![]() 04/17/2017 at 15:43 • Filed to: clicks keep getting harder to find, and all your clicks ain't bringing you piece of mind. | ![]() | ![]() |
Nothing is verifiable and Jason mentions that in the article. Are people still looking to hate all over United that they’ll run anything about them?
![]() 04/17/2017 at 15:47 |
Strike while the iron is hot.
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Passengers removed from plane after refusing to sit in their assigned seats whoda thunk it
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The title needed more clickbait “fucks”.
“Couple says United got a fucking US Marshal to kick them the fuck off a plane to their fucking wedding”
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It’s Shit on United Week, didn’t you get the memo?
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Yup - this is pretty much the answer. At this point, it’s a he said/she said argument. If it happened as United claims it did, the newlyweds are a-holes. If it happened as the newlyweds did, United is a bunch of a-holes. Since most people are currently pre-disposed toward hating United, I wouldn’t be surprised if the newlyweds were trying to take advantage of that, but who knows.
![]() 04/17/2017 at 15:54 |
Literally hitler airlines.
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Ok let’s go be assholes on a United flight so we can become internet famous. We’ll need to figure a way to monetize our fame and invest it in some car parts.
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I’m going with United on this one. I would think they would do everything reasonably possible to not end up with shit news. I forget who I flew with but heading to my honeymoon we went sure what name my wife needed to use as she was married but still legally had her old name. They called us back up to the desk and upgraded us to 1st class as a gift. Those people were probably being entitles a-holes
![]() 04/17/2017 at 15:56 |
I thought that was last week!
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plot twist: Everyone’s an a-hole.
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No that was just the pre-game event, this week is the real deal
![]() 04/17/2017 at 16:00 |
I have a hard time understanding people these days, because I would gladly pay money to avoid being famous. Zero desire for it - but I think that puts me in the minority. From what I’ve read, United’s story sounds a little more plausible, especially since this happened *after* the doctor got dragged off a flight, but who knows...
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This has soothed my soul.
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This seems like the most likely scenario.
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Literally. :)
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Ugh, I obviously didn’t get the memo. Let me check my inbox.
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Anonymity FTW
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Love this song. Appropriate, too.
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I am still amazed how this is one of the most politically and culturally accurate songs written. I remember hearing it in the late 90s when in the truck with my dad and for some reason I imagine this song playing every time I hear sensationalized stories or gang-up articles like this that exist just to make sure you get your kick in on the person or event already on the ground.
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HELL yeah!
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In this instance I tend to believe United.
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I fear it will never not be relevant for some time to come.
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Yeah it speaks directly to human nature. It has always been relevant.
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It was relevant 35 years ago. It’s about 1000x more relevant now. Let’s just hope it’s not 1000000x more relevant in another 35 years... :/
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What you did there... I see it.
Also, you should’ve used an Airbus.
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Narrow-minded body
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That’s Justin Westbrook’s signature move.
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They ran it because all airlines including United are asshole corporations who regularly treat humans as something less than human in the name of profits and deserve zero benefit of the doubt. The airlines have only continued to become more and more dehumanizing as our government has stood idly by while the airlines bought and merged with each other in order to increase their market share, decrease competition, reduce quality of service, increase nickel-and-dime fees (“Welcome to your Delta flight, we have a chipotle turkey wrap available for $10, and we are now going to interrupt your in-flight movie for the next 10 minutes so we can read to you our sales pitch for the Delta SkyMiles credit card which you should really sign up for so you can board closer to the beginning of our ridiculously long 45 minute boarding period instead of “Group 2” like you get if you normally book online which we all know is the 6th boarding group behind First Class, Sky Priority, and all the other non-numbered boarding groups but you feel better because this says 2 on it”) and generally turn what should be an amazing experience of riding in A MACHINE THAT LITERALLY FLIES SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE SEVERAL MILES OFF THE GROUND AT HUNDREDS OF MILES PER HOUR TO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD into soul-crushing misery. It just so happens that United managed to be the biggest asshole of the bunch recently so now their smaller asshole-ish incidents will get more attention.
So here’s another one: United gate agents and a pilot recently forbade a disabled gay man from bringing his Segway miniPro (his preferred mobility device) on a flight to his honeymoon even though he had made sure to check in advance with both the TSA and United’s own special needs desk. Even after he put the gate agents on the phone with the TSA and the United special needs desk to confirm that it would be ok, it was left up to the captain, who decided that not only would the man not be allowed to board the plane with his Segway miniPro, it could not be gate checked, in the mistaken belief that it was a banned hoverboard. They agreed to let him on the plane if he left the Segway miniPro at the gate, but then left him several voicemails saying he had abandoned a hazardous item at an airport and threatened to arrest him or make him pay the costs for “disposing” of it. But thankfully, the baggage folks had it waiting for him upon his return.
Defending them from a public opinion pile-on is ridiculous.
![]() 04/17/2017 at 16:19 |
Kristen “paid by the swear word” Lee, too.
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I knew it, I’m surrounded by assholes.
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Blonde hair and blue skies.
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I’m not defending United but the story doesn’t have anything verifiable. They say United was the asshole. United says they were the asshole. That’s it!
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There’s likely enough assholery to go around. It’s like my boys, where somebody says something and then they all immediately go into high and mighty fuck you mode. If UAL can act like calm adults, and the pax can act like calm adults, then everybody is calm and that’s the end of it. But everybody gets their as up on their shoulders and it turns into a shit fest.
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gotta get them clicks!
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Just because there is a story with two conflicting sides doesn’t mean the story shouldn’t be shared.
The post on the FP makes multiple efforts to point out that this is a he-said/she-said. Right in the title: “Couple SAYS United Got A U.S. Marshall To Kick Them Off A Plane To Their Wedding.”
In the second paragraph:
“Here’s what seems to have happened; please keep in mind that there’s no video, and the behavior and attitudes of everyone involved can’t really be proven.”
And then later on,
“According to the couple,”
“It’s not clear exactly what happened, if the couple was actually causing a disturbance or not,”
That’s more than enough hedging on Torch’s part.
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You really are emotionally invested in this narrative huh? Guess that really explains why they ran this.
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I’m sure you’re right - the blame here is likely 55/45, not 100/0. And, in this day and age, very few people grasp the fact that you have to follow what the crew says, whether you like it or not.
![]() 04/17/2017 at 17:00 |
You’re not understanding me. Let me clarify.
I dislike clickbait as much as anyone but I also dislike BS armchair journalism criticism, which is what you’re doing.
You’re saying that because this story so far is a tale of the passengers’ word vs. United’s word, that Jalopnik should not have published the story.
But the whole point of reporting a story like this is that when United first had David Dao dragged off a plane, at first they tried to say it was David Dao’s fault they dragged him off the plane. It only took several days and several news cycles’ worth of metaphorical beatings before United admitted they contributed to the situation.
The reporter did his job of pointing out in multiple ways that this is a he-said/she-said and, basically, if it’s true, it’s more United being assholes.
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Idk anymore
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You can report unverified stories as long as you say it is unverified. Which it seems he did in the very first paragraph.
Or maybe the destination-wedding couple actually was terrible? Who the hell knows, anymore.
They ran it because United is in the news. More importantly, who gives a shit why they ran it.