![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:02 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Post annoyances, amusements, wtf moments that occur repeatedly on your commutes.
Mine is this dude.
In addition to the handy chart, he’d be beaten in a drag race by a glacier. I get it, a Spark ain’t fast... but I KNOW they can accelerate faster than that. PLEASE get going. There’s a long line of people who can’t even take their foot off the brake and roll behind you as you consider dragging your ass up to speed, because you using 1% of your power is them using 0.5% of theirs. ESPECIALLY SINCE HE GOES STRAIGHT FOR THE LEFT LANE. I don’t mean turns and makes his way over immediately, I mean LITERALLY turns DIRECTLY into the left lane.
Worst part... he works down the street from me, and follows my route to the letter all the way from the highway. Comes in and goes out at similar times to me. So I get to see this rolling snot-box a LOT.
Now you.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:15 |
I’m just gonna leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL18gFgGFMAGmUkks4AuMxxpQr9oj0Sdtr
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:18 |
Those are one-off events though.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:22 |
I have 2....
We have construction at an intersection, a large intersection. It takes the light FOREVER to dump all the cars out. So folks play on their phones like the ADD monsters they are. So the light...finally....goes green. Nothing happens...no one moves. Then a few will rapidly accelerate then slam on the brakes. It is wild...
The on-ramp is for getting to internet speeds. Do not get to 35, turn on your blinker and slow down. Holy shit...I had my M3 vs a 6 series. He tried to merge onto the interstate going 40 and I was going 70. Er...no....watch me lay on my horn as you either need to get to my speed as I left you space or wait till I go by and try your luck with the next guy.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:26 |
I got to follow a guy in an unplated Ford Ranger this morning who crossed the center line or was on the center line at least 20 times for the 20 minutes I was behind him.
He also blew a stop sign by barely breaking while coming off the highway...
Got it all on dashcam, but haven’t been home to take it off the cam yet.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:27 |
No offense (good start), but I hate Canadians on the morning commute up 75. GET OUT OF THE PASSING LANE. Its 3 to 4 lanes wide and sometimes there are 5 Ontario plated cars just chilling doing 65-70 in a 70 and I have to pass all of them on the right.
I get your speed limit is lower. I get its easier for you all to just merge on the highway from the tunnel and just stay together. But fucking hell, you’re driving over here now and its Detroit. Shit or get off the pot.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:29 |
There are plenty of repeat offenders... and a lot of the offenses are the same.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:34 |
Second one: I’ve got a spot like that too.
Red arrow is where I get on, you can see not too far down the highway there’s a split. 2 lanes change highways to the right, 1 lane splits and goes to either highway. People who get on at this ramp and taking the highway on the left therefore have to move over at least two lanes and since there’s a lot of traffic crossing paths they’re usually better to get across 3. The easiest, safest way to do this is to accelerate hard as soon as the ramp straightens. So naturally what do they do? Meander up the ramp and brake. Which now means they have to brake for the next guy because they went from “too slow” to “you’re practically stationary”. And the next. And at the last minute make a desperation dive across the split. IT’S NOT THAT DIFFICULT, PEOPLE
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:35 |
Ugh. Those people.
Do you ever run into the ones who can’t figure out the on-ramp radius and keep going inside-outside-inside-outside?
![]() 04/26/2017 at 13:46 |
Some people say if you have to add “no offense” to something you shouldn’t say it. I am not one of those, so don’t worry :)
#1. This makes total sense to me, as our roads are so jammed up that it doesn’t matter (much of the time) what lane you’re in. Makes for some bad habits.
#2. This makes no sense to me. The speed limits are lower, yes, but the general population, including cops, realizes the limits are retarded and ignores them. There shouldn’t be that much difference in speed.
#3. This makes total sense to me, most of the drivers would be from the area between London and the border... and are more relaxed drivers, at least from my own observation. Must be a combination of being from the rural areas of Ontario with none of the GTA rush-rush-rush attitude and the fact that London-area cops are far less reasonable.
#4. This makes no sense to me, because even if the area these people live is responsible for their low speed, that same region should encouragelane discipline due to the fact that the 401 and 402 rarely would exceed 2 lanes each way.
#5. I have no idea... on behalf of Canada—sorry, eh. Would you mind taking steps to see they don’t return?
![]() 04/26/2017 at 14:07 |
*See two left turn lanes for 378.
Some jackass piece of shit asshole fuckstick gets in the far fucking left lane, more than once a week, then decides to immediately get into right lane because he wants Hardee’s for breakfast, requiring a COMPLETE FUCKING STOP in the left lane to wait for a break in traffic.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 14:08 |
And while this specific event has only happened once, dumb shit on this level happens often. http://oppositelock.kinja.com/bad-drivers-of-south-carolina-lexington-county-edition-1794546112
![]() 04/26/2017 at 14:16 |
I assume Hardee’s is on the upper right?
