![]() 08/02/2017 at 01:35 • Filed to: Is it Monday? | ![]() | ![]() |
I just got hit by a Mazda CX-5. Nothing serious, just a sore elbow and a bit shaken up.
I cycle to the train station every morning, which takes me through the village center. The last street is quite tight, one-way with parked cars on both sides. Wide enough for something Fiesta-like to squeeze past the occasional cyclist, but not for anything much larger.
Fast forward to today: I’m in my usual spot on the road, i.e. about half a meter from the kurb on the right, when I notice a car coming up behind me. I hear it slow down and match my pace, so I assume it’ll stay behind me until the station (about 400m).
Nope. It proceeds to attempt an overtake AND HITS ME IN THE ELBOW WITH HIS DOOR MIRROR.
You’d imagine noticing something like this as a driver, especially seeing how the mirror got tucked in (which is probably what prevented worse for me).
Nope. I caught up with the driver 20 seconds later, who, ironically, stopped at the train station to drop off his wife, and asked him if he could pay a bit more attention overtaking cyclists in the future.
*blank stare* The guy hadn’t noticed anything, not even the fact that his right-side mirror was only reflecting his car’s interior back at him.
“Oh well, you were riding very much in the middle of the road...” Disregarding the fact that I was well within the right half of the one-way road, if there isn’t enough room (and, according to the results, there wasn’t), you shouldn’t attempt an overtake.
The best part of all? He drove off after our talk without pushing his mirror back.
![]() 08/02/2017 at 01:49 |
welp... at least you’re mostly ok.. thats good :)
on that note.. i should really go to work now...as im an hour late.... putting on my best sorry face for the occasion
![]() 08/02/2017 at 01:51 |
Did you get the plate? I’m pretty good with a Nerf blaster, you know...
![]() 08/02/2017 at 01:56 |
Haha, yeah, I’ve got it, but unless you’re longing for some cross-Atlantic blasting, it’ll be a bit hard.
![]() 08/02/2017 at 02:07 |
See a doctor anyway. When I got hit I was sore and I kind of let it go, but for the next six days I was totally fucked up. Also dismissed the possibility I was slightly concussed...
![]() 08/02/2017 at 02:15 |
Glad he only clipped you and you’re okay. I got hit by a car once while cycling, it sucked.
![]() 08/02/2017 at 02:16 |
That sucks, hope you’re OK.
Relatively glad it was a car with folding mirrors (common Europe, I know, but not sure they’re a given). I imagine if they were fixed ones you might have some significant medical bills ahead. Hope you got the plate/tag info and maybe check if there was a camera that recorded the incident, just in case.
![]() 08/02/2017 at 04:07 |
Medical advice from Dr. Zoidberg, how fitting! Visited the nurse at work, who put a compression bandage on the elbow and sent me home to visit the doctor.
Luckily, I didn’t fall, so save for my arm everything should be fine.
![]() 08/02/2017 at 04:12 |
Yeah, I imagine my elbow would’ve been broken at the least (not entirely sure it isn’t yet, but I don’t think it hurts enough for that). Got the plate and will drop by the police this afternoon for a statement.
![]() 08/02/2017 at 05:35 |
in future keep a hammer handy
then smash their car if any one hits you
![]() 08/02/2017 at 06:13 |
Glad to hear you’re ok. This is exactly why I take the lane when things get tight. I’ve been hit twice, but wasn’t injured either time. I had to file an insurance claim against one of the driver’s to get my bike repaired. Ever since being hit the first time, I have no qualms about taking the lane.
![]() 08/02/2017 at 08:58 |
Glad to hear you’re OK. My Dad is in the process of recovering from a more severe bike accident, so between that and my own time bicycle commuting I know how rough it can be.
In the US at least, it’s legal to bike in the middle of the road, provided you yield when safe. Not that that stops drivers from being oblivious.
![]() 08/02/2017 at 09:01 |
C’mon, we’re ‘Murica. We have the ICNB (Intercontinental Nerf Blaster).