![]() 11/05/2018 at 22:02 • Filed to: Politics | ![]() | ![]() |
Buffer image of a manure spreader.
Regardless of the party you follow, tomorrow is going to be a shit show. Here in Georgia the governors race is going to be really fun. The republican candidate is also the Secretary of State. He controls the election. What can go wrong?
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Canada is looking good.
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Doug Ford would agree
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yeah... why are so many folks ok with that... I hate getting played, but lots of folks just don’t seem to mind...
![]() 11/05/2018 at 22:20 |
Your gubernatorial election is a farce, I gotta say. And the guy opened an investigation into the Dems yesterday? These people are sharks who will do anything to hold onto power. It’s disgraceful.
I hope you voted early.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 22:35 |
Doug Ford is like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys, except fifty times stupider.
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We’ve got our fair share of total bullshit going on, but whenever I feel frustrated about it, I just need to look south to feel a bit better....
![]() 11/05/2018 at 22:44 |
If looking south only makes you feel a bit better, you clearly aren’t looking beyond a quick glance.
Let me assure you, if you so much as spent five minutes learning about Ohio’s redistricting where they literally dra w the line down the middle of the street , you would feel so, SO much better about basically EVERY choice you have ever made in your life.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 22:44 |
Same here, Mexico is looking good.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 22:47 |
Jesus christ. Is this is a gerrymandering thing, or does redistricting mean something different than I’m thinking?
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Come to Canada, all you have to do is have enough money to buy real estate in Vancouver or Toronto, or just wander across illegally and ask for asylum
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I was reading a story about that today, also announced an investigation into the democratic campaign for election hacking while being the opponent and investigator.
Seems like the same guy trying to play judge jury and executioner.
All the while purging minority voter roles to make it harder for people to vote against him...
Definitely sketch
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When the trumpeter train starts detaining us white middle class guys I’ll head your way.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 23:24 |
It’s 100% pure naked gerrymandering down to the lowest fucking level. Just to ensure a hard blue district doesn’t go blue, and to ensure that city government can’t even fucking function.
See, because of the way things are set up here? City council seats go by, you guessed it, the computer-generated most extremely gerrymandered districts in the entire US. It’s a fact. We have districts that are drawn by more than 1200 lines and extend out into Lake Erie just to ensure terrorists stay in power .
Dead fucking serious. Look at districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 14. There’s a REASON the ACLU has sued. The disgusting thing is that it took this long, because the terrorists in Columbus quite literally and openly said that their sole interest in redistricting was to ensure permanent irreversible control of all branches of government . They were even working on a constitutional amendment at one point that would have made it impossible for any later government to redistrict after the spineless opposition did nothing to block a nakedly partisan, openly illegal map.
So when MY councilman argues that our street needs repaved? The councilman representing the OTHER side of the same street is demanding the city NOT repave our street and instead repave a much worse one in his district. Issues with constant water main breaks? Well, the water main runs on our side for half the length, crosses under the road, and spends the other half in the other district. Sewers? Same deal. Street lights? You got it. End result is either legislative paralysis or both city council members basically saying “fuck these streets, this is a part time gig and I don’t get paid enough to argue with the other guy.”
![]() 11/05/2018 at 23:30 |
Technically, anyone who falls under the LGBTQ spectrum, is of Latino descent, is of the Muslim faith, or is a journalist not employed by Fox News or a terrorist organization can now legally seek political refugee status in Canada.
“A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion , is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.”
![]() 11/05/2018 at 23:31 |
I already voted here, in Texas. It is the first election in my life that I have voted straight ticket
(minus one vote for a lib
ertarian because he was the only person competing with an incumbent republican).
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While I find it a bit ridiculous how many people we’re letting in while we have a massive housing crisis, I am glad the option is there, because things are much more fucked elsewhere than here
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Holy crap. We have our fair share of gerrymandering, but that’s insane
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Doug Ford is an accurate personification of the Canadian zeitgeist
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To be fair (and blunt,) the housing crisis is because of economic faux- migrants the door was opened to. Specifically of the newly rich Chinese variety. (It’s very much a thing, and they very much openly abuse it.) A Canadian passport is easier and more convenient than a Chinese passport. So they buy a property and leave it unoccupied and say “look we invested in your country.”
