![]() 08/03/2017 at 21:11 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I can’t remember the exact location of mine which happened 2 years ago, but I found a very similar place so I’ll just show that.
One time I was driving down from upstate NY back into the NYC area. Our exit was coming up but it was packed full of completely stopped cars. You know, when the line of cars exiting spills out into the highway itself. What made this worse was that the highway leading up to this exit was on a slight right turn, and the exit was immediately after an overpass. The line of cars waiting was pretty much on a blind corner.
When the line of cars finally popped into sight, I hit the brakes but I didn’t know if I was going to stop in time, and I didn’t want to find out. I also didn’t want to get rear ended. Somehow, I reacted quickly enough to squeeze between the last car and the wall of the overpass, and fly off the road into the dirt next to the exit. The car behind me did as well.
The red line represents the stopped cars, and I am the green line. Again, not the actual place, but similar setup.
Believing that I just prevented a huge crash from happening, I was annoyed that a car or two in the exit didn’t let me back in.
That’s my story, what’s yours?
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Heading to Los Alamos from Denver. I’m with my little bro in my 2001 Impala LS. Traffic on 25 starts to suck balls so I turn off and take a forest road into town.
It’s muddy as fuck from a recent rain. Knowing how to deal with mud, I keep the car moving. We twist and turn up a mountain with no problem. Coming down, the wet ground becomes wet clay.
Before I know it, we are going too fast for comfort. A left-hand switchback is coming up fast. I put the lever in 2 and apply some brakes to slow down a tad, to no avail. We go off the FS road, only about 10 feet before we stop. This corner was apparently perfectly planned for a W-body as we missed every tree coming to a stop by millimeters. Not a scratch. Thankfully I was able to reverse out without issue and continue on
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Merging at a lane closure. Montero pulled out in front of me, almost hit it. Racing brakes saved me.
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Bicycling this. I’ve had it up to about 30 degrees from horizontal, though she’s only got one foot off the ground here :)
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I’ve always been scared of those flipping over but I’ve never seen one do it.
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Australia, coming out of the left turn slip lane I use every single day — at an “appropriate” speed. But a just rained on dusty road and summer tyres due for a change disagreed. I lost the tail, did a full 180, and managed to come to a stop with the concrete barrier a literal hair away from my mirror.
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Heading to work in my 04 Canyon and taking the on-ramp onto a busy highway. Its one of those clover leaf on-ramps that is mostly a turn with a short straight onto the highway so I can’t take most of the turn too quickly in my truck. When the ramp starts straightening I need to floor it so I can get up to speed and the 4L60 does its huge drop to 1st. It hadn’t rained or anything but the morning dew was just enough to overwhelm the crappy stock general tires, and my truck does not have traction control since it was not yet mandatory on vehicles. The rear end breaks loose and starts going sideways (keep in mind this is morning rush hour). I let off the throttle and throw in a bit of oppo and it straightens out. Definitely a code brown moment.
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Just like a skid, turn into it and you’re fine. Looks way worse than it is. You really have to hit another object (curb, another racer’s tire) to go over. Best, cheapest fun I’ve found yet :)
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Headed out for this in the morning: http://www.cumberlandmotorclub.com/cmc/event/autox-loring-afb-saturday-august-5th/
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Code Brown but you earned Oppo points!
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A few years ago, on my way home from work during the winter. I had finally escaped the worst of the rush hour traffic, and had about 7 miles of open road ahead of me before the next traffic signal.
The stop-and-go traffic that I had spent the last half-hour or so in let me get a feel for the road surface, which was wet, but definitely not icy. So I got up to speed and sailed along, crossing the county line...
I soon caught up to another car going about 15 mph below the limit, and eagerly looked for a chance to pass. When the opportunity came, I sped up and immediately lost traction, swinging like a pendulum back and forth like crazy, reaching angles that were almost completely perpendicular to the road.
I knew that I was going to end up in the ditch, but somehow my desperate countersteering kept that from happening. I managed to settle the car down and keep it moving forward down the road, albeit at a lower speed than I had previously felt so comfortable with.
Road conditions usually don’t change much from one mile to the next, but all bets are off when you enter another road commission’s jurisdiction. Lesson learned.
