![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:17 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Edit: this got way more attention than I thought it would. I just want to say that I don’t believe there should be any less help given to families living in poverty. I was mainly taking about people who intentionally have kids knowing full well that they can’t support them.
The whole system is broken, an an individual who had a baby can’t be blamed for all the problems.
I don’t normally agree with things posted on the back of pick up trucks, but I’ve said this before myself.
Usually it’s a accident,but I know of several people who have had kids on purpose knowing full well they would need government help.
I don’t go out an buy project cars expecting a tax break, and free oil changes.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:23 |
i once knew a girl who wanted 7 kids regardless of if shed be able to pay for them to have things like clothes or food, “I just want a big family” she said. i told her good luck
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that’s the difference. you’re taught better.
institutional racism is a real thing. poor people aren’t taught about safe sex and what to do to practice safe sex.
I would know, I grew up in Santa Ana.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:29 |
My ex is like that. Her and my wife are still friend so they talk regularly. She has 5 kids at 26 years old. That’s at least 3 too many. Especially since her husband isn’t a rich man. I know he makes more than I do, but not enough for 5 kids. That they had on purpose.
I dodge a bullet on that one
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I was halfway expecting this to be a guy advertising his discount dog food business.
It still might be.
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im buying a classic next... coz road tax exempt
give me my damn handouts
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I have mixed feelings about population growth. But it’s a bit less extreme than a person I know.
For some reason we ended up arguing about abortion and, I have no clue why, she concluded that we wouldn’t need abortions if poor women were “temporarily castrated” I then introduced her to the concept of condoms and said “Oh, well that’s a lot better"
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:32 |
Don’t they literally pay europeans to have children?
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I have thought before that people should be staralized at puberty and should have to apply for a license to give birth. But that could VERY easily be racially, and economically abused.
Not to mention the effect is would have on the spread of STDs.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:34 |
I never have to renew the registration on the Rabbit because it’s in collector plates. That’s nice.
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depends on where you are me thinks
that said.. i do get a couple hundred bucks every quarter for daughter expenses.... its nifty
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But that could VERY easily be racially, and economically abused.
I think it has in the past, and my country is on the verge of approving chemical castration as a criminal punishment, so I think it will have a renaissance.
What if we taught teens how to have sex and how much it costs to have a family when they’re young? I mean... It must be cheaper and more ethical than the alternatives.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:36 |
Hmm I agree with the spirit of your response, but not entirely. It may very well be correlated with racial trends but I don’t think that’s the reasoning here. There are plenty of rural white folk having huge families they can’t afford to feed, and there are plenty of white folks on various forms of assistance as well.
Being an ethnic minority in this country, and having spent a lot of time in the developing world (and studying development economics at the graduate level) I’d say the true driver is education (which you did point to). With better education on safe sex and family planning people get better about this stuff. Also with better education bringing them more economic opportunity people interestingly enough have smaller families – probably jointly because more of their attention is spent focusing on their careers, and given the fact that they have better financial literacy and family planning skills.
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That’s what my 2nd car is going to be, no tax or mot :D
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My sister, who was raised in the same house hold as me, has had 3 accidental childern, all of which were gathered by men who she knew couldn’t, or didn’t want to support them.
I’m now raising one of those kids.
It’s not all a lack of education.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:37 |
That’s 5 too many lol, I’m 24 and have my life pretty together compared with most of my peers and am sure as hell not ready to raise a child, let alone 5 over the next two years.
I’m all for waiting a bit, you get to enjoy some freedom during your 20s between having to answer to parents and having to answer to kids, and they get to be raised by more mature people in what’s most likely going to be a more stable home.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:38 |
Europe is strange. One of my neighbors would rather stay on unemployment assistance than take a job the government found for her because unemployment assistance paid more. Granted, she was on temporary leave from a job that paid better than either so... idunno
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Someone who “wants a big family” is not ready for having any family. A family is not about what *you* want.
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What if parents told kids to keep it in there pants!
There used to be shame on the idea of sex outside of marriage, and I don’t think that was bad thing. The negative side effects of loose morals doesn’t outweigh the obvious side effects.
Altho it is worth mentioning that it’s not just accidental, or teen childbirth causing the problems
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:41 |
Yeah, I mean, it’s not like birth control ever fails, domestic terrorists don’t kill doctors for providing abortions , terrorists actively destroying the adoption system, and terrorists posing as politicians trying to undo years of legal precedent regarding abortions .
