![]() 03/23/2018 at 14:00 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Reposted for the afternoon Oppos
For a while I’ve been getting a ticking from my engine. Actually as far as I can remember it’s had at least some, but 5.3's are known for it so I never worried about it... Now it seems like it’s getting louder.
It’s coming from the #7 cylinder area as far as I can tell. Anyway, I finally decided to pay a little attention to it and counted the frequency. Best I can make out, it’s ticking 48 times per 10 seconds at idle. So in a minute, that’s almost exactly half the engine RPM. Definitely valvetrain. ( ETA: Just thinking about it, technically it could be a noisy injector too, that would also show up every 2 RPM ) Fun.
Anyway, I’ve come up with a bunch of things I think it could be and a course of action. Input please?
- Noisy injector. Try a tank or two with some kind of cleaner. If it works, great, if it comes back, I’m not terribly bothered—there haven’t been any performance issues or idiot lights. At least I’d know what it was and what I’d have to replace when it DOES cause problems.
- Clogged/sticky lifter. Oil additive? Open to suggestions.
- Completely fried lifter. If this is it, it’s been going long enough that it’s probably taken the cam with it too. Personally, apart from the uncertainty of not knowing for sure what the problem was I’d just let this one go for a while. It hasn’t caused any issues, performance is good, it’s just noisy right now. When it’s truly finished, I wanted a new cam anyway.
- Poor oil pressure, lifter at the back suffering. I dunno what to do here because GM in all their infinite wisdom decided to omit an oil pressure gauge. I guess I’ll get it checked when I do the oil change. I doubt it’s the issue because I’d think #8 would be ticking too, but it’s an option.
- Related to above, maybe the pickup tube has eaten (or started to) it’s o-ring? It’s a known issue, at least with the earlier engines. Maybe the schmoo from it got caught up in one of the #7 lifters?
- Oil pump? 114,000km I highly doubt it.
- Cold emphasizing the 5.3 tick and I’m overreacting.
Help please. I’ll try and get a recording and update this.
EDIT: Recordings:
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
Hot, underhood, some moving around but mostly around #7
Hot, underhood, clockwise circuit of engine starting at #7
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
Cold, 3-4 minutes at idle, wheel well
That’s a lot of recordings of the same thing, but I figured I took them so I might as well include them.
Not sure what to think now. Compared to some lifter tick videos I looked up it actually seems quite mild, if it’s even the same thing. Gave it a light Italian tuneup on the way home last night, seemed to help a bit, but it’s still there. It’s a nagging noise in the background... the one that make it sound vaguely similar to a diesel.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:42 |
Valvetrain. May be temperature related. Does it go away when the oil is hot?
I doubt you wiped a lifter or lobe. This post would have a far different tone if you did...
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:43 |
GM 5.3 V8? What year?
My 2003 TrailBlazer EXT 5.3 V8 was doing the same thing - the heads on the exhaust manifold bolts like to snap off and the ticking comes from the loose manifold. A new gasket and better bolts fixed mine.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:45 |
It’s not as pronounced as on first start by any measure but it’s not gone when it’s hot.
I don’t think I wiped a lobe, but I’m just thinking if the lifter is shot it may be starting to chowder a bit. But then, I don’t know. Hence help post.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:47 |
I think it’s time to get an oil pressure gauge hooked up, even temporarily. Might be a collapsed lifter. What oil and filter are on it?
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2010. LH9, which is the aluminum one for the Colorado/Canyon/H3.
You know, one thing I did wonder about at first was some kind of exhaust leak, until I counted the ticks. Though if the ticking came every power stroke take could make sense... but wouldn’t the other cylinders firing in that bank cause the same noise, essentially multiplying it by 4?
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:52 |
This is my leading suspect. Much as I don’t want to admit it.
I’ll get it checked at next oil change which should be veeeeery soon.
Meantime I’m going to run some injector cleaner, it’s a snake oil long shot and I don’t think it’s the problem but I might as well.
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I did notice on one of the forums someone had made this comment, fwiw... that GM used a lower grade bolt than they needed on the manifold. Not sure how much stock to put in it but it’s out there.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:54 |
My recollection is that 5.3s had a lot of lifter issues causing ticking like you describe. Try motor honey or a heavier weight oil. Throw in a qt of 10w40 next time you are low and see if it gets quieter.
