![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:02 • Filed to: Oldberg | ![]() | ![]() |
When I was 23, I lived just north of Seattle and went to Ballard and Capitol Hill three or four nights a week. We got there at 7 and left at 3. I was young, carefree, alive (and in denial. But here are my thoughts when I go out past 730pm six years later:
“I’m tired.”
“This cover charge is highway robbery!”
“Damn this music is loud.”
“Hope the dog is okay...”
“I don’t understand this young people music...”
[A few song later]
“Wow, this is pretty good! But I still don’t get it...”
“Damn that female sure is attractive... Did I leave the oven on?”
“I better take it easy. I’ve already had two whole beers!”
In case you all needed more confirmation in lameness.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:04 |
Its all downhill after 25
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:07 |
Income is up, spare time is down, energy is down, ambition, etc.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:09 |
Shit that was me at 23. Now I only listen to big band music on my record player and sip mint tea.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:10 |
Welcome to being 40 before you’re 30!
(I may or may not have been down this road)
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:15 |
Turning 55 in a few weeks, feels like 75. Enjoy 30
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:25 |
I’m 32 and been pushing 65 since I was 27.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:28 |
I’ll be 23 in 3 weeks.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:29 |
If my wife took me somewhere and I saw keyboards, here is my response:
“Fuck this, I’ll fight everyone in here.”
Just kidding, she makes me go to bullshit coffee shops and I just make fun of everyone there. They just all smirk. My kids’ trash talk game is getting pretty good.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:32 |
Haha pretty much. I’m 30 with 2 kids. I just got everyone to bed a bit ago and had actual free time. I played overwatch for an hour and am now tired and just going to bed
![]() 04/02/2017 at 00:53 |
Suck it up buttercup!
Mid 40's here and kicking it now at the bar. And it’s 1am EST
![]() 04/02/2017 at 01:09 |
“Woman,” not “female,” please.
And.... I feel your pain. I had an invite to a charity event tonight and I was dragging my feet on going because what’s better on a Saturday night than hanging out with my cat and cuddling up with a good book?
Went anyway, had fun, and won a pretty cool raffle, to boot. All in all, a great night. And it was nice to get all dolled up for once, too. :)
![]() 04/02/2017 at 01:17 |
I still have a bit of time before 30, but I already feel this way.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 01:52 |
yeah... a lot of my sh!t fell apart after 24.5....
![]() 04/02/2017 at 01:56 |
I’m 34. My wife left me home alone with our 3 cats this weekend while she visits her family. So far I’ve attempted to make cat videos but not filmed them doing anything interesting, went to the gym, and cooked a big meal for some friends during the final four, WITHOUT IMMEDIATELY CLEANING UP THE KITCHEN AFTERWARDS. Still scooped the litter boxes though.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 02:13 |
What the fuck ever
![]() 04/02/2017 at 02:28 |
“Female,” when in reference to a human being, is usually used as an adjective, as in “a female F1 driver.” It’s dehumanizing to refer to us using “female” as a noun as in “that female sure is attractive.”
![]() 04/02/2017 at 02:35 |
I don’t have the energy for your usual bullshit. If you want to take offense to something completely beyond the context of my post, that is your fucking problem. I swear to God, you read every post on oppo, salivating over whatever you can to attack with outrage.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 02:45 |
I’m not offended. I’m not angry or upset. And it’s not beyond context at all. You used a demeaning adjective to refer to a woman.
I really don’t understand why anything *I* say about feminism, equality or just basic human dignity upsets YOU so much. I’ve read a ton of your comments here on kinja and I’ve literally seen you say some of the very same things I’ve said before, or seen you argue for some of the exact same points I’ve made (or similar points). We agree on a lot of things. (The most recent example I can think of are your comments about the United Airlines pass rider dress code fiasco, for instance).
And I’ve seen you agree with other men who have made similar points as me, or points similar to your own.
Yet, time and again, anytime *I* say something you erupt into anger and bemoan how I’m constantly “offended.”
Why? Ostensibly, we agree on a lot of things. Ostensibly, we share a lot of similar, if not exact, views. So why is it that, when I say something similar to things you’ve said yourself, you get so angry and hateful? It’s something I’ve wanted to ask you for a long time. Because I seriously don’t get it.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 04:07 |
Has his post been edited? Because I’m failing to see how “female” is an offensive way to refer to the feminine, dare I say, gender? Or should I say sex?
I get so confused anymore over what offends whom these days. It’s a little out of hand. People are basically making up new genders, which are really just adjectives to describe themselves and place higher importance on their own differences and find new ways to be offended and belittle those who “don’t get it.”
Some of them seriously want you to use gender-neutral terms. You can’t use He/she anymore without offending someone somewhere in some circles all because someone “feels” like they don’t belong to the sex/gender as defined by their physiology. It’s so utterly mind blowing to me that political correctness has gone that far off the deep end. And I’m generally a very open minded, liberal person. One of my best friends is a gay man, know why? Because he’s a decent, respectful human being and we happen to be giant car and technology geeks. Beyond that, I don’t give a fuck who he wants to sleep with or if he wanted to dress up and pretend he’s a woman (he doesn’t, but just being hypothetical). What does irk me is when someone gets offended when because I matter-of-factly used the adjective that accurately describes their physiological self, and not at all derogatorily.
