![]() 01/11/2019 at 15:50 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
The Tarrant County Republican Party voted today on whether or not to oust the organization’s vice chairman, Shahid Shafi. Not because of illegal activity, or because he’s unfit for the job, but simply because he is Muslim.
The vote failed, 139-49, which means that 35% of the TCRP think that it’s okay to fire a guy for his religious beliefs. The leader of the movement to oust Mr. Shafi, Grand Prairie precinct chairwoman Dorris O’Brien, had this to say about the bid, on Facebook of course:
“We don’t think he’s suitable as a practising Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable,” Mrs O’Brien wrote on 31 December 2018.
O’Brien also railed against what she called a “stealth jihad” and “Leftist/Shari’a Zuckerberg-ization of Tarrant County”
My question to Mrs . O’Brien is, “Are ALL Tarrant County Republicans Christians?” Because I bet there might even be [GASP] a Jew or two in your midst.
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I don’t think any religion is safe or acceptable, RECALL ALL RELIGIOUS POLITICIANS
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Continuing the long, dishonorable tradition. Many didn’t want a Catholic president out of fear he’d be more loyal to the pope than the country.
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I’m glad my state is at least partially in the developed wor ld.
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So they killed him.
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Sixty -five percent of it. Not a bad number, but I sure wish it was higher.
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Stay Classy Tarrant County. Perhaps they should rename it Tyrant county.
O’Brien also railed against what she called a “stealth jihad” and “Leftist/Shari’a Zuckerberg-ization of Tarrant County”
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I know Texas has an oasis here and there, but overall it appears to be a goshforsaken heckhole. I can’t imagine why anyone would choose it other than a job and a cheap stapled together tract house.
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Mrs O’Brien can sit on a grenade.
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A section of the Republican Party wants to kick a guy out of a job because he is freely practicing his religion?
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Time to vote on ousting those 49 who voted to oust, first starting with Mrs O’Brien. What an absolute disgrace she is. I honestly can’t grasp people who are pro-America, but also feel religion should be in politics. The fear injected in politics also needs to die.
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If becoming Zuckerberg-ized means that getting $53 billion, then sign me up!
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People are coming to TX in droves for just the reasons you list. Austin is indeed an oasis of blue in an otherwise red hellscape.
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I wish she would, along with the 48 other party members who sided with her.
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I saw an article about the upcoming vote a couple days ago. I want to punch good old “Christian” Dorrie in the face.
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65% of the local GOP. Hopefully others groups are even more tolerant.
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I’ll keep the high cost of living and dreary weather here, in the long run, less irritating. The regressives in the PNW have nothing on their counterparts to the south and east .
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There’s a Muslim Republican in office in Texas?
Hmmm... very interesting. I’m sure that’s giving at least a few Christian-Republicans heart palpitations.
EDIT: Not in office, but involved in the operation of the party. Still, I’m sure a lot of the Christian-Republicans don’t like it. In my view, having a guy like this is probably healthy for the party in the long run.
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LOL if only. We all know it’s a thinly veiled code for “Taken over by the Globalist Jew Cabal”
Nutcase Grandma Dorris who’s still living in the 1950s really needs to stop taking those shitty Facebook memes to heart.
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Welcome to Texas.
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I read about this pretty recently as well. These so-called persecuted Christians have zero sense of irony. If only they realized how close to those actual radicalized Jihadists their far-right fear-mongering based “only one true god, all the rest are the devil” beliefs are.
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He’s an officer in the local GOP, not in the state government. He seems to be a doctor.
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I hope it gives them a fatal coronary.
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The Prairie League’s file photo of Mr. Shafi. Probably.
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Which also touches an a tangential point. If, and I mean if, Trump were indicted or impeached, what do you think his gun-toting hothead fan base would do? With most of the mass shootings being carried out by angry old white men, I’d be worried.
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T here is a practicing Muslim Republican that got elected in Texas? That’s pretty impressive.
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Maybe Chariotoflove can chime in here, but I don’t think Tarrant County, which includes Dallas, is entirely red. It does have a very large cosmopolitan city in it, which tends to attract libruls.
