![]() 02/05/2018 at 16:56 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
NSFW language
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:03 |
I tend not to shout too loud about it.
1. Adblocker
2. no ads in oppo right? Right.
Ist annoying and a little depressing but its like living at home. Free room and board comes with some caveats.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:04 |
Does ad blocker even work since they’re technically posts?
Although number #2 is also a very good point. Part of the reason I rarely go to FP anymore.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:04 |
I mean, we’ve got links to car ads.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:05 |
I’ve been checking Jalopnik more and more via my phone, and HOLY ASS BALLS its impossible to find a story on the FP with all the ads... then you DO find a story, it’s 90% tweets, intermixed with ads, and it takes 5 minutes to load the page!
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:05 |
Way too much cross-posting, usually for shite I have zero interest in or some political shitpost. Also I can still post here. lol.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:06 |
use the kinja blocker chrome add on to disable kinja deals and other authors you don’t like.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:07 |
MLK comes back from grave to call The Root racist. CLICK HERE.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:13 |
That’s probably why you don’t comment on my posts anymore.
i haz a sad.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:15 |
You know, I talked to Patrick George the other day about how often he visits oppo....not much. He says oto much shitposting and trash talking about his site...which is kinda true. I hope he does visit and look at these though because as much of a bunch of dinguses as we are...we represent the core voice of Jalopnik. At the very least we are the closest he gets to real feedback about the site directly.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:16 |
I don’t go on O&E as much as I should because its an overload of good stuff. I try and nights to do O&E but my nights have been busy. I’ve been watching your drawer build with eager anticipation though.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:19 |
What authors do you block?
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:21 |
a few “authors” like “Kinja!” pretty much all the SPLOID authors and a few choice authors I can’t stand.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:22 |
I haven’t been to the FP in golly, probably close to 2 years? Not since discovering oppo. Group hug!
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:25 |
Oppo is really hard to keep up with unless one has an abundance of time. Most days, it only takes about two pages of stories to catch up on the latest 24 hours of Jalopnik posts. At this very moment, it takes SEVEN hits of the “more stories” button to reach back 24 hours into Oppo.
This is why I refuse to shitpost, or publish more than one post per day. There’s already too much clutter.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:27 |
Oh yeah, fair enough. Sploid sucks. The kinja deals things, some of them have actually been pretty good and stuff I needed! And if it it pays the salary of people I like, all the better.
I wish that there was less shitposting or candy bar theme nights.
O&E seems cool, more content like that on Oppo would be great. A few people here (you included) really bring the A game.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:31 |
I keep kinja deals alive, because everyone once in a while it pans out, but the others I’ve blocked...they know who they are.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:34 |
Yep, I’ve occasionally been pleased with deals they posted. I use one of those hard-boiled egg cookers multiple times a day
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:35 |
Oddly enough there was a week long period about two months ago where ads appeared on Oppo, at least for some people... Kinja works in mysterious ways
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:46 |
So FP right now:
Ohio Village Might Someday Pay Back $3 Million To Drivers Ticketed By Speed Cameras (relevant)
Logan Director James Mangold Is Making The Ford VS. Ferrari Movie (relevant)
AWD And Bluetooth Issues Almost Ruined BMW’s Eight-Hour Drifting World Record (relevant)
Rinspeed’s Crazy Autonomous Concept | CES (relevant, but old attempt at getting those sweet video ad dollars)
Best Buds In Acura Legend And TSX Roll To 555,555 Miles AT THE SAME TIME (relevant)
Make Your Dentist Proud With This Waterpik Aquarius Deal (yeah, this is just an ad, and also Waterpiks suck)
Keep Your Car Showroom-Shiny With Meguiar’s Complete Car Care Kit, Now Back Under $50 (also an ad, but more relevant)
