![]() 01/16/2019 at 10:35 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I am sharing these with Oppo a I find them because I have not been secretive about my identity and I don’t hide from these controversies. This one is a little harsher.
She missed some key elements here:
1. Nothing in this article was ever proven. Everything they quote against me are unproven allegations in a complaint filed by my enemies. We got the case dismissed - twice - and they revived it on appeal. My side has never been told.
2. The insurance company settled this case. I would have taken it to trial. If they want to settle, and you refuse, you lose coverage. There was no reason not to let someone overpay to make this go away.
The 9th Circuit went apeshit on my case because it came up when they were in open conflict with Trump. I never had a chance of keeping the dismissal in place.
Even so, this reporter was hostile and dumb on the phone, but some of my side still got in. Considering this is San Francisco PBS, I should probably feel ok. The hack job Mother Jones did on me a while back was way worse.
Hate me yet, Oppo? This is the ugly part of my world.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 10:42 |
Reporters like that are usually on the younger side, IME. years ago a co-worker had a situation with one of her sons and their neighbors, and one of the local news stations decided to look into it. the reporter who called her was one of the most accusatory, judgmental shitheads imaginable. I don’t think these people understand what the job of “journalist” is supposed to be.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 10:45 |
So the farm knowingly employed illegal aliens and threatened to call the cops if their workers went to another farm, which presumable was a better job. That’s more than just hypocritical, it’s also illegal. Did the original farm ever get a fine or anything?
![]() 01/16/2019 at 10:47 |
Man, I’m sorry you’re going through this. Why does the other side feel like you “retaliated”? You being
an employment lawyer in CA in the ag industry, someone’s immigration status seems like a pivotal detail.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 10:55 |
That’s not too bad — I’ve seen worse!
Hey, you know any civil litigators in Reno? I need to hire someone for a small case up there. Thanks!
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I have never figured out how to deal with reporters. I’ve been interviewed for my second job I have to pay for side-gig multiple times and it seems like they always just paraphrase and write whatever they want...
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It’s brave of you to share these with us. I see part of why you ended up as an attorney.
Reading about yourself in the paper like this must be tough. I hope this is the worst one for you.
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What was the Court’s reasoning when they threw it out both times? Or do they not give a reason when they dismiss a case?
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That’s rough, people who know you will know that’s bs, and know that your line of work sometimes gets ugly.
People who don’t know you, pfft who cares about them?
People who like Sunchasers will still be your friends
I’m sad you did n’t mention your various Oppo posts in your Publications and Lectures section..
![]() 01/16/2019 at 11:18 |
Just to clarify, the guy was offered a better job, his employer told him they would have him deported if he left his current job, he sued that employer for back wages and harsh work conditions and you contacted ICE to have him deported?
What parts of the article are unsubstantiated? Are your quotes accurate? What is your side? Was your larger objective to try to get the Legal Services Corporation from funding lawsuits brought on by illegal aliens?
I am fascinated by this kind of stuff from a business rights and moral perspective. Imagine f or a moment that the farm had just paid him his back wages and made him whole on his claims of not receiving breaks, etc and that a lawyer for the farm - which knowingly employed a person whose immigration status did not meet the requirements - didn’t expose said immigration status to ICE so that the man would be deported and the case left to disappear like a fart in the wind. Crazy stuff.
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Every story has a hero. Hardly anybody intends to be a villain. If you do your job well and can sleep at night knowing that you have done what is right, you win.
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They’re journalists, which means their every record of events starts “Dear Diary” - not reporters, who might actually just report things that really happened .
/mean-spirited old-manning
![]() 01/16/2019 at 11:36 |
Even the logic behind the article is fucked. I had to re-read it, because it makes it look like the “retaliation” is all your fault, rather than the immigration thing being a natural step. They want to damage you personally since they can get the farm at the same time.
