![]() 04/10/2017 at 21:39 • Filed to: End of 944 Life | ![]() | ![]() |
I haven’t improved mentally (or doing well in the head), and I need the spare cash. It hurts to sell one of my only constant companions in the past few turbulent years of my life but I need money. A 6.5/10 of a car w/129,000 miles, I’d let her and the many spare parts I have go for $3000 or best offer.
I want it to go to someone who’d love it as much as I do, and do even more to care for it than I can. It needs work but what 944 doesn’t, but it runs and drives quite well . I won’t ever find a 944 like mine again, but it was fun while it lasted.
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Ah, jeez. I used to hang out round these parts a lot a few years back and remember your Porsche-ventures. All the best, friend.
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Hey buddy, long time no see!
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Don’t do it. Just hold off and let things get better.
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I can’t do that, but do you want a beer? You’re 21 right?
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Been wondering about you. Hang in there, awesome one.
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DON’T DO IT. You’ll regret it.
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Can we just do a go fund me for you so you can keep the Porsche?
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Sorry to hear things are still rough. It’s a nasty disease, but keep fighting.
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I only drink rum, whiskey, and vodka, and I’d probably drink myself drunk if anyone followed through and offered me any.
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Yeah... :(
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Yo man, I’ve had my share of mental health struggles, probably not to the extent that you’re feeling, but just want to say stick with it and eventually you’ll get to a place where they become manageable.
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8 years of depression with no positive overall changes says otherwise. Things haven’t gotten better enough for me to reconsider this decision. I have too much on my plate.
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944's will sky rocket in a few years, hold on to it.
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I know I’ll regret it, but I already regret enough already and I need some peace and comfort that only money can bring. I’m overloaded with a 911 to care for and a Mustang as it stands. I can’t keep this dream alive anymore, and it’s irresponsible to keep it up, as much as it would hurt either way.
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i’m gunna go head and advise against that. It could always be worse. You could have an Allroad
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I don’t have any money but I’ll trade you straight up for a 924 that doesn’t run, and a hug.
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That’s all I’ve been doing, I don’t feel awesome anymore either. :(
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Sell it to an Oppo memeber on the condition you can buy it back shortly
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Sorry I have a money pit already :p I’ve had some interesting moments myself from being a Marine, I know it isn’t fun.
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Buddy you’re living the dream. Pick yourself up and get to an Oppo meet. There’s a lot of people that care for you. You have a Boostang, 944, and a freakin 911. That’s a dream for me. What’s keeping you down?
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We can’t, and I wouldn’t be okay with if it was done. I’ve lived a fortunate life with parents who’ve loved me and taken care of me and I’ve burdened them enough with my car escapades. I reckon it’d help everyone and myself if I lessened the car load and just kept the Mustang and 911. It would be petty and sad to ever receive money help from other people for a car.
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I’ve been fighting it 8 years and it’s become more manic in the last 2. Every day is a battle just to keep my head and heart together.
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Hey long time no see. I’d take it off your hands if I had the cash.
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Mine might not be worth much in a few years time. It isn’t a special or collector car-worthy.
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I don’t think I’d be able to buy it back given current circumstances. This would be a farewell forever.
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Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault.
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I could use a hug sometimes but even that’s hard to ask for these days.
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Well I decided to restore a classic Japanese car, it is most certainly my fault!
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While I haven’t had depression for eight years, I feel I should speak up regardless. I’ve come close to offing myself twice so far. I’ve been hospitalized overnight for suicidal ideation.
Don’t let yourself get convinced it hasn’t gotten better, because it has gotten better. Depression is a battle between two people: you, and your evil twin. It isn’t you saying negative things, it is your evil twin. It is you who is being suppressed by your evil twin. It isn’t an easy fight, but your evil twin can be suppressed. Focus on the positives. Dude, you own a Porsche AND a Mustang! That’s fucking awesome.
