![]() 04/15/2018 at 09:53 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
A question for the Trump haters.
Within the last week, Trump has:
•Instructed his team to re-enter negotiations for TPP
•Completed a measured, appropriate, multi-coalition series of bombings in response to Assad’s use of chemical weapons
•Overruled the DOJ in announcing the federal government will not be targeting marijuana in states that have legalized the substance
•Issued a pardon for Scooter Libby. (I know this one may be tougher than the others, but I would encourage liberals to look into it more.)
•Pissed off republican Congress by trying to cut/reduce federal expenditures to far below the congressional budget allocation
So, these are all extraordinarily good actions. Are the Trump haters willing or able to admit that Trump actually did a few things right within the last week?
![]() 04/15/2018 at 10:22 |
![]() 04/15/2018 at 10:23 |
other than leaving me shitty meme i’m not going to engage you in politics
i like you... and fighting over trump would be a sad thing :)
![]() 04/15/2018 at 10:25 |
For the first time in foreeeeeverrrrr
I don’t know. He might do a good thing here and there but in all he’s still a pretty shitty person who’s done some pretty shitty things, this won’t make up for that.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 10:28 |
LOL. “I stabbed you in the back but gave you a cigarette to enjoy while you are bleeding out, We cool right? buddy?”
![]() 04/15/2018 at 10:43 |
I’m neither a hater nor a supporter. I respect the office he’s in, that he’s reasonably successful for many of his endeavors, and is somehow convincing enough to have 4 wives who were/are much more attractive than him - though the money might have something to do with that (female birds might gravitate to the male with the bigger nest than the one with brighter plumage or one that eats better, for example).
I think that, at the core, he does genuinely want to do some good with the office. When he lets himself be human, he can be pretty humane.
My concern is that he’d also give in to his businessman side and do(/has done?) things that are self-serving or beneficial to those in his social and/or business social spheres.
He really could benefit by staying off twitter a lot more, IMHO. Maybe spend the time he does on social networks finding better and lasting candidates for the various government positions he needs to fill still.
Overall for a year and a half in, I’m still glad the PotUS is not hillary or bernie. Both would do well to retire and take most of their followers with them to some retirement village away from contact with the outside world.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 10:44 |
The first item is one he campaigned vociferously (and ignorantly) against, so it’s just a shift in who he is pissing off.
I’m not up to speed on Libby, and don’t care much, but I agree with the other items.
Doesn’t make him any less shitty though. Something, something, blind squirrel, nut.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 10:58 |
I wonder if anyone makes headlight covers for the XJ220. It looks better with the lights down like that.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 11:05 |
We now come into TPP in weaker position, Pardoned Scooter Libby a convicted liar and leaker while calling Comey a liar and leaker, but that was just to let his buddies know you can lie to a grand jury and I’ll pardon you.
Other than his personal lawyer getting raided by the FBI it was a good week for him
![]() 04/15/2018 at 11:06 |
I’m a pro trump conservative and the Assad thing is really pissing me off. There is absolutely no reason we should have any part in that. What I don’t understand is, why people can’t see that we are being played.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 11:10 |
Let’s assess some hypothetical points, redeemable for nothing in the end.
•Instructed his team to re-enter negotiations for TPP
Yeah, he re-entered NAFTA negotiations, too, with ludicrous demands, derailing the process. Let me know when there’s ink. +0 points
•Completed a measured, appropriate, multi-coalition series of bombings in response to Assad’s use of chemical weapons
+ 50 points!
- Alerted Syrai and Russia to said bombings days in advance, allowing them to move high-value targets -10 points
- Tweeted ‘Mission Accomplished!’ thus signalling to everyone that he knows nothing about diplomacy and tactics, and that Assad is now clear to go back to his regular behavior - 10 points
- Still hasn’t opened borders to Syrian refugees. This year, the US has allowed 11 Syrian refugees into the country. If it were 11,000, it would still be embarrassingly small. - 30 points
•Overruled the DOJ in announcing the federal government will not be targeting marijuana in states that have legalized the substance
An amazing bright spot, somehow reverting back to the proper approach, which his predecessor put in place years ago. + 10 points!
