![]() 04/18/2017 at 15:50 • Filed to: ticket, traffic, cops | ![]() | ![]() |
I live on top of a hill with a very weird intersection and I was stopped for not coming to a complete stop. It was a little cop being trained by a big boy cop. Kid had a buzz cut and everything, some molle looking vests, you know in Marin we need tactical gear, all the soccer moms and retired rich people are tough. So I told them that I think this intersection is shit because you can’t even see if cars are coming from the stop sign so I creep forward so I don’t get hit. I asked them if either of them were Marines, they said no, I literally said too bad. BUT I just checked online and the court says my case is closed no charges. The cop must have not shown up?
Begin local traffic rant....
Let me explain. I leave home from the far bottom left Via Casitas, you get a road that comes at you downhill from your left and then it stops you in the same place that the other cars from the left want to go when they come off their stop sign. Cars coming up the hill, El Portal, have no stop and can go left or right and they can’t see shit going on where were are, there are also cars parked on the roads so they block the view, so I always creep forward and peep. There is a lot of room so I think they should move the stop sign way further down to where El Portal actually intersects with our street. I feel stupid stopping 25ft from where the intersection is and where I can actually see if a fucking train of cars from the light is coming up the hill. Well I don’t have to pay, I guess tactical brothers didn’t show up or saw some logic...
![]() 04/18/2017 at 16:19 |
you know in Marin we need tactical gear, all the soccer moms and retired rich people are tough.
My read is that the more pretentiously upper middle class the community, the more “professional” the popo feel like they have to be in appearance. Except instead of really spit-polished shoes and super-starchy Policeman Classic, they default to gearing up because it’s easier and SUPER PERFESHUNAL MILITARYS HURR.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 16:24 |
I guess there are a lot of middle aged families moving in, buying old houses and either making them look like they bought it from Restoration Hardware, or tearing down the old place and building one that looks like it came from Restoration Hardware. The cops didn’t used to be crazy, we had really nice cops when I was a kid, but I guess the trend nationwide is spreading. Looks like all young people, I think many retired. It all seems to be escalating, I read stuff all the time, crazy how the former Marine was fired for not shooting someone holding a gun because he had experience feeling out situations and thought they could be talked down, another cop came in and shot the individual.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 16:49 |
I got hassled by their friends at the Marin County Sherrif’s Department for doing 75 on 101 N through Novato on the way to work. Didn’t get a ticket and was only 10 minutes late.
Ironically they never caught me going above the limit through their usual speed trap!