![]() 02/23/2017 at 11:21 • Filed to: work | ![]() | ![]() |
Work stuff. Safety image ahead.
So my boss is a hothead. He makes things difficult for everyone in the shop, and I can’t actually do anything to make it change. Every mistake I make is amplified by an order of magnitude. He never acknowledges anyone’s contributions. So it goes. 2 mistakes in a week and he’s fuming and fussing and making it hostile in here.
As I have a diagnosis of major depressive disorder and some comorbid anxiety disorders, I think I’m going to call my doctor and have him fill out the paperwork requesting ADA accommodation regarding performance reviews. I’ve never had one. Ever.
I found this on !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! website under the list of reasonable accommodations for people with psychiatric disabilities:
Implementation of flexible and supportive supervision style; positive reinforcement and feedback; adjustments in level of supervision or structure, such as more frequent meetings to help prioritize tasks; and open communication with supervisors regarding performance and work expectations.
Written work agreements that include any agreed upon accommodations, long-term and short-term goals, expectations of responsibilities and consequences of not meeting performance standards.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 11:27 |
I was starting to worry your drama at work had slowed down. I feel you — I also have depression and anxiety, albeit pretty minor and well controlled with Zoloft and the occasional Klonopin. And I take my work very seriously, so when I screw up one out of 100 things, it’s all I hear about and it hits me on a personal level. However, I’d caution you from busting out the ADA regulations just yet...it could come across like a note from your mom for middle school PE class. I’d just try to pin the guy down for a review (in writing) at least 2-3 times before taking additional steps. Otherwise it’s going to be a battle of words, and he might see it as going around him. That could make your life really hard.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 11:29 |
I would recommend you start looking around for other opportunities for the sake of your sanity. It doesn’t sound like this is a great environment for you.
If you like the work though and think you can get your boss to come around you can try that too. Just doesn’t sound like a healthy place for you to me though.
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I took Klonopin for a while in college. Never seemed to do much for me.
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I guess I am a bit of a loss, what is your goal of having a performance review? What are you trying to accomplish?
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Do you feel like this will make him less hostile? He sounds like the guy that would bristle at the thought that he was forced into this.
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My two cents coming up. Written work agreements are good. In fact any documentation of agreements, understandings, events, etc., is good to cover yourself in case of post-facto reinterpretation of events against you.
That said, I do not believe that trying to force change in your boss’s behavior patterns is likely to work for you, and will more likely anger him and thus create more friction between you. Do continue treatment, do continue to work on how you handle life, and do inform your boss of the unique issues you face. Ask him to meet with you and discuss what you need to do a good job and to create a good working environment for you. You deserve to speak up for yourself. Just don’t flash a bunch of regs at him and tell him it means he has to change who he is because a paper says so.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 11:34 |
I tried Klonopin in college, usually after several beers. I can’t remember if it worked, or whether I ate dinner. Or breakfast.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 12:09 |
Documentation of error rates vs production. Whenever something happens, he flies off the handle and every thing is terrible for the rest of the day. Plus he’s a severe micromanager so it may help put things in perspective.
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If the guy is this much of a douche to work with, this won’t do you any good whatsoever. I have a feeling he’ll purposely fuck with you because you’re now making him do more work.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 12:15 |
Daggum I love the Cougar from that era.
It is one of my favorite muscle cars.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 12:19 |
I had a very stressfull job for about 9 months. I quite and got a different job. It was a tough decision but my anxity decreased a huge amount and my overall quality of life improved vastly.
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It’s my favorite, easily. One day I’ll have one.
Someone is doing a Coyote swap into a 67 cougar.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 12:28 |
I came here for the ‘67 Cougar. I’m ready to get started installing the pile of parts I have on my work bench. Just in time for the weather to get chilly again.
Sorry to hear of your work troubles. A hot head boss is definitely no fun.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 12:40 |
I guess my point is, even if you can come up with documentation that says you have a low error rate it won’t really change someones attitude. The big thing is having a recovery plan when you say there is a problem, it typically minimizes the magnitude of response. Hey this happened, but I can do x,y, and z to minimize the delay and get things as close as possible to back on track.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 13:07 |
Sorry, thats happening to you man. I wanted to know, you work in a upholstery shop, and I need the leather redone in a Acura TL. How much would y’all charge and, do you guys have one in Georgia?
![]() 02/23/2017 at 13:28 |
The shop I work for is a branch of a national chain. You’d probably do well to call a custom shop because the TL (if it’s an 04-08 like I’m thinking) had pretty terrible factory leather. I see a lot of them with splits along all the perforation.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 13:50 |
Yep yep. My buddy just bought one and even my moms Honda Pilot of the vintage has the same dilemma. Yeah, Imma look into it! Thanks again, and good luck with work stuff
![]() 02/23/2017 at 15:53 |
I also have anxiety and depression as well as ADHD. Its like the trifecta of feeling like a total crapbag. I guess my point is I know the struggles and hope you can figure these work things out and feel better.
Also I LOVE first gen cougars.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 16:00 |
I also have adult ADHD. When those things converge I turn into a ball of self-loathing, doubt, and panic. It’s no fun. But just yesterday I wrote this.
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I am also struggling through school I went to college specifically so I don’t have to put up with bullcrap of having and entry level job and quitting after boredom of jobs. I wasn’t diagnosed until like 25 and its been a struggle and a mess trying to figure this life crap and trying to be normal and live a normal healthy life.
![]() 02/23/2017 at 18:38 |
Well when your manager is a bum or jerk (sic), thats when its time.
At least for me it was time to get the heck out of there before any more of my soul was sucked out, shortening my lifespan.