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Side story...On the NJ turnpike, there is a sign that says to use the shoulder if congested so I do for the exact reasons you explain above. So I start driving on the shoulder up to the toll plaza and some dick in a Camaro tries to run me off the road! Apparently because I know how to read traffic signs.
Retribution was quick, I got in front of him and he had to follow me going through the EZ pass lane at a lethargic rate of speed and then a 911 cut him off as the icing on the cake if you will.
As for my closest call, spent a hour or so snow drifting my first car (V6 Firechicken) in parking lots with absolutely no issues/moments. Start the short drive home and out of nowhere, get a moment of one wheel peel, and start spinning with traction nowhere in sight. I think I did a 360 and then straightened out, it was amazingly scary how fast it swapped ends. Thankfully it was real late, a wide road, and my friend who was following me reacted immediately and started slowing down as I spun in front of him.
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A broken down impala was up ahead in the far right lane on rt 21, there is no shoulder in certain sections. The car had no hazard lights or any lights on at all. Didn’t notice it was stationary until I did. It was too late to serve into the left lane as traffic kept passing by me. Had to slam on the yj’s brakes at 65 mph. It wouldn’t stop short and I knew I would slam into the back of that car. Pumping the brakes didn’t help. I played with engine braking and swerved into the middle lane. I lived. I should really adjust the back drums by now....
When I daily’d the e38 I almost got sandwiched by a tractor trailer not staying in lane. Laying the horn did nothing for those first 50 meters, had to pass on the middle of the double yellow median and hope that I wouldn’t play chicken with oncoming traffic. I hate truck drivers ever since that and always pass them with a lead foot.
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i was able to open the door, and walk away from this......... 7-22-17......
a car at the entrance to a private road didnt see me coming over a hill, and around a corner, and pulled out in front of me. i mashed the brakes, downshifted, and locked the whole mess of wheels up. i broadsided the other car still doing all of 40 mph.
i bounced off of everything, my chest, and arms off the steering wheel, my legs off the underside of the dash, more of the steering wheel. the floor ripped a basketball sized hole in itself, the front wheel put a small hill under my other foot. the hood hit the windshield as it tried to come into the cab. the seatbelt planted my chin on the steering wheel. the brake release put a small hole in my knee, that filled up my boot with blood by the time i got home 30 min later......... but the door still opened, and i was blessed enough to be able to walk away..........
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Was 19. Pittsburgh, 2003. I’m sober but enough drugs in car to put everyone in the car in jail for a significant time. Like years. 1992 Chevy Cavalier if it matters. 3-speed auto. It was awful. Anyway. At a red light. No turn on red. Make right turn anyway. Look in mirror to see there was a cop behind me. He goes right too and follows us. Get to destination but he’s still there. Drive past destination. No idea where the fuck I am now. Drove aimlessly for like 5 minutes. Felt like an hour. Cop follows. Looking for an excuse to pull us over I think. But the right on red where prohibited was already enough if he wanted to. Eventually he turns off down some back street. Butthole unclenches. Lots of drugs ditched in woods.
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Holy shit
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Oh shit... yeah them stock tires were horrible. (I know there were other factors but I hated my stockers so bad I’m just going to blame them completely)
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With about 10 miles left on a trip from Orlando to Boston area in the left lane on I95. Going about 70 and some idiot in a Grand Prix pulled out into my lane from one of those emergency vehicle highway crossings. I was mostly certain the F150 to my right was just enough behind me that my swerve into the middle lane was clear. It was inches on my right from a side swipe and inches on my left from a T-bone at full speed. Freaked out, safely maneuvered to the far right lane, then excited the highway and took back roads the rest of the way so as not to tempt fate.
That person should have their license revoked. And, it turns out I developed a history of near misses with Grand Prix (is that the plural?) so fuck those cars.
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In Tuscan, AZ for work in a rental Focus. Turning left and creeped into the intersection the normal amount. Sun in my eyes and traffic is pretty heavy but the light turns red and the oncoming traffic is stopping for the yellow. So I start to make the left turn and some asshole decides he doesn’t want to wait for the light. He decides to floor it and after having previously been on the brakes and almost hits me head on at about 50. If I hadn’t whipped the wheel to the right it would have been a really bad accident.