•Issued a pardon for Scooter Libby. (I know this one may be tougher than the others, but I would encourage liberals to look into it more.)
Eh. This guy was a fall guy for previous evil-doers, but he still followed orders he knew to be illegal, orders that would endanger someone’s life. And what does that pardon really do? It doesn’t clear his name in the eyes of public opinion, and it’s not like the guy was rotting in a jail cell somewhere. He get’s his law license back. Big deal. If Libby decides to throw his former boss under a bus, we can revisit this. 0 points
•Pissed off republican Congress by trying to cut/reduce federal expenditures to far below the congressional budget allocation
Huh? Where are you getting your info? He’s trying to cut out the pieces put in place to garner extra votes. Everyone’s pissed, because nobody knows what he’s aiming for (except that it’s non-military, the most bloated and wasteful portion of the budget). 0 points
You want to cover any of the other actions?
Trying to force food stamp recipients to undergo drug testing
Signed FOSTA, a bill that was half-baked at best, and did nothing to protect actual victims, instead removing tools they used to inform each other
Ran his mouth non stop about Comey (so 2017), Hillary (so 2016) and independent news organizations (so pre-1789)
On average, I guess it’s a better than usual week for him, but I’m going to have to keep my confetti cannon in storage for now.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 11:14 |
the flip flop flip flop
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Some of these are good. It still begs the question on why his administration/he is so inconsistent? The marijuana thing is a great example.
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I’m upset that anyone with the name of scooter is being pardoned. that name is a capital offense.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 11:31 |
Most of those a reasonable actions, but are likely coming out of his department heads. The buck still stops with him though and credit where credit is due. The DOJ mess is partly his doing though. He has given them mixed messages since day 1 on drug enforcement. I have a friend in the DEA and they confirm that they have little idea who their leadership is and in what direction they should be going. They have basically just kept on from where they were when Obama left.
Someone needs to put a Family Circus or Readers Digest collection in the shitter though and get him off his phone when he wakes up. Twitter is not his friend as he posted some really dumb stuff this last week. That includes posting about going after Syria. There is a point where you just don’t talk about things.
My fundamental beef with Donald is I just don’t respect him as a person. I could look at Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama and even if I didn’t agree with a particular policy I still thought they were more or less good folks trying to do the best they could. I look at DJT and see a blow hard who is looking out for #1 first, who has no concept of what real people do and how they live and who, either through his own intentions or those of people he lets be near him, is allowing some vital institutions to be eroded. The amount of time he spends on his opponents and old fights and the 5th grader name calling is pathetic and inexcusable.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 11:46 |
He was against TPP and used it as a major talking point leading up to the election. I don’t know if his change of heart is personal growth or just wishy-washy-ness.
Good for him.
That was never going to happen anyway. It would be almost impossible to enforce. Portland has over 300 retail shops. If the federal government wanted to shut them all down they would need the help of local and state law enforcement. It’s too big for the feds to take down alone.
I see too many parallels between this current investigation and Scooter Libby. I just wonder if it’s some kind of posturing.
He’s trying to cut federal spending and not cutting the defense budget. He signed an executive order trying to limit SNAP benefits. He’s cutting money from the wrong places, in my opinion.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 12:30 |
I can give him a little credit for the Syria action, but I suspect it is a distraction rather than actual altruism. Future actions there will determine the reality behind it - a bombing to make the media look away, or legitimate work for humanity? I’d love to see what he thinks about the refugees, as few of them are from Norway.
Nothing is being done with TPP yet, and our position is weaker. Perhaps the only plus is a weaker dollar helping trade, but that also hurts consumers.
I’ll also give him a little credit for the pot thing, as he knows worthless POS Sessions is on the wrong side of history and public opinion both. Trump may be dopey, but he isn’t 100% stupid. I’d like to see him have a discussion with slimy Pence about some of his backwards and regressive ideas, too.
His pardon of gallows-worthy Arpaio more than cancels out any credit about Libby’s possibly dubious conviction (and Libby’s friend Cheney should be locked up in a room and the room thrown away).
Can’t get into the fed spending bit without knowing every detail. If it’s another Randian middle finger to the already shameful American social safety net, nah.
