![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:23 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Hows about we try riding our BIKE in the BIKE PATH instead of the road?
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:26 |
You can crop in Kinja now.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:27 |
Maybe he’s got a turn coming up? Or maybe your city decided to put stop signs at every crossing on the bike path even though the road doesn’t have them?
But yeah, probably just an asshole...
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:28 |
Maybe the other cyclists on the path are so slow as to hold them back.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:34 |
Nope. Was going the same speed as the lady ahead of him on the path.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:35 |
Based on personal experience, it’s not the cyclists, it’s the pedestrians, who will happily block the whole lane. Also rollerbladers, a single one can easily take up two pedestrians worth of space due to their side to side motion.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:36 |
Maybe there is someone walking a heard of dogs on the bike path. There are several “bike paths” I don’t ride because they actually suck as bike paths for various reasons. Mainly because they are not designed right or safely for bicycle use.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:37 |
There was a stop sign on the road ahead.
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There were no dogs. And these paths were built specifically for bikes and are well maintained. The town even runs street sweepers down them.
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If there wasn’t someone already on the bike path, I’d be tempted to use it to pass the cyclist. Just to make a point.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:45 |
It seems like when I’m walking my dog on the sidewalk there is always some asshole on a bike who thinks he can bully me off. And when I’m in my car they’re in the street. I don’t have an issue with them in the street as long as they let me by. I almost hit some little shit on a skateboard a few weeks ago, he was riding in the road I went to go around him and without looking he just cuts across both lanes. I honked at him and he looks at me and points to his headphones and says I can’t hear anything. Like it’s my fault he’s wearing headphones and cutting across lanes of traffic without checking if it’s clear.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:49 |
“Bike paths” are often terrible for anyone riding faster than 5-10mph. People walking 3-4 wide, people walking dogs/babies, runners... Road bikes are fast, much easier/safer to ride on the road.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:51 |
If it isn’t state law, it isn’t required.
I found the bike paths and bike lanes I have used were more dangerous than riding in the road. Bike paths tend to be overrun by pedestrians, joggers, and dog-walkers. I’ve had to slow to walking speed numerous times because boneheads let their dogs cross the bike path, stretching the leash into the lane of travel. I’ve crashed several times because inattentive pedestrians stepped into the bike lane in front of me.
The only two times I’ve been hit by a car were when I was in a bike lane.
So, yeah, I’m going to ride in the road and take the lane whenever I feel it is necessary to be safe.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 09:55 |
That’s what bumpers are for? :)
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:00 |
This dude was clearly not a professional. Wobbling all over the place, going no faster than the sole other person on the path... he’s just some schmoe who decided he liked riding bikes and had enough money to buy all the gear. This is a road with 45mph traffic. As shaky and slow as he was, the path is infinitely safer for him.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:04 |
I was driving down a road where I used to live, there is a sidewalk on each side, there are a wide space for cars to park, there are bike lanes. So why the hell was a jogger running in the ONE space I’m allowed to drive my vehicle?!
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:05 |
These bike paths are clear and well maintained, and there is a sidewalk on the other side of the road for pedestrians. That second cyclist was the only other person on the path for the mile stretch that I drove along. He had no good reason not to ride in it. He was shaking and wobbling all over the place and was going no faster than your average sunday leisure biker. For the situation the 45mph road was NOT safer than the path.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:05 |
In most places it’s illegal to ride on the sidewalk. In most places it’s legal for cyclists to take the lane on the road. When people say “let them by,” it usually means they expect the cyclist to hug the white line and let cars squeeze by in the same lane. Many states have passed laws requiring cars to give cyclists 3 feet of clearance when passing. That makes it impossible for most cars to squeeze by in the same lane. It’s best to treat them in the same manner you would a slow moving vehicle like a tractor. Signal, move into the opposing lane, pass, signal, move back into the correct lane.
Skateboarders have no legal right-of-way on the street and don’t belong there, especially while wearing headphones.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:13 |
It isn’t just about being clear and well-maintained. Both of the times I was hit, the path was clear and well-maintained.
It’s about intersections and expectations. See all of those driveways? Every one of them is an opportunity to get hit. The sight lines are blocked by all of the trees, fences, and shrubbery. The cyclist can’t see cars coming out of the driveways and the people in cars coming out of the driveways can’t see anything coming down the path. Since the paths aren’t heavily utilized, the drivers aren’t conditioned to look for cyclists. I’d bet there have been plenty of accidents and near-misses along that path.