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These people probably think Team America:World Police is a documentary
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I missed that. Edited my comment. But the end result is still the same... heart palpitations for Christian-Republicans.
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I wonder if these people have ever got to the part of the Constitution that reads:
no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
The Texas State Constitution is little different:
No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.
That still wouldn’t exclude Muslims, but it’s a moot point either way since the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution extends its protections to the states.
Obviously none of this applies to Dr. Shafi’s situation since he’s not a state officer, but I do really wonder how much these “America was founded as a Christian nation” people really know about the nation’s founding...
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I very nearly said exactly that, along the lines of “Mrs. O’Brien’s cited evidence from the documentary Team America: World Police”
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Honestly, I hope that Mr. Shafi is reconsidering his choice of political parties at this point...
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Tarrant County is Fort Worth. A county west of Dallas (which is in Dallas County) but they’re all the same metropolis which sprawls across many counties
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TIL that Tarrant County includes Ft. Worth. I lived in Texas for 20 years and did not know that.
I love how the accuse him of being more loyal to Islam than the USA. I’m sure Mrs. O’Brien would never try to shape poli
tics according to her religion. Oh wait that’s exactly what she is doing and saying.
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... provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.
I’m getting so sick of Texas’ bullshit. Any chance they’ll ever amend that to “he or she”? Nah, I didn’t think so.
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In addition to the question in my other post, I wonder if all these people (mainly evangelicals) who want the state to take a more active role in religion know that the Supreme Court is made of up of 5 Catholics, 3 Jews, and one mainline protestant (who was raised Catholic). I think there’s a real lack of understanding that a large part of the reason for the separation of Church and State is to protect the Church from the State.
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Maybe staying with the GOP gives him protection, because given the current political climate as a Democrat Muslim in Texas he has a good chance of being shot just for that. And I am only half-joking.
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Well, if the Republican party were still the party of true conservatism, he might fit right in. I have no problem with Conservatives. Republicans, on the other hand, can go pound sand.
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I know quite a few conservatives who still seem to be burying their heads in the sand about what the Republican party has truly become.
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Dallas, Fort Worth, whatever. ;) I live in Texas, but can’t keep all the counties straight.
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If I define myself as a Supreme Being, would that suffice?.......Because I totally am.
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Loophole for women!
Could be worse, this is still in the Alabama constitution (along with some other stuff they probably should also take out):
Separate schools shall be provided for white and colored children, and no child of either race shall be permitted to attend a school of the other race.
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I knew it was either Dallas or Fort Worth, which are basically one giant city with a big ass airport in the middle.
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Sadly, maybe. Odds are he’s just a guy with money who doesn’t want to pay a lot in taxes.
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Sounds good to me!
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Especially the republican party as it stands currently. I saw a some voting statistics broken out the other day, male, female, age, education, etc, etc. But they didn’t bother to break it down for black people. I thought it curious, but turns out, no matter how you slice it, they vote so overwhelmingly Democratic that there’s no point.
If a specific (and large) portion of the population of a country won’t vote for a certain party, that should be indicative of a giant problem. This article here is case-in-point.
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Yea, and MS still has the Stars and Bars on its state flag. Here in Austin, there is an ongoing movement to scrub the names of Confederates from public buildings. As we drove through VA on our Christmas trip, we exited onto US 11 in Virginia, a portion of the Lee Highway which actually runs all the way from DC to San Diego. I imagined that there was very little stomach in VA for changing the name of that road.
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haha, I see what you did there.
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Denial is more than a river in Egypt. Meaning no disrespect to your friends, but the silence on the part of many in the GOP speaks volumes, I think, to the true nature of many of those individuals. Perhaps they fear the left far more than the bigots on the right, but they will go down with them by association.
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they vote so overwhelmingly Democratic that there’s no point.
But the Democratic party blindly assumes that blacks will support them That’s not always the case, and I think it’s actually what Kanye was on about. Just because the Democrats aren’t Republicans, it doesn’t mean that Democrats have blacks’ best interests in heart. That said, I can’t fathom why anybody would support a party that is so hostile them. But the Dems can’t take it on faith that blacks will support them. Pelosi and Schumer have their work cut out for them still.