Why can’t this overfed orange twat stay away from Twitter?
Why can’t he drop his obsession with Amazon? Every day Bezos doesn’t say a word, 45's blood pressure rises a couple more points. Bezos is a much smarter man, and will play him.
I can’t wait to see what Cohen does or says next. Another one who’d be at a guillotine in times past.
Go Mueller! Go Stormy!
![]() 04/15/2018 at 12:31 |
Other than the Scooter Libby issue, I am 100% behind all of these things good sir. The man himself disgusts me but I’m loving the whole “bull in the GOP China shop” situation we have going on here. It would be nice if this set a precedent; the Commander in Chief should not be beholden to the legislature, that’s not how this was designed to work. But I doubt it.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 13:04 |
I think you always have to ask why he does things. He is incredibly selfish and dumb, I seriously doubt he really understands how most of it works, his advisors are handling him. He has always been an asshole, becoming potus hasn’t changed that.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 13:16 |
yea SESTA/FOSTA are factually killing people, everything else is also standard neolib crap. not like my personal approval/disapproval counts for anything but no leftist (leftist, not liberal, might be tough but I encourage conservatives to look into it more) is going to find much cause for celebration under any US administration, Democrat or Republican.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 13:47 |
A trade agreement is not a bad thing. A poorly negotiated one (which the TPP was, from the perspective of the US) is a bad thing.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 13:57 |
TBD with how the new TPP turns out - more than likely it will be on more favorable terms than the old one, which is a good thing. The most important aspect of it will be enforcing intellectual property theft.
Good on blowing shit up. The US needs to flex their muscles every once in a while to remind everybody else of their place in the world, which Trump absolutely did.
DGAF about Libby.
Reducing expenses is good.
Weed should be legalized, made a commodity to drive the price down, and taxed. Turn it from a government expense to a profit center, and use the tax $$$ to go after heroin dealers.
There was the sex trafficking legislation that went in this week as well, but also taking down Backpage and making things more difficult for hookers. I’m of the opinion that prostitution should be legal & taxed, but at the same time child sex trafficking is horrible and needs to be addressed.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 14:31 |
You’re acting like these are all such great things that everyone can agree on. They are not.
Wouldn’t have had to do something about TPP if he hadn’t fucked it up in the first place.
Claiming “mission accomplished”in Syria is extremely premature.
Only overruled DOJ on legal marijuana because Cory Gardner from Colorado was holding up all DOJ nominees without reassurance that Keebler Elf Sessions, a Trump appointee, wasn’t going to be able to wage his own personal 1980s war on marijuana.
Nothing good about pardoning Scooter. Unless of course you’re a Trump associate being bent over by Mueller (Manafort, Kelly, Cohen, etc.) and you take this as a message that Trump might pardon you too.
Just because spending cuts piss off the GOP doesn’t make them good, especially when there are lots of good things that would suffer under those cuts.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 15:17 |
That’s kind of how I see it too, he put the elf in charge who wants to go after the states for marijuana, so he’s just fixing a bit of his own cock up there. And wasn’t he the reason we have to renegotiate the TPP thing too?
And what is he looking to cut for spending? A bunch of programs that help folks out? Or defense spending? So I’m more thinking the same thing you are here.
But also glad he figured out how to do the whole blow stuff up real good without provoking N. Korea, so that’s a good thing I guess. He’s still a pretty big POS human being. But good on him for doing something resembling the job of the president for a few days.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 15:42 |
Well somebody’s not happy about his Syria bombing
![]() 04/15/2018 at 20:46 |
Oh noes, he pissed off his buddy.
![]() 04/15/2018 at 23:51 |
It will be interesting to see how he deals with a Democrat House/Senate. My main beef with him is how he panders on issues like immigration and I can’t say I like his attitude towards women. Bigotry and misogyny are not the qualities I look for in a leader.
The whole looking tough thing can go either way - I think we spend too much time rattling sabers instead of launching effective counter-measures against Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
I’m also concerned about all the skeletons in his closet - he is a likely target of blackmail on many levels and for many reasons.
![]() 04/16/2018 at 08:19 |
in all fairness, he did the right thing in pulling out of it.