Try this. Set up a jar (ideally at the beginning of the year but it’s never too late to start). Every day, write something positive that happened to you that day on a slip of paper and put it in the jar. At the end of the year, go back to the jar and read every slip of paper. It really helps.
Hang in there bud. It gets better. Even if you think you’ve hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up.
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8 years of battling manic depression and anxiety.
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sorry you have to sell it. I hope everything gets better for you though :)
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I’m not sure selling it will help.
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I can only hope
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I’m so sorry.
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You should come to the Oppo-Meet next month! We’re gonna hang out and cook some grub.
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Ugh that the worst. I always say when I get down, look at all the positives. There’s always something that I can do better. I’ve been fighting to get a job for months now and being told no a dozen times is the worst feeling but I look around and have my dog and my Lexus and I’m ready to go again.
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You ever need someone to talk to hit me up. seriously.
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You’re still here, that’s something. I know how hard it can be, and I certainly can’t tell you that things will definitely get better, all I can do is offer encouragement to keep going as best you can.
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Come to the Metro Detroit Oppo meet. Cletus Vette will be there, Alex’s Datsun will be there. I might be there. It will be a great time.
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I’ve come close four times myself but was talked down every time, and threatened with hospitalization by my last therapist twice. Suicidal ideation is rather frequent with me, this afternoon actually.
It’s just the things I’ve tried to make better, want to make better, they never look or feel better. And then I give up and drop whatever it is I’m doing and just hide away until the pain in my head goes away and it seldom does. The simplest things become a chore, I feel like no one in my life understands or even wants to listen to me; everyone’s so busy with their own stuff why should they? “Friends” have only been around when I’ve felt suicidal and the minute it’s gone, they’re gone too.
I’ve nothing to lose so I could try your jar.
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I’m not sure keeping it would either. I’ve a non running 911 that needs some love and a Mustang that I’ve been hellbent on personalizing to make it my dream car. The 944 has become more of a stagnant paperweight that’s only been used when the Mustang is at the dealer.
I just don’t know what to do...
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I’m unaware of this meet.
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I reckon I will. With my new job/internship next month, I’ll have weekends free for once.
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All I have left is hope, which is slowly fading every battle day
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Well the only cocktail I places I know are down here in the D. But hey its a genuine offer, I owe ya for that bike!
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Good luck and God bless.
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You should join us on our Slack channel. If you like weird emojis and nonsensical shitposting sessions, we’re the channel for you!
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May 6th, 12pm-4pm. MontegoMan has the details. http://oppositelock.kinja.com/metrod-oppo-meet-location-confirmed-1793839355
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I dont like to discuss my own mental health issues but if it helps someone else, I will.
I may be a bit late to the party, but have you tried the Meds route? I struggled with rampant OCD/intrusive thoughts (which obsessed on offing myself). Ive been to that point of feeling hopeless and afraid. However, in all honesty the Meds ive been on have REALLY helped make a difference. I was extremely opposed to the idea of taking meds but in hindsight wish i would have gone down that route far sooner. Also, more than happy to discuss anything thats on your mind.
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I guess I’ll message him later
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I’ve tried meds and they’ve only seemed to have amplified my manic behaviors. I’d be as high and happy as a kite on a clear and sunny day when I started with Lexapro, then weeks or months later it’d all crash down and everything would return to “normal”. The same happened when I switched to Cymbalta earlier this year. I could try different meds but I’m weary of them like my mum, who was against them from the start.
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The advice and concern for you shown here warms my heart. Oppo is always here for you.
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At this time in my life as it stands, My parents and Oppo are all I have left. ;_;
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Hey bud - sorry to hear things have not been going well....very much wish there was a way to help you.
Wish you didn’t have to sell your beloved 944, but that’s a decision only you can make.
For what it’s worth, I hope you can feel better soon... :(
![]() 04/10/2017 at 23:01 |
Interesting. I’ve been on both of those at some point. Lexapro helped a bit but didn’t get me where i wanted to be. Plus the side effects kinda sucked. Cymbalta has been more effective bht still leaves room for improvement. My doc and I have considered lithium and more OCD focused drugs. Being on these drugs definitely helps but there are shitty days every once in a while.