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:44 |
i had that for a while actually... gubment was giving me 1600 a month to stay at home... but wanted me to take a job for 1200
(coz the allowance takes into account that theres 3 of us... but the job only pays for one)
took the job anyway... coz fuck sitting at home... but damn money was tight that year
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:45 |
I had planned on having kids by 20. Thankfully as I got a bit older I realized how stupid that was. Mostly I wanted to be a fun young Dad. My dad was 28 when I was born and I always wished he was younger and more active. I ended up adopting my nephew who is 9 now, so I got my most of my 20s free and I get to be a cool young dad
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:47 |
So what’s the answer? Let the baby go hungry to punish the parent?
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I personally can’t support abortion. I also don’t think it should be illegal in any county, because my religious views shouldn’t control anyone else.
I also think avoiding sex when you know you can’t support a child is a good idea. It’s not that hard.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:50 |
I mean... I think that shame around sex just represes it more, which probably has negative effects on mental health in the long run. I’ll put it this way:
The most outrageously sexual, promiscuous, abusive
, and teen-pregnant-y people I know went to schools that did not teach them how to have sex safely.
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Shame is always the right answer. As is imposing your moral views onto others. Maybe we should make the “loose” women wear special outfits so the shaming could be more efficient.
You lunatics.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:52 |
It was probably the allowance, she has a couple of kids... but it was nowhere near as much as you , it was like 800 euros....
I don’t have anything againts the safety net in europe, it’s just kinda interesting to see it work... It is also a key part of the story behind Intouchables.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:52 |
you’re right it’s not all education.
it’s the health care system that doesn’t acknowledge minorities, the racial pay gap, states passing laws making it more difficult to teach sexual education, and the fact that pregnancy rates are still double for black and hispanic girls compared to white teens.
bottom line, poor people can’t afford contraception.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:55 |
Sure, go ahead and punish children because their parents were irresponsible...
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Teenagers want to have sex. We can tea ch them how to do it safely (which the conservatives abhor) or we can cope with the consequences when they do it unsafely (which the conservatives also seem to abhor).
Basically, my position is if you (in the widest sense of the word “you”) hate abortion, which frankly is a very sensible position, then you should do everything possible to help kids understand how not to get pregnant.
This combination of a war on family planning, a war on sex education, a war on abortion, and a war o n the public safety net is the worst of all possible worlds.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:58 |
... no one suggested that.
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i like having the safety net..... hate using it...
gubment constantly nagging you to find work or do workshops or we’ll cut some of your allowance.... noying...
sure beats homelessness and hunger tho
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:01 |
i like having the safety net..... hate using it...
it’s a great way to describe it.
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The guy with the truck certainly is. “The Government Is Not Your Baby’s Daddy” clearly implies not wanting to spend tax money to make sure innocent children aren’t malnourished.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:02 |
Wow. That sums that up pretty well
. I know at least two girls who married young, bought big houses and got expected to have lots of kids. They are also very vapid, and self centered. They look at getting 4 kids the way they look at buying that nice big house and the brand new Ford Explorer to match it. The kids just complete the set.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:05 |
There you go!! Best of both worlds . My parents were even 10 years older than your dad when they had me, going on 40. I definitely want to be younger than they were but not super young. I think I used to think something like that too, 20 or 25 or whatever but that was back when 25 sounded old.
Man I’m having a hard time deciding if getting a cat is too much of a commitment.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:05 |
I was taught, and plan on teaching my child the weight of the decision to have sex.
I suppose the real problem is, as it almost always is, a lack a parenting. Another reason people shouldn’t be popping out kids like they PEZ candies.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:09 |
shaming people is bad, shaming actions is good.
We as a society have deemed it okay to have sex. Just for fun. That isn’t helping any one.
You are right though, it would be wrong to betraignt some one who has made that mistake. Also I didn’t say “loose woman ” usually it’s the man/boy who is to blame anyway.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:10 |
Kill the parents and feed their bodies to the baby. Problem solved!
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Agreed, but as a big-government liberal with libertarian tendencies I also have to point out that we make it very hard for poor people to be good parents. Crappy public transportation. Cr appy safety net. Crappy health care availability.
If you’re out of the home 18 hours a day trying to make ends meet, it’s hard to supervise your kids properly. Poverty is a vicious cycle that’s tough to escape.
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But this is a preventative measure.
It’s one thing to nuder a cat, it’s another thing to drown it’s kittens. (Probably a bad analogy but I think you’ll get the point)
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:11 |
... don’t have kids when you know you can’t support them?
Make good choices so that other people don’t have to pay for your bad ones?
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Get a cat there’s a bunch of them at your local humane society trapped in boxes.
My wife has been fostering litters for the last few months.
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That’s true. A something I don’t think about much. I always thought of myself as “poor” as a kid, but the difference between actually poor and lower middle class is gigantic. I also had the rare benefit of a stay at home mom, and parents that weren’t devorced.
