![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:06 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Donald Trump’s presidency was a reflection, not a catalyst, of the demise of the foreign policy status quo.
I have to question — as in
— this assertion, though the larger thesis, that the Post-WWII order is no more, makes sense to me. Your thoughts?
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:19 |
Eh, it’s the National Review so I’d take that with a pinch of salt.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:23 |
IMO like most things the truth lies somewhere down the middle. Is Trump the cause of the breakdown? Nah. Did he have an impact on what was already happening? Pretty hard to argue against that.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:30 |
It’s effectively true, and has nothing to do with 45. This is a case where the presence of the narcissist is coincidence. These wheels were in motion before the electoral college chose him.
I’m waiting for him to crow about German exports again, I need a laugh.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:34 |
Only a pinch?
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:35 |
I would argue that Trump’s presidency has been the
of a catalyst. Which accepts the larger premise, but calls the commentator on running cover for Trump’s, well, deplorableness.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:37 |
eh... turkeys gone insane, the states have gone insane, europe is working on it, brittain went full retard, russia is laughing, china... well... im not entirely sure what they’re upto... but they seem to be up to it quietly and efficiently, the koreas are back in their on/off relationship and the middle east is on the verge of totally exploding...
i’d say this is business as usual
(meanwhile strayas kicked back with a beer being all like... wtf mate)
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:37 |
If it has anything to do with 45, I’d argue, that he is the
of catalyst. That was my point, as well as to consider the perspective of a National Review columnist. Some of their stuff, maybe 10%, is quite good.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:39 |
I’d like to see a formal truce between NK/SK. An official end to the war.
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They at still strive for some sort of actual Journalism, they’re not Fox News at least.
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that’d be nice... one less worry
i suspect dickwaving by the countries on the sidelines will get in the way tho (us,china,japan)
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:47 |
For a commentator on the neocon chickenhawk side of things, that one tends to be reasonably sane. Still not enough castigation of the corruption and deplorability of the regime, however.
I think most of the changes were slowly in action when 45 was still a D. History doesn’t always move fast. Funny thing, one item has remained constant over the years - Russia.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 14:55 |
Why bother with stuff like assigning 75 year old foreign policies to modern times, when there are much, much more important things to worry about.
Such as Kim K meeting with Trump. Something, something, two of the Four Horsemen, etc......
From the same site:
![]() 05/30/2018 at 15:09 |
Victor David Hansen. I like him because he is a Central Valley guy who lives among many brown people and knows life there, even if he is an obdurate conservative.
Still not enough castigation of the corruption and deplorability of the regime, however.
The most castigation you’ll ever read by Hansen of the 45 administration is that “perhaps his comportment isn’t what we’d most like to see.”
Speaking of the New Republic, here is a very good piece written about Valerie Jarrett, with thanks to MK Bruin for posting it:
![]() 05/30/2018 at 15:13 |
I think people are taking a me first approach around the globe. It is the logical conclusion of wanting more than your neighbor to prove you are a better/more successful person. People consume and always want more at the expense of others. We aren’t good at sharing.
This is just our evolutionary behavior playing out on an international stage. Peace isn’t sustainable in large populations, no matter how noble the idea is. We fight to have more. We’ll eventually have another world war that is actually named WWIII. Things will be awful and we’ll try a new version of the UN which is a new version of the League of Nations.......
![]() 05/30/2018 at 15:15 |
He did give typically fringe candidates hope. He showed you can be nationalist/home team crowd and win.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 15:21 |
...of wanting more than your neighbor to prove you are a better/more successful person.
In scripture, they call that pride ...
I hope you are wrong, but I fear you are correct about the inevitability of a WWIII. So many information and infrastructure vulnerabilities now that did not exist in the 40s...
![]() 05/30/2018 at 15:23 |
Trump is adroit at stirring up certain masses. And back to your WWIII comment, I think that love or hate liberals, they do/did, through their mamby-pamby pretending, manage to keep a lid on that. Now, we just say what’s on our mind, no matter how jingoistic or antagonistic.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 15:29 |
Seems accurate. What concerns me is not that we have not learned from our past, bit that we have and that human nature is stronger than any possible progress. I could become an activist, speaker, or politician and accomplish nothing in the metagame.
The people who committed the holocaust are the same people around today. They could be your neighbors. Scary.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 15:35 |
The post ww2 order ended back when the USSR came to an end.
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Or the president...
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His lack of castigation is why I can only give faint praise. If you don’t speak against the corruption, you support it.
So she’s like Bannon but less evil/nazilite?
![]() 05/30/2018 at 16:44 |
I almost think it goes beyond that. It’s more of an insatiable greed to consume. Never being content. Of course, being driven for more has built empires.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 18:59 |
The piece doesn’t paint her as Bannonesque at all. I fact, Bannon would have donated a body part to have the kind of influence with Trump that Jarrett had with BHO. If aything, I’d say that Hope Hicks was a better analog to Jarret than Bannon. But alas both for Hicks and Trump, nobody seems to be able to remain employed in the Trump White House. I was struck by the extent to which the NR article read just like a right handed Politico story about the Trump administration.
MK Bruin’s claim is that Jarrett was associated with fascist radicals in Chicago, a charge which I’d never heard, but which probably has a kernel of truth. There is some pretty solid narrative about corruption and radicalism in Chicago and nearly every other big, old American city.
![]() 05/30/2018 at 19:00 |
Trump’s own business empire being an excellent case in point...
![]() 05/30/2018 at 21:17 |
I dunno, like the article is titled, Bannon was kind of the Trump whisperer before he did something wrong behind the scenes, just like Jarrett. Bannon helped mobilize the base. I think Hicks was just another pretty one that 45 wanted to have an affair with, I don’t know if she truly advised 45. The big difference to me between Jarrett and Bannon is that one is kind of a proto-nazi, and that person isn’t the female one.
Fascist radicals, embracing a woman of her heritage? I have little reason to believe actual fascists would have included her in their game. Definitely not American fascism with its loud racial overtones. I know the so-called right has a weird red herring definition of leftist radicals as fascists, but that’s not how the world works. Sounds like more whataboutism from our resident whatabouter as he knows his party is the closest to fascism the US has seen in a long time. Jarrett may be in on the corruption and radicalism that has been a thing in Chicago for eons, but fascism, seems a bit of a stretch.
![]() 05/31/2018 at 12:16 |
I mean seriously. I think you give ol Don too much credit though. Hitler was actually a pretty competent leader all things considered. I would worry about who comes up next in the following decade.
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My wife was watching “World War II in Color” last night on Netflix and I saw a picture of Adolph Hitler and thought of Donald Trump and where we’d be if he and his cabal were allowed to run unchecked. I’m not saying the two are comparable, but the gut check kind of feeling I had wasn’t so different. It’s worrisome to me. If the people of the US want a conservative president, then why can’t we have a Trey Gowdy or a Jeff Flake, reliable conservatives who also have a measure of respect for the government?
![]() 05/31/2018 at 12:44 |
I don’t know. For whatever reason nobody sane makes it through the primaries. Probably the lizard people or some shit.
I just don’t care anymore. I am going to treasure every day before I get executed by firing squad.
![]() 05/31/2018 at 13:28 |
Or until a terrorist poisons all of the water or we all die of a nerve gas attack.