![]() 09/05/2017 at 19:16 • Filed to: conundrums, clip art, it's business time | ![]() | ![]() |
If you’re sitting down and somebody greets you with a handshake, what is the proper etiquette? Do you stand up, or remain seated?
Also, if you are sitting and meeting with somebody, then need to shake their hand before leaving, do you do so while sitting down, or wait until you get up?
Are both-people-seated handshakes ok? When is it appropriate for there to be a handshake exchange with one person seated and the other not?
![]() 09/05/2017 at 19:20 |
Always stand when meeting someone, handshake or not.
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Stand up and return the handshake. If I were standing and extended my hand to a seated woman, I would not expect her to stand.
Wait until you stand up. Handshakes are greetings or goodbyes, and they should be done standing just after meeting or prior to leaving.
Much of this depends on the familiarity of the people doing the shaking. Good friends would probably shake seated, while casual or professional acquaintances would stand.
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Stand up!
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Stare and establish dominance
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If the person who reaches out is standing, reciprocate.
If he’s sitting next to you, stay seated.
It’s all about the vertical position of the initiator of said shaking hand.
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I thought you establish dominance by squeezing the other person’s hand as hard as possible, until they cower in pain?
Bonus points if you hear a crunching sound.
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Remain seated with your arms and legs crossed and if they are smiling obnoxiously, raise an eyebrow derisively.
If someone says, “I’d like to shake your hand,” say “No.”
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Also, make sure you turn your hand over so it’s on top of theirs.
This further confirms your alpha status.
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If the other person is standing then you always stand up to shake their hand. If you’re both seated then that might pass. One thing I was told during an ettiqute class that may help is ettiqute is all about making the other person more comfortable. If they’re standing you want to make them comfortable by standing up as well. By standing you show them that they’re worth your time and effort. They will in turn be more receptive to you.
![]() 09/05/2017 at 19:40 |
Always stand up, just like you do when a women comes to sit at your table. It is a sign of respect. Sitting handshakes aren’t/should never be a thing. If you are sitting across a table, then stand and reach across, never stay seated. If they do that is just disrespectful.
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If you are physically capable of doing so, stand up. There are no exceptions.
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I do that weird half-stand thing where my ass leaves the seat but my legs are still partially squatted.
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I’ll allow it.
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If you’re the one standing, allow the other person to remain seated then bend over to shake their hand but only if your boss is standing directly behind you.
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stand...if you want to show your real dominance then pull them toward you aggressively and hold their hand for an uncomfortable period of time.
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First person to let go loses.
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Stand up but they have already advanced too far for you to stand up all the way so you are left doing a wall sit sans wall while handshaking
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Which is why I always attend meetings in a wheelchair, attended by a buxom nurse (gender non-specific) and a fluffy white cat. Even though I can walk perfectly well. Etiquette is for other people.
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No, he said handSHAKE.....
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Sit. And refuse to shake their hand until they stand up. To establish dominance of course...
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And then force them into a waltz where you lead.
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I always stand up regardless of who it is. That’s how I was taught and it’s become a force of habit in my life.
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I say stay seated regardless. That’s what I do.
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Boring business book version: Stand up, look the person in the eye, smile and grasp their hand firmly but without squeezing too hard. Two quick pumps and release while saying “it’s great to meet you” or some other BS.
Fun versions:
Lick your palm quickly before grasping their hand.
As soon as you initiate the hand clasp pull them in really close and whisper “I really like your scent” into their ear.
Go for the Bro hand-wrestling clasp and shoulder hug, grunt.
Gently hold their hand and kiss their ring.
Click your heels together as you initiate the handshake, stand rigidly (like a soldier at attention) and loudly proclaim “Herr Kapitan Unterzee at your service!”
Scowl and lift up your nose when the other person offers their hand, take a step back, apply hand sanitizer and cover your face with a hanky.
Right before initiating the hand clasp, bend in your middle finger and tickle their palm with it.