Both the times I’ve been hit were right-hooks. Someone passed me, then made a right turn in front of me. I’ve had numerous near-misses from people pulling out, people turning left in front of me, and yes, other people trying to right-hook me.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:21 |
Most bicyclists stay in the right hand portion of the lane and I cross the center line to give them enough space. There are a couple in my town who ride in the middle of the lane though. I’ve actually had an encounter with a bicyclist wearing headphones too who acted like I was the asshole even though he was looking behind him while running through a stop sign. I always yield to cars when I’m on my bike, I don’t care if I have the right of way I don’t trust people. I ride on the sidewalk too, but if someones walking on it I’ll ride onto the boulevard.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:35 |
I have many more near misses on the narrow path than on roads. Those paths are great if you are an inexperienced rider or you want to go out for a leisure ride. If you want a serious fitness session, the road wins all the time.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:40 |
Generally, I stay in the right tire track. When I ride closer to the right line, people treat it as an invitation to squeeze by.
The best results are when I pull a trailer. It’s a better workout for me and people seem to give me more room.
I think most people slow down to ponder about what’s in the cooler. :)
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:41 |
Exactly. The paths are great for kids, rollerbladers, skateboarders, joggers, walkers, and dog owners. They suck for cyclists.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 10:45 |
In your defense and because I’ve possibly cycled on those exact paths myself: there’s no excuse not to use them, especially when they aren’t overly crowded. Your island was about the only place in the US I visited where I felt comfortable cycling. It has actual cycling paths, still not really the quality of infrastructure I’m familiar with but it was fine regardless.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 11:20 |
On Nantucket last summer it was a big problem with the road racing bikers sort, but this summer there has been a huge improvement in bike path usage and the whole network is almost complete. There have been a few incidents of bikers that ride into traffic and not with it, which fucks everything up, but those have been very rare. The only thing is bikers not stopping at their stop signs on the bike paths, which is annoying but can be rectified with good judgment.
The mopeds on another hand is a huge problem
![]() 08/21/2017 at 13:47 |
The biggest issue are the both the bike riders and car drivers that are INSISTENT that they own the stretch of pavement they are on. In this instance either the biker or the car driver (or both) can be the asshole. But the real solution is for everyone to be considerate and share the road when possible. Sure separate bike path is ideal but sometimes it doesnt make sense. Both can cohabitate the road safely. But really who is gonna win in a fight, a car or a bike? So because of that, its the responsibility of the cars to take care and not hit any bikes.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 13:57 |
It’s also the cyclists responsibility to be considerate of and not create an active obstruction for the heavy car that can’t stop or swerve nearly as well as a bike can. When a train hits a car do you blame the engineer for not avoiding the poor defenseless easily crushed car? Or do you scoff at the car driver who didn’t have the common sense to not get in the way of the train?
If there is no path then of course you have to share the road and I won’t get angry about it. Deliberately ignoring a safe path to mix it with traffic is just boneheaded and is worthy of ridicule.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 14:55 |
I just dont think it helps to take a combative approach against the bicyclists. Its not against the law to ignore the bike path and ride in the road. Sure its stupid but its still legal. I dont ride a bicycle anywhere other than dirt, I dont want to get ran over period. But I understand the need to share the road under all circumstances.
I laugh when my girlfriend gets so angry at bikes holding up traffic. She thinks all bikes belong on the sidewalk and will get road rage about it. This is a common sentiment shared by other motorists but theres also bicyclists that believe they need to take up the whole lane to “protect” themselves from being passed. Both ideas are very wrong.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 15:07 |
I’m not combative, it’s just infuriating. Oncoming traffic is often too heavy to overtake a cyclist safely and then you’re stuck going 30mph under the speed limit (with cars lining up behind you) until you can pass. In Massachusetts cyclists on a road must follow all traffic laws that a vehicle would follow, and there are laws about impeding traffic. This dude was liable for a citation.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 16:13 |
Agreed with the frustration. I try to see both sides here but I cant stand up for dumb bikers too much lol. This is why I refuse to do road biking. I only biked in the road in city traffic where I could easily keep up with cars in the 25mph tight city street zones. But I just pretended to be a car all the time and followed the rules that way. The worst though are bikers who ride the wrong way down one way streets like its totally normal.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 16:17 |
It just seems that too many cyclists feel like they can just do what they want and force cars to work around them. Were I to bike I would most definitely give as much way to cars as possible, if not for their drivers’ convenience than for my own damn safety. I wouldn’t dream of riding with traffic unless I had no choice and it just boggles my mind that someone would willingly forgoe the safety of a path.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 16:19 |
Well yeah just assume all cars are trying to kill you and then prevent their capability to do so. This is why I like trees surrounding me, pretty hard to get a car on those trails.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 22:44 |
that pisses me off even more than cyclists.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 22:46 |
I have the same anurysm in Harwich and Orleans.. Theres a fucking bikepath to divert you off of 28 you fucking morons. expecially on 28 where you get people stuck behind a cyclist try to pass around a blind corner.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 23:24 |
Sections of 6 on the outer cape are just as bad. There is a double wide shoulder with markings to denote that it is a bike lane and they still ride in the road