![]() 03/14/2018 at 09:55 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Irony below the jump
People who are staunchly defending the 2nd amendment are also the very same ones who are opposed to kids exercising their first amendment in these school walk out protests.
and it seems like these second amendment protectors were also the ones screaming at NFL players to get off their knees during the national anthem
You can’t pick and choose which amendments or parts of the Constitution you can defend or follow, you either defend the entire thing or nothing at all.
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but I thought that was the american way? to pick and choose.
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the only applies to buffets and open bars at weddings
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Kids don’t have rights until at least 18 and trending higher, that’s already been established.
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last i checked the bill of rights didnt apply an age limit to the 1st amendment.
ive also noticed a lot of the same people saying these kids are protesting the wrong way also said NFL players were protesting social injustice the wrong way
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In my experience, most who yap about a certain amendment between the 1st and 3rd actually couldn’t discuss the Constitution if their lives depended on it. They’ve just been told what to parrot by their fake news sources.
The boomstick and book-clutching rabble out there, beware.
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But there’s a lot of restrictions on rights... just look at FCC vs. Pacifica
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If a 14 year old can be tried as a adult, it should be okay to pee on them.
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My solution:
Kidding aside (oh how I love a good pun), America is of the hypocrites, you know. The same people that champion state’s rights when it comes to gay marriage, gun ownership, death penalty, hate that California has high standards for emissions, or that Colorado has Legal pot, or that New Mexico has sanctuary cities.
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If students want to protest they have that right, but if in doing so they incure a penalty of some kind, well, that comes with the territory of walking out of class. If a school has a lax attendance policy go ahead. If they have a tight attendance policy go ahead but don’t expect to get special treatment just because you’re standing up for something you believe in. The schools should maintain their standards as they are there for a reason, and people should stand up for what they believe in.
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Most people that read the constitution understand that it’s not infallible, but then again most people are stupid and don’t read the dammed thing even if it’s only 8000 words, and that’s reading
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“Guns are cool, those uppity football players and high school kids should shut up. MURRICA.”
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The bill of rights also doesn’t apply an age limit to the 2nd, or the 4th, or any other rights, but we, as a country, already decide that it’s ok to restrict minors in ways that it’s not ok for adults because they’re minors.
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What if they protest on the weekends?
and then they apply for a field trip to DC on a weekday with the school!
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The Constitution is infallible*!
* for the parts that I agree with**
**when it suits me
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That’s what the Supreme Court is for. They’ve established many times, in many ways that there are age limits w.r.t. the Bill of Rights.
But, they’ve also established that 1st Amendment does protect students in public schools.
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In reality the US currently would be so different to what the founders wanted
Never would’ve they imagined they had a 2 million troop standing army or a federally ran postal service.
They’re rolling on their graves so fast they could be used to power a small city, not that they would agree with a central power station for a city
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Kids are being told to walk out in remembrance of kids who lost lives, not in protest of guns as was intended.
They can walk out for any old reason. However, if they are told to walk out in honor of remembering kids and media is going to represent it that all the kids walked out in solidarity against guns, it’s BS.
I once was a kid. Any reason to not do school work and fuck around outside was welcome. I am sure not much changed.
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Next time ask them how many amendments in the US Bill of Rights they’re familiar with, outside of 1 and 2. That always weeds out the ‘Merika types.
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That’s it. Most who talk about the Constitution have never actually read it, they just know, via Fox or Veritas or Breitbart or Sinclair or InfoWars etc, the numbers of a couple amendments that they can use as exclamation points in their ceaseless hypocritical whine.
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Or just ask the total number of amendments, or the subject of the latest amendment. This stuff was taught in their podunk high school for a week 40 years ago and they never saw it again - they don’t know.
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it seems like not as a country though, we have left it up to states to decide the age limits. like in the case of the 2nd amendment the federal governments only limitation from what i could find is you must be 18 to purchase and posses a handgun and 21 to sell them. there is no “ you must be this old” to purchase or posses a long gun as far as the federal government is concerned. so its left up to the states to mandate their own laws and thats the problem
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Also amuses me that most of the “job-stealing immigrants” could whoop such a large percentage of US bred nationals on just about every aspect of our country’s government, history, etc.
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Well, I mean... many of them are Highschoolers. I don’t think walking out is the right solution.... why don’t they protest on the weekends? or ask the school to have a field day in DC so that they can shout sick burns at Lindsey Graham!
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Not to mention in many cases command of the English language. Those who end up with citizenship could often lecture the “real Murkans” about history and governmental process, too.
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I don’t know. All is I am saying is that no one I know who supports 2nd amendment is against kids walking out as suggested in original post.