Interestingly, whenever I type “Schu mer” in my computer, it autocorrects to “Schemer.”
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No offense taken - and I agree with you, it’s showing their true character, and turning me off to them. They do fear socialism, but they’re just too white and privileged to see that what the far right is doing is far, far worse. It disgusts me.
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Yeah it’ll be a hot mess. Most will probably grumble but slowly simmer down, but there are enough gun-toting nutjobs out there that at least a few of them will probably try taking the law in to their own hands a la 2 nd amendment.
Of course, given any likely scenario that will actually play out – they will more accurately be treasonous terrorists, and not the saviors of the universe that they’ll surely be seeing themselves as. The difference is all in perspective, I suppose, as with any such scenario.
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Yup. Guess what we call those who did not resist the National Socialists in Germany?
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I like that.
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While I concede that most mass shootings are carried out by whites in the U.S. with those of Middle-Eastern decent in a distant second place and Asians in a close third , the majority of perpetrators are between the ages of 16 and 30. While nearly everything you post is dripping with facts and research, I think this is a bit misleading.
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Haha, Kanye is hardly an authority on anything. In the grand scheme of things what I said holds true and my point there is that while it’s not evidence that the republican party is actively racist, it sure strongly suggests it, as are their policies that continually do nothing but benefit this country’s richest people, to a fault. They always manage to frame it as beneficial to everyone, but it takes very very little research to find out that it’s not the case. Which is sadly research many many people neglect to do. For example not knowing that ACA is the same as “Obamacare”.
So what I’m getting at, I view the republican party as straight-up evil, to be affiliated with a party which an entire community will not vote for is just something I can’t get behind. It’s ludicrous that such a party even exists! It’s practically the KKK if you look at strictly that statistic. And I’ve heard from so many people that were traditionally republican that just can’t stomach where the party is headed (well really... where it’s at) . It’s such an antiquated, racist, trickle-down-bullshit worldview, it’s disgusting. But unfortunately there are plenty of people that don’t do the slightest bit of research and/or they are people that identify with those misguided values and some real shitheads get elected.
I agree though that the democrats do have their work cut out for them, losing even a small percentage could be catastrophic. And while it may not change the statistics I mentioned above, it could certainly change results. I also don’t want to imply that the democratic party walks on water, far from it. But at least it has diversity, it has both genders represented. And it doesn’t have the audacity to leave reproductive health up to a bunch of old white haired men.
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I will accept that . The ones I was thinking about in the context of that comment were Las Vegas (64-year-old white dude) and the Pittsburgh synagogue (46-year-old white dude). We don’t know the motivations of the Vegas shooter, and perhaps never will. The PA shooter went out specifically to kill Jews, and it’s that type of shooter that concerns me going forward. I agree, my word choice of “most” was not accurate.
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Kanye is only an authority on Kanye. But I think he makes a point that blacks shouldn’t blindly follow the Democratic party. The alternative, however, is self destructive, so I wonder how many blacks just don’t vote, aside from those who are actively disenfranchised. Black turnout in the midterms was at historic levels. It must remain so in 2020.
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Blaming Trump for the PA shooter targeting Jews is equal to blaming Obama for cop killers. Both statements stoke fear and hatred and put blame where it doesn’t need to be.
Looking at the stats, I have to say there’s a bigger problem with my generation. Millennials are leading the charge in mass murders and suicides. I’d rather address that elephant than add to the sensationalist, unsubstantiated, manufactured political drama.
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I did not blame Trump for the PA shooter. What I said back in my original comment is that I fear crazies will be angered and emboldened if Trump is indicted or impeached.
I wasn’t trying to “ add to the sensationalist, unsubstantiated, manufactured political drama.” I was stating my own concerns. While the overwhelming numbers of shooters don’t fit into the pattern of the PA and possibly Vegas shooters, those people are out there.
As far as the elephant in the room, don’t hold your breath. If an entire classroom of elementary school children can be slaughtered and nothing changes, nothing ever will.
