![]() 04/18/2017 at 13:47 • Filed to: Questions | ![]() | ![]() |
I utilize the two-step in blue nearly exclusively. Not due to size, ease, space, or anything like that. It just happens to match my driving philosophy/style. The figure in red is the most common, easiest, and only way to reverse park if you have a car behind you. Now that you all know this isnt a right or wrong deal, I was curious if anyone besides myself does the method in blue?
![]() 04/18/2017 at 13:51 |
I go with the blue method as well, however most of the time I park so far away that I just pull through a spot.
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I normally go for the 3 step method.
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I am an inveterate back-in parker because it’s always easier to steer into the space with the trailing wheels. That said, I usually use a version of the red line, depending on how much space there is. Always easier to start with a little bit of angle rather than from perpendicular to the space. But it doesn’t require three steps, just two. The first step is going last the space and turning slightly. Step 2 is backing in.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 13:56 |
Depends on the space and terrain. Usually red if there’s room, blue if not. Just drive with the rear inside wheel and front outside corner and you’re good.
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I’m a 3 stepper, but driving a full size crew cab truck this is almost the only way. Parking lots are most certainly not made to accommodate my school bus. That said, I also always park as far away from where ever I’m going (ask my wife, she’ll confirm) that I just pull through mostly.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 13:57 |
Whichever suits the conditions really. Car parks can be crazy tight in the UK so you just have to manage. I went with the family to a small village yesterday and the car parking spaces were so tight, our car was on the line on both damn sides.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 13:58 |
If I have room, red, if not( like everytime I drive my dads nearly 20' long Tundra , blue.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:03 |
Tight lots I use blue, any other time red is faster and easier.
Bear in mind my turning radius is crap.
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I usually park like this.
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If you’re in a driving exam situation, red is not allowed as you are impeding traffic.
But most of the time I do red, unless it’s wide open on the spot. So it comes down to situation. And in your diagram, red seems a bit exaggerated, I don’t front half of my car into a spot first. Just angle enough so I can back in easily into a narrow spot.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:06 |
I know in Hong Kong, nobody does blue. Spaces are way too narrow.
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I’d do the red, but the only spaces I back into are angled spaces, where I’d otherwise be facing the wrong way to go in (two way traffic).
Beyond that (and some special tight parking situations) I really don’t get people who back in to spaces. Why would you want to back into a small area (parking space) instead of a big one (aisle)?
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:06 |
I try to go with red most of the time because my car has such poor rear visibility. But if I’m familiar with a spot (my old apartment building for instance had a very tight parking lot where red was unavailable) i’ll go with blue. It just requires lots of mirror checking and occasionally an adjustment or two.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:07 |
I use red, because assholes like to jack your parking spot. That way i can block them a bit from taking it in lots where there are few spaces available.
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I don’t see how that would be not allowed. A this is a parking lot, not a street. B even if it is a street, if a K-turn is legal, this would be legal, and a K-turn was required for my driving test, so I’m pretty sure it is legal (at least in NY on a residential street).
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:08 |
How is the red one impeding traffic but the blue one isn’t? And if you pulled into the spot and backed out, are you now impeding traffic since you have to back up slowly into traffic?
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I think the idea is the road you’re on should be split in 2, so you’re technically going a bit head on to opposing traffic.
Not sure, that’s what I was told in the classes almost 20 years ago. But who drives like how they teach you anyways, it’s always according to conditions in real life.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:17 |
Most of the time, I would do the red method.
However, if there is no space or if I’m on a street with some traffic going by and don’t want to block an additional lane, then I do the blue method.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:20 |
I try to do the method in blue lately and I suck at it I find it harder than parallel parking maybe because I dont pay enough attention to where I am when there are a bunch of empty spaces when parallel parking I have cars to figure out where I am and there is less turning involved.
I feel like a major dork when there are a bunch of empty spaces and I try to back in and end up not even close to where I wanted to go.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:20 |
I prefer to back in because it’s easier to get into a tight space with the steering wheels trailing. Less chance of getting your car hung up on one of the parked cars. The extra benefit is that it’s significantly safer to leave said parking place when you are pulling straight out. IMO, parking lots are one of the most dangerous places to park.
All that being said, I have been known to choose fwd v rev parking based on where the sun is, to keep it from heating up the front seat.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 14:27 |
This is exactly how I feel and why Ive been doing it almost exclusively. I dont like being unomfortable with a skill, especially ones behind the wheel. My parallel parking has become incredible and super easy. Dont even need to turn down radio!
![]() 04/18/2017 at 15:00 |
I’ll use the red method if there’s room to do it (but I can manage the blue line, too).
What I want to do when reversing into a space is to set myself up for it as much as possible. Best case scenario: I’ve done all my turning going forward, and only have to reverse straight back into the spot. I don’t get that opportunity very often, so what I usually end up doing is turning while moving forward, and getting SUPER CLOSE to the car in front of me. That way, I don’t have so much turning to do while reversing, and can use that extra time to fine-tune my approach. My goal is to get centered into the space on the first try.
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Well, driver’s ed should be all about learning how to do things the hard way anyway. So I have no problem with the red method not being acceptable for testing purposes, even if it is the superior method.
You don’t want to learn how to do things the easy way, and then get stuck when conditions are less than ideal.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 15:18 |
...then why isn’t manual transmission mandated?
*ba dum tss*
(In all seriousness, it sort of is in Hong Kong. If you take an exam with an auto, you’ll only be allowed to drive auto.)
![]() 04/18/2017 at 15:20 |
Totally agree. It’s funny, too, because reversing is widely regarded to be the more difficult way to park.
But I have way better control (and visibility) when my steer-wheels are last to enter, first to leave the parking space.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 15:22 |
(I’ve heard Japan does that, too.)
![]() 04/18/2017 at 15:25 |
Yup. Even with my wife’s Civic, I use the mirrors and not the backup cam, though I do use the cam for the last few inches. For whatever reason, many people simply don’t have the ability to back up. Maybe because they just don’t do it much. A few years ago, the city replaced all the parallel parking spaces around UT-Austin with angled back-in parking. It’s a good system, and you can park (and charge for) a lot more cars, but watching people try to back up always makes for good entertainment.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 15:28 |
Depends on size and space. Driving a fullsize crew cab means I do whatever works. Parking head-in is often a two step process.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 16:10 |
I’ll use either, depending on space or traffic levels.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 16:52 |
I hardly ever back into spots. I used to all the time when I drove my dad’s car and backed into our spot behind the house. Usually I find pull-through spaces, or corner spaces farther away from the mall or whatever I’m at. If I must park with other cars around me, I’m usually nose first so I can load the back of the car easily with whatever I’m getting.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 16:52 |
People back into spaces?
![]() 04/18/2017 at 16:55 |
I drive a big truck so I back into spots nearly exclusively. To pull into a spot on the right, get as far to the right as you can and drive past the spot. When the the back edge of the spot is about halfway down your wheel base, crank the wheel left and pull foward as far as you can. Straighten the wheel and back up till your almost lined up, Then crank the wheel right and back in.
If I can back my fat bastard of a truck in every time, so can you
Some thing that helped be was driving my car backwards around and empty parking lot for a while.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 19:31 |
Fun fact: I recently had a rental mini cooper and had more trouble backing that into parking spots than my crown vic, which is probably 50% longer and 25% wider. I kept way overshooting... everything.
![]() 04/18/2017 at 20:58 |
red - do it that way nearly everyday pulling into the driveway at the house after work. We have those goofy rounded curbs rather than normal driveway entrance ramps so I like to hit them at an angle.