Another alternative is an oil flush additive before your next oil change. They make me cringe a little, but I haven’t had any disasters yet... (but I know others who have, so do at your own risk). DO NOT DRIVE IT with the oil flush stuff in there... get it up on ramps or whatever, ready to drain, then add flushy stuff (it’s a lot like kerosene IMO), idle for at least 5 min, then proceed with oil change like normal. Lots of ooey gloop comes out the first time, if it’s relatively cleanish inside it just comes out a little watery looking.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:54 |
Get a bottle of Redline SI-1. Don’t waste your time with the usual stuff.
A bum lifter is not the end of the world, TBH. It’s a roller cam. If it was flat tappet you’d be in deep shit.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:54 |
I’ve fixed two of these 5.3s and one 6.2. All of them had valvetrain noise that got progressively worse over time. the 6.2 and one 5.3 had a worn cam lobe and a pitted lifter, while the other 5.3 had a lifter than had turned in the lifter bucket. All of them had 100k or more miles. All of them got new lifter buckets and a single replacement lifter plus a new cam. They’re all still running fine 10s of thousands of miles later. PS - your oil pressure will read fine even with one bad lifter. Put a magnetic drain plug in and see how much fuzz comes out. That will tell you a lot about what’s happening.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 09:58 |
Do you have the updated valve cover? The original valve cover causes all sorts of weird oil issues and drips oil into one of the cylinders. If you do a Google search there’s info on it. Swapped out the valve cover on my dad’s 2010 Silverado a few years ago. The cover costs about $80 from the dealer.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:00 |
I’ll try and find some, thanks.
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I’m at just 70k miles, which is one of the reasons this seems odd to me. But it’s the thing that makes the best sense.
BTW, I didn’t mean a bad lifter causing oil pressure issues, I meant bad oil pressure causing lifter noise, since it’s one of the ones at the back. Though what with “pressure in the system is a constant etc etc” I suppose it wouldn’t affect just one. Unless it was sticky to start with. Eh I dunno.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:05 |
Wouldn’t the lifter eventually pump-up and make the noise go away?
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One engine it was an AFM lifter, the others were regular lifters. I don’t think mileage matters much with this problem.
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the 126k mile 5.3 in my Silverado also ticks, LOUD. I can only hear it at idle but its louder than my magnaflow exhaust at idle too. Oil pressure is great, motor is super strong. I’m pretty sure my tick is a little louder when the engine is hot. I switched to a 5-40 last oil change from a 5-30 and heard no difference. I suspect it is the exhaust manifold, bc its too slow to be an injector and doesn’t race with engine RPM like a valve train noise.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:07 |
I’m not ready to to go a-bomb... yet :)
But I’ll keep that in mind if it gets worse. I was thinking a milder additive/detergent that you can drive with for now. Though if that would have any effect... one way to find out I guess
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:09 |
Not sure. What year did it change? I haven’t swapped it, I know that much. It’s a slightly different engine from the one in the Silvy too because it’s aluminum, but I don’t know if that affects anything.
I’ll look it up.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:09 |
Has been considered. Probably will be done at some point.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:10 |
See, I wish I knew the answer to that.
It is less pronounced when hot but it’s still there.
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Amazon should send you some, or Oriley’s usually carry it.
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I don’t have AFM at all so that doesn’t even come into it.
If mileage doesn’t matter... well... look where those fingers point
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:14 |
There IS a rattle, but only sometimes, under medium-hard acceleration.
The frequency of noise does increase with RPM, but it either smooths out or is drowned out before it gets too high.
Injector would be roughly the same frequency as a lifter, sooo... that line of thought doesn’t take me far.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:17 |
No O’Reillys in Canuckistan. Performance Improvements seems to have it.
Besides, he’s a Buffalo Sabre. It would be illegal to open a franchise in Toronto ;)
![]() 03/22/2018 at 10:19 |
Ah sheeeeeit that ain’t good
Surely that would be causing performance issues at that point though?
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I’m going to diagnose it a little further when winter decides to GTFO and then probably do nothing about it.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 11:00 |
Hmmm see if it was a problem with a valve or a lifter I would expect it to throw a code, but maybe that is optimistic.
My Tahoe had the 5.7 and, as best as I can determine, had a sticky valve. Sporadically it would start missing and throw a code. I ran the recommended amount of Seafoam through the oil for 500 miles and it never bothered me again.
