![]() 05/09/2017 at 20:56 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
My neighbors in my row of townhouses keep taking my recycling bin and I have to steal it back from them. Two different neighbors have stolen it now. So here’s a picture of my car as I approached it on my way out of work, because it has nothing to do with recycling bins, but I like looking at it from this angle.
I live in a row of 6 townhouses, and we each have our own, large trash can size recycling bins. My wife and I are very good about keeping our recycling bin relatively non-disgusting and non-broken, but our neighbors, not so much. A couple months ago, one of the neighbors from the other end of the row “accidentally” took my bin instead of theirs, even though all of the bins have address labels on them.
Their bin was all shitty and broken and stupid, and one half of the lid was broken and “fixed” with a zip tie, but I took it to use temporarily. I figured the next time recycling was collected, they’d put my bin out out, and I’d grab it back when it was emptied. Trash is collected every week, and recycling is every other week, alternating with large item trash collection.
But nooooo, they filled up my bin with cardboard and other crap, and then went a month without putting it out on the curb. So after the second recycling collection in a row where they didn’t put my bin out, I took their empty bin over to their driveway, picked up my bin and dumped all their recycling shit into their bin, and took my bin back.
I thought that was the end of it, but I came home tonight from work to bring in the trash and recycling bins, and I couldn’t find my bin. I did however see my next door neighbors’ bin still on the curb and another bin in their driveway, so I checked and sure enough it was my bin in their driveway. It already had a bunch of cardboard boxes in it, even though recycling had just been picked up today! Their bin wasn’t broken but the inside of it was covered in some kind of disgusting residue.
Fuck that shit!
So I brought their bin into their driveway, and once again up-ended my nice clean recycling bin that had been filled up by some other asshole into their shitty recycling bin, and took mine back to my house.
What’s a man gotta do to keep neighbors from stealing his recycling bin all the time?
Barbarians, I tell you.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:00 |
It’s actually stupid little first world problems like this that somehow piss me off the most. DON’T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE’S SHIT. TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR OWN SHIT AND THEN YOU WOULDN’T FEEL THE NEED TO TOUCH MY SHIT.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:06 |
Your gif game is on point.
Also, punch your neighbor in the face.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:09 |
When I lived in California people would walk our street on recycling day and take all of the recycling out of our bin that they could get money for. I liked to chase them off wielding a broom.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:10 |
next time just dump all their shit out into their driveway, like at the end, so they have to park in the street and clean that shit up before they can go into their driveway. I’m progressed into a mood where i’m done with peoples shit. fuck you people, don’t annoy me.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:14 |
This is why I miss having a dumpster at my place of residence. Dump stuff in, bring bins back inside, no worries about people stealing anything.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:14 |
Why not spray paint your house number on it? (something clear and big... Along with “stop stealing it” written under it)
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:15 |
Let’s just say that the relationship with this next door neighbor is strained .
They made mass quantities of noise right when they moved in and I had to go to the landlord with the issue .
After that, they kept letting their kid run up and down the stairs screaming like crazy for hours on end, to the point where one Saturday morning, I woke up to the sound of this kid screaming, and my wife saying, “that fucking kid!”
I walked out to our shared doorstep, pounded on their door, and the dad answered it yelling at me that I should just call the cops on him (the landlord’s letter to them had said we would have to call the cops if the noise continued). I managed to talk him down, apologized for banging on the door, but we’re just frustrated with the running and screaming for hours at a time. I’m like, “we don’t expect your kid to be silent but running up and down the stairs for hours on end at 11 at night on a tuesday is just not acceptable.”
I think this guy is not at home a lot and his wife was just letting the kid run around making all kinds of unholy noise because he looked at me like this was news to him. After that things actually quieted down, and over last Christmas we made cookies for both them and the other next door neighbors who we actually like, and they wave at us and stuff now. But still. Eggshells.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:16 |
There are already house number stickers on both sides of it. The stickers are a bit worn down though so I’m going to make my own very noticeable stickers. Had been meaning to do that after the last time the bin got stolen but kind of forgot about it until this time the bin got stolen.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:17 |
I’m gonna sound like an asshole here, but that’s exactly what I would do.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:19 |
The apartment where I lived before I moved in to this townhouse with my wife had multiple dumpsters. I never had to remember what day shit was collected, just take it down to the dumpster.
After I moved, the garage clicker was still programmed into the Homelink in my old Grand Cherokee, and sometimes we would load up the Jeep with crap and take it to the dumpster at my old place.
But I got rid of that Jeep back in Dec 2014 so now we just go to the dump when we have more than will fit in the bin. Which is surprisingly often with the amount of crap we buy online, including furniture, and all the wedding gifts we got last year.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:20 |
We have one big shared driveway so inevitably all that shit would end up back in front of my garage.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:20 |
Here’s what you do:
Next time someone takes it, track it down. Use those pull poppers that are really loud. Tie it to the lid and when they open to put their stuff it they get a loud bang. When you hear the bang, start running at them wielding a machete and screaming at the top of your lungs. No one will touch your bin again.
Option 2: break every window in their house
Option 3: dump their crap out of the bin onto their car or front door.
Option 4: take something of theirs. When they say something to you about it just reply “oh, I thought this was a hippie commune where we just took each other’s stuff because it’s all shared”
Option 5: spray paint “thief” on their house
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:21 |
Major kudos for handling that so diplomatically.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:22 |
Well, the cookies were my wife’s idea. She’s smart.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:27 |
Put a live animal on your bin.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 21:59 |
I would do the exact same thing.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 23:07 |
with food and water and stuff, or not? a dead animal is nastier. a live animal that becomes dead is the worst.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 23:08 |
why? the stuff disappears either way.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 23:09 |
I think you need to hot glue a jar of cheese deep on the top of your can. Its distinctive so they can’t claim ignorance and when you see it in their yard you can yell. “Hey! Thats Nacho can!”
![]() 05/09/2017 at 23:15 |
When they started walking up the driveway at 5 am past the bedroom window to dig through the can before I pushed it out to the curb I had enough. Plus it’s fun to chase people with a broom.
![]() 05/10/2017 at 08:30 |
This is reasonable. Carry on.
![]() 05/10/2017 at 09:44 |
Yeah, it has to stay alive until the other neighbors arrive.
I don’t condone animal cruelty.
![]() 05/10/2017 at 13:52 |
I would put an anonymous note in all the mailboxes including yours. Then just hope for the best. if it happens again I would confront them
![]() 05/10/2017 at 17:50 |
I’m Noah and I approve this message.
![]() 05/10/2017 at 17:55 |
Just a tip: document all interaction. Instead of pounding on the door and having it out, for instance, send a registered letter. If you have to make a case out of it, documentation is the key. The letter to and from your land lord is great. Good that you got that. I hope it doesn’t come to using any of it, though.
![]() 05/10/2017 at 17:58 |
There hasn’t been any interaction for several months, other than an occasional wave, and them stealing my recycling bin yesterday.
![]() 05/10/2017 at 18:08 |
For the thousandth time, I thank the heavens for my neighbors.