Either way... to do it once, still stupid. Not one of those things I can look at and say “we all make mistakes”. To do it repeatedly... he needs his license removed immediately if not sooner. Or yesterday.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 14:16 |
um wat
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Oh I get it. Not as stupid as I thought. Still stupid. FFS GO AROUND THE BLOCK
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Regarding number 5 (looks around room) .... the odds are pretty good.
“Of the 300 homicides last year about 48 percent were closed.”
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![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:36 |
My annoyance is the drive to work on a state marked route which is only two lanes for much of the drive. When someone drives 25 mph in the 35 zone it slows everyone down. What makes that worse is there are several speed traps that can be set up to catch the random person who can go 40-45 for a few hundred feet before another traffic light. Whenever most people see the cops they immediately slow down, usually they are at or close to the limit. All of a sudden the lane drops to as low as 20 mph because of police paranoid idiots. Last week on this same route I see someone run a red light on that same road and the police speed trap less that 200 ft from the intersection failed to notice. The light was completely red and he almost hit two other cars. I figure the cop was too busy on computer, phone, donut or coffee, because he wasn’t looking at the traffic. He is likely just waiting for the radar to sound off for somebody exceeding 40 mph. It drives me crazy.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:39 |
Never understood those people. The limit says 35 (or 50km/h for me) you can DO 35, dammit.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:45 |
I walk to work. My first intersection along the way is 12th Ave NE & NE 42nd St in Seattle. Neither street is an arterial, although traffic volumes can get pretty high at rush hour. North/south traffic on 12th Ave NE doesn’t have a stop sign, but east/west traffic on NE 42nd does. There’s also a small island in the center of the intersection from the days when traffic was uncontrolled in all four directions. Anyway, I routinely see north/south traffic stopping when there are no pedestrians crossing, and east/west traffic proceeding into the intersection even when there are cars coming north/south. Kind of depressing, really.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:49 |
I know, right. If it says 50 kph , do the limit. On the Saturdays I work I will usually go in early, and way early if its winter and snowing. I can’t believe how many times I get behind the same very old white haired woman who can barely see the road through the steering wheel before 7am in a snow storm. She drives at about 10-15 mph snow or no snow. WTF is she doing on the road? She looks 80 plus and I can’t imagine she isn’t retired so why is she out holding up traffic in already bad weather conditions at daybreak?
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:56 |
Stopping without a stop sign
y u do dis
![]() 04/26/2017 at 15:58 |
You know they now say a certain percentage of people have mental issues. Take that into consideration and the definition of insanity being doing something over and over again the same way but expecting different results. These are likely your repeat offenders and they are all nuts.
![]() 04/26/2017 at 23:35 |
runner up: this was brought up yesterday, people who go -10 speed limit on the onramp, then immediately merge onto the highway -10 highway speed, then floor it and move to the left passing lane.
#1: for me is people using the shoulder and slow vehicle lane to pass
![]() 04/27/2017 at 07:58 |
all of 25 minutes walking?
i’m looking down at my phone for most of it
![]() 04/27/2017 at 08:19 |
One worse: People who goes -10 on the ramp, -10 merging, and actually SLOW DOWN as they immediately dive to the left.
As far as the shoulder goes, I’d say there are some circumstances I’m OK with it—for example places where the right lane ends suddenly—I’d rather the person there rugs it and snags a bit of the shoulder while getting in front of the truck than hammers the brakes and tries to get in the gap between me and the truck. Your example was not that, as far as I can tell.
The drawing is pretty extreme, but you get the idea... one only risks themselves, the other screws with a whole line of traffic. Provided the shoulder isn’t gravel, I’d prefer they take the green line.
![]() 04/27/2017 at 22:59 |
most of the cases i’ve seen this is are from people using it to pass on the right before lane ends.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 07:53 |
TBH, if there’s a truck there I don’t have a problem with people using that lane to pass either. It’s not like using the ramp to get by traffic on the highway and cut in again, the people who use the dying lane to get by a truck on a two lane road aren’t holding anyone up, and in fact get one vehicle out of the way of those who were behind them.
Actually, you can exchange “truck” for anything that’s moving too slowly. If the thing they’re passing is the current leader of the pack/cork in the bottleneck and there’s space in front, I have no problems with anyone using the dying lane to reach that space. It’s usually safer than passing on the left when you’re on a two-lane road, too.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 20:16 |
oh I meant on the highway, of people using the onramp/shoulder as a passing lane.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 20:20 |
Yeah, that’s a different story... carry on. Just wanted to throw my caveat out there.