![]() 02/16/2017 at 15:41 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I am beyond relieved. This past 10 months has been mostly terrible. It’s a massive pay cut, but hey money doesn’t buy happiness. I was miserable in my old job and I needed to make a change, even if this wasn’t the way I would have liked.
I mentioned I already got an offer, but today I made it official.
Thanks to you who followed along and listened to me bitch about everything, appreciate it. I hope if any of you get laid off, you have a better search than me.
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I have my second interview with a new company i hope i get it. I am dying to leave my job now i will even take a pay cut so i feel your pain.
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Congrats sir! Glad to hear you are back in the financial saddle! :)
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I was used to oil money so while the pay cut will sting, the quality of life will be much better. So wait, you’re telling me I don’t have to work Saturday and Sunday? Interesting.
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Congrats! You know you want that sweet, sweet, “we totally didn’t steal this from Porsche you guys, it’s a capital T!” Turbo badge!
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Congratulations man, being underemployed or unemployed suck. Glad youre somewhere youre happy to be.
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If I do end up with one of those, it may or may not get festooned with a fake 911 turbo badge.
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Congrats! You should buy this....
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Thanks, I’m pretty excited about it. I’ll be less than 30 mins from my sister, I’m pretty happy about that.
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Some much needed good news today! Congratulations. Beers are on you, right?
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Ha! Sure, I’ll get the beers as long as the rear brakes my car needs is on you!
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It’s not a pay cut if you were previously making 0 ;)
Congrats on the new gig!
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That is awesome! Congrats!!
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Ply us with alcohol and we’ll fix it for you. What could possibly go wrong?
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Congrats man. Will you be moving for this job?
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Glad to hear man, that’s got to be a big monkey off your back.
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Must be going around my BMW needed brakes last week, I hope yours didn’t catch it from mine, that GA400 is nasty place of communicable diseases.
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Yay no more sulking job posts! Half-kidding, best of luck with it man.
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Glad you finally landed somewhere. I’ve been where you are and know what it’s like to feel that type of anxiety. Hopefully your new gig is filled with cool people, good managers and fulfilling, enjoyable work.
Big internet hugs, E90!
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Congrats on having income again. And you’re right on happiness and money BTDT.
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Congrats buddy! I’m hoping to say the same here soon.
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Congrats!!!!! I couldn’t imagine going that long on Unemployment. When I was unemployed, my benefits were $400 every two weeks (Illinois only gives you about 44% or so of your income for UI for 26 weeks).
To put that into perspective, at the time, Tucker was not paid off ($272/mo), I had my own apartment ($720/mo), I had to pay down an electric bill from an account my parents opened in my name when I was a kid (some bullshit near $300/mo), car insurance (thankfully just $131 once every 3 mo), and I had to keep our internet up just so I can search for jobs in the first place ($50/mo). Tucker also had a destroyed wheel bearing that I couldn’t even get fixed.
Effectively, we had so little money for those two months it would have been impossible for us to survive had I not let my parents manipulate me and their church saving the day and paying my entire rent once. And just to make matters worse, UI decided to discriminate me for being well, me...and withheld benefits for 3 weeks until I could prove to them I didn’t steal some guy’s identity.
I likely would not have found the employer I’m with now had it not been for what I call extreme luck (Miss Tesla says it’s because of my resilience).
Just fucking hell, it’s a nightmare I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. How you did it for nearly a year is beyond me, but kudos man!
If I may ask, what industry do you work in?
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Congrats! Time to celebrate with more diecasts :)
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Congrats! Being unemployed is fun for about a day. I went to school in Savannah, it’s fun on a bun.
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In Texas you get up to like 85% of you salary for like a max of $465 per week for up to 26 weeks.
My rent was something like 1200 a month, I had my one series that was 280 a month, plus my phone, electricity, and internet bill. I had just paid 6 months of insurance before I got laid off and the M3 was paid for. I also got something like 10k in severance, so I was fine. If I had to live off unemployment alone I would have been fucked.
I had 6 months left on my lease when I got released, and it didn’t make sense to break it since I had no idea what I was going to be doing. Thankfully once that ended I moved back in with my parents. They’ve paid for my food while I’ve been here which has been a big help.
It’s been very tough mentally, there were many times when I just wanted to give up. I’ve had very supportive people around me so that helped. The occasional beer here and there didn’t hurt matters.
I was a frac field engineer working in the oilfields in Texas, I’ll be making chemicals in Georgia now. Basically my search was elongated because I had to change industry. I also completely changed up my resume and got one of my mom’s friends, who helps do things like this, help me. I had a lot more confidence once she started helping me.
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Well I moved back in with my parents in Roswell GA after my lease ended in San Antonio Texas, and will be moving again to somewhere near Savannah GA.
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It really is, I now know why people give up, it’s mentally exhausting.
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Well it hasn’t told me yet but I got this email today:
Meaning it’s going to need something soon. I had 3 nails removed in my right rear tire and the guy who did it was like you’re going to need rear brakes soon. So I’m anticipating my car telling me soon, also last time I got an email like this, it needed it’s oil done.
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You can’t keep it in, otherwise it gets worse. I’m happy to not have to make those posts anymore.
