![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:08 • Filed to: Chandler | ![]() | ![]() |
Everyone teases us about how much more tired we are going to be once we get Chandler home. Guess what?
I’m fine with that. I will gladly take all the tiredness in the world just to have a healthy baby at home. This NICU parent exhaustion is more mental than physical. Seeing your son with an IV sticking out of his head just does something to you.
He’s still cute, though. And he hardly ever cries. He cries when they’re messing with him or giving him a bath and the moment they’re done, he is snoozing again. Or looking around. He loves bright colors.
For now, they’re just continuing his antibiotics and the doctor expects him to be discharged and able to go home by Wednesday evening.
He has a mole cluster on his left arm that is a little mysterious, though. So, the doctor sent a photo off to a dermatologist and they’re inquiring about family histories of melanoma, just to rule that out (I hope). I think we have to have a follow-up appointment in Louisville next week.
If it’s not one thing, it’s another! I just love him and want him to be healthy and home with us. He has a (four-legged) big sister that he hasn’t even met yet.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:11 |
I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:15 |
I’m pulling for you, man.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:15 |
Thanks for the update. He’s beautiful!
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:17 |
I will gladly take all the anything just to have a healthy baby at home.
this is it right there.
y is it in his head?
infants can’t see much so bright colors but more so lights will attract there attention. for a while they can only see a foot or two and I think at first its only shapes and shadows.
its good they are at least talking about going home. things must not be too bad. have patients, take naps, you’ll get out of there. hes in a good place if he still needs help. don’t rush it. Thinking of our time in the NICU it almost eased us into full responsibility as parents.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:18 |
I feel for you, I really do. I just went back and read the last two updates.
Our first daughter was a couple weeks premature, and spent those two weeks in the NICU while I had to leave my wife there (she had to have a c-section after complications arose during her 12+ hours in labor) and go back to work after the first week and it was the worst feeling ever.
After she was born she basically turned blue in my arms and was rushed away to be put in a plastic box with arm holes and.... ugh, I hated it.
It was a constant routine of go to work, go to the hospital, maybe spend the night/maybe go back home and try to sleep for a few hours, go back to work, rinse and repeat.
It all worked out and she’s an amazing human being now 11 years later, but it was scary.
And I agree, some of those NICU nurses and doctors are a GODSEND, with all they have to put up with. I guess we were lucky because a good friend and neighbor of ours is one and worked at the hospital so she checked in on her from time to time but... the rest can be a bit abrasive, and they seem so afraid of just TELLING PARENTS WHAT’S GOING ON....
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:20 |
Best wishes to you, the Mrs., and Chandler.
Hoping time flies for you all and Wednesday evening’s homecoming happens before you know it.
And who keeps chopping onions in here?
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:20 |
OMG that hair!
I am pulling for the little guy, and you! With two younguns at home, I can feel all the feels with ya!
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:22 |
Right? <3
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:24 |
Oh, you and the missus will get a chance to catch up on your sleep soon. By which I mean two years , maybe, if you’re lucky! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Aw just kiddin. I’m so jealous. He looks like my little boy did when he was a newborn . (He’s 24 years old and 6'-1" tall now.)
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:25 |
That was me when I was born, except I was almost 11 weeks early and had immediate breathing problems. For four months after birth, I was at the hospital hooked up to a machine to allow my lungs to develop. One night I’m told I stopped breathing in my sleep and I was rushed to the hospital.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:27 |
He’s had the IV in both hands, both feet, arms, and both sides of his head. Now, it’s in the top of his head. The IVs keep blowing out, leaking, or otherwise failing. Very common with newborns.
From what they told us in our baby safety class, newborns can see reds and blacks really well and enjoy both of those colors. I think today, he liked my Deadpool shirt. Haha.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:27 |
Good looking kid! Jealous of all that hair! Best fortunes to all!
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:33 |
My sister was a preemie and had a heart condition at birth. They cut her open from under her armpit to across her chest. In the late 70's. It was amazing that she made it out of there, and is still without issues to this day, save for the massive scar.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:33 |
Ugh, tug on me heart strings....
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:35 |
Chandler has some cool as heck looking hair!!! (I think my hair was a dirty blonde when I was born, gotta check my pics)
Soon enough, you’ll all be home and enjoying the fruits of being newborn parents!! :) Be sure you and Mrs. Mazda616 get some cool down time so your hair doesn’t start falling out!
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:37 |
Lookit those chubby cheeks! Chandler is already a charmer. You’re doing great, dad! Hopefully you three will be home soon.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 14:38 |
Sorry you’re not home yet. Hang in there. Hoping is in the clear soon and “normal” life can begin.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 15:01 |
Adorable! I hope all goes smoothly from here on in. I’m glad to hear they are talking about going home.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 15:15 |
Yay Chandler! Hang in there, little buddy.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 17:24 |
Louisville has an excellent children’s hospital from what I’ve heard. I have some family down there and one of their boys has Type 1 diabetes that has proven difficult to manage. They’ve had to take him there a number of times and have sung its praises every time.
I hear you on that sleep thing. Those first handful (or more in your case) days are just a blur and an absolute roller coaster of emotions in the best of cases.
Our son was circumcised the morning of the day we brought him home and a few hours after we got home we went to change his diaper only to find a quarter-size blood spot in his diaper. In hindsight it was nothing more than a little extra bleeding from the circumcision, but in our tired and new-parent states, my wife and I freaked out and took him to the ER. It was, of course, fine by the the time we got there and saw a doctor, but it was terrifying in the moment.
I’m fairly even-keeled with my emotions, but as we were packing things up to take him over to the ER I just broke down and started sobbing. It was partly exhaustion, but I remember all I could say to my wife was, “I just love him so much.”
Point is, hang in there, and don’t be afraid to let it all hang out if you need to.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 19:13 |
Thanks for the update. I’m pulling for him (and you parents, of course :) )
![]() 02/13/2017 at 19:36 |
Hang in there, man. My son was in the NICU for 4 days. Sucks so bad. He’s now 2 and that is a distant (bad) memory. You’ll get there too.
![]() 02/13/2017 at 23:47 |
Could Chandler BE any cuter?
![]() 02/14/2017 at 07:06 |
he’ll be fine.
don’t stress.
![]() 02/14/2017 at 12:34 |
Exactly! He has a onesie in the Friends logo font that says that. :D
![]() 02/14/2017 at 12:47 |
Carry on with the excellent parenting!