![]() 05/05/2017 at 17:33 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Just had a guy come by to look at amazon prime. I had the bike listed for 2K, was willing to take 1800 for it.
He offered me 1300. ouch. 65% of my asking.
whats the lowest anyone has ever lowballed you on an item?
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Pretty much every ad I post gets a 50% offer within an hour of posting
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jeez. what were you selling?
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The dealer. Everytime I drive my cruiser to get a part at the dealer they ask me if i am here to trade it in, I tell them to give me their best price and its always HILARIOUSLY low compared to what I can get for it private party.
I KNOW its worth at least 10k, since a worse condition one with same miles just sold for that right near me, they usually offer me about 5 grand.
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Was once selling VW Rabbit pickup - almost completely straight, rust free, running, interior not too bad despite 242,000 miles (diesel). Was asking $2500 at that point, I believe (ended up getting $2000). Before the days of Craigslist. A guy came by and offered me a grand, I think it was. Scowling, buying on behalf of his spaced out looking fat daughter (fat + a Rabbit pickup? WHY?! Are you insane?).
Tried to tell me it was worth even less. Insulted me. Seemed to think he could actually buy it and I was being “mean” to him and his daughter somehow. Ha ha, no. I was *not*, repeat, *not* desperate to sell. NO UTE FOR YOU
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I don’t consider it a lowball unless it’s less than 50% asking price.
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Popular electronics are hell to sell online. I was selling an Apple Watch when they were normally going for $200+ used. I was selling mine with an additional band and I repeatedly got $60-$75 offers.
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well it is. I mean I KNOW i can get 10k+ for it, so 5 k is more than 50%.
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One time I was in a bar in Hong Kong and there were these Mongolian businessmen. They didn’t speak much English, but they were friendly, I don’t get to drink with many Mongolians, and they bought me beer, so I wasn’t complaining. At some point, it became somewhat apparent, but not explicitly stated, that they might have thought that I was a man hooker.
A guy with whom I had had a few drinks earlier also seemed to pick up on this and came over to give me an out by pretending like we had somewhere else to be.
I don’t know what these Mongolian businessmen thought my asking price was, because it never got to that point, but I promise you that it was a lower low balling for being low balled than anyone else here has ever been low balled.
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On our ebay listings we regularly get people thinking that 25% is a fair offer.
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I was trying to sell a bunch of extra parts of my XS750, and priced everything out on ebay. On the low end of Ebay prices everything I had was worth somewhere between $200 and $250. I posted everything for $150, then later dropped it to $100. I had a guy call who was interested so I met up with him. He offered me $50, I went down to $80 but he didn’t budge so I took them home. A couple weeks later I listed them again, same guy same offer. He was one of those guys who buys cheap parts and resells them so his excuse was that he couldn’t make enough for anything over $50. First, one single part in that box, the air box, was worth damn near $50 itself, Second, and I told him this, I don’t care if you can or can’t make money off these parts, I’m not selling them for you to make money, I’m selling them to get rid of them for as much as I can, and what I’m asking is more than fair. The parts are still in a box in my garage. I probably should have taken the $50, but I felt a little insulted at the time. I’ll either list them again soon, or throw them in the trash, haven’t decided yet.
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People offered me $500 for my turbo ‘91 Miata. I was asking $1800
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a new washer and dryer for my e36 M3 lol :]
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was offered $2k for my civic when I was asking $8k.
my reply was a solid “LOL, no”
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When I was selling my 74 C10 I consistently got offers for about 40% of asking price. Selling my expedition, I just got a bunch of trade offers for like, V6 mustangs.
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A wrecked car. I eventually sold it for about half what I was asking, but I was also on a time limit.
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$1800 on a $4000 Camaro IROC-Z because ‘KBB is $1300, I’m being generous!’
I told him I’d rather push it off a pier and into the ocean.
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I had a bicycle I bought new for $260 before tax. But then I bought another bicycle I liked better and tried selling the first bike.
Was willing to take as little as $200... had someone offer me $80.
It took a lot of inner strength to not cuss the person out. Instead I just replied to the persons low-ball offer with a simple ‘No’
That was the biggest low-ball offer I had... but not the dumbest.
The dumbest was with an apartment I was renting out.
I had one jackass tell me that he was in a hurry to find an apartment... and because *he* was “in a hurry to find a place”, *I* should CUT the amount of rent I’m asking by $100/month. And I’m like:
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You are absolutely correct, I’m sorry I thought I was responding to the OP!
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25% once. I was selling an old Honda CX500 that was ratty-looking but well-maintained. I was only looking for $800 and some Craigslist whackjob offered me $200 and an old PlayStation 2.
I didn’t even bother responding to that nonsense.
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I was selling a 3DS and I got offered 20 bucks. I ended up keeping it.