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If you want preventative, have quality, effective sex education and cheap and available birth control and abortion. This is just an asshole who wants to feel morally superior to others.
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Wow that’s dark.
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Hopefully in the nearish future! As it is I have a busy work schedule and am gone more than half of the weekends for one reason or another so especially at the beginning I just wouldn’t be able to be home enough, but that situation is changing in the next 6 months one way or another so hopefully then.
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So what do you do to the people who d o have those kids? You don’t seem to have a solution to that. P eople are people. They don’t always make good decisions especially when they’re young. My wife had a kid at 19 when she was in college and had to be on support while she finished. She now makes a lot more than me and has paid that money back through taxes many, many times over. Two of my sisters also had kids when they were teenagers and have also paid that money back many times over. That is the norm. No matter what you think most people are only on support for brief periods of time. It does what it’s designed to to and most people who criticize it either dismiss their needing it as a special exception because they work hard unlike “ those people” or they have never been poor and have no idea what it’s like. They actually think that most poor people don’t work.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:41 |
You’re really starting to lose me as this conversation goes on... I’d argue that sex is not something that needs to be shamed or policed; rather, let’s focus on having safe, responsible (in terms of contraceptives and mitigation of STDs), informed people young and old who understand the gravity of their actions, as well as the needs of a child, should they elect to have kids. “Sex only after marriage” doesn’t magically make the couple ready or knowledgeable as to how to be good parents.
Widespread availability of contraceptives, better health care, sex education, and teaching the importance of consent would all be things I’d advocate. And I fully support and embrace your stance on abortion, too—not something you’d be willing to do personally? That’s absolutely your choice. You don’t want to limit it’s availability to others or impose your views on them? Perfect, even better.
I do follow the argument that people should not be relying on the social safety net because they had more kids than they could ever hope to support--but I also don't want to punish the kids born into a family situation like that.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:57 |
And I say fuck til it falls off. I t is definitely okay to have sex just to have fun. I have had sex with more women than a lot of people have had hot meals. I have a kid and have never been married. It doesn’t make me or my son’s mother bad people.
Put a sock on your pickle if you’re banging for kicks, take care of your kids, and don’t let some weird, dated puritanical notion of right and wrong make you feel like less of a person because you made a choice that doesn’t agree with someone else’s.
Shaming sex is stupid and counterproductive.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:58 |
The message behind the bumper sticker is basically that a n ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Obviously this means that we need massive, state-funded Abortion- plexes in every major city.
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You don't get to make the determination about what is right and wrong for other people though.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 19:02 |
1) The lift on that truck is triggering me. That high of a lift block under the spring is liable to make the axle fall out if too much powahhh is applied.
2) The message on the tailgate is one of taking personal responsibility, and using critical thinking before making short term decisions with long term implications. Doing so would help to limit government spending, all of which would make things better for everybody. The message is a good one, the delivery is a bit harsh.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 19:37 |
Doesnt meam I cant have an opinion
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I agree with everything you’ve said.
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I did not intended to make you feel like a bad person for ur choices.
But I would, and will encourage people not to make them, as they have a good chance of ending poorly. Even if you seem to have turned out fine.
We obviously won’t agree here, And that’s fine.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 19:52 |
I generally agree with the statement. There is more than enough information available for folks to know when they’re fertile, and steps to take to avoid pregnancy (abstinence obviously being the “easiest” and most well-proven, when actually practiced).
I agree that there are folks who genuinely need and deserve help. However the abuse is what needs to end. Case in point: One of my senior
and his girlfriend (technically I think they qualify as a domestic partnership or civil union
or whatever since they’ve lived together for nearly a decade)
had been trying for years to have kids, and they opted to go the IVF route. Now they have quadruplets on the way. They are deliberately delaying getting married so they can get government assistance, even though they both make over $50K a year each. This tech is a master at finding loopholes and milking the various systems to his benefit, and they planned it like this (not the quadruplets part, that was a surprise). He’s also very right wing, and when he’s confronted with the fact that he’s taking advantage of the sake programs he wanted defunded for other citizens/residents, his excuse is “Well, the money’s there, we might as well use it”. Thanks
, jerk. Enjoy my tax dollars.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 20:00 |
Well I never said it was a good idea to have a 4 foot bumper sticker. Or any bumper sticker.
Also My intention was never to bring morals into this. I was really thinking of people who are in a relationship and the. Make conscious decision to have a child even tho they can’t afford to support that kid. Altho I’ve seen that that idea was a bit flawed be there are those living in poverty, with no way out and shouldn’t be robed of the joy of having children.
I wasn’t even thinking about teen pregnancy, or getting knocked up after a fling.