Also, im obviously no psychiatrist, but maybe you are bipolar?
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Idk what lithium is other than the element, but you’d be the second person to think that I might be bipolar.
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Is Ketamine an option?
Keep your chin up, K-Roll.
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Its lithoum salts i believe. My doc described it as a mood stabilizer.
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oh shit. how is school going?
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School is actually going well for once. I’ve an internship starting next month.
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I guess I’ll look into it
![]() 04/11/2017 at 00:08 |
Hate to hear you’re parting with her (and that you’re not doing well). Have you tried offering your car up to the local (or nearest) Porsche owners group?
Hope you’re doing better soon.
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I’ve not even told my intentions to my parents yet (and I live with them). I would offer it to an owners group, but I deactivated my Facebook and have no way of offering it up that way. I’m not sure if this’ll hurt me more or not at all though, but the regret will be most high but I haven’t got a choice.
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Here’s the PCA chapter listing. I’m sure there’s a contact person that you could mention it to over email that would pass it on to local members. https://www.pca.org/region-directory
Was deactivating Facebook a net positive move?
Surely a bummer to let go of the 944, but you’ll be able to focus your efforts on the 911.
![]() 04/11/2017 at 00:44 |
Lithium is a very common bipolar treatment. And as someone with bipolar disorder, that is totally what you have. It really sucks, but you’ll be able go manage it with proper psychiatric assistance for sure.
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I’ll give it a go. Deactivating facebook was supposed to be a positive move. I believed that social media (not Oppo) breeds fake friendships, excessive vanity and validation through others; and it was a time/energy drain and fueled unnecessary envy in me towards others, and I still believe it for the most part.
I thought that deactivating it would allow me more social time and the chance to meet new people and make genuine friends. It’s made me feel more lonely and disconnected. But it’s freed up some time.
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Nice price. I’m trying to sell mine myself. Good luck.
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keep your chin up!
you’ll be fine.
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As much as I love cars, it sounds like selling the 944 will help you focus on self care, so I say do it. Self care is the priority so that we can enjoy things in life like our cars. It’s no good having the car and not enjoying it or life. Sell it.
Plus you still get to play with the Boostang and can work on the 911 . . . Plenty of car related goodness. But in my experience a simpler life can really improve my ability to find peace. I’m praying that you’ll find your balance.
![]() 04/11/2017 at 08:04 |
Ask about propranolol. Its a beta blocker and works wonders on my anxiety. Best paired with a good antidepressant. You have to get the dosage right or it’ll make you sleepy though. The correct dosage prevents such side effects though.
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Time not wasted on social media is good, but, clearly, loneliness and feeling disconnected are not. I’d give it another week or two, and if it still feels like it’s a net negative, reactivate it, but take the time to unfollow (or unfriend, if necessary) anyone who you feel is excessively fake, vain or will just bring you down instead of build you up.
Is there a Formula SAE team at your school, or some other mechanically-minded group you could get involved with? Are there any charities that are close to your heart that you could volunteer with? If you don’t already have a group/club/organization that you’re actively a part of every week or two, I’d look into finding one that fits you. Working on a project together with like-minded individuals is a great way to get your mind off the thoughts that might be getting you down.
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Congrats on this, by the way!
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It has helped my mom.
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A man after my own heart! We’ve been missing you, pal!
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Was just thinking about you when I saw a blue Mustang by my house and was wondering if it was you (it wasn’t). Hang in there bud, do what you’ve got to do, and try not to let it get you down. Oppo is here for ya!
![]() 04/11/2017 at 13:47 |
Damn, I am sorry to hear you aren’t doing well. I saw your post about deactivating you FB and I hoped that would help out. Is it?
Sorry to hear about you selling the 944. That is sad, but sometimes you have to let things go. I am selling my Sprite project I have because I will never finish her even though she was the first car I ever bought.