This really wasn’t directed entirely at you, either. Just something that’s bothered me a little lately. As much as I like the SF Bay Area, some days it might actually be a little *too* liberal. And I never thought I’d say that, because I’m pretty fucking far left. But there have been some factions on the left in the last few years that have simply gone off the deep end and get offended at the dumbest shit.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 04:29 |
It’s more that ‘female’ is used increasingly in a shitty way to describe women, in a way that paints them as an object rather than a human. People make up new ways of saying things over and over, including new ways to talk shittily about women.
It’s less that people keep getting offended by new things. Its more that many people simply can’t get the phrase ‘don’t be a dick to people’ into their heads, so try and skirt people calling them out for being a dick to women by making up new stuff that isn’t on the list of buzzwords yet.
That doesn’t mean that people can’t be dicks themselves by getting offended as a past-time of course, but i’ve found that to be pretty rare (unless i’m just living in the wrong place for that...)
![]() 04/02/2017 at 05:29 |
Maybe it’s just me, but saying “Damn that female sure is attractive” is pretty innocuous compared to a lot of the other descriptions I’ve heard in my lifetime.
Trigger warning: He could have been a much larger douche and went with something like “Damn, that bitch is bangin’ hot” or other similar uncreative descriptive phrasing.
Would saying “Chick” or “Woman” been just as offensive as “Female?” What ARE we allowed to say anymore without offending someone?
I find it especially funny that he gets called out for it in the middle of the rest of his post being him basically turning into an old man (like me who’s knocking on the door of 34 now :P), not being able to stay up late so often, drink as much and just otherwise have other things on his mind than he did just a few short years ago. The thought of seeing an attractive woman was but a fleeting moment in his mind, as it quickly turned to worrying about some other mundane issue in his life... He wasn’t offensively descriptive in the least. He merely had a passing appreciation for a woman and his brain quickly wandered elsewhere. Where’s the harm? Has the word “female” gotten a different connotation from when I was in my early 20s? I mean, I know I’m not up on the latest young person lingo anymore, as I am myself “an old.” But jesus... Seriously.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 05:34 |
I’m saying this as someone who grew up as a middle child.. With two sisters. And a very strong, independent and intelligent mother. It bothers me quite a lot to hear women degraded to objects in the view of some guys and how they refer to them, as I certainly wouldn’t want any independent, intelligent woman I know and appreciate in my life reduced to being viewed as such. But that was not at all the context I got from the OP’s post.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 06:21 |
Yeah i didn’t really get that from the OP’s post either, but that doesn’t mean someone who uses it in a shitty way wouldn’t feel that its ok to use it in a shitty way from it. It’s kinda overthinking it, but didn’t deserve a backlash either.
As each new generation sets about defining themselves, they appropriate innocuous language from previous generations, give it new meaning and using it to differentiate themselves from the previous generation. You see it happening time and time again. ‘Jeez what can we say anymore’ is in all probability a sign that you’re just too old to be in the latest generation with their new hip lingo (like me too!).
As for the whole ‘is female a bad word now’ thing, as ever it’s not the word itself but how its used in a number of cases. Compare these two:
‘Gosh she’s attractive’ vs ‘Gosh that female’s attractive’ and you can see how it’s a bit of a shitty way of viewing someone, and the fact that many people have used it that way sort of taints its use. It happens time and time again (and not just now but throughout history).
Saying that, in the context of the post i think it’s absolutely fitting and probably pretty accurate to the though process for entirely unsexist reasons. The whole post is sort of about feeling distanced from the world around you, and so thinking about everyone there as ‘not one of you’ is a pretty accurate way of describing it.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 06:34 |
At least he didn’t pull a Bernie (Ecclestone, not Sanders) and also mention that potential women F1 drivers should wear all white, you know, like kitchen appliances...
I guess I fail to see the distinction between using woman vs. female. Both seem equally accurately descriptive and innocuous to me.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 06:41 |
Me being 40 I say: why are you bothering with that nonsense?
![]() 04/02/2017 at 06:45 |
Great. Now the word female is offensive. Someone please tell me what term is proper now.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 06:47 |
Yeah, I get that every generation comes up with its own twist on language to differentiate itself, I just feel as though there is a large faction of people who have got nothing better to do than be offended at dumb shit and point out how ignorant other people are for not having caught up with their own high and mighty selves.
That attitude grates on my every last nerve. Try not to take life so seriously, folks. It’s not worth it to be offended so easily over dumb shit.
I usually don’t have time to respond to such posts and argue all day online, as there’s usually a car that needs my attention. Some of us need to find better uses of our time and energy, methinks, and not get worked up over phrasing that was never intended to be inflammatory in the first place.