Walk out. Protest. However, when it comes to voting, you can’t vote till you’re 18 so keep that in mind.
I support 2nd amendment. However, I believe that ordinary citizens don’t need tanks for home defense or for forming militia. Similarly, no one needs a machine gun. Semi auto seems fine to me however.
A double action revolver for instance will automatically re-chamber a new round after trigger was pulled and a round was fired. It is not different from semi automatic. One pull. one fire.
Everyone is up in arms against AR-15. It’s a semi automatic rifle. Only difference between it and a semi automatic pistol is the length of the barrel.
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It all started with those damn Federalists. Gib more power to the central gubmint they said.
That way we can collect taxes and have a functioning gubmint and not be the laughingstock of Europe they said.
Well here we are 200+ years later and we’re still the laughingstock of Europe.
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It’s the same people who pick and choose what passages from their preferred religious text apply to all the rest of the world, and which ones can be ignored.
“You can’t have gay marriage, because GOD SAID SO! But get your filthy hands off of my crawdads and get out of my oyster roast!”
![]() 03/14/2018 at 10:44 |
It is most certainly not the only difference! Round size and velocity is in a whole other level, an AR-15 could cause foot-wide exit wounds and could destroy tissue with the sound waves that the bullet generates. Maybe a very large revolver could cause similar damage MAYBE... but revolvers aren’t as accurate or as mechanically competent (six chambers is less than 10 or 30 if you have a long mag)
Look, I hate guns, but I’m not the only person on earth, so my opinion is not infallible, and the point of living in a society is having logical compromise. Sure, have a gun, but be trained in using one!
I don’t think anyone who is remotely reasonable would expect congress to rid America of guns, most people want logical restrictions and a few measures of gun control (training, psych background, etc) to turn into law...It’s called a compromise, and we seem to have forgotten what it means!
As one of the most unreasonable people on TV said “You can’t have people walking around with a Bazooka”
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I do believe it was the federalists that were againts cetralization....
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The extent to which we restrict minors varies by state, sure, but the the concept that adult rights don’t universally apply to minors is accepted country-wide. Vaccinations are an example, are there any avenues for a kid to opt out if they don’t want the shot? I’m betting not, whereas and adult could, and could also opt out their kids if they choose. We’ve also determined that kids do not have the right to seek employment below a certain age, even if they want to. Yes, we look the other way if a 12-year old wants to cut the neighborhood grass or shovel the sidewalks for a few bucks, but it’s in violation of child labor laws. Forced attendance in schools is another example, kids don’t have the right to say no below a certain age.
Anyway, point is that we’ve decided collectively that kids are not adults and do not have rights, so the first and second amendments are, in fact, being applied equally in your example.
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I was only referring to the mechanics. Sure you can put really big round into a revolver. There is a revolver called the judge which takes shotgun shells. With a slug shell surely, you can put a bigger hole in target.
We haven’t had politicians compromise in a very long time. This is not current or previous administration’s fault. It’s a term issue. If they had limited terms, we could get rid of them and have new blood who can come up with better ideas.
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if the first and second amendments were being applied equally 13 year olds would be able to posses rifles and shotguns, but according to the federal government they can if someone buys it for them
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Say what? They were the ones arguing for a single executive in control of the country and we’re opposed to adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.
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Also amuses me that most of the “job-stealing immigrants” could whoop such a large percentage of US bred nationals on just about every aspect of our country’s government, history, etc.
No, they cannot. Most can’t even speak English. The naturalized citizens, sure, but nobody’s complaining about them.
![]() 03/14/2018 at 10:53 |
I mean, the Armalite AR-15 is designed to fire four times faster than the USP 1911. An AR-15's round flies as fast as an SR-71 blackbird!
The issue in america, as it has been many times, is compromise.
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Maybe I’m confusing the Mexican federalists...
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modify ammo. make is fly slower and more crooked. problem solved...maybe. probably not tho.
It’s really not about a weapon or type of weapon or how fast bullet flies or how many rounds are in the mag.
We have rules and regulations on book. if those were followed to the letter, that dude wouldnt have gotten a weapon. but in any case, i am going off on a tangent. Original post was slightly off on grouping all 2nd amendment supporters into one pile and calling us one thing or another..
![]() 03/14/2018 at 11:10 |
Also, infidelity is ok if you’re from the same political party as me.
![]() 03/14/2018 at 11:19 |
It is most certainly not the only difference! Round size and velocity is in a whole other level, an AR-15 could cause foot-wide exit wounds and could destroy tissue with the sound waves that the bullet generates. Maybe a very large revolver could cause similar damage MAYBE... but revolvers aren’t as accurate or as mechanically competent (six chambers is less than 10 or 30 if you have a long mag)
That just really sums up how ignorant you are on the topic.