Porsche Is Doubling Its Investment In Electrified Cars To Nearly $8 Billion (relevant)
The Crunch Of This McLaren P1 On A Curb Is What Nightmares Are Made Of (relevant)
This Tiny Vermont Shop Is The Singer Of Classic Range Rovers (relevant)
Warning: This Video Will Make You Dangerously Want A BMW E36 (relevant)
VW Wants To Delay Trials Because A Dieselgate Lawyer Referenced Nazis In A Netflix Documentary (relevant)
Fill Up Your Tires Wherever and Whenever With This $20 Mini Air Compressor (ad, though again car related)
The New Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer May Have This Big Car-Related Easter Egg (you could argue this is a stretch, but I think anything Torch writes has to be considered core content)
The Self Check-in Screen is the Most Germ-Infested Part of the Airport (this one is pretty tangental)
Here’s Why Subaru Thinks It Can Charge You $50,000 For The WRX STI Type RA (relevant)
Yes, the MLK Estate Did Approve That Trash Dodge Super Bowl Ad (relevant)
Holy Crap I Need To Rallycross My Porsche 944 Right Now (relevant)
Even For A Pagani, Japan’s Zonda Anija Is Completely Insane (relevant)
Adorable Grid Kids Will Replace Grid Girls At F1 Races (relevant)
Monday’s Best Deals: Wireless Earbuds, Refurbished Rokus, Robot Vacuums, and More (ad)
So anyway, that’s 21 entries, 16 articles, 15 of which are car related, 4 ads, 2 of which are car related, and one random video from a few weeks ago. I don’t think that is terrible. I’d rather not have the ads, but I understand they have to make money to pay for everything, and they are definitely less intrusive than traditional ads (which I assume most people block).
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:52 |
Just giving you crap!
![]() 02/05/2018 at 17:54 |
I find Oppo to have a refreshing lack of shitposting, and relatively easy to keep up with, in comparison to the Oppositetalk facebook page. Spend some time on there, or Manual Elitist Jerks, where people moved after the people that left Oppo for Oppositetalk, left Oppositetalk for MEJ. So much shitposting, too much everything to keep up with.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 18:23 |
But everyone needs a tactical spork!!!!
![]() 02/05/2018 at 18:29 |
I have adblocker so don’t see anything outside of the Kinja Deals and cross posts.
That said, there are still some really, really good articles on the FP. Look at the Range Rover one posted today as an example. You can tell a lot of effort went in to them, and they are genuinely interesting and worth reading.
The problem is that the good articles are overshadowed by click-bait rubbish. “Here’s a viral video we saw on Reddit. You won’t believe what happens next!” The shares from / to the other sites and their toxic communities are the worst. Every single one of them (and the comments) end up basically saying “Everything is racist!!! Patriarchy!! I’M SO OFFENDED!!!!!!!”
![]() 02/05/2018 at 18:35 |
I was banned for no reason, and now feel like I’m being ignored. Now I’m on Oppo most the time.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 18:40 |
I live at home for free, and my mom even does my laundry* and makes my bed, and I can use her car when I want. Am I missing something?
*Unlike other “adults” I’m totally capable of taking care of myself and doing laundry and stuff.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 18:43 |
Just pointing out that we live in Paid GM’s house and they pay the bills. We can be obnoxious dorks all we want but unless we want to start our own deal we have to take what we’re given re: The ads and such. not great, which is most kids can’t wait to move out...but paying bills is spensive.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 18:43 |
I really wish we could do away with the “hour rule.” It would really help get rid of the clutter and allow people to stay up to date.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 18:44 |
Going off what Urambo Tauro said, could we possibly try and do away with “hour rule” posts? If we were able to get rid of those it would de-clutter the site and allow more people to get caught up, or stay up to date without wearing out the “more stories” button.
![]() 02/05/2018 at 18:48 |
Oh no I wasn’t referring to ads or Kinja Deals. I was literally just making a joke about living at home for free without having to put up with some shit.
But on the topic of ads and Kinja deals: I, like many others here, do block ads on FMG sites because they’re so damn obnoxious and slow everything down. But I won’t block Kinja Deals because occasionally they post things I would like, or need, and am happy to click on their affiliate links since I used to use Kinja Deals so much ( I stopped clicking on daily deals to try and save money, and I don’t have room for more crap).
![]() 02/06/2018 at 00:03 |
You know-some day you’re gonna need a belt-then what?