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sorry. that’s me.
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I have a barely used, almost brand new iPad 10-inch 4th gen on Kijiji for $425 CAD including a $50 US case and stylus that I was given for free. I have no need for it, so selling it. Had somebody offer me $100 CAD for it yesterday...
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I was selling at a swap meet years ago and somebody offered $20 for a brand new in box GM 12 bolt ring and pinion set (at the time $190 retail, I was asking $125). I declined, he persisted, I declined again. Started calling me names and talking about how I was greedy and he knew what everything was worth, so I threw a Jeg’s catalog on the table and told him to look it up if his backwoods inbred ass knew how to read. He gave a real sarcastic “good luck with your sales” and turned on his heels and walked away.
I’m still a bit salty about it. Haven’t done a swap meet since.
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$2,000 for a $4,000 car.
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Someone offered me a non-running 190E 2.6 that had been sitting for years as a trade for a nicely running, driving 2003 Protege5. Someone else offered $500 for my Blazer I was selling for $1200. There are more I’m sure, it I can’t remember at the moment
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Someone offered $350k for my asking price of $399k for my house. $49k off
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I offered a guy $800 for a Subaru he was selling for $1,600. He accepted. I should have offered him $600.
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Meh, that’s not that bad. A lot of sellers are on a time crunch, and when push comes to shove will sell for much less than they want to. I generally try to lowball, but only AFTER meeting in person and showing them that I’m a polite enthusiast and not a douchbro. Once we’ve chatted for awhile, swapped some stories... I hit em with the 40% offer!
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You mean, like having sex in the basement?
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I’d say that offer was more someone hoping to get the bike for $1700 after some negotiating. It’s not more than 50% off your asking price.
I think the worst was the person who wanted to give me $5 for an amp I was selling for $40, and they tried to tell me that it was most likely broken. The person even shined a flashlight into the vent to show me how a solder was broken.
I took it back from him, said I wouldn’t want to sell something that was broken, and I’d take the cover off to check that part, and re-solder it if it was needed.
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Around $8k on a car I was asking $14,500 for and which I believe I eventually sold for $13,500.
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he came up to 1600, but i wanted 1800 out of it.
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I was offered $800 for the camper I sold for $3900 last year.
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my DSM. Almost every person that contacted me lowballed me Listed it for 4500 and most offers didn’t get above 2k
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“I had one jackass tell me that he was in a hurry to find an apartment... and because *he* was “in a hurry to find a place”, *I* should CUT the amount of rent I’m asking by $100/month.”
That is how it works. Take a place sooner, landlord has shorter void period, get a discount. Whether you call it $X discount a month or just a free first couple of weeks, it’s pretty common.
Above all else, what kills rental-property returns is void periods. If you’re a good tenant who stays in a property for years, yes, of course you can negotiate with the landlord to split the extra rent he’s making not having it empty for two months a year. (I know one landlord who offers £1k cashback a year to any tenants who’ve been living in the same property for >3 years.) Similarly if you’re a good tenant with good references and you show up to a property that will normally take another month to rent and offer to take it over straight away, you could negotiate a couple of weeks rent free.
I’d go as far as to say these trade-offs are the norm, not just common, at least round here. Obviously if your weekly rents are lower you might just consider it not worth the hassle for an extra $100 or something in your pocket at the end of the year. But those 0.5%s you pick up here and there by doing things like this are what actually make the difference between average and good returns.
![]() 05/06/2017 at 08:04 |
never that bad, I tend to undervalue my stuff to start with... But I did once offer a guy $225k for a property he was asking $350k for. In my defense, his asking price was absolutely astronomical crack pipe. It’s still for sale, years later because he refuses to budge.
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“That is how it works”
I know... since I’m a landlord who has no problem renting the apartment because it’s in a high demand area.
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And that alters things how? High demand, low demand, it doesn’t make any difference, it’s still about how quickly a tenant will move in. Realistically, it takes a month or more. Someone who can move faster and so will start paying rent sooner has some room to negotiate.
Your prospective tenant may have been cheeky by your standards, but he wasn’t wrong, there was something to negotiate over.
![]() 05/07/2017 at 09:35 |
I was flirting with selling my ‘77 r100S (A very rare and pretty historic Beemer). I was asking $5k.
Some guy offered me $1300. I told him that if he only valued an “S” at so little, I didn’t see any “S”in his future.
He kept emailing me. Finally upping his offer to $1600. Still I was like”GO AWAY TIME-WASTER!”
He retorted that $1600 was what kbb said it was worth. I had no idea Kelly had valuations for 40 year old motorcycles.. So I told him to go buy one from them.
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$1600 is kind of low unless you are in a time crunch. Which you aren’t.
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I WOULD like to move it before my vacation on the 20th but we shall see