![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:42 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So I was on 676 at the merge in the left lane. I let about three cars in front of me, since I don’t really care. There was an XTS-V next to me, so I beep to let the guy know that there’s actually a car next to him. Apparently he clipped my mirror with either his door or the front quarter panel, I didn’t really know it at the time.
Old white guy in his sixties, bad dye job (the sort that in movies will run down your face if you start sweating). He starts shouting “cock sucker, you want to fight mother fucker? I’ll kick the shit out of you mother fucker let’s go. Pull over mother fucker.” Which I obviously ignored, because my mother didn’t drink when she was pregnant with me.
He’s doing it across the Ben Franklin bridge. We get down onto Admiral Wilson Boulevard and he’s swerving between lanes, break checking, so on. So I call the police and report an erratic driver, but said I don’t really care to file an incident report.
So we’re driving along for another few miles and at this light, he gets out of his car and starts shouting. So I’m like, yeahhh... okay chief. And pull around him and drive off. So he starts following me and I call the police. I’m on the phone with the dispatcher and I think he figures out what’s going on, so he goes to turn off on a side road. Exceeeeeept there just happened to be two police stopped on the side there, and I say that to the dispatcher. So I hear the dispatcher going “Who’s on [such and such road], there’s a black Cadillac on the jug handle, pull it over” and they pull out sirens blasting and pull the guy over.
I stay on the line with the dispatcher who has a officer sent out to me. Since this technically happened in two local cities, I had to give a report to two different sets. At one point there were five black and whites and eight police officers with me in this parking lot. To their credit, they were all super nice. That’s when they point out the mirror and said there’s corresponding damage on that guy’s car. They said since this happened in Philly, he’d have to make a report there if he wants to pursue it.
Besides the local incident report, which I want to see just for fun to know what happened to him, my question to you Oppo is, should I bother filing an accident report? I don’t know what he did to his Caddy, but my car just had a bit of paint transference that rubbed right out, so I’m not inclined to file a report, not least because it means having to actually go down to whatever station in Philly.
Now, from the damage to my car and where I imagine he hit his car, where it happened, and the fact that I dropped a dime on him and there’s an incident report, I don’t see how I could possibly be found at fault. But would it actually be against my interests to wait and see if he files an accident report and then respond to it? Because otherwise, I really don’t care enough to take the time to do it.
Anyway, by way of a moral: don’t ever get out of your car when there’s a road rager. I promise that there’s nothing that could happen there that will be as satisfying as watching some asshole get pulled over by the police.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:50 |
Jeez, what a tool. Smile and have a drink, and be glad you’re not him.
I can’t think of any reason for you to file an accident report- you had no (permanent) damage, you didn’t even realize it at the time, and from your description, it couldn’t have been your fault? Plus you did report the incident to the police.
He probably has too much angry to have gotten your info, anyways.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:52 |
Yer takin’ the wrong road, first off:
Secondly, don’t bother with the report. You’ve wasted enough of your time.
I had a similar situation with a trashed Lincoln Navigator who kept bumping me from behind as he was frustrated about being stuck in traffic. I called the cops and read them his plate and a good description while he was trying to get away from me as he realized I was talking about him on the phone. The cops had to deal with an accident at the moment but visited the guy at home and then called me after. They suggested it was a waste of time to file a claim without real damage. Their visit had him sweating and denying everything and that they’d tell him I was filing a claim just to ruin his week, which we laughed about and that was that.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:54 |
Well, the Jersey police took my info, so I imagine he could get that from the incident report.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:55 |
On a tangent, but I’ll but it here to avoid making a really short post. I think instead of suspending licences they should remove safety features from your car.
The first ‘suspension’ they take out all your driver airbags, the second they remove the driver seatbelt. And they put a large decal somewhere on your car so you can’t sell it and other people and traffic will know too.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:56 |
It’s amazing to me that this guy was so desperate to be in front of me that he 1) side swiped his V Caddy 2) took the next 20 minute to harass me. 3) got out of his car. 4) got himself pulled over.
Talk about poor cost-benefit analysis.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:57 |
I’m sure he has a lovely ex-wife and children who can’t wait to see him at the holidays.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:58 |
On the one hand, I’m surprised a guy who wants to engage in fisticuffs on the shoulder could make it to that age. On the other, I don’t think the long term prospects of engaging in that sort of road rage in Philly are very good.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 17:59 |
“Dad punched the Turkey again, but at least he took it out of the fryer first this time.”
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:00 |
Even so, no damage = no report.
I’m no expert, but let’s say he has some damage and files a report, trying to blame you. It comes down to you said/angry idiot said, and neither of you got a ticket for it. Damage to his car sounds minor, maybe he could go after you for it, but I’m not sure how he wins anything from you. Granted, if you send it to insurance, the two insurance companies will split it 50/50 so they can raise rates on both of you, but this sounds too small for that?
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:04 |
COTD as far as I’m concerned. I’m howling over here.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:05 |
Getting in front of you saved him, like 5 seconds! And he only wasted the next 30 minutes of his life chasing you around and speaking with the authorities to get it!
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:05 |
When I hear of an elderly man act like that, I wonder if it’s part of developing dementia. That can sometimes make a person in an expensive Caddy who looks like he should know better act out like that.
If you wanted to be sure, you could call your insurance company, describe the incident to them, and then at least they know. For my company at least, it wouldn’t hurt my rates.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:08 |
True, although I’m not sure what a scrape on the corner panel works out to an XTS-V. I’m not so worried about it, unless it would some how work against me to not be the one to file the initial claim (I’ve never had a claim like that before).