A country hosting a refugee gets to pick where they house that refugee provided it is not punitive, designed to deny access to legal counsel and services, designed to deny or impede administrative assistance availability, or deny the refugee the possibility of assimilation or naturalization. That’s why the UN is fine with tent cities. As long as they are abiding with the terms of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, they are not guaranteed free movement or free choice of residence.
Of course, there are absolutely no consequences for completely disregarding the Convention aside from public shaming in the press and maybe finger wagging by the complete and total joke that the UNHRC is (assuming you didn’t bribe Kyrgyzstan, Venezuela, China, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, DRC, Nepal, or Pakistan.)
![]() 11/06/2018 at 00:10 |
It’s why Rob Portman is entirely comfortable telling his ‘constituents’ that he doesn’t give a shit directly to their face, and has openly expressed that he represents his party and not those losers that voted for him.
Though if you think that’s just because of gerrymandering, he was the personal lawyer for Haitain president Baby Doc Duvalier. In 1993 our gerrymandering was already so bad that he won only one county- Hamilton - which held 57% of the district’s population, but with less than 57% of the vote. The end result? They counted his election a win.
And he knew who buttered his bread when he went to work for OMB. First thing he did there was make the ‘01 and ‘03 tax cuts permanent at a cost of over $500B. Then a massive increase in military spending by taking money away from low-income housing, environmental agencies, and health care safety-net programs including allowing ERs to refuse service to uninsured patients.
He became infuriatingly frustrated with the post when it was explained to him as the mentally disabled man that he is, that he can’t just spend the entire US budget however he pleases even his job title is Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
But it’s okay. He landed on his feet when he ragequit that in order to launch a secret PAC that was trying to get him made John McCain’s running mate. When that failed, he decided he’d run against George Voinovich. By accepting money from everyone who would send it, legal or not. He raised more than $8M for his run.
So he bought off the Teamsters and locals with lies and cold hard crash. Without changing his real positions one bit. As soon as he was seated? 100% party line, 100% of the time. Call his office, nobody ever answers, maybe they do and tell you to fuck off. But he’s “too valuable” because he sits on a bunch of committees.
Even the terrorists themselves rate him as so right-wing they don’t know why he isn’t saying Hitler did nothing wrong. Did you know Ohio has more oil and gas than all of the Middle East? No? Well Rob Portman does. He found that out through a study he invested with more than $4M in money from the NRA.
And so on and so forth. If somebody killed this slimeball, they would be doing the world a great favor.
![]() 11/06/2018 at 00:10 |
Yeah. It’s all depressing, but you’re right
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We are all Doug
![]() 11/06/2018 at 00:36 |
Where do you live? I’m in Marcy Kaptur’s district, and Bob Latta district is but a literal stones throw from my house. I thank my lucky stars the bastards in the state house kept me out of his district.
![]() 11/06/2018 at 00:44 |
I don’t know what district at this point because they keep claiming the maps were “wrong” and therefore I’m in this district not that district.
This year, my choices are Kaptur, Steven Kraus (who has no photo,) and McKensie Levindofski (I) who prefers swords to guns and believes “Problems in the immigration system need to be addressed and rectified without media/protester hysteria or agenda driven politicians pushing the radical option of completely open and unprotected borders” Along with arming school children.
And this thrilling contest:
![]() 11/06/2018 at 03:06 |
better than down here.
![]() 11/06/2018 at 05:00 |
No. Just different.
![]() 11/06/2018 at 05:05 |
When in doubt...vote for J erry Mander. Actually, you probably shouldn't...
![]() 11/06/2018 at 05:30 |
I voted a couple of weeks ago.
![]() 11/06/2018 at 07:06 |
Me a month ago: Kemp and Abrams are so polarizing and divisive. I’m so uncertain about them.
Me now:
![]() 11/06/2018 at 07:18 |
That’s the GOP playbook.
![]() 11/06/2018 at 08:09 |
I guess electing someone whose main qualification is “hash dealer” is the right choice for this period of legalization.
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I sure hope not, otherwise, we got
the problems.
![]() 11/06/2018 at 08:26 |
G eorgia’s new slogan: Almost T he F irst world!
![]() 11/06/2018 at 10:01 |
Are you for, against or now against due to the incessant adds?
I love watching YouTube advertising try and figure out my eclectic viewing habits
![]() 11/06/2018 at 12:36 |
I watch these on purpose, both ironically and seriously. I’m very tempted to play them over and over in my car today.