![]() 12/11/2018 at 15:54 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
My analysis: POTUS looked like a fool and Pelosi couldn’t utter a complete sentence. But POTUS stayed on message. Nobody who follows my remarks here would say I’m MAGA anything, nor even the remotest fan of POTUS 45, but you’d have to be wearing very dark glasses not to see him
Pelosi in this exchange. Cringeworthy.
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I mean, if being louder and fundamentally not understanding where he stands is winning...
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Democrats need to play dirtier.... make the government shutdown DJTs fault
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It looked more like a christmas intervention where the family tries to reason with the perma-drunk uncle to give up driving. It’s hard to stay eloquent when all you get in response are variations of “take that wall from my cold dead hands” uttered incoherently while also never letting the other side finish a full sentence.
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I’m pretty sure he just did that to himself.
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“I will take the mantle,” Trump said of blame for a shut down. “I will be the one to shut it down.”
They cannot not let him live this down. Make him regret these words like no other.
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Make him regret these words like no other.
If he regretted anything... that would be a first.
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When I see the bad posts
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The whole thing was a shitshow, but I don’t see how Trump came out of this looking any better than a dumb, petulant child throwing a tantrum. Pelosi and Schumer were the mealey-mouthed pushover parents, sure, but the kid is the asshole. He just self-owned the impending shutdown, for crying out loud.
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She was most certainly owned. Didn’t Trump promise everyone Mexico was going to pay for this thing? She could have avoided an owning by just bringing that up. The Dems are screwed.
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More of being “civil”, see what it gets you.
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There are good posts?
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And what were you expecting? Spine from Pelosi? Or any of them?
Their only interest is in their own personal interests, simple as that. Pelosi doesn’t give a shit about the country or the Democratic party or anyone but Nancy fucking Pelosi.
They will let themselves be shot in the head, set on fire, and tell anyone who listens “well we can’t fight back! And really they aren’t stooping that low!” Because saying otherwise might upset someone, and thanks to gerrymandering they’re guaranteed re-election as part of the permanent minority.
And the idea of actually having to work for a living scares them more than any gun pointed at their head.
edit: CASE IN MOTHERFUCKING POINT. Who blocked a bill that would have given the middle finger to Ashit Pie’s criminal FCC? DEMOCRATS . Because it might affect their re-election.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:19 |
I seriously don’t understand why Dems try to engage with this fool and his enablers in the house and senate. Don’t give his stupid ideas air and TV coverage.
Just ignore him until the 3rd of January. Is that really that hard Schumer and Pelosi? Let the government shut down for two weeks over Christmas, and deal with it once you have the majority. And this thing called REAL POWER.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 17:23 |
no, they are all bad posts
![]() 12/11/2018 at 18:18 |
Thought so.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 19:21 |
Trump definitely won here.
He’s right about not passing the Senate. Waste of time to push something through that will just get shot down without D support .
Nancy was yammering on about Rs losing their jobs - Not sure if this was referring to the House seats or something else.
Chuck managed to insult two entire states. Yay?
Negotiations are a give and take. Negotiations with Trump are like a used car purchase from a shady dealer. Chuck & Nancy should ask for something they want in exchange for T he W all funding with that in mind . They need to do it the right way though, and ask for something ridiculous like $10B for funding hard-left priorities while low-balling and only offering $ 1B for The Wall.
Start with something so far out to get an automatic “No”, then negotiate down to something you wanted in the first place.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 19:24 |
My complaint is purely about Nancy’s performance, which I thought was pathetically ineffective, but the media are spinning it as a win. I say she needs to retire. Which says nothing about how or whether I agree with anything said by anyone in the room, only that as political theater goes, Nancy’s performance was a stinker.
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Her performance appealed to those with the “ORANGE MAN BAD!” attitude, who would take the side of whoever is arguing with Trump no matter what.
Agreed that she’s old and needs to be put out to pasture, along with Chuck & Mitch. There needs to be more youth across the board and less crotchety old farts.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 22:41 |
Yeah, well, there are plenty of
lobotomized people shouting ORANGE MAN GOOD!
as well. But to read Politico’s article about the exchange today is to read unabashed liberal spin.
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It’s all about theatre and Nancy’s performance was a stinker.
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The liberal media would have you believe that but I’m not so sure.
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The other side was incapable of forming a complete sentence. Nancy Pelosi needs to retire.
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It was all theatre and Pelosi’s performance sucked. She is too old. She should go and enjoy her family.
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Pelosi is over the hill, through the valley and halfway up the other side.
Now, I like Politico; I own that. And The Atlantic and The Daily Beast. But Politico’s analysis of that little wet fart performance by Pelosi, that she turned things around and rallied the Dems back at the House was nothing but liberal media wishful thinking because the young firebrand Progressives in the House have gotta be shaking their heads right now thinking,
We’re screwed.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 22:49 |
Being capable of forming a complete sentence would be helpful. Pelosi couldn’t do that. She’s too old.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 22:50 |
... anyone but Nancy fucking Pelosi.