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I have to say, be proud that huge number voting against her bullshit. That is definitely a huge win.
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Does the “ Supreme Being” have to be a make believe being , or can it be a real being? I f I believe that my dog is supreme to all other beings, does that count?
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“ Zuckerberg-ization of Tarrant County”
So she doesn’t like Jews or Muslims? She a real crusader, that one.
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My apologies- I overstepped and put words in your mouth.
The elephant isn’t important. Young people can keep killing themselves and others in droves, what we REALLY need to get to the bottom of is the Russian collusion investigation, Obama’s birth certificate and which Gods our politicians pray to.
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This is her FB profile pic. Just found it.
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No worries.
Gun violence is a public health crisis, but the NRA won’t let it be treated as one .
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These are the only Supremes I believe in.
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Eh...the PNW has a pretty healthy white supremecist scene. A lot of the “liberals” up there are pretty fucking racist as well.
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That’s a loophole for His Noodly Appendage if ever I saw one.
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Flying Spaghetti Monster, man. The Pastafarian col ander has held up in court as religious headgear, so there’s precedent. Somebody needs to take that to Texas.
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Still doesn’t compare to the Lone Star zoo. Like I said, I’d take the regressives here (and yes, there are plenty indeed) over what exists there. Racists are everywhere, from deplorable parts of Murka to evolved parts of Europe. The degree of racism and its impact on living conditions are what matters.
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I lived in Tarrant county for a few years. Since this news broke , it is the first time I’ve seen such blatant racism.
Also, it’s DFW. This part of Texas has qui te a lot of immigrants .
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Reminds me of this!
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Usually they support the GOP if there is wealth involved. I posted this as a reply to Williams SW because it rings very true.
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I don’t think they killed him for that particular reason but JFK was going to shake up a number long standing establishments/ideas and those in power couldn’t stand the thought of it.
That or some rogue mentally ill person masterminded the assasination of the president.
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She literally combined all her fears into an all encompassing phrase.
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W ould the super secret scary globalist Jew cabal even associate with a practicing Muslim?
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Dallas county usually goes blue, Tarrant goes red. Most of the surrounding counties (Colin, Denton, Wise, Parker, Johnson, Ellis, Kaufman, Rockwall) go various shades of red.
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I guess you never paid attention to the State Board of Education? Not necessarily racism, but certainly religious meddling.
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The battle flag (which is on Mississipp i’s flag) is not actually the Stars and Bars (though this may be one of those things where so many people mess it up, that it doesn’t matter anymore). The Stars and Bars has historically referr ed to the first national flag of the Confederate States of America:
You’ll note there is a state flag that features it as well:
Change your flag Georgia! (You too Mississippi!)
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I wasn’t entirely serious, but yes, he upset a lot of powerful people who wanted to remain in power.
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You got me. I did not know that “Stars and Bars” referred to a specific flag. I guess the battle flag is a conflation of the CSA flag? And I didn’t realize that GA’s flag was taken from the other. Thanks, I learned something.
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Yeah, the Battle Flag is the one you normally see, it was created because the Stars and Bars was difficult to distinguish from the American flag at a distance, and then was adopted around the CSA, and eventually put in the corner of their 2nd and 3rd national flags.
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I don’t think there’s too much of a difference.
Also. I have toured Europe pretty extensively over the last ten years , and wouldn’t consider them too evolved. I have seen more open an accepted racism in France and Italy than anywhere in the US. Straight up nazi slogans and symbols tagged all over major cities, with actual avowed fascists and racists being elected into government.
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Oh, Oregon can be worse than that. Look at some of the motives behind its founding. But at least Oregon didn’t secede. And in my experirence, outside of some parts of Dallas or Houston, and Austin, much of TX doesn’t seem to be particularly on the right side of history. And it gets a lot worse as you move to states to the east.
I’ve also spent significant time in Europe over the past decade. Europe wins the evolved contest on single payer alone - I won’t even get into worker rights or economic mobility. Avowed fascists and racists in government - welcome home to Murka in 2019?