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I really liked it when I was down there, which is why I accepted it without hearing from the other company I was waiting on. I weighed my pros and cons and basically this was the better fit, regardless of money. I chased that once, now I need to try and be happy.
*internet hug Xylo*
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Ahh Mine Told to to drive moderately and visit the service center or you send 30 days in the cooler.
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All I did was work before, I never got to enjoy anything. A normal 8 hour day is going to be nothing.
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Best of luck to you, when do you graduate?
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Might have to buy a couple more tiny M3s.
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I can see they’ve only got like 2-3 mm left on the pads, so I know I’m gonna need everything soon. They’re original to the car, so they’ve almost made it 40k, which isn’t too bad.
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It really is, I now know why people give up, it’s mentally exhausting.
That it is. I was unemployed for 3 years. 180 job applications, a half dozen interviews, and nothing. Apparently high school valedictorian and summa cum laude in engineering doesn’t always open doors you might expect.
I also did it with zero government assistance, because I didn’t qualify for unemployment or food stamps or health care. The professional advice I received from career center counsellors consisted of simply “check our website for job postings”. We have a lot of benefit systems that I paid in to (and continue to pay in to today), but I think you can understand I feel a little bitter to have been ignored when I could have used a little help.
It’s a massive pay cut, but hey money doesn’t buy happiness. I was miserable in my old job and I needed to make a change, even if this wasn’t the way I would have liked.
Congrats on finally finding gainful employment. I too left decent paying jobs that made me miserable, and life is simply too short for that bullshit. Find something you don’t hate, do your best at it, live simple, and pay the bills. Keep your eyes open for better opportunties, but never underestimate the value of being able to come home at the end of the day and honestly say “I don’t hate my job”. That is worth far more than many people realize.
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My sister lives down there and loves it. I went to visit her in May of last year and had a blast, may or may not have been hitting on one of her friends.
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I completely understand, I had to take a low-paying job after I graduated until my career took hold and it was a very miserable couple of months. Not to mention I sent out thousands of applications.
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Bring bug spray. Highly recommend synthetic, breathable shirts! Summers were mostly memories of mosquitoes and getting crazy sweaty.
No advice on her friend.
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Those are just suggestions... Seriously though, I really hate the condition-based shit that BMW’s doing, letting the car tell me when it needs something. Hope you’ve been changing your oil a lot more frequent than ever 15k miles... Just give me good old fashioned service intervals to follow!
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May 13th. 7 days before I get married because why have one milestone when you can have multiple milestones at once.
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Yeah its good to have friends or family nearby. Helps you settle in while you adjust to the new job.
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Congratulations, man!
Also thanks for updating us, great news
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Yeah it’s hot down there, but Georgia is home. I’ve lived here most of my life and I went to Ga Tech. I’ll have to get some more bug spray.
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I think I’ve gone about 7-8k between changes, might have about 9k on this current oil but I also have done about 2k+ of just staight highway driving, from San Antonio to ATL, then ATL to both Troy AL and Savannah GA.
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Might as well rack up the milestones.
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Hopefully it does. Last time I had a new job it was 1000 miles from anyone I knew and it was really hard to adjust. This should be a lot better.
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Thanks man, it really is good news, I’m pretty damn happy.
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I don’t even know how many applications I’ve submitted. It’s more than that. If the job sounded decent, I applied to it since it is a numbers game unless you have contacts. I had so many interviews that feel like they went really well, but it was always the same thing “we really liked you, but we think we found someone that’s a better fit.” After so many of those you just get so discouraged. I started thinking what is wrong with me. You know what was wrong with me? I wasn’t approaching this job search correctly. One of my mom’s friends, who helps people do things like this professionally, offered to help free of charge. She helped me redo my resume and work on my interview skills.
This really helped. In the process, she got me to focus on my transferable skills. With my new resume, I was starting to get a lot more genuine interest. I eventually just applied to the right job and they were super interested in my experience and it just worked out perfectly.
I got unemployment cause I qualified for it. I also got some nice severance. When the oil market collapsed in 2014 I was like oh fuck I need to pay off this car. Paid off the M3 in August of 2015. I ended up buying a 128i in October of 2015, with the thought of well if I get laid off I can always just sell this. That’s what ended up happening; lost my job and sold the 128i. Not the end of the world.
My parents were also gracious enough to allow me to live at home while I found a new career. I didn’t have to touch my savings, which was a goal of mine when I lost my job. I was planning on blowing my severance, but I ate through that before I found a job.
I’m hoping that this low pay is just a blip in the radar, but if it’s not I’ll be looking for a better paying job at some point. Right now I’m just happy to be employed again.
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Congratulations! That’s great news.
I went through unemployment for about six months in 2014 and it was beyond miserable. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone!
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It really is good news.
It is very miserable. I wouldn’t wish it upon even someone I came to hate.
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7500-10000 is perfectly reasonable on full synthetic. 15000 was really pushing it, and BMW had revised their recommendations on newer models.
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That’s what I figured, most of the mileage i’ve put on my car has been wide open highways, so i’m not too worried. Gonna have it changed next week and then analyzed.
![]() 02/17/2017 at 09:59 |
Nice work!
![]() 02/17/2017 at 16:47 |
This is great news! Congratulations!