feel better. I thought it was a little strange I could breathe normally but chalked it up to the pain being behind my eye and not around my nose (After all, I do play a doctor on the internet).
At about day 3 the pain had become strong enough I felt the need to look through the medicine cabinet for something a little stronger and not yet beyond its expiration date. Found some Motrin and it seemed to do just as well as the Aspirin did initially. The pain would still subside after an hour or so.
Day 5 saw the pain go up another level and at times it would move up my head and also down my nose a little. In desperation I started standing over a boiling pot on the stove. Maybe Motrin wasn’t really effective? Found some Extra Strength Acetaminophen tablets and again, after an hour it would clear.
Last Friday I didn’t go home and went out with some friends after work. It happened again. The pain now was very, very bad. I asked around and the advice I received was to do a saline flush or spray. “Even with being able to breathe normally?”. Yes, was the unanimous answer.
Saturday morning I went straight out and picked up a Saline spray and of course that evening I found an opportunity to try it out. It did nothing.
4 o’clock Sunday morning I was awoken with a pain like I had never felt before in my life. It either felt like a person was reaching behind m y eyeball with their fingers and pulling, or like being stabbed in the eye with a very fat knife. There were tears but only from that one eye. I have an abnormally strong threshold for pain and on a scale of 1-10 (10 being something unimaginably painful) I’d rate this a 10 without question. I’d slept only 2 hours that night. This combined with the pain gave me dark thoughts of pulling my eye out (it couldn’t hurt any more than it already did). It was that bad. It was a nightmare.
Now in hindsight I should have gone to the doctor Monday morning (not that it would have changed anything, but it would have been the smart thing to do) but I had a work related emergency. Strangely enough everything was totally fine that day.
Yesterday morning at 4 am I wanted to throw myself from my patio. By 7:15 I was waiting outside the doctor’s office for the 8 o’clock opening. By the time I got there I wasn’t in pain though, as usual it only lasted an hour. I sat and described my self-inflicted ordeal to my doctor and she told me she didn’t think it was a sinus infection. I was gutted. This is not what I wanted to hear.
I was told it’s most likely what they call a Cluster Headache. For those who haven’t heard of it, it makes migraines feel like a scalp massage from a small lady followed by a happy ending. Woman who have been through child birth say it’s comparable. It’s very rare, affecting 1 or 2 people in 1000 (that doesn’t sound that rare to me though). It usually affects only half the face and almost always behind the eye. They don’t know what it is, what causes it, or how to cure it. Family doctors only know to throw pain killers at it, and my doctor did just that. I was prescribed two, one very strong and one so strong it should only be taken in an emergency. I took one of the weaker painkillers and went to work yesterday. It was okay.
Through my research I have been unable to determine if the name comes from it occurring as a cluster of pain in the head or the intervals of time in which they occur. They usually occur in the fall or spring and can last days, weeks, or months. Many can expect them to return the same time next year, for some they never go away, and for some lucky people it’s a one-time ordeal. Fingers crossed I fall into the last group.
Also learned that lying down is a no-no. To get a good night’s sleep I used 2 pillows stacked and it seemed to work well. No problems again today and no need for painkillers.
If I still have them in January I’ll be going to see a specialist to look at more drastic measures. Until then I’m relaxing and moving like a sloth.
tl;dr: Thought I had a sinus infection but learned it wasn’t the case. Been to hell and back. Things are just okay now.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:18 |
A lesson I learned recently is just go to the doctor
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:22 |
Oh my God, yes.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:23 |
Fuck dude, that sucks. Keep us posted, alright? And take care.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:26 |
Thanks man! Even now I get emotional with relief, but fight it as it may trigger it again . :-)x I’ll post any maj or changes.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:34 |
Holy shit, man.
Hope the worst of it has passed.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:38 |
Yep, out of nowhere with no prior issues. I don’t even get regular headaches let alone migraines .
Thanks, so do I.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:39 |
I get sinus headaches all the time. This sure sounds like a sinus head ache. One way to test that theory is to take a high power nasal decongestant like the kind you have to sign for and no pain pills and see if that clears it up. I’m no doctor but I’ve had sinus issues for a Long god damn time.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:40 |
Bloody hell. Sorry man. I hope it’s not a permanent thing.
Also, “saline flush or spray”, “was the unanimous answer”, really?
and not, “shit man, get yourself to the doctor” or “get some painkillers and some anti inflammatories ”!
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:43 |
My initial response was going to be this was so bad it has to be something else, but for the cost of a H .O. nasal decongestant I’ll humo r that suggestion. Why not, right ?
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:45 |
lol. Stop making me laugh it may trigger it. :-)x
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:50 |
Ugh. I had something similar off and on for maybe a year. My doctor sent me to a neurologist, had an MRI (fine), neuro was completely uninterested and told me I had migraines. I do get migraines, that’s not what they feel like. She gave me Imitrex, which does wonders for migraines but did nothing for the headaches that felt like someone was drilling an ice pick through my skull.
Thankfully mine have 95% stopped but I know absolutely nothing about why or what might help you. Good luck, because those were horrible .
![]() 12/18/2019 at 22:58 |
I know mine are sinus related because within 15-20 minutes Of taking the big pill I feel relief. These fuckers hurt too like an ice pick right above my eye brow, my eyes will actually water.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 23:00 |
Sounds like quite an ordeal.. . Could have been the same thing . The way it inexplicably started and then inexplicably started to disappear. It doesn’t have to be behind the eye either .
Hope yours is as good as gone and won’t return.
![]() 12/18/2019 at 23:06 |
The funny bit is your not in America where I’d expect someone to avoid the quacks, but in a, how have many called it, oh ye’, a ‘ civilised country with universal healthcare’ .
![]() 12/19/2019 at 08:00 |
Fuck you, at least we’re FREE tm in ‘Murica!!!!!