Certainly wouldn’t hurt anything to try, though I wouldn’t leave the Seafoam in there for an extended period.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 11:08 |
It’s due for an oil change anyways. Could do that.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 11:43 |
Oh yeah, then you really don’t have anything to lose. Honestly that made me a Seafoam convert. I do the oil thing in my older cars at least once a year.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 11:49 |
I never went as far as counting the ticks, but anecdotally I can’t say it sounded like multiple ticking. The manifold rarely pulls back uniformally across all cylinders. If your rear bolts let go, cylinders 5 and 6 could still be sealed.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 14:02 |
Tickin’ like a time bomb!
![]() 03/22/2018 at 15:51 |
Throw in a quart of 10w40 and see if it quiets down. That will at least give you a clue in the right direction.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 16:08 |
What would that indicate?
![]() 03/22/2018 at 16:19 |
If thicker oil makes it quieter it would give me more confidence that it’s a lifter.
![]() 03/22/2018 at 17:26 |
Not anything noticeable, that was on the 6.2. A little reduction in lift on one intake valve on a 403HP v8 isn’t noticeable. The nasty tapping was the only indicator.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 09:33 |
That definitely sounds like an exhaust leak to me. For sure. Recordings 3 & 4 are telling.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 09:39 |
It has been something I’d thought of but it seemed was too optimistic. Be nice if that’s what it turned out to be... I guess a bad seal at #7 would make noise at the same interval as the valvetrain, every second stroke.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 09:41 |
I’m with you on exhaust leak, easiest thing to verify and repair.
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Come to think of it, I’ve been getting some odd smells lately from time to time while driving. And a sort of “running rich” smell when cold that’s easily detectable when standing beside the hood.
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And I had a friend tell me this winter the exhaust seemed louder in the cold. I thought it was just the sound carrying better and less interference because of the snow, but that’s another pointer.
This seems to add up.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 09:54 |
Wait you add sea foam to the oil? I thought you were supposed to suck it in through a vacuum hose.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 09:55 |
How would you go about testing that theory? Would a visual check tell me?
![]() 03/23/2018 at 10:11 |
You should be able to actually feel (or see) the exhaust coming out of the leak.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 10:19 |
Just thinking about it, sounds like a job for
this guy
if I remove the fender liner and wait until it’s stone cold.
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You can also do that, though I never have. Fouls the crap out of your spark plugs, iirc. The oil thing is to clean up sludge and stuff.
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You could do a soap bubble test, spray the heck out of the connection point at the Head then do a cold start and watch for bubbles to form at the exhaust gasket. Don’t do it when the car is hot, you could crack the exhaust header.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 11:09 |
Hmm yeah they don’t even mention using vacuum hoses. I’ll have to do that soon (my oil already should be changed).
![]() 03/23/2018 at 11:12 |
Agreeing with the masses, sounds like an exhaust leak. It could be a crack in the manifold though; it sounds more muted and sputtery than what I’ve heard in my experience with failed gaskets.
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Yeah weird. I remember reading about that method. I wonder if they’ve moved away from it in favor of their top end cleaner?
![]() 03/23/2018 at 11:53 |
I think a lot of that is fan noise drowning everything out.
Then again if I knew I wouldn’t be asking. Thanks for the input... I’m just glad it *appears* not to be as bad as I thought originally.
I’m going to pull the fender liner out and have a boo with a thermal camera before it gets hot.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 14:41 |
You should also see a carbon trail out of the leaking area, it should be pretty evident if you get a clear view of the exhaust manifold. You’re probably on the right track with a cold engine check with the fender liner off.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 14:43 |
Yeah I have no idea and will look in to it before going through with anything
![]() 03/23/2018 at 14:57 |
Pretty tight back there so I’ll have to get something off to take a look.
Thanks for the visual clue!
![]() 03/23/2018 at 15:00 |
Visual inspection will usually show mani cracks. There’ll be obvious discoloration (black and/or white) at the cracks
![]() 03/23/2018 at 15:16 |
Good to know... I was wondering how I’d spot them.
![]() 03/23/2018 at 21:29 |
Could be a crack too, so may not be quite as visible, but there should be some evidence of carbon traces. Good luck in your diagnosis. Hopefully thats all it is.