![]() 09/26/2017 at 14:48 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
This time of year it always happens. Now I’m sitting at work with a headache, sinus pain, a nose that constantly needs blowing, a sore throat, sore jaw from chewing gum (that helps to relieve the sinus pressure), and every once and a while a loud violent sneezing fit.
I had to “turn off” the a/c at work because it was aggravating it, and I’m eating everything in site to help the pressure in my head.
On top of that I’m irritable, have no time for dumb questions/people, and I keep dropping things and can’t even type this without spell check every few words.
Yay autumn.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 14:49 |
I DO! I spend this part of the year going through sudafed and exedrin like candy.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 14:50 |
Sounds like a sinus infection. Or wicked allergies at the least.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 14:51 |
nope....had a migraine the other day... but it was the first one in months... so im not complaining
that said... On top of that I’m irritable, have no time for dumb questions/people, and I keep dropping things and can’t even type this without spell check every few words. .... this pretty much me all year round.
hope it passes soon mate
![]() 09/26/2017 at 14:54 |
I get it worse in spring than in fall, but Claritin D-12 is my savior on days like that.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 14:58 |
claritin and prescription flonase is what I use for my allergies. I think you can buy flonase over the counter but my insurance pays for most of it when its prescribed.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 14:59 |
Wicked allergies maybe?
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:00 |
I used to end up with a terrible sinus infection about once a year, until I got really good about taking a Zyrtec right when allergy symptoms first showed up. Knock on wood, it’s been a while since I’ve had one.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:01 |
I don’t get sinus headaches really, but I do get sinus toothaches.
As long as it’s not a sinus infection, I’m happy. Those fuckers HURT
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:01 |
I get normal allergies all summer, but always seem to get one massive shitter in fall.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:02 |
Allergies. If he had a sinus infection he’d know. They’re absofuckinglutely horrible.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:02 |
Same time every year? Sounds like allergies. I got the shots and they worked wonders for me.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:03 |
I used to do flonase, but I can’t anymore. I can’t stand spraying ANYTHING up there.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:06 |
I get all those symptoms with the exception of the headaches when my allergies flare up in the fall and spring. It often gets to the point where I can’t function because of the need to blow my nose constantly. I end up taking Zyrtec at the maximum dose and minimum time interval just to try to keep it at bay. Sounds like there might be something outside that the AC system is pulling in which is causing allergies to flare up bad. From my experience whatever claims the manufacturer makes about their system being able to filter out allergens are total horseshit.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:12 |
I feel that. It’s not enjoyable, I started only doing it when I feel the pressure in my ears building up. I don’t get super stuffed up because I no longer have adenoids but I guess that means I get fluid in my ears. It’s like walking around under water.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:17 |
Mine got so bad at age 25 I started getting migraines. Long story short I had surgery ended up being polyps that had grown in my sinus cavities that when agitated swelled and causes pressure in my forehead and cheeks. The surgery to correct it kinda sucked ( Septoplasty polyp removal google it) but I’m headache free for like 8 years now and can breathe easier too.
From a random search
The symptoms of chronic sinusitis include ongoing facial headaches, pain, pressure, postnasal drip, drainage, congestion, and repetitive sinus infections. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery opens up the affected sinuses, removes the polyps and is an excellent procedure to relieve chronic sinusitis. A cosmetic rhinoplasty can also be done at the same time if the patient desires. The combined surgery of septoplasty and endoscopic sinus surgery is between 30 and 60 minutes.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:23 |
Ever try using a netty pot? They’re gross and weird, but the only thing that help my sinuses when I have issues. It helps clear out all the pollen/dander... that gets trapped in them. After about four days of use I’m gtg for a couole of months. Just make sure you are using very pure water. I boil a bunch of purified for ten minutes, then use it throughout the week.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:34 |
If chewing gum helps, go see an ENT. You might have some eustachian tube dysfunction going on, they will patch you right up.
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Claritin and Sudafed. I’m in the same boat.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:52 |
Only when I mow the lawn and don’t wear a dust mask. I used to have more severe allergies, but they seem to be mellowing as I age.
I suggest getting allergy tested. My wife just did this and it helped us figure out what she needs to avoid. The big surprise was the discovery that she’s not allergic to cats like we thought. The other big surprise was finding that she’s allergic to shellfish. No more etouffe or crawfish for her!
![]() 09/26/2017 at 15:56 |
Are you taking anything for it? Decongestants?
![]() 09/26/2017 at 16:29 |
Today is the first day and I didn’t really start getting worse untiL i was already at work. I took my normal 24hr allergy crap that works OK, and had some leftover store brand over the counter sinus stuff in my lunch bag... so until I get home I’ll be suffering. Not that there’s anything any better I can take at home except some nasacort and some vicks.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 16:32 |
Truth be told I did cut the grass last night. But all year I’ve been fine, maybe just a little sniffly afterward.
Usually its just pollen, ragweed, seasonal stuff. Oh, and my esophagus has an allergic reaction to shellfish, causing severe acid reflux. Got tested for that one. Kinda figured after I’d always get sick after big buffets were there was shrimp platters, or we went out for crab and lobster.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 16:56 |
Keep up with the Nasacort, since steroids take a few days to fully take effect. And get some Sudafed to dry out your sinus.
![]() 09/26/2017 at 18:20 |
Yes, my head is about to explode and I am about to kill the next customer I see.
![]() 09/27/2017 at 06:51 |
no i don’t
get well soon though!