I suggest if there is a next time you should curate your statement a bit better. It may seem like being open i s better but journalists are parasites and they will take anything out of context. Facts matter little.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 11:47 |
you can’t just go get the mafia to threaten people
Did a federal judge really refer to a federal agency as the mafia?
![]() 01/16/2019 at 11:55 |
Just a heads up, e- Verify is a much easier way to check someone’s immigration status. You just plug the person’s I-9 info into the website and it tells you if they’re kosher. Avoids you admitting to an ICE agent that your client hired illegal labor, and any notion of retaliation (unless you then send the e-Verify report to ICE after they file a lawsuit, that’ll probably still get you nabbed ).
Arizona has required it since 2008, and will revoke your business license if you knowingly hire illegal labor. I’m guessing a similar law in CA would decimate thei r farming and dairy industry.
(I realize you probably know all this)
Either way, no hate from me, though I do harbor some angst for companies that knowingly hire illegal labor so they can pay them less. Had to compete with companies like that with my family’s shop, knowing the rich assholes who owned them were all typical anti immigrant conservatives.
We’re out of business, but we got the joy of seeing one of our employees buy a house and become a US citizen, and another learn skills which have allowed him to take a bit of control over where he works. I’ll take that over a bif extra cash in my bank account.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 12:03 |
What a time to be alive where you can do something illegal, be reported for it and win a million dollars.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 12:13 |
Thats some post de facto shit right there. People are idiots. This is similar to what my school is going through right now, except the allegations are against the school itself as well as the director.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 12:16 |
Only Solution is to V12 swap the Cressida.
then do massive burnout in front of that reporters lace of work and home.
we all love you here, even if deep down i know you wont swap the C ressida
![]() 01/16/2019 at 12:25 |
Wow, so you’re the mafia? Maybe you could “handle” a few things for me. We are friends after all, right?
Now I’m imagining you bald
with Pumpkin on your lap like Mr. Bigglesworth. Different kind of organized crime, but it would make a good Halloween costume.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 12:36 |
Toby loves you and Pumpkin holds these people in disdain (along with everyone else, but let’s not knit-pick.)
Thank you for sharing this along. I’ll read the thread in detail later, when I can give it my undivided attention.
Will this case go to SCOTUS since the 9th Circuit decided how they did?
![]() 01/16/2019 at 13:12 |
You need to develop a rapport with the reporter, and show them you know how to play the media game. Like it or not, the idiots that have overrun everything are more interested in what sells rather than what intrigues or makes one think. Being more accessible and quotable will make them more friendly to you. It’s especially important if you’re going to be dealing with them regularly.
So next time they want to do any sort of interview, suggest doing it over lunch. (ProTip: this makes it a business expense.) They may not be able to accept (the ethics rules are byzantine and many ,) but that you offered, matters. Make a point of making time for them and being available by multiple means as well. In-person, phone, email. They like dealing with someone they don’t have to chase down for a soundbite. More importantly, they can’t run an uncertain quote; if they can reach you to get clarification or a refresher, they’re more likely to run it.
Also be sure to k eep your answers short and soundbite-friendly as well. The more quotable it is, the more likely it’s going to run as-is. Lots of paraphrasing happens because the response is too long or they can’t write fast enough. “So-and-so really peaked 10 years ago and it’s just been downhill from there” isn’t very quotable, it’s going to get rewritten. Period. “The past ten years have been a disaster for so-and-so”? That’s much more likely to get printed as-is. If you’re really going to deal with them on a weekly basis, be sure to get their email and give them a heads up on anything newsworthy you might know about, and let them know your availability if it’s at an event . (Believe me, those two things will get you in their good graces immediately .)
And most important of all - if you want to talk freely with them, make sure they know and confirm that the conversation is off the record. Otherwise, it’s fair game to print. And anything you say to them may be followed up on regardless. If you tell them about a rumor off the record? That just means it won’t be attributed to you in print.
![]() 01/16/2019 at 13:18 |
So from
ñor Arias’s $1M payment, how much will he actually see?