#17 starts the rifle rounds with #21 being your “super scary WMD” round.
Also, I’ve got a 9 round revolver, and the barrels could be swapped relatively quickly. If it doesn’t exist already, a fast-change barrel would be introduced in short order. Speed reloaders are already a thing too, which is currently satisfying the need for fast reloading revolvers. You’ll notice there are several handgun rounds that are larger than the 5.56. The ones on the right are common hunting cartridges, and are on the shelf right next to the 5.56.
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We as a country, or untouchable gallows-worthy old men who fear youth?
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They also would have wanted the press to be a public service and not the profit-run shitshow it is now.
Back in the day there were no ads with the news.
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We as a country. I haven’t hear anybody advocating giving kids the full rights of adults, have you?
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Just as there are restrictions on what the 13 year old can do with that gun (carry, purchase, etc.) there are also restrictions on what that 13 year old can do with their speech. In neither instance is the federal government imposing those restrictions.
![]() 03/14/2018 at 11:57 |
out of all the amendments there are what could actually go wrong with extending the rights of the 1st amendment to kids?
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Round size and velocity is in a whole other level, an AR-15 could cause foot-wide exit wounds and could destroy tissue with the sound waves that the bullet generates.
What? Sound waves? Foot wide?
A standard .223 bullet will penetrate 13" of ballistics gel. That does not mean it will blow a foot-sized hole out of your back. It’s also not sound waves that destroy tissue, it’s cavitation in the wound channel.
There is nothing magical about .223. It’s just the round of choice for the small block chevy of rifles.
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edit, double
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If you’re going to ask distracting rhetorical questions, I don’t recall voting for such matters, do you?
I also have to question what the motivations would be to restrict first amendment rights.
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Okay, the issue is speed (I know I mentioned size, but I never specified if the ugly part was bigger or smaller because, as you assume, it depends, large rounds tend to fly slower, that is true.) But again, we could always talk about the 50 BMG round used on the AR 50, the M82, and other weapons. A round that can equal or surpass the 5.56 in velocity.
A 12 gauge shotgun is commonly firing at around 350m/s, where an AR-15 fires closer to 850-1000m/s (depending on who you ask)!
Plus given shotgun rounds are dispersion each individual billet carries less kinetic energy than a single 5.56 round.
Hunters don’t want their prey looking like a rabbit slushy when they hunt so less kinetic energy is better, plus, given how small these animals are, dispersion rounds are better because a figurative “net” is made that engulfs a larger radius that could hit the target.
Look at the ballistics results from the 5.56; the whole point of that round is that it’s traveling so fast that it’s sound waves destroy shit around it, specially flesh, once the entry wound is made. Nevermind the hollow points which I think are not available for civilian sale.
![]() 03/14/2018 at 12:05 |
I’m not sure your argument. I know that minors cannot legally consume alcohol, because we collectively have decided that minors do not have the rights of adults. You did vote on it, every time you vote on a politician that “does something” “for the children” and votes to put age limits on things.
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It’s not me, it’s just doctors saying it
Plus, what’s wrong with the LS? it’s an amazing exercise in simple, effective, engineering... As a big fan of the LS, comparing it to the 5.56NATO round only proves it’s an effective, simple artifact that can prove to be deadly in the wrong hands
![]() 03/14/2018 at 12:08 |
Voting for someone who appoints someone who appoints someone who is bought by a special interest is hardly “we as a country”.
I also have to question what the motivations would be to restrict first amendment rights.
Here is the type making the decisions, here is who is afraid:
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Hunters also don’t want their prey to run miles, or suffer bleeding out, which is why larger rounds with more kinetic energy are popular. Most states the 5.56/.223 is illegal to use for medium sized game because it’s not powerful enough. A .243 (the smallest round I’ve used for whitetail, and I think it’s too small) fires a 95 grain bullet at 3,100 fps. If you don’t get a perfect shot, it’s running and you’re going to have to track it. The 5.56 fires a 55 grain bullet at 2,900 fps, both smaller and slower than a round that is borderline too small to hunt deer. And has half of the kinetic energy.
A 30-06, a super common hunting caliber, fires a 150-180 grain bullet at 2,600 fps, with 3 times the kinetic energy of the 5.56. And is on the shelf a few boxes down from it.
