![]() 02/20/2017 at 17:19 • Filed to: Canada, Canadalopnik, integra tire, work problems, wtf? | ![]() | ![]() |
I am sitting at work here in cloudy California and I get a call from !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . A very asia accented women looking for 4 Continental Sport Contact 5Ps. Ok, never heard of this place, but whatever as parts it is my job to sell tires. Then without having time to write it down she rattles off the manufacturer part number of 03561700000. I wrote down 03567910000. Close, but when I repeat it to her for verification she makes a confused sound and gives me the size. I ask for the make and model so I can look up the right speed rating and lo and behold they are not an avaliable tire to order. That is when things get interesting. Because she is yelling at me that my website says they are in stock and I know for a fact our dealership website doesn’t show that. So I ask her who she is trying to contact. “D(orB)C Tire.”
“Mamme, this is redacted “
“Who? I want D(B)C Tire”
“Ma’am this is redacted . You have the wrong number.”
“oh.....” *click*
She just hung up. No apology or anything. I though you were all supposed to be nice people. JK JK, I do love Canada the couple times I have been there. Just how the fuck did she call a dealer in California?
Hmm... hope it cost them a lot to call here
![]() 02/20/2017 at 17:29 |
“Asian” says it all , they don’t generally say sorry as it means “losing face”
![]() 02/20/2017 at 17:32 |
This has not been my experience.
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Integra tire is weird. I have some experience with the north van location, they’re all pretty rude.
![]() 02/20/2017 at 17:42 |
Depends - Mainland Chinese are often rude/brash, since they grow up where you have to fight for your stuff and push, or you don’t get it. Hong Kong-ese, or those that emigrated away a while ago usually are more pleasant, and non-recent immigrants usually act according to their new adopted homeland, it seems.
![]() 02/20/2017 at 17:43 |
How’s about before we make this thread into a bunch of generalizations about a whole continent of people, we instead chalk up this lady’s behavior to her being an individual asshole? Because, well, that would be obvious.
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Hmm I’m Asian and I’m so apologetic I’m borderline Canadian.
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Maybe she was from NYC/Joisey/Philly.
![]() 02/20/2017 at 18:02 |
Makes more sense.
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I am more flabbergasted by how she called a California dealership. It wasn’t supposed to be about her nationality, just was very hard to understand her and thus I described the accent.
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I was more talking about how the replies started trending towards “all Asians act like ____.”
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I know...
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I live in this region. It’s their culture and they mean no offense. They do it each other and can’t conceive that it’s improper. The amount of Asians in Greater Vancouver is huge. If you combine the amount of people from India and China in our area. They are by far the majority.
The ones that are born here, 1st gen,s are better than their parents, culture wise, and are cool people. It’s rare that an immigrant is actually in tune with the local culture. They refuse to assimilate.
Shit i think i’m ranting here sorry. No disrespect OK.
![]() 02/20/2017 at 18:40 |
Interesting though. I didn’t know that
![]() 02/20/2017 at 18:59 |
Same here in the U.K. The older ones scowl at you and shout while their children, smile awkwardly and ask politely.
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More so with ones who aren’t born here , ones born here aren’t as bad
![]() 02/20/2017 at 19:05 |
Speaking as a descendant of Hong Kong nationals, and as a Canadian, it might surprise you to note that non-recent Chinese immigrants consider it fairly true that many Chinese can be brash, pushy, and inconsiderate, a byproduct of people living in Mainland China where a calmer demeanor won’t get you what you need. It’s not quite looked down upon; rather, it’s just what one’s personality becomes when living in a high-pressure society.
Of course, there are pricks of every race.
Additionally, this is just an observation and opinion, and you are free to disagree politely.
![]() 02/20/2017 at 19:21 |
Not saying there isn’t some basis in reality for many stereotypes.
I as an American Jew descendant of Polish and Russian Jews am not personally offended by stereotyping some other race.
Point is, why go there on a public forum with all kinds of folks reading and posting? The lady was an asshole regardless of race. She could be Asian, white, black, Puerto Rican or Haitian.
Case in point, this is a true story:
Yesterday I went to a movie with a friend and when I dropped him off at his house, his crazy neighbor lady was sitting outside her house repeatedly making weird motions with her hands on her head that I can only describe as looking like a chimpanzee grooming itself. I asked my friend what’s up with that lady and he’s like, yeah, she’s nuts, and showed me a picture of the squirrel traps she has on her roof. She sat there making these chimp moves for like 10 minutes not paying attention to us at all. Now, she happens to be old and Asian, but that’s beside the point, she’s just crazy, know what I mean?
![]() 02/20/2017 at 22:54 |
I’d like to apologise on behalf of the lady, and on behalf of any other rude Canadians you may meet...
It’s not actually all sunshine and maple syrup up here :P
![]() 02/21/2017 at 10:47 |
Ha ha ha, thanks. You’re right, sometimes its clouds and maple syrup.
![]() 02/21/2017 at 10:52 |
Ya definitely a minority in Vancouver area as a whitey. Just watched my friend try and move to Langley/Surrey and be shot down for more than half of the places since they were Hindi or Mandarin only...
![]() 02/22/2017 at 18:48 |
Integra just bought up a bunch of BigOTire, which was a franchise that’s been around forever.. Every time I go in they give me a quote $200-400 more than anywhere else- ok then, have fun. Almost as bad as Kal.
![]() 02/22/2017 at 20:09 |
That’s disappointing, but unsurprising. I do everything I can to avoid Kal Tire, I hate dealing with them as a customer, and I hated dealing with them when I delivered auto parts. I wish someone else locally distributed Nokian tires, I don’t want to buy from them when I need new winters.
![]() 02/22/2017 at 20:57 |
Costco gets my business. Even though they like to be picky on alternate sizes and appointment times- I usually take them my wheels separate and drop them off.
![]() 02/22/2017 at 21:08 |
I’ll have to check out Costco’s prices. I got my current set at Central Motors in Deep Cove, a barely used set he had in storage. For my next I’ll probably buy Nokians from Kal, and then get my mechanic to mount and balance them.
![]() 02/22/2017 at 21:29 |
They only carry bfg, Michelin, and Bridgestone, but no one can match their prices..
![]() 02/22/2017 at 21:33 |
Well that’s not bad, I do like Michelin