I think the f-word should be capitalized there.
That’s quite a tirade. But no, I expected no spine, just a coherent sentence.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 23:01 |
Nah. Style book says it shouldn’t be. Fucking is what she does to others - but only if they’re in the same political party . You know, like how the latest election results are totally the fault of the Bernie-Bros. And no I don’t mean the presidential election.
Frankly, the only time I expect a coherent sentence out of her or any of her supporters is when they’re patting themselves on the back. I mean, sure, it’ll be nothing but lies, but it’ll at least be in English.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 23:02 |
You’re not wrong there. Her party needs a more aggressive/fresh/in-touch voice to take on 45.
![]() 12/11/2018 at 23:06 |
You assume people don’t want the government to shut down...
![]() 12/12/2018 at 00:30 |
The “I take the mantle” quote seemed pretty unequivocal, across the several sources I read it on, liberal or otherwise . Seems to me he straight up claimed this shutdown , should it happen. I don’t know how to spin that any other way.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 00:31 |
What style book?? I’m calling BS on that one.
nglish as opposed to what? North Carolinian?
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I don’t disagree but if so, that’s Trump losing and not Pelosi winning. But that’s not my issue here. My issue was how pathetic and
Pelosi was.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 00:54 |
RootWyrm’s Interpretations of the AP Stylebook, 2018 Edition:
“When an adjective is used to describe both a person
the action engaged in, it should not be capitalized as a proper noun.
When the adjective is primarily used to describe the person and followed by a description of what they do to others, it should be capitalized as a proper noun.
At no time should it be surrounded in quotes.
Browns fans had
foolishly placed all their hopes in Hue Fucking Jackson. Instead he turned it into a dick measuring contest with a direct report, and now they’re both fucked.
Browns fans were heavily invested in Hue fucking Jackson, whose results, frankly, speak for themselves.”
And I don’t think North Carolina actually has a specific language, unless nonsense gibberish and subtle shade counts, bless their hearts.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 01:03 |
I totally agree, in fact m y rough draft of the above comment said basically that before I decided to keep it simple . I’m not calling her or Schumer’s performance (and that’s exaxtly what it is) defensible. I certainly didn’t vote for her, because in addition to being to o old and too long in power, she is hopelessly out of touch with average Californians. Same goes for Feinstein , for that matter. Today’s thing was a BS TV stunt, but despite my dislike for Pelosi and Schumer , the statements from Trump’s mouth just seem far more damaging to him in the long game (outside his sycophantic base) than to them.
I have a friend who defends the president on the basis that “he does what he says he’ll do ”. My argument is that if someone says they’re going to burn your house down and then does it , and also crashes your car and kills your dog, you don’t give them credit for it. Trump “sticking to his guns”, or however today’s meeting will be spun , is ridiculous to me because the gun he’s sticking to is intentionally shutting down the government over the holiday season, when many Americans make use of national parks and other infrastructure , over funding for an unnecessary, unjustifiable, and unwanted border wall which he pulled out of his ass on the campaign trail to pander to his racist base.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 01:05 |
I just responded to your other reply in more detail, agreeing to that. S he needs to go.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 01:13 |
Shamefully shutting down the government has been used as a political tool for decades (except for Carter, he genuinely didn’t understand how money worked)
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love the Mohs
![]() 12/12/2018 at 09:59 |
I am taken aback at the eloquent vulgarity of your diction. But in your initial usage, you have clearly named Mrs. Pelosi and your f-word is as her middle name and should, as a result, be capitalized. As to your alternate usage, the only way it would make sense is if the person were f&$*king themselves.
Should we require arbitration on this matter, I think only Rambling Rover would be suitable.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 10:11 |
Not only do I concur with what you’ve typed here, I think you’ve said it well and effectively, though your words “outside his sycophantic base” say a great deal. We have seen that words do not stick to Donald Trump and only the most robust machinations of the American justice system stand any chance of making
of his words stick to him. And time will tell whether the justice system will succeed along those lines.
Personally? I think Donald J. Trump is the most transparent POTUS ever. Anyone with a modicum of emotional intelligence can see right through him and read him like a yellowed piece of the basest pulp fiction.
For my part, I am looking forward to being entertained by the punditry talking about Trump’s tax returns. That reporting will bring
many clicks. I am also looking forward to seeing how many people distance themselves from Donald Trump when his reign is over, and how they go about it.
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Here’s the funny thing about all of this for me: I can live with Trump’s
, just not the bullying, sexism and race baiting. And followers of Trump saying that rhetoric doesn’t matter. And that’s where Trump has us civil folk by the base of our snarklies: we refuse to go low and when we do, we’re no good at it, because we don’t believe in bullying. The higher road is the longer road.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 10:15 |
Yeah, it’s truly a piece of work. It has an International 345 CID engine and a truck suspension. The car was restored by a high school auto shop class somewhere and still exists.