So, to Xyl0c41n3 who wonders why someone could go so rage mode on her even though the OP apparently largely agrees with her on many points otherwise apparently, it’s probably because you called him out for something he thought was not the least bit offensive. Hint: people don’t like being told they’re wrong in that manner, especially when it was never their intent to demean in the first place.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 07:33 |
Man, I’m 30 and I feel the exact same way. I wind up sitting home on my free time doing nothing important :/
More time for Tercels though? :O
![]() 04/02/2017 at 09:29 |
I recently turned 31 and I feel the same way. When a friend says “hey, want to go out and drink some beers?” my reaction is immediately to think “but I already have beers, in my house, with a comfy couch, and a dog. Why can’t I just stay here?”
![]() 04/02/2017 at 11:17 |
This post makes me want to take a nap
![]() 04/02/2017 at 12:54 |
I passed thirty not too long ago and I’ve traded the late nights out for quiet nights in with the nice craft beers I couldn’t afford, having conversations that I can actually hear with friends I actually want to hang out with.
It’s a fair trade.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 12:58 |
I’m under 30 but a crotchety old man at heart, so I know what you mean.
In terms of modern music, I only ever really hear it when it’s on the radio where I am for whatever reason (in the store, someone else’s car, etc) and I can’t help but think most of it mixed as to imitate a skipping CD to distract people from the lack of actual music going on.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 14:20 |
I’m 32 and I know these feels all too well.
![]() 04/02/2017 at 22:11 |
Ugh, Christ, here she goes again. I’m with you, so tired of her crap.
![]() 04/03/2017 at 14:44 |
I’m sorry, while I usually agree with you and stand by most of your opinions, this argument or conversation is totally without merit. No female/woman or female identifing person I’ve ever talked to has ever taken offense to the word female. While woman is the term I use when addressing women, female is not a derogatory word in any sense. It’s a scientific definition. Calling a woman a lass, lady, or honey? Yeah, that’s not exactly respectful, but labeling a person with the scientific name for thier chosen gender identity? There is nothing derogatory about that. In fact, the word woman is an adjective used to describe a female human. I’m not trying to argue or start any drama, but I’m objectively correct here.
![]() 04/03/2017 at 15:11 |
No female/woman or female identifing person I’ve ever talked to has ever taken offense to the word female.
Well, last time I checked, I’m a woman. So, the assertion that you’ve never met a woman who objects to that is false. Also, in the AP Stylebook, the Associated Press specifically spells out NOT using “female” or “male” as nouns to describe women and men, partly because it is usually unnecessary to do so, and partly because it’s disrespectful.
For instance, law enforcement and military personnel often refer to men and women as “males” and “females.” It’s part of their cultural parlance. But if a LEO or military person says something like “We had 50 males participate in the charity 10K this morning,” unless a reporter is using a direct quote, they should report it as, “Smith said 50 men took part in the run which raised money for (insert whatever charity it was)...” or something similar to that. “Males” gets changed to “men.”
The AP offers further guidance to reduce the usage of “female” and male” in as many situations as possible.
For instance, in the example I gave in my original comment, about “a female F1 driver,” under the AP’s guidance, that in itself can be incorrect. (I only used it to make an Oppo-related example). Yes, few women are F1 drivers, but the proper way to denote that a driver is female is to simply use her name, as in, “Jane Smith, an F1 driver...”
In fact, the word woman is an adjective used to describe a female human.
No, “woman” and “man” are nouns, not adjectives. “Womanly” and “manly” are adjectives, made so by the addition of the suffix “ly” to the root nouns.
Like I said originally:
“Female,” when in reference to a human being, is usually used as an adjective, as in “a female F1 driver.” It’s dehumanizing to refer to us using “female” as a noun as in “that female sure is attractive.”
Think of it this way...
Does it sound appropriate to say, “that black is our waiter”?
No. It doesn’t. Because “black” is an adjective being used as a noun. It reduces the person to an aspect about them that is beyond their control. It’s more appropriate to say, “That man is our waiter.”
Or another way, would you say, “toss me that round” instead of “toss me that ball”?
“Round” is an adjective that can be used to describe the nature of a ball, but “ball” cannot be used to describe the adjective “round” because “ball” is a noun.
![]() 04/03/2017 at 18:08 |
LOL no.
being called “a female” is degrading as fuck. we’re humans, not subjects of a nature documentary.
![]() 04/03/2017 at 18:11 |
thx for your opinion, but as an actual human woman, it is fucking degrading to be referred to as “females” as a noun like we’re in some sort of nature documentary.
![]() 04/03/2017 at 20:58 |
Ok lol grammar was never my strong suit. That being said, I do believe that you’re missing my point entirely. If I am talking to or writing about a female human, I refer to them as a woman. However, if i say , as an example, that the person who *insert activity here* was a 35 Y/O *ethnicity* female, there is nothing derogatory about that. I’m simply stating a fact. It as just as much of a fact as stating that the perpetrator of a crime was a male or that my cat is a female. Of course the person is a woman, but because she is a female human, it is not incorrect or derogatory to refer to them by what they scientifically are. If someone chooses to take offense to facts then I guess that’s thier perogative.