![]() 05/01/2017 at 09:39 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I hope everyone had a good weekend. I cut grass, rode the Grom, and got a massive toothache...Yours truly has never been more excited to go to the dentist!
In other news...My wife is wanting some chickens, ergo were getting 3 chickens. I called “final cut” on the name of one. However, we went to the place where she’ll be getting the chickens yesterday, and that was a mistake because they have ducklings!!!
I quickly researched and learned that you can have a mixed coop (ducks and chickens). So on Friday, were bringing home 3 chickens, and Lawrence the duck! I just have to make sure our pup doesn’t murder any of them, which is a tall order...
![]() 05/01/2017 at 10:01 |
When we started we got 6 chickens and 2 ducks
Ducks are actually fun, they follow you. But they are messy. They were fun until one day they decided to not go back in the coop.
We let our chickens loose all day. They never left our yard.
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
![]() 05/01/2017 at 10:05 |
Firstly, congrats on the new additions to your family! Chickens are fun and easy. Never raised ducks be we take care of the neighbors when they are away and they are nice.
Secondly, good luck keeping it to 4 animals... We started with 5 chickens. We now have 45 chickens(25 are broilers, will be in the freezer next week), 6 goats, a rabbit, a barn cat, and 1 dog(for the time being).
Also this is going to sound weird but if you’re getting a rooster let him try to “dominate” you when he’s a youngin with no spurs. If you let him “dominate” you at first he most likely wont be super aggressive towards you because he wont see you as a threat.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 10:05 |
Chickens and ducks?
So when is Stef moving into your front yard?
![]() 05/01/2017 at 10:06 |
Yea I’m going to try to not get too attached, as a I’m aware that an eventual fly away is a possibility.
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My sister’s chickens will follow you too. They’re hilarious. They come running if they hear “chicken” and go right to bed if you say “night night.”
![]() 05/01/2017 at 10:10 |
Maybe I’ve missed an update, but how’ve you been doing?
![]() 05/01/2017 at 10:13 |
Our ducks either flew away or got eaten by a fox.
Our chickens got eaten by a fox one night when i forgot to lock up the coop before dark.
Now we have 2 chickens but will get more chicks soon.
I wanted to post a pic of my coop, but kinja hates my iphone today
![]() 05/01/2017 at 10:48 |
I’m in the hospital since Wednesday. They stitched my intestines back together wednesday. I started eating Saturday. Yesterday they closed the 2 inch hole i had in my tummy. And im going home today. So I’m really better
Wont be able to lift my kids up for a few weeks, but no more poopoo bag.
Gonna have mega scars on my stomach to remind me that it didn’t kill me
![]() 05/01/2017 at 10:49 |
Mine came running to me when i called them ladies, since they knew i had food to give them
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She will be so confused
![]() 05/01/2017 at 12:17 |
I would love to have a bunch more animals. We’ll have to move though. We’re not allowed to have a rooster, and were limited to 3 chickens. I’m not sure about the duck, but I don’t care. Lawrence and I are already bros.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 12:18 |
We’ve got foxes too. The duck is a “Cayuga Duck”. I’m lead to believe that they don’t fly. So hopefully I’ll only have to worry about predators. Would love to see your coop if Kinja stops being Kinja
![]() 05/01/2017 at 12:28 |
I caught my fox 5 days later with a trap
I let him go in the woods several kms away
![]() 05/01/2017 at 12:58 |
Yay chickens! Ducks are messy and tend to make things smelly but we only briefly had ducks.
Chicken ownership was the first thing I checked when we bought a house, I was used to living with a ton of different animals (goat, horses, rabbits, chickens and the like) at my parents place. We’re limited to 4 or 5 chickens, no roosters, and would have to build a coop and fence our yard. Overall too much expense for chickens, but I enjoy seeing them when I visit my parents. Have fun raising the new chicks!
![]() 05/01/2017 at 13:02 |
Oh man…we’re in the process of building a chicken coop for the 3 chicks we’re planning on getting this spring. Thankfully pops-in-law is here to help us build it – he built wooden yachts for a living before he retired, so he really knows what he’s doing and it’s coming along super well.
I’ve never had non-dog/cat animals, but my wife grew up on a farm and swears it’s a cakewalk. I like eggs either way…and chicken, if things go sour. So why not, right?
Where do you live? We’re allowed a combination of up to 3 animals without a permit (between chickens, ducks, rabbits, and goats, I want to say). So we’re just doing 3 chickens as it seems the easiest and best ROI. We already have more animals than humans in the house, so hope this is where it stops!
![]() 05/01/2017 at 13:20 |
Glad you’re on the mend! The whole situation is terrifying. At least I’ve been able to blame my own stupidity every time I’ve been to the hospital.
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Just got back from the dentist. I have to have a root canal, but it’s not hurting anymore which is awesome! Thanks!
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I’m in PA were allowed 3 chickens (no roosters) and I don’t really know about the duck, but were already pals so that is water under the bridge haha.
I’ve just finished my workshop so we’re equipped to build the coop/run. I’m teaching my wife how to use autocad, shes designing it. I’m building.
I’m new to farm Animals. I’ve always had dogs, and lots of reptiles/amphibians growing up. Right now we’ve got a few. The dog, a 30 + year old turtle, two tree frogs (a white’s and an Amazon Milk Frog). We had a bunch of dart frogs that we raised from tadpoles, but the biggest one ate all the others then died.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 13:32 |
Root canals scare the crap out of me! They’ve been threatening me with one for years so I just keep switching dentists. Yuck!
![]() 05/01/2017 at 13:35 |
Yea I have to say I’ve had a root canal once before and it was the second worst medical experience of my life (first is Lyme disease). However, the root canal was botched by an incompetent dentist that I had to see because I was uninsured at the time.
This time I’ll be going to a dentist who caters to those that are particularly fearful of the dentist, and who will hand me a Valium before they start.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 13:53 |
Yeah we’re not allowed roosters either here in Portland, OR. That’s quite the eclectic collection of pets, awesome! My wife loves weird/ugly animals but usually the endangered/exotic kind haha…so we enjoy those on vacation, but at home thus far just have a dog and two rescue cats. I’m actually pretty excited for the chickens, and especially the eggs.
Good luck with the coop & run, and the animals in general!