![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:00 • Filed to: 350z, Insurance | ![]() | ![]() |
Holy hell, insurance quotes after the jump.
Here is the quotes:
Your current Crossfire is $980 per 6 months
2008 Nissan 350Z is $2140.00 per 6 months
2008 Mazda MX5 Miata $1096.00 per 6 months
1999 Lexus SC300 is $1266.00 per 6 months.
Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!
Well I guess this is why you ask first. That rules out the Z, I suppose.
*Also before anyone says I’m getting ripped off, I live in Michigan which is the worst state in the country and have a bad record.
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:05 |
Woof, god bless NH I guess...
I’ve still got two pretty bad speeding tickets on my record and am 23, yet my 06 Taco is under 600 per six months
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Dayum, that is silly. I guess PA must be a decent state for insurance because every time someone posts insurance quotes on oppo, I’m like.
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When insurance quotes get you down, repeat the quote with an address from Toronto.
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No fault insurance, where everyone pays! I would vote for any party if they said they’ll fix this shit.
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Holy hell, Batman Milky! The worst quote I had was $300/month for an E60 m5. That seems downright reasonable compared to the Z for you. Especially since it has 500 HP and is expensive to fix after an accident.
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That is insane. They probably don’t want people to buy non-domestic cars is what it is.
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I have a few, it certainly doesn’t help. But I’m also a few years older.
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You make me sad.
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How does no fault insurance work?
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Oh that’s pricey!!
My insurance this year, living in a “high risk” postcode (Salford UK) for fully comp, protected no claims, legal cover, like for like courtesy car, business use, 2nd named driver etc etc is £410 (and that’s proper UK cover, you know everything is covered, none of your silly American liability caps, if I take out a Veryon, a couple of La Ferraris and a Porsche 918 my insurance company has to pay up in full!).
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I’d argue Detroit is still probably more expensive. If you ask the insurance company I live up north.
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yikes, my wife and i pay 720 every 6 months for the 08 cobalt and 04 explorer
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I’m surprised at the miata the most,sc300 seems high too. That’s more than my 540i and I thought one of the factors for rates is engine displacement? I’m in michigan too and have a 25mph over ticket on my record until July?, and a not at fault accident.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:17 |
Wow. We pay $1200 every six months for:
2017 Ram 1500 full coverage, comprehensive
1995 Dakota liability
1997 Hi-Lo (whatever standard camper coverage)
And our homeowners policy
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I’m sad already.
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At least you didnt have a Charger on that list. Those things have somewhat high rates and are guaranteed to get stolen and chopped.
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From my understanding it’s that your insurance pays for any injuries the other parties in an accident receive regardless of who is at fault. It’s supposed to reduce cost by eliminating the need to argue over who’s fault it was but instead rates just go up because your insurance’ expected payout in an accident is higher than if they could pay based on fault.
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Got it. That seems real dumb.
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Give me your age, year of car, and general driving record and I’ll prove you wrong.
99% sure on that.
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I’m not sure if this is the real number or if he is pulling my leg a bit but everytime it comes up my dad claims it costs him $400 a month to insure me on my Mini. (20 year old male with no tickets on record but with 1 accident where I was rear ended) That number sounds a bit ludacris to me even for a young male in a car with a sporty variant.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:26 |
Wait, speed tickets affect insurance values in the US??
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Insurance in Ontario is the highest on avg in North America. I did not consider a 350z due to insurance costs.
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It seems like a good idea if you don’t know statistics. The problem is that insurance companies are basically paradise for statisticians.
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I don’t doubt it. * insert brown dog welding stripped challenger photo here*
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Cost of living in Michigan. I don’t even want to know what It’d be if I used my Detroit address.
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At 19 a 1999 Cavalier (!) would have cost me $9000 (!) a year to insure with the bare minimum (!) of coverage.
On of the reasons I ended up in a truck.
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I mean GM did buy the Detroit’s train cars in the 50s and shut It down. Anything is possible.
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Yea my SC400 was cheaper IIRC. I suspect its because I gave her a 1991 JDM Soarer vin and also gave her a SC300 VIN as a back up. She was probably just playing it safe by telling me a more expensive one.
I’m assuming the Miata is higher because of the no roll over protection. More likely to get injured?
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HA! Try NJ
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Look up 2006 GTOs........
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Does Michigan require insurance?
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That is craziness. At least housing is significantly cheaper than in LA :p
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Should call other insurance companies.
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I was gonna say, if you’re paying almost a geezy for a Crossfire twice a year you must have an abysmal record... lol you need to invest in a Passport or a V1.
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Ha, if you’re serious: 27, 2004, 4 (shit, maybe 5?) speeding tickets. All for 10mph over.
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I’m paying about $180/mo for 3 cars on full coverage with $300k liability and a $500 deductible... Granted all three of them put together are about as valuable as a set of well-used golf clubs at the Salvation Army.
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They don’t in Brazil?!?!?!?!
I mean that makes sense. I’ve paid my insurance company tons of extra money because of my speeding record. But have never filed a claim.
