![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:09 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
What’s that, about $40 worth of cigaret butts?
![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:15 |
Counterpoint: they’ll be dead from lung cancer soon enough.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:16 |
Counter-counterpoint: Not soon enough.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:19 |
what is funnier, is when you are walking through a parking lot, and you see that someone dumped out all the tobacco from their blunts. “ there must be 4 or 5 blunts worth” throwing away the best parts...... for “reasons”.........
![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:22 |
Smokin g is cool though
![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:26 |
As a smoker:
1) Way more than $40 these days.
Fuck this asshole so much.
If you can’t wait to get home to dump them, the least you can goddamn do is dump them in somebody else’s trash can. At least have THAT much courtesy.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:31 |
Not before they adversely impact our health insurance premiums.
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Please see above.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:31 |
What’s worse: the pile of butts or a dirty diaper?
![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:32 |
Indicates that the price of
has dropped.
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In a very costly, very smelly sort of way...
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![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:41 |
10/10 the butts are worse . All day every day and twice on Saturday.
But you gotta be concerned for the kid’s future if his or her parents are leaving a soiled diaper behind like that.
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![]() 12/20/2018 at 16:49 |
I am interested by the Surgeon General or whoever, currently getting exercised about Juuling and vaping, like, why not three years ago? Let ‘em get a solid foothold first, right?
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:05 |
1) I smoked for a decade. About a pack a day. Quit cold turkey 5 years ago.
2) Biggest regret of my life
3) Knock that shit off. Not only is it bad for you, but you reek when you come back from a smoke break. No one likes a stinky fucker.
4) Be honest, what does it really benefit you? It tastes like shit. The nicotine lies to you and makes you think it’s relaxing. The deep breaths you take are relaxing, the nicotine just makes you want more nicotine.
5) I only say all this because you’re awesome and fuck lung cancer.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:11 |
I have been trying to quit for a long time. My work can only be classified as at the most extreme end of the stress spectrum. I was down to half a pack a day and my last job was such a shitshow I’m back at two packs a day.
It is not fucking easy.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:15 |
Looks like a police stake out or a potential felon casing the joint. Also, people like this suck.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:16 |
Last time I did
that, my doctor said she would kill me if I survived it.
After explaining that I had maybe a 50/50 shot of surviving it. So yeah. I’m not allowed to go cold turkey.
You and me both. But, what’s done is done.
I have two cats and a dog that slobbers . Trust me. Nobody’s going to stop bitching about that. :P
At this point, it mostly benefits everyone else in that I don’t get... let’s just say if I say I am going to have a cigarette outside off my usual schedule, your life depends on saying “ok, sure, no worries.”
This is clearly lies and slander. Except for the cancer part.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:16 |
I purposely quit during my last deployment to Afghanistan. I figured if I could quit during THAT, quitting back home would be a cinch.
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The last time I quit cold turkey, I ended up in the ER. Three times. In two days. And not from the nicotine. Tapering isn’t a choice for me, it’s absolutely mandatory. Otherwise I end up in a very dangerous feedback loop. It fucking sucks.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:36 |
That sounds pretty horrible.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:41 |
Yeah, I quit one day also. About thirty years ago. I decided it was a stupid thing and put out the cigaret unfinished and that was that. But I had to change some other habits as well, like going where people were smoking, for one. When I was in high school, I could go to 7-11 with a dollar bill and buy a pack of smokes and a pack of Freshen-Up chewing gum and get a couple of pennies back.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:41 |
What kind of work do you do?
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:43 |
I have two cats and a dog that slobbers. Trust me. Nobody’s going to stop bitching about that.
You actually made me laugh.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:43 |
Are you out of the military now?
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:46 |
There was this guy once who threw down his cigaret but — at a gas station no less — and I asked him why didn’t he pick it up? Dude was fifty-something, or maybe only thirty-something because smoking made him look older, but he started sniveling about “my perfect world,” and then he brought up President Obama and I laughed, and said, “So you’re going to blame the
?” He’s probably sitting on the couch right now, watching Fox & Friends, and wearing his MAGA hat. And smoking a butt.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:50 |
That looks like at least a carton’s worth. SO, maybe $40 if its the really cheap crap wrapped in copy paper, but, probably closer to $70 these days.
Unless Virginia.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 17:57 |
I had an Uber driver last year who had basically that in a mug in his cupholder. It was vile, though I guess at least he wasn’t littering. I’m pretty sure that’s against Uber’s rules, but regardless, he got a poor rating.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 18:13 |
That’s probably 2 and a half packs, so $40 is probably pretty close.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 18:16 |
I’m toying with the idea of Ubering this summer when school’s out; I’m a teacher. Do some early morning surge driving and see if I earn any money at it. Maybe use one of their cars...
![]() 12/20/2018 at 18:26 |
I “quit” when I started dating my wife... After a while one or two behind her back turned into many more... When she found out I felt sick to my stomach, and I knew it was her or the cancer sticks. I made the right choice. It was difficult at first, but the longer I stay away from them, the more I never want to go back.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 18:29 |
I still play dress-up one weekend a month. It’s an entirely different world, though. Much more easy-going with “deployments” to austere locations like Hawaii, Las Vegas, and Savannah, Georgia.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 19:31 |
We had a contractor who Ubered inbetween jobs. There was no way he needed the money, but he said he met some interesting people and it kept him from being bored.
![]() 12/20/2018 at 20:34 |
I’m in IT professionally. Very senior technical, primarily in the regulated and federal space. And never not on call. Even when not on call, because the “ highly skilled ” people coming out of FB, GOOG, et. al are so staggeringly incompetent that the second you take the training wheels off, they blow up your entire production environment with the most boneheaded, incompetent move possible.
While also
spending all your goddamn time arguing with them because “I’M SPECIAL ‘CAUSE
People who claim ATC is bad? Yeah. Try being the only damn person who can fix the system that has to work so a couple hundred thousand people can actually get their money. Or the system that’s currently locking the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company out of their phone. Or finding out that the system storing the health care records for more than 1 million people are ‘protected’ by the default superuser password and the system is accessed by telnet.
![]() 12/21/2018 at 14:36 |
I’m curious to give it a try, but as the one who maintains the fleet, I’m reluctant to use my own car. And who would put their car on Turo? But that’s another question.
![]() 12/21/2018 at 14:38 |
I know enough about IT to appreciate what you are saying here. Have you been able to sack any of these child geniuses?
![]() 12/22/2018 at 18:02 |
Haven’t seen that kind of pile in a parking lot in years. So classic 70's.
![]() 12/23/2018 at 08:23 |
I can remember being a young child in the early 70s and sitting at a light and seeing someone open their car door slightly and dump their ashtray right in the street.
In the Army, we’ spend time as an entire company just picking up cigaret butts. In all the discussion of the health risks of smoking, I seldom hear discussion of the pollution caused by billions of cigaret butts flicked all over the place.