![]() 01/14/2019 at 17:15 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Lots of shit went down, so I feel like I need to write it down to keep track of it and plan crap. read if you want, ignore if not. But I will give you a sweet bike photo at the end :)
Still at the same job. Motorcycle sales. Its just now starting to pick up and had the first bike sale of the year for me today, so thats good. time for that commision to start co
ming in again. Oh the bright side, i entered the year with 0 debt, so yay!
Still doing school online. marks arent the greatest so far (1.95 GPA, I need a 2 to fin
h) but I have another 2 years to pull it up. I, pretty sure I can. Just need to follow the profs notes and pointers a little more carefully
Lady friend left me. Wanetd to be single again. I took this way harder then I was expecting. 2 year, 3 months. just gone. Shes okay with being FWB..so eh?
On that. I decided I want revenge. how? i want to get into the best shape of my life, so that when I see her again to make her regretfull and jealous. extremely stupid and petty reasoning? oh yea. a lot more motivational then “new year, new me”? you bet. So an hour a day, 6 times a week.
lth wise, everything loo
ks to be okay. My eye sight has started to fail from my surgury a few years ago, so i will have to get glasses for night driving. not a overtly big issue at the moment, but it did cause some concern. I’ll have to see how it goes.
Now, the juicey part. Vehicular updates.
lexus is still running strong
. 182K km at time of writing. It will need spark plugs, the intake cleaned (dam DI motors) and the brakes looked at. I did them last year, but I’m getting a vibration from the front and the left side calipers seem to grab before the right side. not good.
As far as the bikes are concerned, none of mine have sold yet. Not the BMW, not the Z, not the track bike. I have solid leads on 2 of them, but nada on the BMW. oh well.
Once those are gone, I will be getting the 675 I was talking about. that 848 i still really want, but I have to take a closer look at finances to see if I can actually afford it. I might be able to. The original plan was to have both. but if I need to have eye surgury again that wont be happening. Maybe a 749 instead.
other then tha...eh. I was really knocked back by the (now ex) gf thing...but I feel like I’ve somewhat regained my mojo and things are on the up swing again. Even some how got a date on friday
. hopefully that goes somewhere
As long as I stay busy and not think about her I think i’ll be fine.
So yea. how have you guys been?
![]() 01/14/2019 at 17:22 |
Glad to hear you’re taking things in stride.
As for me, work, work, work. Thinking of buying a truck once my student loan gets paid off. Thinking of selling the FiST so that way I just have one vehicle payment, even though I’m 100% I’d be upside down on the loan.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 17:26 |
675 is the best bike in the world. I may be biased. Mine’s all tucked away for the winter. I think I’ll go start it again tonight. Gotta keep that battery fresh.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 17:28 |
Glad you’re doing well. I’d stay away ftom FWB with an ex. I’ve done it and it makes breaking romantic attachment hard, especially right after ending a long term relationship. Just my $ 0.02.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 17:32 |
Hey, whatever it takes to get motivated. I’ve been killing my legs for the past few months so I can show off my shitty knee tattoos in some short dad shorts come Spring time. My wife is getting pretty sick of me asking her how my legs are looking.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 17:38 |
yea. but at the same time, the fun times were...fun. like really fun. I’ll have to see how it goes.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 17:52 |
One of the other GMG sites had a write up on why it is (usually) ok to bone your ex. At work otherwise I’d google it.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 18:09 |
Lol, squats for the win! I noticed I was getting old man knees and ankles so I doubled down on leg day! Honestly though, getting healthy is the healthiest way to put a relationship behind you, as everybody know s that living well is the best revenge. Healthy body, healthy mind, the two are really tied together biologically...
![]() 01/14/2019 at 18:09 |
Just be careful with FWB with an ex.. I’ve seen this many times.
Sometimes they got back together (and I somehow think that’s what you want) but other times things got real bad because one part couldn’t be “just friends” or one part found new love while the whole FWB thing was still going . And that’s when things get more painful than just a normal separation
![]() 01/14/2019 at 18:20 |
Plan subverted!! Because of kinja I could see the photos without clicking *cackles evilly*.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 18:25 |
Sorry about you and your lady friend.
I do recommend staying away from FWB with the ex.
Also, don’t rebound from your ex by banging your ex-ex. That will get complicated and messy. Don’t ask me how I know.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 20:05 |
Only problem with FWB after a relationship is communication and expectations. All it takes is one side wanting more or less than the other and yeeeeesh. Get ugly fast.
![]() 01/14/2019 at 23:11 |
ex-ex was a disaster, I will pass.
ex-ex-ex...maybe. but I doubt she wants to speak to me
![]() 01/15/2019 at 09:56 |
Dat 749 though! droooooool. First Ducati I saw back in high school on a magazine cover was a red 999, fell in love. Would still love one one of these days.
![]() 01/17/2019 at 10:41 |
I just saw this and can only recommend several dank whoolies nearby the person you wish to bang . If that doesn’t work, then it’s best to move on . But if it does work , then
![]() 01/23/2019 at 17:56 |
This comes from a friend of mine who owned a Ducati shop and raced them for years: “Don’t buy a four valve ducati prior to the Volkswagen buy out, unless you REALLY know what you are doing, or have ‘Fuck it’ money ”