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Let’s set the scene. I had an 88 Civic with completely blown out suspension, and the finest tires Wal-Mart would sell me (with precisely zero grip, I’d have been better off on the dry-rotted, square Michelins that were on it when I bought it). I lived on a gravel road at the time, and the direction I was going, there was a downhill, a bridge (which was badly rutted), and then an uphill.
I’m blasting down the road at about 50 (the speed that only stupid people like me, ATVers, and school buses do), and come to the downhill... and realize that I should really shed some speed fast , because I was used to cars with functioning suspension. So, I apply the brakes.
What do you think happens if you’re pointing downhill, in an extremely low traction situation, in a FWD car? Yeah, weight transfers to the front tires, and the back end completely unloads. Directional stability is completely lost, of course... somehow, I managed to catch it through a few oscillations, and then I had slowed down enough to take the bridge without bouncing on the ruts and wrecking my oil pan.
Yeah, I didn’t take that road at that speed in that car any more.
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Probably this past winter, on Christmas eve I’m on my way to my Dad’s (middle of nowhere, Western PA). About half a mile from his place, on the 1.5-lane dirt road up a mountainside, which of course is slush and frozen clay. Come around a corner at an acceptable (as in not at all fast) speed (they’re all blind since the road is cut down into the road on a hillside, one side goes steep downhill and the other is uphill) to find a hyundai crossover coming towards me quite quickly in the middle of the road.
Now, this is not the sort of car you find in this area often, they were either lost or visiting someone. When you’re on one of these narrow dirt roads, padding procedure is you both drop two wheels off the side of the road and slowly pass. Whoever was in the hyundai clearly didn’t know this, and just kept on coming straight at me.
This was basically in the middle of an “S” in the road, so I made a very quick determination that the hillside was probably softer than the other car. I simultaneously found out that just off the side of the road was muck, not the hard-packed snow it looked to be. I got far enough over to not hit the other guy and re-create the Small Overlap Head-On Crash Test but now being half-way in some muck and half-way on icy clay while turning, things got drift-y.
At some point the back end of the car made it back onto the road, because I was at full lock sliding driver’s side first into a turn which I really should have been going at the other direction, if not straight. I was able to get the front end around enough that the driver’s side of the bumper, fender, and wheel redirected me back onto the road the correct way around when it made impact with the snowy embankment. Fortunately, everything was a nearly-comically low speed (just very low traction) and it didn’t even consider rolling the car, as often happens when embankments are found.
I thought for sure I made a mess of the side of the car, but when I got to my dad’s (less than a mile further down the road) I discovered that the only visible result was a very clean fender (thanks, snow) and a very muddy wheel. This is why people say crown vics are tanks.
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I did something very similar where the roads were fine, but this one hill (which had a VW in a ditch at the bottom) turned out to be solid ice. The trans decided it wanted to downshift half-way up (I didn’t know it was icy to manually lock it in 2nd) and I went 90 degrees one way, then 180 the other way, before coming to a stop pointing straight up the hill again, with the car slowly creeping its way back down. Lots and lots of oppo there (and a prime example why I drive RWD - if it was FWD I’d have been in the dittch with the VW, because spinning wheels can’t keep me pointed up the hill)
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Most of mine are on video
EDIT: Thought of one that wasn’t. Vegas to Reno 2011, we were maybe 60 or so miles in and bombing through a deep silt bed at about 70. Turns out there was a big rock (or something solid anyway), and it managed to simultaneously launch us and turn the truck to the right. So as we’re airborne I’m looking down the road as the road goes from “out the windshield” to “out my side window.” And we’re still in the air. I’ve got the wheel cranked hard left, praying, hoping we don’t barrel roll my new truck in empty the desert. After an eternity the truck comes down, leans hard over, teeters, then straightens out and powers on. I backed off a bit for the next hour after that.
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There are lots of close calls but this is probably the closest(definitely in the top 3)
Edit: Come to think of it I could probably fill up a good few post with close calls.
