![]() 01/23/2019 at 06:47 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
My wife had an instance the other day which is still leaving me scratching my head. And a little bit perturbed.
She was pulled over the other day because the officer thought her tag was bogus (see lead image). NJ used some really lousy paint on some of these tags, and I’ve seen quite a few not unlike hers. So, the cop ran her tag and said it was bogus. Because he typed in the wrong numbers. After having her pulled over for 15 minutes, he comes back and tell her he’s not going to write a ticket and only going to give her a warning. So, she asks the cop how does she get a new plate, and his response was “I don’t know, try the DMV”.
So, I have a bunch of issues with this. You let her off with a warning? Why? How is she at fault because the state used sub-standard paint on their license plates? How can you tell someone to fix a plate if you don’t even know how to go about it? And, probably the thing that bugs me more than anything, he followed my wife for about 5 minutes before he pulled her over. Meanwhile, in the next lane there’s a semi throwing giant chunks of ice/snow off the trailer as it’s going down the road.
I don’t want this to be a pile on for people that don’t care for officers. I support the police and think that some get some bad press. I just question why pull her over for a bad plate (that wasn’t even bad to begin with). It was also 9° that day, so it wasn’t like it was a balmy day. If I was a cop I wouldn’t want to even get out of the cruiser.
So, anyone else have any stories of weird reasons they’ve been pulled over?
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doing 180km/h in a 100km/h zone
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Oof. Do you have a points system over there? What’s an infraction like that do for your insurance?
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I was pulled over on my bicycle for “ running a red light”it took me awhile to stop because didn’t think he was pulling me over. He was big mad but didn’t give me a ticket or anything.
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I was driving a blue Jeep and had just picked up me and my buddies girl friends and was off to some trails on a Saturday afternoon. Cop lights me up pulls us over. They open their doors pull their guns and tell us to put our hands on our heads. Everybody was like what the fuck did you do?!?
Long story short somebody did a drive by shooting the next city over in a blue jeep.
I can laugh about now but it was surreal at the time.
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Getting pulled over for doing 60....
...in a 65 zone. And getting a ticket for running a red light because I wasn’t speeding, but there was no light....
I don’t know how that happened.
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Not every cop is a seasoned experienced one. I would file this one away into a rookie cop and go on my way.
As for being pulled over for a very random crazy thing -
I was moving from one state to another. Rented a box truck. I looked around it. Mirrors, lights, usual... then... I see license plate on the front is missing. OK. no problem. Out of state vehicles typically do. I walked to the back to make sure there was something hanging there. Yep. There is.
They took a mail crate plastic. Cut it into a shape of a license plate. Wrote with crayon some letters and numbers and Oklahoma on the plate. I asked the rental guy - whats with that? He says. Someone stole the plates off the truck. We called corporate office and they said it was ok like this. They had no other trucks to rent and other companies had nothing of this size either so I said fuck it. Ill take it because that’s the day people were coming over to help me move.
OK. Load the truck up. Get on the highway. I tell my buddy who was following me - stay close behind me. If a cop gets close, he will see the crappy plate and i don’t want to get pulled over. So he does... sure enough 5 minutes from old house cop gets on a highway where I am. Squeezes between truck and my buddy and pulls me over.
Says hey, you don’ t have a valid license plate. I tell him the story. He runs the plates as they were. Says they are not valid. I’m shitting my pants at this point. Am I in a stolen car? Will it get impounded? Am I going to jail? What about all the shit i have in the back?
He says he is going to open my front door and read the VIN number. Vin number comes back to a car in Virginia (not Oklahoma). I guess there were bunch of issues with the truck. He wrote a slew of tickets to the rental company and said next time, don’t take the truck... but I didn’t get any tickets.
The new state I moved to had a place where I could drop off the truck. It was a bit late in the evening and they were closed. I left the truck. Threw the keys into drop box. Next day I get a call from them. Hey. Whats with the plate. I told them the story... in a stern tone to make sure they didn’ t hang any tickets or fees on me. They left me alone.
![]() 01/23/2019 at 07:29 |
Wow, that’s rough. Did you fight that one?
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Wow, that’s pretty crazy.