Frankly, he was such a weirdly obsessive dick that I’d be more concerned with him getting my address off of the incident report.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:09 |
That’s a great idea.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:11 |
He chose to spend money on a XTS-V, clearly not a rational person.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:12 |
You never know if a knife or gun will come in to play. XTS-V might mean a LTCF holder. Good on you.
Also, fuck 676 and it’s shitty merges. I have a completely rational hatred of that part of Philadelphia, I swear.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:13 |
I know right.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:15 |
No clue on cost - would have to have pics to even throw a SWAG at it. Chariotoflove’s advice is good.
And yeah, I’d be worried about him getting my address - although, in all likelihood, once he cools off, he’ll barely remember this by tomorrow morning. If he is really the type to hold a grudge long enough to hunt you down for something this stupid, he’d be in jail or dead by now.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:16 |
Yup. Even with an old guy, I am not stupid enough to get out of my car and have a physical altercation.
After he got out, I just sat there in reverse waiting for him to start walking towards me, rolled back and drove around.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:17 |
I come to Oppo for the legal advice, but stay for the sort of reassuring comments.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:18 |
Haha, between that and WilliamsSW’s comment, I’m feeling much better about my safety.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:20 |
The only thing I’m worse at than ‘being reassuring’ is ‘being a lawyer’
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:25 |
I find the lack of a license to practice or a law degree makes things pretty difficult, personally. Let me tell you, it’s led to some awkward moments trying to argue pro bono cases in court.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:25 |
Which I obviously ignored, because my mother didn’t drink when she was pregnant with me.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:26 |
Much easier to argue anti Bono. The guy is such a smug asshole the testimony basically writes itself.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:29 |
Could you imagine having a job where you sometimes speak out in favor of Bono? I have to imagine that that’s why people hate lawyers.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:32 |
Can I?
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (yeah)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:36 |
Props to you for not getting out of your car and beating an old man. I know it takes lots of self control but it’s the right and smart thing to do.
I had a tweaker brake check me on the highway years ago then come to a complete stop, get out of his car and try to fight me. I just locked my doors and drove away. I then reported him to the highway patrol as a dangerous driver.
If someone was following me for that long I’d just drive home, let them follow me, go into house come out with big gun then ask them if they have any last words.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:38 |
Not worth it, just be glad you’re not him. Also question, was the dude fat? I encountered a old fat dude in a XTS-V who was a douchebag, he didn’t appreciate me blowing him a kiss when he was hanging on his horn.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:39 |
When it happened, I like “lolwut? I’ve had the shit kicked out of me by much younger and swole dudes than you.”
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:41 |
Nope, pretty thin. At first I couldn’t thing of a good analogue for him, but actually, he looked exactly like the G Man from Half Life.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:50 |
Haha, I guess it’s just people of a certain personality type are attracted to XTS-Vs.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 18:55 |
I’ve got to imagine that paying nearly $70k for a sport sedan with a greater than 5 second 0-60 leads to some feelings of inadequacy eventually.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 19:26 |
Rise and shine Mr. Freeman.....
![]() 06/20/2017 at 19:47 |
I’d hire Charlie Kelly as lawyer
![]() 06/20/2017 at 19:47 |
The right person at the wrong time can make all the difference...
![]() 06/20/2017 at 19:53 |
Here’s what the Chief would say
![]() 06/21/2017 at 09:12 |
Sounds like you met my Jetta guy.
Couple weeks ago he pulled in front of me for an overtake at what would ordinarily be a safe distance, except he: a) was going damn slow to start with, b) barely accelerated to pass a string of cars behind a semi, resulting in a closing speed initially of about 40-50km/h, c) did all this in the rain (kinda... it was mostly spray at this point but definitely wet). I have no idea what the cars that didn’t pass the truck were thinking... maybe they were all getting off at the next exit or something.
Anyway, I see someone passing, I assume it’s because they want to go faster and I never slow down immediately. Brake lights on the highway are a bane. I prefer to coast, and if I have to brake to avoid hitting someone as far as I’m concerned they’re either going too slow, pulled out too close or both. That was my error here, I got a little too close for his liking at first apparently...
So we fall in line, and about a minute later we FINALLY clear the truck. Jetta guy then promptly moves over to the right again... So I’m thinking “OK, maybe not an idiot... maybe he’s got old tires... and I’m in a grey truck after all... Maybe that brake check back there wasn’t intentional... ” because he obviously subscribes to the idea of lane discipline. Right?
Nah. As I come past him, he’s out the window up to his ankles, telling me to pull over, threatening to turn me into a corpse, generously offering me the opportunity to participate in his terminal pede-sodomy fetish, etc. Later we ended up next to each other in traffic. Still going.
I mean, I get it. I don’t like people on my ass either. But even more I hate people who brake when they don’t need to, so I try to avoid that. If you’re the douche jumping in front and dragging your ass... that’s on you, bud. And when all is said and done, you don’t consider it worthwhile to make any effort at all to avoid the situation... but it’s worth getting in a roadside fight over?
lol ok indeed
![]() 06/21/2017 at 09:15 |
Sometimes you just have to take solace in the knowledge that no one who behaves like that can possibly feel like they have control over their life.
![]() 06/21/2017 at 09:19 |
To quote Ford’s orange goober known as Doug, he’s a sad little man living in a sadness cave.
![]() 06/21/2017 at 13:01 |
That’s PA for you. I mean they did go for Trump.