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Appreciate that. I don’t often enter the fray on political discussions, but when I do it’s only here, with people who I know to be reasonable. Maybe using the phrase “sycophantic base” marks me broadly as a liberal, and that’s fine, but all I mean by that is the subset of Trump supporters who choose him over country, or logic, or the environment, or the future of democracy for that matter. To them, nothing will diminish Trump, he’s literally the Teflon Don. Certainly for them, and frustratingly in general, nothing sticks to him, as you pointed out. I don’t get it.
I concede the point on transparency, in the exact sense you described. How anybody could fail to see through his schtick is beyond me. I look forward to the tax returns and any truth they may bring, but don’t look forward to the punditry hot takes, as I think that crap drives the political divide. But that’s the world we’re in. I do very much look forward to seeing what and how people distance themselves once the wagon they’re hitched to goes over the cliff. It’s two wheels off now, so that’ll be fun, despite the possibly irreparable damage to our democracy, justice system, national dialogue, and standing in the world. Laughter in the face of madness.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 14:48 |
I don’t know that I’d call it funny, and living with his politics is ever more difficult for me, but this is how I feel.
![]() 12/12/2018 at 16:22 |
I find you to be a very satisfying correspondent. From you, I took sycophant in precisely the way you intended it. I do not see the whole of 45's base as sycophants.
I have a good friend at church who grew up in Utah and whose father many years ago played mixed doubles tennis with the chief justice of the Utah State Supreme Court. Friend’s dad was a Democrat and his playing partner also, so it would be the Rs against the Ds. Being a Democrat in Utah in those days didn’t make you Bernie Sanders or Alexandra Occasio-Cortez or even Nancy Pelosi. There was a middle that people could keep one foot in and be civil one to another. Anyhow, my friend says that if the Democratic candidate was Joe Biden, they could have seriously considered voting for him. I suspect he is not alone. In my opinion, the DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schulz threw that election down the toilet by trotting out Hillary Clinton as the heir apparent.
But as to the political theatre yesterday: my theory is that to the extent that anybody remembers the “mantle” remark by 45, Dems can use that to their advantage not by calling this a Trump shutdown, but a
shutdown, thereby handing the Rs an opportunity to distance themselves from the president. Why would anyone hitch themselves to this man’s wagon?
![]() 12/12/2018 at 16:25 |
I would disagree with his politics, but the bullying, sexism and race baiting are unacceptable and what riles me is that people such as evangelicals — who not only call themselves Christians, but see themselves as the arbiters of who else is qualified to call themselves that — will say, “Well, I’m not sure I’d call him to teach my Sunday school class, but he’s doing a
job!” And others who put on an air of being decent people but support this faithless, charmless adulterer who surrounds himself with liars and thieves.
![]() 12/13/2018 at 01:03 |
The cognitive dissonance in some of his supporters is just beyond belief, religious or otherwise. I should admit at this point that I am not a man of faith, but I don’t believe (and don’t think you do ) that religious faith automatically confers morality. Anyway, I think I know what you mean by “faithless” in this case. Like an outspoken atheist, an outspoken Christian is no role model (and no fun, come to that) . And an amoral, charmless adulterer surrounded with liars and thieves occupying the highest office in the land is as abhorrent to me as it is to you.
![]() 12/13/2018 at 02:17 |
Thanks again, likewise. Glad my meaning was clear, I try to write carefully but such things are hard to convey on the interwebs.
The middle is a shrinking place to be, but it’s funny how the people who occupy it always seem to find each other and agree over the fence. Hillary was a bad idea. Biden is flawed and just another old white guy, but is/was eminently electable, and probably would have picked a more dynamic running mate than Tim Caine, who nobody outside of Virginia knew or cared about. I feel now that if this country was ever going to follow our first black President with its first woman, which would have been another remarkable and positive step, it was never going to be her, despite her qualifications. The DNC blew it, and continues to. As usual, they managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and the country swung a harsh 180 from Obama and dumped the clutch in reverse. I don’t contribute a dime because I don’t trust them to make good decisions. HRC’s run was all too pre-ordained, it was never really a choice we got to make, as ultimately proven by Wasserman-Schultz’s deeds. Absolutely threw it away. Although I will never understand how somebody picks Trump over HRC to run the damn country. But that’s also the DNC’s fault for poor strategy.
I hadn’t considered the possibility that D’s could turn yesterday’s shutdown claim on R’s at large instead of just the president. I don’t know what would be more useful. But it could certainly expose some latent stress fractures. I can’t understand why anyone would stand by the fool, let alone bet a career on his, but those who have (and the GOP in general) are in for one hell of a ride. Both the Democratic and Republican parties need to hit pause and have a serious think about who they are going forward.
(Sorry for delays in these responses, by the way. Appreciate the conversation and the time and thought you’ve dedicated to your replies deserves the same in return, so after hours it is. Thanks again)