I probably would have taken the truck too. Make the rental company sort that out. I’d file this under “Not My Problem”.
And, to the unseasoned cop, yeah. He looked like he was about 19, if that. I’m sure he was older than that, but not by much.
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Damn. That kind of thing would stay with me. I’d be on edge the rest of the day.
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On a bicycle? Really? It’s not a motor vehicle, how could he even give you a ticket even if he wanted to?
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truthfully, i did manage to talk my way out of a ticket.
yes we do have a points system sadly, but any tickets have no bearing on insurance (if you have it, as it is n’ t compulsory here)
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Neither is the license plate in your case.
If cop gives you a ticket for faulty paint on a state issued equipment, you can take it to court and judge will dismiss it in a hurry because that’s just a dumb ticket.
If cops start giving out tickets for peeling plates and enough people take these tickets to court, surely state will have to do a recall or issue new plates.
I would actually go with latter since then they can collect more money.
I remember in NY they changed plates like 3 times in a decade.
They were white and red, then white and blue and now yellow and black .
Every time they changed it, it was mandatory you changed it too. If you wanted to keep old plates, you had to pay extra.
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Copious amounts of beer was consumed that evening.
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In most states, bicycles are treated as vehicles and riders have both the rights and the responsibilities of a motor vehicle driver .
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OK, but bicycle riders don’t have driver’s license... and don’t have to have ID.
Pull over little billy. you rolled through a stop sign. Goo goo gah gah.
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My uncle was pulled over three times in one trip with a full felony stop each time. They were looking for a guy in a red mustang who had robbed a bank. Every time he crossed into a new county, the locals thought they were about to be heroes. I guess they either caught the guy and dropped the alert or someone finally got the word out that this particular mustang wasn’t the one they were searching for.
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Damn! My cousin vinnie comes to mind.
I killed a person? I killed a person?
Judge, he kept saying he killed a person.
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Theres a rumor that emissions tags must be placed on the windshield. Its not a law and I wanted my winshield uncluttered. So when I got the tag I placed it on the rear window
I was pulled over by an “enviroment” cop and then immediately released when she walked right past my rear window where the sticker is.
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I did. With a lawyer, in fact, because if they’re writing those tickets, there’s something
weird going on. Turned out, yeah, there was something weird going on. The town was in a hurt revenue-wise, so they clearly were ignoring reality, writing tickets, and having them reduced to fines with no points. That was the weirdest ticket I’ve ever experienced first or second hand.
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Ugh that’s worse than mine.
And damn I own a red Mustang too.
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I always preferred the Lady Liberty plates.
I didn’t know that about having to turn your plates in. At least in Jersey if they change plates, they’ll let you keep your old ones.
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Enviroment Cop? Wtf?
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Police in Florida used to need a reason (other than seatbelts) to pull you over. So after being followed I got pulled over for having my tail light out. It was just an excuse to stop me and run my license because when I got home my tail light was magically working and never had any issues again.
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Is it ironic that they use the JK? Famously one of the least efficient trucks on sale according to the EPA?
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I’ve only ever used a lawyer once. I got a ticket for pulling in to the shoulder too soon to get in to a right turn lane. It was only about 1 0 feet or so before the turn lane started , and the traffic was backed up.
Anyway, in NJ that’s a 4 point ticket for improper passing. Meanwhile, leaving the scene of an accident, driving on a sidewalk, and passing someone stopping for a pedestrian in a crosswalk are all 2 point tickets.
I got the ticket in a “safe corridor”, which doubles the fine. So, I figure the lawyer is the best bet here. I get to court and find out that the judge here is known for being a dick and not negotiating at all. Ended up paying almost 1k to get it down to a 2 point ticket.
I know what I did was technically wrong. But it’s a ridiculous sum of money for something so minor (in my eyes).
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I got pulle d over for excessive acceleration from a stop sign in my weak ass non-ST non-RS Focus. I didn’ t know the car was even capable of that.
I’ve heard of people getting pulled over for worn out licence plates. If they cant read it, they cant run your plates, MA has a pay-by-plate toll system so that wouldn’ t work either.