No one has even mentioned when a man knocks some one up and runs. Which is another HUGE problem.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 20:05 |
It’s only shame if you do something wrong and feel guilty about it. We need to encourage having good feelings at being able to exercise self-control and restraint, especially for our baser urges. It’s among what sets us above animals, after all.
This applies to more than just sex. Gorging on food, angrily responding to a tweet without thinking about it, spreading rumors to take down a rival, stealing that which hasn’t been earned, ignoring pleas for assistance, ignoring basic duties to stay plugged into a screen for longer, etc.
We don’t encourage each other to be better.
We metaphorically stone those who try to stand up for basic morality.
We mentally salivate at seeing others fail.
In truth, we indulge in self-destructive behavior en masse.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 20:08 |
Not having sex at all (or planning it around fertility cycles, #science)
: Free. More money for car parts!
![]() 12/11/2018 at 20:28 |
I feel like someone who has this sticker also wants to restrict abortion rights and doesn’t want proper contraception use taught in schools. Because Jesus!
Which is hilarious, since Jesus was known to hand out free meals on occasion.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 20:29 |
That's fair and true.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 20:36 |
Well, that sounds like a terrifying , but accurate, movie monologue about western society....
![]() 12/11/2018 at 21:04 |
Hmmm.... I smell hypocrisy . Five bucks that dude has about 7 love children . But I absolutely love living in a country where folks can say that sh!t on the back of their jacked up pickup, (no really, not joking, 1st Amendment is super important.)
![]() 12/11/2018 at 21:19 |
Could be an entirely different form of over compensating
![]() 12/11/2018 at 21:31 |
yep - best defense is a good offens e
![]() 12/11/2018 at 21:52 |
After he has quads maybe he’ll support better mental health services and cheaper childcare as well...
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bottom line, poor people can’t afford contraception.
Huh? Poor people can’t afford the $6/month pill, or $10/24 pack of condoms? You are full of shit.
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Sure, but he didn’t force others to pay for the free meals he was handing out. He asked them to voluntarily do it, but did not force them to.
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That axle looks too little.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 00:49 |
While I’m not a Christian, I’ve read the Christian bible cover to cover, and Jesus both commands the rich to give to the poor (Matthew 5:42, Luke 3:11, Luke 12:33...etc) and calls out people who refuse to do so (John I 3:17-18). The Torah also commands people to take care of the poor (Deuteronomy 15:11). I find it funny how Christians will follow some parts of the Torah (no abortion or gay sex), yet ignore others.
Keep in mind that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), so while there are no legal consequences for not following Jesus’s example and believing his words, you will burn in hell for eternity (allegedly).
![]() 12/12/2018 at 00:50 |
your white privilege is showing.
A. planned parenthood’s are shutting down left and right, forcing people to have insurance to get birth control.
B. As I mentioned before, low-income areas aren’t taught about safe sex. When you live paycheck to paycheck, you think they’re gonna spend $10-$15 on condoms when that can go towards food or utilities.
It’s clearly a reality, one you obviously know nothing about. Especially when 43 million of the 70 million on welfare in 2016, where white families.
read a fucking book.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 09:47 |
Yes, that’t the whole free-will thing, you choose your actions, and your choices decide if you’re good enough. Forcing it by hand of government doesn’t mean people are generous and caring for the poor willingly, it means they were forced to do so out of fear of repercussions in this life.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 09:55 |
You don’t need insurance for condoms or the $6/month pills. This is 1st hand experience here. Dude, your casual racism of implying minorities are dumber than whites hasn’t been acceptable for at least a decade.
B. If you can’t afford a condom, give him a BJ or a handy, or take it up the rear, can’t get pregnant those ways.
It’s clearly a reality, one you obviously kn ow nothing about. Especially when 43 million of the 70 million on welfare in 2016, where white families.
Must be their “white privilege ”
![]() 12/12/2018 at 10:42 |
Well, you can thank Christianity for forcing religious beliefs on populations through religiously influenced laws . They were doing it long before the libs came around.
However, I don’t agree with you that following laws takes away your free will anymore than following a religion. I think they do it in equal parts. Just like you give up a certain measure of autonomy in order to live in society, you give up a certain level of autonomy in order to follow religious teaching. And jail sounds like a lot better punishment than burning for eternity.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 11:27 |
However, I don’t agree with you that following laws takes away your free will anymore than following a religion.
Sure, but they’re different. Simplified, but giving money to the government so they can give it to poor people because they say you have to isn’t going to save you from hell, it’ll save you from prison. G iving money to poor people because you want to isn’t going to save you from government, but it’ll save you from hell. Different entities, only one cares about the reason.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 20:26 |
What’s sad is that - other than the specificity of the tweet and screen -
not much has changed over the last few thousand years. As a species, we’re largely assholes.