![]() 03/14/2018 at 12:19 |
That’s cool, but there’s also a mountain of ballistics data and decades of real world data that show that while these doctors experiences may be true it’s not exactly indicative of the performance of .223/5.56 in most cases. Its performance is well documented. Sound wave damage is not a thing. 12" exit wounds maybe, but I’d contend far from common. Hell, the US Army is looking for a new round because of the lack of performance of M855 in a carbine length barrel.
It’s a fast, small rifle round. It will almost always outperform pistols due to the fact that you’re getting hit with a rifle round from a longer barrel.
The NY times and other media outlets are (kinda) not wrong, but they are ignoring the fact that you are being shot WITH A RIFLE ROUND. It’s fan-flaming.
Even the playing field. Would you rather be shot with a 7.62x51mm or .223/5.56? I’d bet almost everyone would pick the .223.
![]() 03/14/2018 at 12:34 |
What age restrictions is he imposing?
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Missed your edit.
I didn’t say LS, I said SBC for a reason. It’s ubiquitous. AR patterned rifles are EVERYWHERE. They can be cheap, they can be expensive, they can be customized, tons of companies make them, tons of custom shops do work, etc.
![]() 03/14/2018 at 12:36 |
I highly doubt a 12" exit wound, unless it exited at an angle. Which I guess it probably did, but that still only makes it 12" in one direction, not a 12" diameter.
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I’m not an expert, nor did I see it.
But a 12" hole is contrary to all the data out there. A 12" wound channel, maybe.
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well, yeah, but the AR-15 is so customization that you can put different rounds in, the 5.56 is just the standard round.
In the end, the AR-15 ends up being a great compromise of stopping power, accessories, cost effectiveness, and accuracy. Which is why it’s so popular with murderers.
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Which is why it’s so popular with murderers.
It’s not. Mass shooters, spree killers, whatever you want to call them, yes.
What’s popular with murderers are cheap 9mm pistols or revolvers.
![]() 03/14/2018 at 12:49 |
Isn’t the LS based on the small block chevy?
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It’s what I meant!
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Read. The type, the both untouchable and out of touch segment who actually does not represent “we as a country”.
What motivations could there be to restrict first amendment rights?
![]() 03/14/2018 at 13:03 |
The 5.56 is just an example... AR-15 can use a range of bullets including (I think!) the .243 and can be modified too.
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Yeah, but it’s not at that iconic status yet. The LS is common like a 383 build was a while back. The Gen I V8 was the thing from ‘55-’99 or so. In every hot rod.
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I figured I was being nit-picky but with these types of discussions details are key. Hell, the trial I had to sit in on last year was a triple murder done with a revolver.
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Shooting enough deer and other game, a 12" wound would be completely contrary to every single exit wound I’ve ever seen, including the ones generated by much bigger calibers.
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Do you know your point? Is it the bullet that’s causing all this super damage, or is it the short barrel, or is it the black paint? What is it that you think makes the AR15 so much of a WMD?
![]() 03/14/2018 at 13:34 |
So, he’s not pushing for any age restrictions then. OK.
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So, I never said he was. OK. He’s the type, the demographic, the out of touch git who has enabled so many of the problems we see today. He does not represent “we as a country”.
What are the motivations of this demographic (which has taken so much and given so little) to restrict first amendment rights?
![]() 03/14/2018 at 14:24 |
I’m not sure where you get your info from but that’s not how the .223/5.56 works at all. There are many revolver rounds more powerful. In fact, you can hunt with many revolver calibers but it’s not legal to hunt deer or larger game with a .223/5.56 because it’s not powerful enough. Keep in mind, there are people who hunt things like Elk and bears with revolvers but you can’t hunt something as relatively small as a deer with an AR-15.
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It’s a crossroad, it’s so easy to mod, can carry many types of ammo, it can be very accurate, cheap, and widespread...
It is a very good compromise as a death machine. Nowadays I think “AR-15" is more of a xerox name for the bigger issue that many rifles that can kill tens or hundreds of people in a matter of minutes are widely available to people that aren’t trained in the safe use of a firearm or people that have mental illnesses, a criminal past, etc.
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In other words, your point is:
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It has very little “stopping power.” Typically what stops people who’ve been shot is the idea of being shot. At least that’s what my buddies in the military told me.
The 5.56 was chosen by the military for logistics more than performance.
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Yeah, if people really wanted to talk about gun violence with facts instead of emotions, they’d be talking about handguns. More people are beaten to death every year than are killed by all Long guns combined.
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![]() 03/15/2018 at 17:50 |
Restricting first amendment rights like this?
![]() 03/15/2018 at 18:05 |
Sure. Looks like an administration issue. I have no issue with what the kid is saying, even if he is wrong.
Was it shared to Breitbart or Veritas? Nice distraction.