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My stepdad was pulled over once for a bad tailight and got a gun pulled on him because he wanted to get out and check it. He had just replaced the tailight before he he got in the van since it was out. He wanted to see it for himself and the officer didn’t want him getting out of the car.
I get that police have a job that always puts them in harms way. But if you are pulling someone over for equipment failure, shouldn’t they at least be able to see the equipment that failed?
Post-script: The tailight had a funky wiring issue, and it would occasionally go out.
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My very first ticket was "unlawful exhibition of speed" which wasn't even a thing. I successfully had it dismissed.
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What was the cop supposed to do in this situation? Sounds like he thought the plate looked wonky, ran it (obviously incorrectly, but we all make mistakes) the computer told him it was not legit (due to the mistake he made) he pulled your wife over, got things sorted out and let her go with the understanding that she should contact the DMV to get the plate situation fixed. Obviously it would have been nice had the mistake not been made in the first place, but he’s just a human being doing a shit job.
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I got out of the car the first time I got pulled over! Instant gun drawn and me with hands on my head kneeling down.
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Wow. That’s pretty tone deaf. They should be in 15 year old Toyota Echos.
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And with the tail light issue I did ask to check it myself but they wouldn't let me get out of the car.
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Excessive Acceleration? Could there be a more subjective reason? Excessive to who?
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I don’t really blame the cop too much. I know he has a sucky job. My bigger issue is twofold:
1) Check again to make sure that the plate you typed in is the plate you’re seeing
2) The semi was the bigger threat in this situation. He’s creating a dangerous situation with the ice flying off.
But, this is one of those things where he can’t do #2 if he doesn’t do #1 properly.
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Almost 20 years ago, I was pulled over by the highway patrol in town because my new-to-me truck didn’t have a front plate yet (front plates are required in Ohio). It was an excuse to give me a ticket for not wearing my seat belt.
I very quickly leaned down to retrieve my front plate from the passenger-side floor to show him that I did in fact have it. Strangely, when I sat back up, the patrolman had backed away from the car 10 feet and had his hand on his gun. Weird.
...and that’s the story of how I was nearly shot by a highway patrolman for being stupid.
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sono su
might as well be my government’s motto.
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Whether that’s right or wrong (on the cop’s end), I imagine you only do that once. I’ll stay in the car until they say otherwise.
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It sucks, but I have to look at it from the perspective of an officer. They have sucky jobs.
When I was younger I never thought about that, I always had my stuff ready to go by the time the officer got to the car. Nowadays, I know that you should wait, and tell them what you’re doing before you do it.
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I was young and didn’t know any better . I think it’s an actual law here that you have to stay in your vehicle. It's a long story but in the cop's defense he thought I was running from him.
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I knew a guy in high school who got a DUI on a bicycle
. I don’t know the whole story or the aftermath...just knew that it happened.
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Yup he could. He could also give me a dui if I had been drunk.
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I think with lady liberty it was mandatory only due to number of characters on the plate. The blue and yellow ones have one more character so they didn’t care if you changed out or not.
I still don’t know why they needed to change to yellow ones.
![]() 01/23/2019 at 08:40 |
Dude is embarassed, so he is just trying to pass it off like he didn't fuck up. Pretty common reaction for people honestly.
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So, this begs the question. What if you don’t have a motor vehicle license? I guess you could still be fined, just no points.
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Pulled over at 8pm for tinted windows; mind you its the summer, my windows were down (coupe life, rears can be legally tinted) and it was getting dark on a poorly lit road.
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excessive to the cop I guess. There was no wh eel spin or anything like that. I didn’ t get ticketed, just a warning
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My dad was once pulled over for 26 in a 25. Unfortunately for the officer that pulled him over the passenger was a Captain with the sherrif’s department.
I believe we sat there for 10 minutes while he read him the riot act about the accuracy range of vehicle speedometers, the need to keep records of calibration dates and results for radar guns, the fact that it was an illegal speed trap because he was more than a certain distance off the roadway and parked on a private driveway, and a few other things.
I was pulled over once for suspected open container, but that was my fault for drinking a locally made root beer from a plain brown bottle while driving.
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Making an illegal pass on a 9hp Honda Grom.
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Red and green: learn the bloody difference.