Was going for a drive out towards the coast on a deserted backroad, it had rained not long before so the road was greasy. I’d driven this road around more than a few times so was fairly confident on which corner were where and which were off camber etc. I exit a 30mph corner thinking there’s a straight-ish stretch up ahead. Im in the throttle early and let the car wind out for all its worth, there’s a slight curve masking the road ahead. As I pass the curve doing around 60-70 my heart drops as I realize this is a different section of road(I was about 3 corners off). There’s not much room for braking before a 30-ish mph corner so I do all the braking I can (no abs so that was fun, but didn’t lock it up the whole way) and let off a little bit before the corner. I must’ve slowed down just enough because the front barely caught, but as the corner tightened the back slid out. It was full lock through most of the corner with no throttle, by the end if it Id been able to power out(in the wrong gear) enough to keep the car from whipping back around uncontrollably. Hoonage got me into that situation and previous hoonage saved me from from being overwhelmed or overreacting
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Series of 4 road expansion joints relatively close to each other.
This being Brazil, they are all badly placed and form smooth but ramp-like bumps of the road.
Hit the first one going 20 over, it was raining at night.
What the fuck was that.
Hit the second larger one.
Landed on the other lane and the Passat did a little dance.
Code brown.
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#1 reason I won’t get a classic car. I love them but damn!
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the other car was a 2010 chrysler sebring. the driver from it had to be carried off, knocked for a loop. she was taken in an ambulance........ i was REAL fortunate to get off so easy.
i enjoy my classics. i know the risks. and i drive within the limits of the vehicle. the law of averages, and an inexperienced driver caught me.......
the rebuild will be coming........
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I was driving on an FM road in my Ford Ranger, behind a BMW when we came to a light. It was green, but as we got right on it it turned yellow. There was plenty of time for me to get through it (Even by conservative standards) but the BMW in front of me decided to slam on the brakes.
I didn’t hit her, but I was braking so hard it broke my keyring :(
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Man, you can tell I wrote this on my phone
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Back when I was delivering pizza in my 91 Civic, it was sleeting, and I was on an unfamiliar curvy back road, driving too fast, as you do. I went to slow down for a corner, and my brakes locked up instantly. I couldn’t slow down at all. Thankfully my inner hoon, aided by years of watching Initiald D, and Rally crash videos saved me.
I let off the brakes three the car into a slide, counter steered,and hit gas, praying the front wheels could pull the car around the corner. It worked but just barely. On the way back from my delivery I saw in the snow where my rear tires where as I came out of the corner. I had come within about 6 inches of a telephone pole which honestly I never even saw.
Oh and once I woke up in the wrong side of the road looking at a semi. That shit was scary. I pulled over and took a nap.
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Ooo I’ve had a few close ones. Let’s start with one that would’ve actually been my fault.
I’m 16, heading back from a friends house at ~3am in my mom’s X3 (sober, I’m an idiot but not that kind of idiot) and I’m pissed off about something stupid. Anyways I’m driving on a road I literally take home every day so I get a bit cocky and start pushing it a bit... Like ~115 a bit, and I forget about the second half of a corner (it goes from a easy right to a medium right). Now at normal speeds this isn’t really even something you’d notice, but going that fast you certainly do. So as I tip into the second part of the corner I started to panic and I lifted off the accelerator for a brief second and the back end gave immediately. By some miracle my response to that was to mash the throttle and point towards the road. Probably switched back and forth half a dozen times before it settled down. Finished the drive at about 40.
One that wasn’t my fault: Driving my girlfriend at the time home (was 17 now, once again in the X3) and we’re driving down the frontage road by my house. Little context, this road is ~ 15 feet from one of the busier highways in the area and it’s probably 8:00 at night so there’s still a lot of traffic. So coming from the other direction (on the frontage road) is a line of maybe 5 or 6 cars behind one guy with the nerve to go the speed limit. So they start passing him. First 3 go by with plenty of room, 4th car is a bit close for comfort, then the 5th fucker pulls out as I come even with the car he’s trying to pass. I panic and steer directly off the road to the right side, towards the highway, immediately regret that decision and attempt to turn back towards the frontage road. The car rotates just enough from my impromptu Scandinavian flick and somehow I end up pointing it back the right direction. Now apparently my instincts are the same at this point as they were the year before because I’ve got the accelerator flat at this point. The X3 does it’s part and pulls itself back onto the road, still going probably 40 or so and by some absolute miracle, I didn’t even hit any of the delineator posts. For context, it was essentially the same margin of error as below, except the cable barriers weren’t installed yet.