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Thats the only reason why speeding tickets even matter. If it was just a fine, I would speed WAY more. The risk of paying like $200 once in a while aint that bad. But adding $1000 a year to my insurance is pretty bad.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:42 |
Oof, that’s insane.
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They don’t, we have a points system here (you have 27 points in year, every ticket you lose a certain number of points until you lose your license. After a year you get a clean slate and get back to 27 points). The insurance company can’t use your tickets against you, only your driver profile.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:49 |
We have a points system here (you have 27 points in year, every ticket you lose a certain number of points until you lose your license. After a year you get a clean slate and get back to 27 points). But it insurance can’t use them against you.
Also, all my cars are registered as company vehicles, so I don’t get the points if I get a ticket unless I out myself as the driver (which I will never do).
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:49 |
That sounds scary.
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It aint that bad in Jersey if you can get on USAA or NJM. I’ve only ever carried liability only, have no claims, and no speeding tickets, though so I may be a bad example. I paid just under $500 for last year for the midrange liability coverage at age 25.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:53 |
Ahh that is true.
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Primary usage as commuting, 20000km/year, minimum coverage ($1 million liability), single, employed, full license, no cancellations, no claims, 4 speeding tickets, in my area:
For the Crossfire.
For the 350Z.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:57 |
Michigan is full life too, no cap. With its “no fault” policy and I have full coverage. If I used my actual address it’d be the highest in the country. So much damn money.
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Post it on here. See what the damn FPFQ did.
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Loop holes! I am assuming those tickets are being administered via speed cameras then though? That is the difference as well since those are quite rare in the US. Although they are rampant in select areas like DC.
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Had a shit Cobra from a decade ago. Last time I got pulled over 2 weeks and ripped it off the dash, it broke :(
It saved me a lot but time to invest in a new one.
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I actually go through a vendor and she represents like 10 companies. Switches me around when tickets go on/off my record.
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Only speed cameras, tons of them. Unless you are quite clearly driving inebriated, a police officer will rarely stop you/chase you for speeding.
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Can’t imagine what a Mustang is.
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Hahahaha, what?! Why and how? Also your mileage matters too? Shit, no thanks.
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Check out pricing on a Saturn Sky RL. It’s comparable to the vehicles listed and I was shocked how cheap it was to insure. It was a lot less than my much older and much less valuable GTI when I owned them both.
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I learned this when driving in Italy. Everyone went around 150 or more (km/hr) on the autostrade and would just slow down momentarily for the clearly marked speed cameras. Was a lot more relaxing that way!
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Heh. I’m sure I’ve spent more on insurance than on the car itself (if you leave fuel out of the equation). The only claim I’ve made has been for one lousy windshield. Too bad insurance isn’t considered “paid in full” after a certain point.
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Yeah, my thoughts exactly. No idea. Not too much I don’t think, and they don’t check, but that’s the default so I left it. Agreed.
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A couple years ago Progressive told me Chargers were the most stolen vehicle in the country. How true that is could be debated, but I can see some validity to it.
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Are detectors illegal in Michigan?
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Pretty much how I drive here, 150 on the left lane with my left blinker on and slowing down for the speed cameras.
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Nope. I always take it down when I’m waiting in line at the border.
Actually got into a good debate once with my Toronto lawyer friends about not being to know the where abouts of a public servant. Makes no sense to me.
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Yupp! We have a whole lot of awesome going for us.
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If I ask her to price out some more I’ll include it.
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I was actually thinking about it. If I ask her to price out some more I’ll definitely include it.
I test drove a Solstice GXP that was beat. And by test drive I mean I showed up and the guy said it was running on three cylinders as of that day. Had a C.E.L. obviously and the interior was falling apart. I shouldn’t let that detract from all of them though.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 16:54 |
And that quote is for state minimum? Good lord. I pay less than half what you do for the Crossfire for MA state minimum.
You should quote both the coupe and convertible 350Z and see what the difference is.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 17:42 |
It may have affected the total insurance that much since he may have had to insure you to an extent on any of the other cars in the household.
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For more giggles, try quoting a Subaru WRX STI.
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Def not.
They’re far from perfect. The interior is typical GM stuff. My parents have a GXP and I have a RL. Interiors are mostly the same with slight differences.
I love my Sky but I think the Solstice will age better.
![]() 04/27/2017 at 07:50 |
$980 would do me for several years.
![]() 04/27/2017 at 08:29 |
I don’t know your details, but based on your rates, you are either 16, have a crapload of points on your license or you live in a neighborhood where the auto theft rate is high enough that if you own any car, your chances of having it stolen are like 90%.
![]() 04/27/2017 at 09:15 |
I like the Sky way more, just went to test drive the Solstice because it was close to me. I should find a Red Line to test drive.
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27 with 5 speeding tickets and this:
That outlier.
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Soooo, that answers part of that. Another question is, why did you not fight to have those tickets reduced to non moving violations? Lawyers typically cost much less than what you will pay to your insurance company for 3 years after a speeding ticket. If you don’t know, now you do.
I once had 8 points on my license. When I received my next ticket, I hired a lawyer before they took my license. While it cost more, what I saved in insurance more than made up for the cost of the lawyer + ticket.