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When kids are pulled over, they are usually read the riot act. If they are little buttheads about it, then the parents are contacted. If they are buttheads about it, the officer can write the parents a citation.
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You got it. Fined. I’ve seen this happen at one of the universities I attended. Cyclists were ignoring stop signs and the police started issuing citations. It’s worse when the campus police get involved too. They can keep a student from graduating if there are any unpaid fines on their account.
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Two stories come to mind for me
The first was I came into town a little too fast one night with the high beams still on. I had gone to pick up a friend of mine to go coyote hunting and was heading to where we meeting up with other people. I left the high beams on all the time because I could barely see the road with the low beams because the lenses were so cloudy(I now know how I could’ve fixed this) . I had a 1988 Buick Riviera (miss this car). So they pull me over at the only lights in my hometown. As I was waiting for the cop to get to the car I reached into the backseat to put our shotguns that we had back there to put them on the floor because I didn’t want them in the trunk bouncing around and hitting my newly installed subwoofers. I am an idiot. So all the cops can see is a bunch of movement inside the car. Also my car sort of matched the description of a car that has been spotted at a bunch of armed robberies at gas stations in the area. Yeah, one cop had a gun pulled and the other one came to the passenger side which confused us. In the end, no ticket, yelled at for being dumb. The conclusion to that whole night was me sliding that car off a curve covered in slushy snow down into a cornfield. Never even went hunting.
Other time was I think I had a headlight out is the reason they pulled me over, can’t remember. What I do remember is standing and eventually asking if I could sit in the back of the cop car because it was so cool and they were talking so long to search my car. Here is what I remember being in my 1993 Honda Civic EX that night: 2 shotguns in the trunk (I learned from the 1st story, also one wasn’t mine but my friends from college), a 10"knife that was also a friend’s in the trunk (I forgot that one was in there and the cop yelled at me for that one), a grill propane tank with FLAMETHROWER!!!(weed burner/ice melter) attachment in the back footwell, a chainsaw in the back footwell, a just under the legal limit length mini machete wedged between the center console and driver’s seat(this got confiscated and eventually returned), and the shotgun shells the cops saw in the glovebox which prompted the search of my car. In the end no tickets, just yelled at for being dumb again. I guess all that stuff made them think stolen stuff and possibly meth head. Nope, just stupid small-town kid. Oh, and my battery died from having the flashers on and the cops wouldn’t give me a jumpstart. Something about how it could damage there electronics. I was upset about that.
Oh, on both of these occasions my parents knew I got pulled over because my mom was an EMT and had her scanner on. I got a call both times immediately after the cops left.
Fun times.
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Didn’t happen to me but I had a friend who was pulled over 3 times in about 5 miles for having a headlight out. He was on his way home from work, completely normal commuting time and everything, but a local cop saw his headlight out and decided to stop him. Then it happened again - different local cop from an adjacent town. By the time the third cop stopped him (this time a state trooper on a different road), the exchange went like this:
“Sir, are you laughing?”
Yes. Sorry. Yes sir.
“Umm do you know why I stopped you?”
[laughing] YES, you’re the third officer to stop me in the past 15 minutes to let me know I have a headlight out. I’m going home and will fix it tomorrow I PROMISE !
[Officer starts laughing] “That’s actually hilarious. Go on, be safe. Have a good night.
![]() 01/23/2019 at 09:49 |
What were you passing? A pedestrian?
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A wrangler, driver was texting swerving and driving super slow.
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Yet the distracted Wrangler driver probably didn’t get stopped.
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Failure to signal.
When leaving a 4-way stop.
Going straight.
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He didn’t! I went to court, explained the the situation and that I know shouldn’t have passed him. The cop was reasonable both when I was pulled over and at court. They threw the ticket out and gave me my money back.
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I was driving through a small town in Georgia and I came upon a police cruiser straddling the dividing line on a two lane road. So I slowed down and proceeded to drive around the cruiser to continue on my way... so I find myself in a funeral procession... oops, so I continue along and find a spot to turn off the main road and continue my trip. Here come Barney fife to chew my ass out for driving around his car that was “blocking” the road to traffic. So I apologize and all that, no need to get pissy with a small town cop, especially driving a car with Michigan plates while in small town Georgia. I was a bit pissed because the guy was not blocking traffic, at least not in a manner that made me think, hey I should stop. I thought he was stopped to attend to something on the opposite side of the road. Oops. I wish I had a dash cam back then. Would’ve been a great video.