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I was on my motorcycle and I was driving angry. Someone had cut me off, then crossed three lanes to get back into the lane he should have turned into in the first place. At the next light, I turned left, he went right.
But I was angry.
My anger was further stoked by a long line of cars going well below the speed limit on the two-lane road. I decided to pass them. All of them. All at once.
I know I was doing at least double the speed limit by the time I got to the front of the line. Then the lead car, a mail truck, turned left.
I managed to jink between the rear bumper of the mail truck and the fender of the car behind him. I have no idea how I managed to get through there unharmed. Thank God I did.
After that, I wasn’t angry any more.
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I have a code brown and an actual screw up!
In 2014 I was heading to work on a state road with a speed limit of 55 mph. This is a rural road so one lane in each direction. Anyway. I was traveling eastbound on a gentle banked curve that intersected a side road.
An old lady in a green Tercel was waiting to turn left off Fremont Center. Despite having ample time she waited until I was a second or two before I was in the intersection to go. I had literally a split second to think of an avoidance path. With a full energy drink in one hand I yanked the wheel right, narrowly missed her, then yanked the wheel left, just missing the car that was turning right, a tree on the other side, and an oncoming car that panicked at everything and was in my lane.
The best part was that I didn’t lose any speed or spill my drink.
The screw up was yesterday. I learned my house has a massive blind spot. If you’re reversing in the smart toward the shed, you cannot see the house at all. As such, I backed into the garage yesterday. The only damage is a deep ding in the plastic of the tow bolt hole. Well, the damage was easily covered up by reinstalling the bumper spikes. Funny though, had the spikes been installed in the first place there wouldn’t have been any damage at all.
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When I rolled the Defender twice over from a 90 km/h starting speed and finished up with only scratched knuckles and a large rock in my lap.
There is nothing much more depressing than knowing the Defender you are in is going over for a second time...and yet not dying in the process is strangely euphoric.
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When I was five, I was rear ended by a mustang (not leaving a cars and coffee ). The airbags didn’t go off and my mom broke her nose. That was the only injury. I was surprised I got away from that
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Rented a 2016 Dodge Charger to go up CA Hwy 1 with the guy I was dating. I rented a car because mine needed some tires and other work before a trip like that up to SF. Well I was stuck behind a black Range Rover doing the usual 20 below the speed limit and there was no legal passing areas. Well being used to my car I decided to take them in the inside of a hairpin turn. I could see the other side of the road was clear coming into the turn and so I switched lanes and started to gun it passed them. Well of course the cheap rental car tires couldn’t handle the forces placed on them by such a heavy car and a hard turn. I ended up in a 4 wheel slide out of the corner back into the lane I should have been in just in front of the Range Rover I was trying to pass. There was a red small hatch back whose driver was freaking out cause they were at the top of the hill saw the whole thing and thought somehow I was impeding their travels. At the speed they were going there was never a way we would have crashed. But I just gained enough traction back in my lane to keep going before smashing into a cliff face or another vehicle.... here is a visual
Gray is my rental, black is the Range Rover, and red is the hatchback.
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This was pretty close...
Closest without damage?
Taking an off ramp in my ‘94 prelude about 18 years ago. I did the previous off ramp at 2x the listed speed, why would this be any different? Lift off oversteer, couldn’t catch it and went backwards off the road. Luckily, there was a field and no guard rail. Started the car back up, drove back onto the off ramp and continued on my way.
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My closest, or one of the closest anyway, came just last Sunday. We were turning left at a busy intersection in the minivan, one of two lanes doing so. Light turns green for us. An asshole blows through anyway on his red because it’s Texas, and that’s kind of obligatory. Then, we start our turn, are half way into it, and another asshole blows through from the cross street. I saw him just out of my peripheral vision soon enough apply enough brake that he missed plowing into our nose by a couple of inches. Of course, he kept going at warp 5. It was almost a spectacular disaster.