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I apparently robbed a store... but I wasn’t a woman on crack, so he let me go.
Only time I been pulled over.
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Perfectly legal to pull over cyclists. It’s rare of course, but we are required to follow traffic laws like everyone else.
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They wanted to make everyone change to yellow and blue ones. Fortunately, the public backlash to that was enough to convince them to let the old plates phase out naturally instead of demanding everyone buy new plates (they weren’t going to provide those new plates for free).
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I’m trying to remember, what’s the hand signal for that one again?
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So, you got away on a technicality. I see. ;)
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Weird. What’s the point of changing plates back and forth?
I checked historically, most NY plates have been yellow.
If you run out of space, I can see having the need to change. But changing from white and blue to black and yellow seems like an exercise in masturbation
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But changing from white and blue to black and yellow seems like an exercise in masturbation
Basically yes. I think it appeals to the decision makers because it is something that they can see everywhere and say “I did that!” Someone liked the yellow plates because they grew up with them, and said let’s do that again.
Personally like the blue and white ones best. There’s something to be said for the Liberty plates, but personally I associate them too much with NYC, as opposed to the state.
![]() 01/23/2019 at 13:44 |
driving a suspicious vehicle/ dirty license plate/ driving erratically(slowly at 11pm)/ leaving the vicinity(driving past) of a known drug house ......... so many fishing expeditions i have been on.......
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I got pulled over because the county sent me the wrong plates and registration sticker. And didn’t correct it for three years. And then only corrected it because I called when the cop told me the plates were registered to a 1988 Olds. Luckily, because the registration sticker on the windshield matched the plates, he decided it is govt error and let me go.
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![]() 01/24/2019 at 14:55 |
I’m usually pulled over for legit reasons. The dumbest actual police stop I had was when I got stopped for window tint and the officer managed to shoehorn in a way to search the car. The air for at least over a mile was thick with the smell of dead animal. IIRC, there was a skunk or something we passed right before he stopped me.
He’s like “have you been smoking? I smell marijuana.”
Me: “No, what you’re smelling is that dead animal we passed right before you stopped me.”
Him: “Step out of the vehicle.”
He then gives me a patdown, makes me walk the line, and his partner kept suggesting to have the dogs tear down my car. After a while the officer realized I didn’t have anything he could stick me with, so he wrote me a ticket for window tint that wasn’t a fix it ticket.
The most amusing time I dealt with a police officer was when I wasn’t yet living as a woman full time. Apparently the parking lot I pulled into on a late Sunday night had a hidden police car and the officer essentially watched me change clothes and put on makeup. Eventually he rolled up, put on his spotlight, then tapped on my window probably thinking I was there to deal drugs or something. But the pile of guy clothes in the seat and my driver’s license told him all he needed to know. He awkwardly apologized and backed away like I caused his brain to BSOD. lol
![]() 01/24/2019 at 17:40 |
Been pulled over in a company truck a couple of times.
Once, the cop ignored the fact th at my seat belt was a different shade of grey than the hoodie that I was wearing, yet still gave me a ticket and I had to take time off work and go to court to fight it .
The other time, I was taking the same truck home after a long day and was pulled over just because the cop thought it was weird to see a company truck driving at night.
![]() 01/24/2019 at 17:44 |
Was it one of those weird K-shaped intersections, where it’s hard to tell if you should signal or not?
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That’s wack. Doesn’t everybody speed though? Shouldn’t be too hard to find somebody to give a legit ticket. I don’t understand why they had to single you out.
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Yeah. It was late, there weren’t many cars in the area, they needed money, and the judge and cops were in on it so they could continue to get paid. Wasn’t right, but there it is.
![]() 03/27/2019 at 09:40 |
Wait, are fake plates a thing? What? They cost like, $20 for a real one.
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I’ve never heard of fake plates, but who knows. She did end up ordering new plates because it was only $11 I think , but I feel like she shouldn’t have had to. It’s not her fault the paint on the plate failed.